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Keep Me Safe

Page 11

by Angela Bennet

  “I’m happy to serve you, boss,” Dirken said with a nod before he bowed out of the office.

  Ethan barely heard him as he turned back to the computer screen. He’d tapped into Paul Justice’s personal computer, his security cameras, and also had recording capabilities of his cell phone. Now all he needed was a plan. It had to be perfect. The punishment had to be complete and utterly devastating. Olivia had betrayed him by running away. Then she turned to another man.

  Another man!

  In a burst of rage Ethan threw the glass against the wall. It shattered, while the green liquid splattered, staining the pale wallpaper. He stared grimly at the mess but all he really saw was Olivia. His woman. In the arms of another man. She needed to learn her place. “Soon,” he muttered. “Soon, I will close my hands around your long slender neck. Your pulse will beat frantically beneath my fingers and you’ll plead for mercy. And that’s when I will make you mine again so you will forget you ever left.”


  “They’re here, Liv honey. Dylan just pulled up,” Paul called from his position at the front window. “You ready?”

  Olivia nodded from her seat in the corner of Paul’s room as he strode to the door. “Are you sure you can trust them?”

  “Dylan Beck is my oldest friend; we went to the academy together then served on the same force in Nevada for years. He owes me a million favors. His wife, Kate, is tough but sweet and no one messes with her. They help battered wives escape abusive husbands. They’ve helped witnesses relocate to safety. Undercover work is their specialty. We both can trust them.”

  Their credentials sounded promising but Olivia wasn’t convinced because she knew Ethan. She was terrified to leave the condo, even in disguise. As soon as she stepped outside she knew one of his men would snatch her. “We’re going to switch places with them and drive away. You think it’ll be that simple?”

  “I do,” Paul answered with confidence. He was saved from elaborating when there was a knock on the door downstairs. “I’ll let them in. Stay up here until I call for you.”

  A few minutes passed. Olivia could hear voices downstairs as she waited anxiously. Finally she heard Paul call for her. She grabbed her duffle and joined the others downstairs.

  Dylan Beck was a tall man with a muscular build similar to Paul’s. His wife, Kate, was Olivia’s height with short curly brown hair. She was also very pregnant. As they pulled off their warm outer wear and piled the coats on Paul, Kate reached under her sweater and unstrapped her belly.

  “Huh?” Olivia threw Paul a confused look and the others laughed.

  “It’s all part of the disguise, sweetheart,” Dylan answered with a grin. He took the false belly from Kate and showed Olivia the zipper compartment on the back. “It’s a great suitcase. You can stuff all your essentials in here. I was thinking about marketing the mama belly as nontraditional travel gear.”

  Kate elbowed her husband and took the belly back from him. “Don’t listen to him, Olivia. He likes to tease but we do take this very seriously. Let me help you strap this on.”

  Soon Olivia wore Kate’s curly brown wig, her colorful sweater, and she looked very pregnant. She patted the round stomach and imagined what her life would be like without Ethan. Maybe she could have had a normal life with plans for a family – with someone like Paul. Color filled her cheeks and it was difficult to meet his gaze. When she couldn’t stand it any longer she looked up and saw the strange look on his face. Was he imagining her carrying his child? And if so, did he like the idea?

  “Whew, is it hot in here or what? You two could melt a glacier,” Dylan teased as he glanced from Paul to Olivia and back to Paul. His wife threw him an exasperated look. “Anyway,” he cleared his throat. “Here’s a clean phone. And car keys. I’ve got the unmarked car in the garage, gassed and ready to go. Money under the seat. Let me know if you need anything else.”

  Paul reached out and shook Dylan’s hand. “Thanks buddy. I owe you one.”

  Dylan clapped him on the back. “Naw, I still owe you a few more. Just take care of yourself and keep your head down until this thing blows over. I’ll stay on top of the details from my end and will keep you posted.”

  Paul took ahold of Olivia’s hand while she tugged the collar of Kate’s coat higher around her face. “Ready?”

