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Love Will Prevail

Page 12

by Emma Easter

  Oh Lord, please help me.

  The gate swung open and a teenage boy Leila recognized as Zainah’s younger brother peered at her. He blinked rapidly in obvious surprise and said, “Are you here to see Khadija?”

  “Yes,” Leila answered, smiling.

  The boy said, “Umm, I am not sure if I should open the door for you. I don’t know what my father . . .”

  Someone’s voice interrupted him. A male voice that Leila would know anywhere. Karim Keita’s. Her heart sank to her feet.

  “Who is it?” Karim Keita’s voice boomed out.

  Zainah’s brother did not answer and Leila contemplated running away. But she chided herself for her lack of courage and stood her ground.

  Remember, he can't hurt you, she thought to herself.

  Karim appeared at the door and his eyes widened in shock. He quickly recovered and put on a small smile for Leila. “Well, what a surprise to see you in Nira, Leila. How come you are here? You should be in Saudi Arabia now with your husband.”

  Leila looked at the man who had been the cause of much of the sorrow in her life over the past months. Anger burned in her and she glowered at him, loathing him. She felt like telling him that Dauda had agreed to dissolve their marriage just to spite him and show him that his plans to imprison her for whatever reason had not worked, but she changed her mind. It would not work in her favor if she told him that. Instead, she said to him, “I am here with the full permission of Dauda. Do you think I ran away? You can call him if you want to.”

  Karim frowned and said, “I don’t think you could run away from that man. And really, it’s no business of mine anymore if you ran away or not.”

  Leila scowled at him, wondering where he was going with what he’d just said. She put her concerns aside and asked, “Please, where is Khadija? I would like to see her.”

  She scolded herself. Like he's going to tell you where Khadija is. He was probably even now wondering what he would do with her and hating the fact that he couldn’t really hurt her anymore. How would she talk to Khadija now and find out where Malik was? If she couldn’t speak to Khadija, she might never discover where Malik was and be reunited with him.

  “Sekou, go and call your sister!” Karim ordered his son.

  Leila’s mouth fell open for a few seconds. She had not expected that. All she had expected from Karim Keita was antagonism. She shut her mouth again and then waited, her eyes averted from his.

  Before long, she heard footsteps again, and turned. Khadija was staring at her with an expression of shock, just as her father had earlier. “You are here, Leila!” Khadija exclaimed. She reached out and hugged Leila tightly.

  Leila held the girl close for a while and then drew back again. She looked nervously at Karim and then focused on Khadija again. She whispered to Khadija, “Do you know where Malik is now?”

  Khadija said, “He is at my father’s farm in Dogon.”

  “I thought as much,” Leila said to herself. She rubbed her forehead and, again in a whisper, asked, “Have you found out where Dogon is?”

  Khadija shook her head and then to Leila’s chagrin, she asked her father where exactly Dogon was and where in Dogon the farm was located.

  “If you go to the bus station near the market,” Karim said, looking at Leila, “there are buses going to Dogon. Though just one or two a day. You have to go to the bus station early in the morning or you might not find a bus until evening. Dogon is a very small village. Once you get there, just ask where Karim Keita’s farm is, and you will be directed there quickly.”

  Leila’s mouth dropped open once more and she stared at Karim. How come he had so willingly and quickly offered up all the information that she wanted? Did he want something again? From what she knew about him, he never did anything good without something bad coming after it.

  She wanted to ask him why he was being so nice to her but she changed her mind. What she wanted to do now was go to the bus station and get to Karim’s farm in Dogon as quickly as possible. She hugged Khadija and then hesitantly thanked Karim for his help.

  Karim said, “You are welcome.”

  It took everything in Leila not to smirk. When he added, “Greet Malik for me when you see him,” she resisted the urge to glower at him. She said to Khadija, “I will start going to the bus station now. I hope I find a bus to take me to Dogon.”

  Karim shook his head, and said, “No, you won’t find a bus tonight. The night bus leaves at about six o’clock.”

  Leila’s heart sank once more. What am I going to do now? The only thing she could do was to plead with Karim to let her stay in Malik’s house until she could leave for the farm tomorrow morning. She tried to ask him about it, but the words refused to form in her mouth. She just couldn’t bring herself to ask him anything. Instantly, she decided to go to the hut where she’d waited out the daytime and spend the night there. Surely, she would be safe in this small community. But she wasn’t so sure.

  Khadija said, “Please stay with us in the house tonight and then tomorrow you can leave for Dogon.”

  Leila shook her head and said, “No, I can’t. It’s okay. I’ll find somewhere to spend the night.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Karim said to her. “You can stay in the house tonight and then leave for the farm tomorrow.”

