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Love Will Prevail

Page 10

by Emma Easter

  Sienna smiled and caressed Audrey’s cheeks. “You look great as well, Audrey.”

  Ken and Bryan shook hands and then hugged each other. Audrey was happy that both men genuinely liked each other. She hugged Bryan while Sienna hugged Ken. They left the airport together and got into Bryan’s car after they had put their luggage into the trunk.

  All the way to Bryan and Sienna’s house, Audrey eagerly asked about baby Ethan, how he was doing, and how Sienna was coping as a new mom.

  Sienna regaled her with stories about the baby’s unique personality, which had already started to show. “He’s usually a quiet baby and he hardly cries,” Sienna said. “But when he does cry, it is as though the world is about to end. He bawls for such a long time. At first, whenever he started to cry, I was appalled and really fearful, but after some time, I began to understand from the different ways he cried what exactly he wanted.”

  Audrey beamed at Sienna. She looked and sounded like such a proud mom. And then, suddenly, without warning, her heart began to ache. She wanted what Sienna had: to be a proud mom of a beautiful baby. She glanced at Ken sitting in the passenger seat next to Bryan, and then focused once more on Sienna. Ken and Bryan were having a quiet conversation, and they weren’t paying much attention to their wives.

  Audrey forcefully pushed away the envy that had entered her heart and focused totally on what Sienna was saying to her. She genuinely laughed as Sienna told her about the unique way Ethan scrunched his whole face whenever he pooed. “I can’t wait to see and hold him,” Audrey said to Sienna.

  “He is with our nanny, Veronica, now,” Sienna said. “She’s great.”

  Audrey glanced once more at Ken. If only he was listening and could hear the pride in Sienna’s voice as she spoke about her son, and then see that even busy people could have babies and be hands-on parents as well. Just like Sienna and Bryan, they would have to hire a nanny, but a trustworthy one.

  Bryan finally pulled up to a beautiful duplex, smaller than her and Ken’s house in Rosefield, but definitely bigger than their apartment in Miami. The house was surrounded by a vast land covered with bright flowers of varying hues that made Audrey gasp in delight and brightened her slightly sad heart. She got down from the car and looked around her with wide eyes. “I love this place, Sienna. It’s beautiful.”

  Sienna smiled and Bryan said, “Sienna also loved the plants more than anything else about this house. That was the main reason she wanted us to move in here when we were looking for a new house after the baby was born. I love it as well.”

  Ken’s eyes went around the vast compound and he said, “It’s such a lovely place, and the house is simple but beautiful.”

  Bryan brought out their luggage from the trunk of the car. He hefted Audrey’s suitcase while Ken lifted his. The men carried both suitcases into the house while Audrey held Sienna’s arm and grinned at her as they both entered the house together. The living room was furnished simply with tan and cream furnishings, but was brightened by multiple potted plants placed all around the space. Because of the plants, it was almost as bright as the outside of the house. It had a very homey and pleasing effect about it. “I love it, Sienna,” Audrey said.

  Sienna beamed and then said to Audrey and Ken, “Let’s show you guys to your room.” She put her arm around Audrey’s waist and led the way, while Ken and Bryan followed behind with their luggage.

  They climbed the stairs and stopped at the first door to the left. Sienna opened the door, and they all stepped into the room as Sienna said, “This is the room you and Ken will stay in for the duration of your stay here.” She squealed, and said again, “I am so glad you guys are here! We will have so much fun together!”

  Audrey looked around her. The room was bright and very airy. It was simply furnished with cream drapes and light brown wardrobes. An ornate mirror and dresser gave it a slightly more expensive look. But, again, what she loved most were the bright potted plants in the room. Just like the living room, the plants were everywhere.

  “Okay, it’s time to meet Ethan,” Sienna said.

  “Yay!” Audrey lifted her hands and smiled.

  Sienna led them down the hallway and stopped at another door. Opening the door, she stepped into a brightly painted room with blue and white furnishings. She smiled at a woman who Audrey guessed was Veronica and then walked to the cot at the far end.

  Audrey followed her.