  She knew her eyes were round with fear so she pressed her lips in a tight line as she fought to get a grip. This was nothing new. She’d escaped Ethan several times and she’d outwit him again. And this time she had Paul by her side, looking out for her. “Let’s go,” she whispered.

  He threw open the door and stepped outside. He wasn’t in a hurry and he turned and waved at Dylan who stood in the doorway. Kate was nowhere in sight and Dylan looked just like Paul as he stood in the shadows. Olivia also waved and rested her hand on her pregnant belly as Kate reminded her to do. Paul slipped his arm around her shoulders and they walked slowly to Dylan’s car.

  “Don’t look around. Maybe no one’s watching but we can’t be sure. Lower your chin, honey.” Paul helped her into the car then circled to the driver’s side. Olivia held her breath. She expected someone to run out and jerk her out of the passenger seat. She discreetly locked her door without looking up. Finally Paul slid behind the wheel. “So far so good,” he breathed. “I spotted our census guy lurking by the Tivolis’ condo. He’s keeping a lookout.”

  “Do you think he suspects anything?” Olivia asked sharply. She forced herself to keep her gaze down when she was tempted to scan the area for Ethan’s men.

  “I have no idea but Dylan and Kate will throw them off track. Now let’s get out of here.”

  It had been snowing all afternoon so traffic was slow. It took much longer than Paul predicted to get to Dylan and Kate’s and change cars. But finally they were on the road in the loaner vehicle Dylan had secured. Olivia glanced behind them every minute to make sure no one followed.

  “It’s clear, Liv honey. We got away clean.”

  “I can’t shake the bad feeling, Paul. It seemed too simple and when something is simple it means he’s toying with me. He’s not easily fooled. He’ll figure it out soon if he hasn’t already.”

  Paul reached across the seat and patted her leg. “I’m not underestimating him and I’m not relaxing my guard. Trust me, honey. The race isn’t over yet but we’re still in first place.” She put her hand over his and her fingers were icy cold. He turned up the heat then reached for her hand again.

  “It will be all right. We’ll lay low for a little while and regroup while Dylan and Kate keep an eye on things back home. We’ll give him the shake.”

  Olivia’s fingers tightened on his. “While I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, you can’t hide away indefinitely. This plan is crazy, Paul. At some point you need to return to your regular life. I have to keep moving forward, but you need to go back.”

  “I’m not sending you away on your own with that psychopath tracking you. You know better than that. For now we’ll focus on getting away safely. You agree?” Paul asked with a glance in her direction.

  “Yes,” she responded and he quickly turned back to the road. The snow was coming down again, heavier now. It was dark and the headlights reflected off the falling snow. “Do you have a destination planned? You never said where we’re going.”

  “Laramie, Wyoming. It’s beautiful in the snow, tucked against the mountains. Yet it has a country feel to it. It’ll be a drastic difference from Los Angeles.”

  “Jessica Adams lived in Cheyenne six weeks ago.”

  Paul glanced at her again. “Huh? Jessica?”

  “My alter ego,” she answered with a sardonic smile. “I’ve already experienced Wyoming and as a matter of fact, I enjoyed it more than Los Angeles. Maybe I’m a country girl at heart. Unfortunately I didn’t get to stay as long as I would have liked. Apparently using the library computer to check on old friends was a bad idea. Ethan caught up with me quickly even though I tried to be careful. I must have triggered eve
ry indicator he was watching.”

  “Stop thinking he’s immortal, honey. He doesn’t have that much power.”

  “Then how does he find me so quickly?”

  Paul shrugged. “You’re smart and careful. I’d say he just got lucky.”

  She wished it was so simple but she knew better. Ethan seemed to know what she was thinking and doing before she set the act in motion. Being extra wary was the only thing preserving her freedom.

  “But you liked Cheyenne?” Paul asked. “That surprises me since it’s a world away from what you’re used to. Most stores aren’t open all night.” He ticked off other differences, “You won’t spot celebrities or go to fancy bistros or experience a rocking nightlife. Less high-end shopping. No professional ballet companies.”