  For the third time today, Leila’s mouth fell open as she stared at Karim. He was being way too nice to her. He probably had something up his sleeve. She didn’t feel comfortable at all with the idea of staying in his house. She would feel like a sheep in a den of wolves—the wolves being Karim and his men.

  Khadija said, “Please, Leila. Please stay here with us.”

  Leila could not fathom the idea of spending the night in Karim’s house. She mustered up some courage and said to Karim, “Instead, can I stay in Malik’s house?” Surely, Karim still had the key to the house.

  Karim shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he said. He turned around and began to walk away, and then turned and said, “Khadija, get the key to your brother’s house in my room and give it to Leila.” He went into the main house and Khadija followed him in.

  Leila stared after them in astonishment. Karim had agreed to all her requests. First, he had told her where exactly Malik was, and now he had agreed to let her stay in Malik’s house. What was up with that?

  Khadija came out of the house a minute later with the key to Malik’s. Instead of handing it to her, she began to walk toward Malik’s house with hasty steps, forcing Leila to hurry to catch up with her while she rolled her suitcase behind her.

  Khadija slowed her steps and then turned to Leila. “I haven’t gotten the chance to tell you how sorry I am for what happened to you the last time you were here,” Khadija said. “It was all my fault that you were married off to Dauda. Please, please forgive me.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive, Khadija,” Leila said. “Karim threatened you and made you do it. You had no choice.”

  Khadija sighed. “I should not have given in to his threats. I’m truly sorry.”

  Leila said, “Really, it’s okay.” She put her arm around Khadija’s shoulders and hugged the girl to show her she bore no grudge.

  They walked together with Leila’s arm around Khadija until they got to Malik’s house. Khadija opened the front door and Leila walked into the house. It was dark since it wasn’t connected to the generator in Karim’s house, and it smelled slightly stale and musty.

  “Let me go and get some candles,” Khadija said and hurried away. She came back again with candles and matchsticks a minute later. She lit the candles, flooding the living room with light.

  Leila turned to Khadija and asked, “When was the last time Malik came to Nira?”

  “More than three weeks ago. He was actually supposed to come back yesterday, but we got a message that the farm had a serious fire and so Malik had to stay because of that. You should have seen my father this morning. He was raging and then sulking at the same time. This evening, he suddenly became himself again.”

  So Malik could have been in Nira if not for the fire. Maybe the fire was why Karim had been so nice to her. Maybe it had mellowed him. She couldn’t hold back her curiosity anymore, and asked, “Why was your father suddenly so nice to me?”

  Khadija sighed and said, “It’s actually a long story. I don’t know if anyone told you about it, but it concerns Zainah.”

  Leila lifted her brows and asked, “Was it about Zainah’s shooting?”

  Khadija looked surprised. “You found out about that?”

  “Dauda’s senior wife told me about it. She also told me Zainah was all right and that she married her Faizan later on.” Suddenly, Leila felt fear grip her. Or was everything that had been told her a lie? Just so she wouldn’t insist on seeing Zainah if something had happened to her friend. Was Zainah even alive? She began to freak out and chided herself again. “Is it true what was told to me?” Leila asked. “Is Zainah okay?”

  Khadija nodded. “It’s all true. Zainah is happily married to Faizan. Unfortunately, I didn’t go to the wedding. She wouldn’t even tell me where it was. I don’t know where Zainah is right now.” She looked up thoughtfully and said more to herself than to Leila, “He promised to come get me.”

  Leila frowned. “Who?”

  Khadija shook her head and smiled. “No one. Anyway, Zainah is fine.”

  Leila put her hand on her chest and sighed in relief. “Thank God. I tried calling Zainah’s old number but it didn’t ring at all. Anyway, what were you going to tell me about why your father was nice to me? You said it concerns Zainah?”

  “Yes,” Khadija said. She sat down on Malik’s couch and Leila sat next to her. She began to recount everything that had happened; how Faizan had come to rescue Zainah from Jibril’s house, how one of Jibril’s bodyguards had mistakenly shot Zainah, and how she had been rushed to the hospital. “We were so scared that she would die,” Khadija said. “The doctor said that her recovery was a miracle.”

  Khadija went on to talk about how her father had been terribly shaken by everything that happened that night, and how remorseful he became. Jibril was afraid that since Faizan had connections to the American government, the Americans would come after him somehow. He didn’t waste time dissolving his marriage to Zainah and he told my father that he would not be doing any business with him anymore.