  Bending down, Sienna lifted the baby out of the cot and showed him to Audrey, her face beaming with pride.

  Audrey eagerly held out her hands and took him. He was wide awake, and just as Sienna said, he made no sound except for small gurgling ones.

  “Oh my goodness, he is gorgeous!” Audrey exclaimed. He was dressed in a light blue onesie, and he had chubby cheeks and platinum blond hair like his mom and dad. She took his tiny hand and kissed his fingers. Turning around, she showed him to Ken. “Isn’t he absolutely beautiful?” she said to Ken. If only this beautiful baby boy would get him to reconsider his stubborn stance.

  Ken beamed at the baby and ran his fingers through his hair. His eyes studied Ethan’s face and then he looked at Bryan and said, “He has your nose, Bryan.”

  “But he looks more like Sienna,” Bryan said. “Thank God for that.”

  Audrey chuckled and said, “Come on, Bryan! You know you’re a pretty boy. Your son inheriting your features is a good thing.”

  Bryan laughed out loud and said, “Pretty boy? I don’t know if I like that.”

  “It’s a compliment,” Audrey said, smiling.

  Bryan nodded. “All right, then. I’ll take it.”

  They stayed in the baby’s room for some time, simply cooing at the tiny little boy and talking nonstop about him. After some time, they finally left the room, Audrey still holding him in her arms. She loved the feel and scent of him. He was so soft and cuddly, and he smelled heavenly. She kissed his chubby cheeks and said to Sienna, “I just can’t stop smiling at him.”

  In the living room, she and Sienna sat closely together on the couch, while Bryan sat on the loveseat. Audrey caught Ken’s eyes as he sat on the sofa facing her and Sienna, and smiled at him.

  He smiled back, and she hoped he understood everything her smile said—that she loved him very much and couldn’t wait to have a baby, like the one she was holding now, with him.

  They all continued chatting, mostly about random things and then how they planned to spend the next month.

  “Are you up to going to the orphanage with me now or do you want to rest and go tomorrow?” Sienna asked Audrey.

  Audrey nodded eagerly. “Yeah. I slept a lot on the plane so I don’t need to rest. I can’t wait to see the orphanage.”

  Sienna looked at Ken and Bryan, and Bryan said, “Ken, will you go with them?”

  Ken shook his head. “Unlike Audrey, I didn’t sleep much on the plane. I will rest today, and then we all can go again tomorrow.”

  Audrey was reluctant to hand the baby over to Veronica. She just wanted to hold him forever, but that was impossible. When Veronica took Ethan away, Audrey grabbed her purse from the coffee table, kissed Ken on his cheek, and went out of the house with Sienna.

  Getting into the car beside her sister, she buckled her seatbelt as Sienna drove away from the house and said, “Ethan is so precious.” She sighed wistfully and looked out the window.

  Sienna turned briefly to her and said, “Ken still doesn’t want to have a child now?” Her voice rang with sympathy.

  “No,” Audrey said in a voice choked with emotion. She did not turn around to look at Sienna. Her eyes had grown watery and she didn’t want Sienna to see her crying. She watched the city through her tears as they sped down the road.

  “Maybe this vacation will help convince Ken that you guys can take care of a baby,” Sienna said. “I’ll keep praying for you, Audrey. I hope Ken comes around soon.”

  Audrey sighed softly. “I hope he comes around soon, too. But I just can’t keep waiting for when he does.” />
  Sienna said, “But you don’t really have a choice, do you?”

  “No, I guess I don’t,” Audrey said, trying not to break down. She wiped the tears from her eyes and turned to look at Sienna. “At the rate we are going now, he might never come around, or it would be too late for me to have a child by the time he does. I remember what he said before we got married. He told me he would be ready to have a baby whenever I was. Now, he is reneging on what he said.”

  Sienna briefly faced her and touched her arm, and then focused on the road again. “I’m so sorry, Audrey. I didn’t know it was so painful for you. Maybe I should get Bryan to talk to him?”

  “I doubt it will do any good,” Audrey said, sighing again.

  Sienna didn’t say anything more and they drove in silence the rest of the way.