  “So?” she asked with a raised brow. “Why is it so hard to believe I liked living there?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just surprised,” he answered with a shrug.

  “You shouldn’t assume that everyone stuck in LA’s fast lane wants to be there. If you really knew me, you wouldn’t be surprised that I’m not homesick and miserable away from California. My life was a very narrow existence. All I did was ballet. I didn’t have a social life outside the company. I wasn’t much of a shopper, and the nightlife didn’t appeal since I valued a good night’s sleep, and indulging in alcohol was never something I enjoyed. I do miss palm trees and the ocean, and I’m crazy-cold all the time here. But I like the slower pace of living. I don’t need celebrities and fancy bistros – or professional dance companies for that matter.”

  Paul cast her a curious look. “What will you do when this is over?”

  She eyed him briefly for a moment. Light from passing cars illuminated his face. If she could, she would stay right here with him. She loved him and he’d come to mean everything to her. But dreams weren’t always reality. And Ethan would never allow her to experience a normal life with Paul. She would always be on the run, playing this game until he finally caught up with her. And then she would have nothing.

  “Liv?” Paul prompted as the silence stretched.

  “I hope to reach the next town safely. To set up a new identity and live in peace as long as I can before I have to move again. Right now that’s as far into the future as I can see, and I have to be satisfied with it. To hope for more is to set up false expectations. My life is hard enough right now without creating added disappointment. That’s all I know to do.” With a sigh she turned to the passenger window.

  Paul could feel Olivia withdrawing and it confused him. He expected the further away they traveled from the threat, the more relaxed she would feel. The opposite was true. She’d grown silent and he could feel a moody tension radiating off her. She flinched when he reached for her hand.

  “What is it, Liv?”

  “What’s what?”

  “I can see you’re stressing, more than ever, and it has me concerned. You need to talk to me.”

  “It’s nothing.” Her words were barely above a whisper and he had to strain to hear her.

  “No, it’s something. You’re trembling. You need to tell me what’s wrong.” He waited but she refused to answer.


  “I said it’s nothing.”

  He suddenly swung the car and pulled to the side of the road. “What are you doing?” Olivia demanded but Paul remained silent as he eased the car to a stop and flipped on the emergency flashers. He then turned in his seat to face her. “Talk to me, Liv. I know something is troubling you and I can’t have you closing yourself off from me. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “Why did you stop? They’ll catch up with us, Paul. You can’t slow down now!” She clutched his sleeve and shook his arm. “Please! Please start driving again!”

  “Honey, no one is following us. I promise to keep you safe. Talk to me.”

  “What’s there to say that I haven’t already shared? He’s coming. I have no life. I want more but I’ll never have it because I chose to trust the wrong man years ago. It’s a prison sentence, Paul. I can’t see beyond today.”

  “I know, honey. I know.” He gathered her in a hug despite the seatbelts and center console separating them, but it was enough. “I know you’re worried about the future and you can’t think further ahead than the next hour, but I see it clearly. We’re going to shake the idiot. No one knows where we are. We’ll find someplace safe. And my buddies in the Fed are going to close in on him. Even now they’re gathering evidence and guarding it closely. He can’t touch every last person. At some point he’ll make a mistake that will seal his fate. He’ll be put behind bars and you’ll be free.”

  Olivia gave a bitter laugh. “You think I’ll be free? It won’t matter if you shipped Ethan to Antarctica and forced him to live in a cave. He’d still find a way to reach me! I don’t think you realize how obsessed he is. I won’t ever be free of him! Do you know he cut my wrist? I thought he was trying to kill me.” She held up her arm but it was impossible to see the scar in the dim light. “He cut my wrist and then he did his own. He pressed them together as they bled. He said the life in our blood now belongs to both of us. That my life flows through his body and his flows through mine. He says that I was created for him and he will kill anyone who tries to come between us. Paul, you have to understand! Your life is at risk because I love you and I can do nothing to keep you safe, except to say goodbye!”

  Paul stilled. She loved him.

  He didn’t want to focus on the maniacal abuse she’d suffered at Moore’s hands. Yet it was important for her to talk about it and release all the horror. He had to force himself to remain detached as he had when he worked undercover. This time was harder because it was his lady who suffered harm and all he wanted was to beat Ethan Moore into the ground for giving Liv scars. And those scars ran deep. If it was in his power, he would take them all and carry the burden for her. He could see the fear and resignation in her eyes. He could hear her emotional control slipping. And he knew her nerves were hanging by a thread. He wanted to gather her in his arms and reassure her again that everything was going to be fine but he knew she wouldn’t believe him.

  Paul reached out and traced his knuckles down her cheek. She turned her face into his hand. “I love you too, Liv honey. We’re going to figure this out. I won’t let him hurt you again.” She gave him a sad smile and he knew she didn’t believe he could honor his word. He had to, dammit! He didn’t know how to keep the promise against such an elusive threat, but the first step was getting her as far away from Moore’s goons as possible. He turned and put the car into gear then headed back on the road. They needed to reach Laramie and then they would make new plans. She may think he was better off without her but he wasn’t letting her go.

  The snow came down harder and the roads grew icier the further north they went. There was little traffic and Paul had to slow the car to keep them on the highway. They passed a few cars that had slid into the ditch and were abandoned.

  “It’s really coming down, isn’t it?” Olivia asked with a shiver. She reached and turned up the heat but then the windshield started to fog. Paul flipped the dial so the windows would defrost.

  “Nothing to worry about. We get these storms every winter. They don’t even cancel school for a storm like this.” He glanced in his rearview mirror. He expected no one to be following with the snow coming down so heavy, but there was a pair of headlights that hung back. When he changed lanes, so did they. It wasn’t enough to raise an alarm but he was keeping an eye on them. “You ever try skiing?”

  Olivia laughed at the question. “No. I couldn’t risk falling and injuring myself. And now, well, I’m not sure I have the strength and balance to try it.”

  “Maybe after some proper medical treatment it would be different. We could go sledding instead. You ever ice skate?” He glanced again at the headlights; they still followed at the same measured distance.

  “No, no skating for me. I can handle pirouettes on the ground. Anyone who can do them on ice
is a miracle worker in my opinion.”

  “You’ll have to see Chloe skate sometime. She’s been in lessons for a few years and has become an artist on the ice. You have any nieces or nephews?” He wanted to keep her talking about mundane things.

  Olivia shook her head. “No, there’s just my parents and sister, Marissa. I have no idea where my parents are. Marissa hired someone to help relocate them safely. And Rissa, well she travels around a lot – too much to settle down and have a family. She helped me escape, you know.”

  Paul could hear the longing and worry in her voice, but also the pride when she talked of her sister. “You and Marissa are close?”

  Olivia nodded. “I was always the safe one. I got good grades and never took risks. I never stayed out past curfew and I worked hard at ballet. Marissa was the opposite. Dad always said she caused his gray hair. For her thirteenth birthday she wanted to go skydiving – and that was only the beginning. She’s now twenty-five and she’s lived in six different countries. She’s always walked on the edge while I was the good girl playing it safe. And yet I got stuck with Ethan. I was too naïve. Rissa always told me that; that I should get out and live more or something was going to bite me in the ass. I guess it did.”

  “You’re not alone in this anymore, honey. And don’t ever think it was your fault you got involved with an abuser.” He squeezed her fingers reassuringly before his hand slipped to her thigh. They both seemed content with his familiar touch.

  “Rissa has had dozens of boyfriends. You probably would have chosen her if you met her first. She’s very charismatic and beautiful. Men can’t help falling at her feet.”

  “I would have chosen you,” Paul stated firmly. “You’re the only one I want.”

  When his fingers moved restlessly on her thigh heat filled her cheeks. “I miss my family,” Olivia admitted and Paul had a feeling she was grasping at the subject to distract herself. He grinned indulgently and allowed the subject change.

  “You’ll see them soon. When all this is over I’ll take you there myself.” When his fingers traced a pattern on her leg she grabbed his fingers.


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