  Sienna finally pulled up in front of a building painted a bright yellow and Audrey got out of the car. She walked alongside Sienna as they made their way to another single-story building that Audrey guessed was the administrative block.

  Sienna said to her, “I just want to see Mary, my assistant, briefly, and then we will go and see the children.” She glanced at her wristwatch and said, “By this time, they will still be napping. But in about fifteen minutes, their siesta time will be over.”

  “Siesta time?” Audrey smiled. “I think after we leave this place it will be time for mine also.”

  Sienna chuckled. “I thought you said you slept a lot on the plane. You still need to take an afternoon nap?”

  “Yes,” Audrey replied. “Yes, I think I do.”

  They walked into the administrative block and went straight into an office where a petite woman with long dark curly hair stood looking at a shelf filled with books. She turned around as they came in and smiled brightly.

  “Sienna! You are here!” The woman Audrey guessed was Mary exclaimed in Spanish. She looked at Audrey quizzically, and then turned to Sienna.

  Sienna said in surprisingly good Spanish, with a tinge of an American accent, “This is my sister, Audrey. Audrey, this is Mary.”

  Audrey smiled and greeted the woman warmly.

  Sienna sat on the sofa beside the desk. Audrey sat next to her and Mary sat behind her desk.

  “Thank you so much for the recent donation you made to the orphanage, Sienna. It will go a long way in helping get more school supplies for the kids.”

  Sienna shook her head. “It’s not exactly a donation, Mary. It’s more like a responsibility; my responsibility. Remember, this orphanage was handed over to Bryan and me. I have just not had the time to be present as much as I want to.” Sienna turned to Audrey and smiled, and then turned back to Mary. “Mary, my sister will be in Peru for a month before she has to go back to the United States. She’ll take over the full running of the orphanage from you once you go.”

  Audrey’s mouth dropped open and she stared at her sister. Sienna had never mentioned that to her. All she had said was that Audrey would help out with the orphanage. This thing about running it was something she hadn’t mentioned, and it made Audrey really nervous.

  Audrey took Sienna’s hand and whispered in English, “You never told me you wanted me to run the orphanage for you. I would have told you I couldn’t if you had.”

  Sienna smiled and said, “It’s just temporarily, Audrey. Until you go back to America.”

  “Even if it’s temporary, I cannot run an orphanage. I have no experience running one and I think I don’t have the ability, either.”

  Sienna smiled but said nothing.

  Audrey whispered again, “We will talk about this once we get back to the house.”

  Sienna and Mary talked about the ins and outs of the day-to-day running of the orphanage while Audrey wondered what had gotten into Sienna to make her want to hand over the reins to her. Or maybe Sienna was just joking about her running the orphanage. There was no way she could do that. She looked at Sienna as she spoke with her assistant.

  I think she was joking, Audrey told herself.

  Through the window, Audrey saw more than two dozen kids pour out of the bright yellow building like waves of the ocean splashing onto the shore. She smiled as she watched them. They hopped, skipped, and chased each other around, laughing and playing like only kids can.

  Sienna stood up and said, “The kids are out.” She looked down at Audrey and said, “Well, Audrey, let’s go and say hi to the kids now.”

  Audrey stood up and followed Sienna out of the office and out of the administrative building. Her heart beat faster and faster as they approached the children. She frowned. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, coming to an orphanage. She was at odds with herself and with Ken about having children. Coming to a place full of kids was probably not the best idea for her. She nearly laughed harshly. And Sienna wanted her to run this place. Impossible.

  Also, the fact that these children had no parents tore at her heart. She sighed and then struggled to put away her concerns and worries. It would do no good to go to the children looking like she had the care of the whole world on her shoulders. She put on a bright smile as they neared the kids.

  Some of the children turned in her and Sienna’s direction, and then raced toward them. Audrey’s eyes widened, and then a huge genuine smile broke out on her face as the children hugged Sienna fiercely.

  More of the children rushed toward Sienna and struggled to get their turns to hug her.

  Audrey smiled at how well-loved Sienna was by the kids. She wasn’t surprised, though. Sienna captured hearts wherever she went. She was such a sweetheart. That difficult time when she was consumed with that anxiety and panic attacks that had nearly cost her her life was one brief, dark blotch in her sunny life. Thankfully, the Lord had delivered her fully from it. As far as Audrey knew, she’d had no other episodes since the Lord had rescued her from it.

  Audrey watched the children hop away and then she gasped and her heart almost stopped as a beautiful little girl with dark hair and eyes, who looked about six or seven, put her arms around her and hugged her after giving Sienna a huge hug.

  Sienna bent down to the girl’s level and smiled. She patted the girl’s head as the little girl drew back from Audrey. “Audrey,” Sienna said, “This is our Queen Esther. Esther, this is my oldest sister, Audrey.”

  Audrey bent down as well and beamed at the girl. “You are such a lovely girl, Esther. How old are you?”

  Esther said with a smile, “I am seven.” Audrey’s eyes widened in surprise when she took her hand and said, “You are very pretty.”

  “She really likes you, Audrey,” Sienna said. “She is usually shy around strangers, but she has immediately taken to you.” She smiled at the girl. “Haven’t you, Esther?”

  Esther grinned but didn’t reply.

  Audrey straightened with her heart beating even faster. The little girl was so precious. Audrey’s mouth dropped open in astonishment when Esther wove her little fingers through hers and said, “Will you be my mommy?”

  Chapter Ten

  For a long moment, Audrey couldn’t speak. From the corner of her eye, she could see Sienna watching her with a smile. The little girl was looking at her expectantly, as though she had just asked Audrey to give her a piece of candy instead of something that had literally grabbed her heart. At last, she put on a smile and squeezed Esther’s hand.

  Esther stayed with Audrey for the rest of the time they were at the orphanage. She did not leave Audrey’s side while Audrey and Sienna played with the other children, and even as they discussed the running of the orphanage and the cost of managing such a place.

  Audrey avoided talking to Sienna about what Sienna had said to her concerning taking the reins of the orphanage. She didn’t want to talk about it here because Esther was with them, her pretty brown eyes fixed solely on Audrey. Her hand was in Audrey’s as they walked around the compound and into the buildings. Audrey was fascinated as they toured the hostels, the dining hall, and the auditorium where Sienna told her different events like the childr
en’s Christmas plays and shows took place. “We also have staff meetings here sometimes,” Sienna said.

  The last building they visited was the chapel. Sienna told her she’d had it built with her own money only recently.

  Audrey was impressed with how dedicated Sienna was to the place and how much she had put into it. But throughout the tour, Audrey’s heart had been partly on the little girl whose hand was in hers. Esther had said nothing throughout the time they toured the orphanage. From time to time, Audrey had glanced at the little girl and smiled at her, and her heart had flooded with joy as Esther smiled back.

  Finally, about two hours after Audrey and Sienna arrived at the orphanage, they walked back to Sienna’s car. Esther’s hand was still in Audrey’s, and the little girl skipped happily as they walked.

  Sienna got into the driver’s seat and then Audrey went around to the door of the passenger’s seat. Audrey let go of the little girl’s hand so she could enter the car. She looked down at Esther and smiled once again at her. This time, Esther did not smile back. Esther looked at the car, and then looked up at Audrey with sadness in her eyes.

  Audrey stooped down to Esther’s level. She felt like crying as she saw the tears in Esther’s eyes. Audrey said, “I have to go now, Esther. But I promise I will come back tomorrow.”

  Esther cried, “Please, don’t go!”

  Her words tore at Audrey’s heart. She reached out and pulled the little girl in a tight hug. She drew back again and in spite of the ache in her heart, beamed at Esther. She said again, “I promise you, Esther, I will be back tomorrow morning. You won’t even notice that I left.” She knew the words she’d just said weren’t exactly the right thing to say, but she had no other words to console the girl with.

  “Will you be my mommy, then?” Esther asked again, looking straight into Audrey’s eyes.

  Feeling like the girl was looking into her soul, Audrey shut her eyes as sadness overwhelmed her. The poor girl was desperate to have a mother. And for some reason, she wanted Audrey to be her mom.


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