  “Father regretted ever giving Zainah to Jibril when it had nearly cost her her life.” She thinned her lips and then said, “Did you know that he gave you and Zainah away to Jibril and Dauda because he owed them money? After Zainah left Nira with Faizan, Jibril promised to deal with my father.” She looked around the room as though there was someone else listening in on their conversation. “There are rumors that it was Jibril who sent people to burn down Father’s farm.” She sighed. “I think that’s why my father was nice to you now. He regrets everything he did, especially since the brothers reneged on their promise not to take revenge on him after everything went south. Zainah’s shooting got to him, though.”

  Leila shook her head in surprise. “So your father gave me and Zainah away to Dauda and Jibril simply because he owed the men money. How wicked. Zainah was lucky Faizan rescued her. Unfortunately, I had to leave with my so-called husband to another country.” She nearly said the fire at the farm served Karim right, but she knew it wasn’t only Karim who would be affected by the effects of the fire. Malik and even Khadija would be, too.

  Khadija asked curiously, “So, how come you’re here, Leila? Did you run away? And if so, how?”

  “It’s another long story,” Leila said to her. “But in short, Dauda let me go and even agreed to dissolve our marriage.”

  “Oh, Leila, that’s good news!” Khadija exclaimed. “Now, you and Malik can really be together!”

  “Yes,’ Leila said excitedly. “That’s why I am here now. And I’m so glad that Zainah is totally all right. She is probably living with Faizan in America now. After I find Malik, I will go back to the women’s community where I and Zainah lived for a long time and see if anyone knows how she can be contacted.”

  Khadija nodded. “You are right. She is most likely in America since that is where Faizan lives.”

  “I need to at least talk to her,” Leila said.

  “I wish I could go see her in America,” Khadija smiled sadly.

  Leila and Khadija talked well into the night, and then Khadija stood up. “It’s almost midnight. I have to get home.”

  Leila stood up as well and hugged the girl. “Will you come and see me off tomorrow morning?” she asked.

  Khadija nodded eagerly, and said, “I will.”

  After Khadija had left, Leila went into Malik’s room and stretched out on the floor beside the bed as she had done the last time she was here. She still didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in his bed. And now more so than the last time she’d stayed in his house.

  She couldn’t help but smile as she lay on the floor. The Lord had been so good to her these last few weeks. Everything seemed to be falling into place. Soon, she would be reunited with Malik. She couldn’t wait.

  “Thank you, Lord,” she breathed, and then shut her eyes. Soon, she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  Leila woke up early the next day, brushed her teeth, and quickly showered. She changed into a light green shift dress and braided her hair. She rolled her suitcase to the living room, glanced around her, and then went out the door. She locked Malik’s house and then smiled when she saw Khadija walking toward her, wearing a brown kaftan and matching trousers with a big smile on her face. She reached Leila quickly.

  “You’re already ready to go?” Khadija asked.

  “Yes,” Leila nodded and handed Khadija the key to Malik’s house.

  Khadija took it and put it into the pocket of her trousers. She turned to Leila and took Leila’s suitcase from her before Leila could protest.

  Leila walked to the bus station with Khadija in silence. She was surprised that Khadija stayed with her while she bought a bus ticket to Dogon. She sat on a bench outside the station building, waiting for the other passengers to finish buying their tickets so they could board the bus. Khadija sat next to her.

  They chatted about many random things while Leila waited. Soon, Khadija began to speak to her some more about the rumors concerning the identity of the man behind the burning of her father’s farm. “It’s actually not really a rumor,” Khadija said. “Even though Jibril hasn’t said anything, everyone knows he was the one behind it. Before my father gave you and Zainah away to be married to the brothers, Jibril did threaten to burn down his farm.”

  “That is brutal!” Leila said, shaking her head.

  “My father should have known better than to be involved with such an evil man.”

  “It’s so weird how different his brother is,” Leila said, remembering how understanding and mild mannered Dauda was. He had told her that if not for his brother, he would never have gone along with the forced marriage.

  Khadija shook her head. She started to apologize again for her role in Leila’s forced marriage to Dauda, but Leila stopped her. “Please, Khadija. Don’t apologize to me anymore.”

  Khadija said nothing after that.

  A man standing beside a big bus began to yell, “All those going to Dogon, get on this bus now!”

  Leila stood up and Khadija stood with her. She smiled at her young friend and hugged her.

  “When will you come back to Nira?” Khadija asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Leila answered. “If Malik is ready to come back immediately, I might come back with him . . . just to see you again. However, if he isn’t, I will go back to the women’s camp as I cannot live with Malik in Dogon… or here, either.”

  “Why not?” Khadija cried.

  Leila pursed her lips and then said, “Because we are not married, Khadija.”

  “Oh, I understand,” was all Khadija said.

  Leila nodded. From the look on her face, she wasn’t sure if Khadija really understood or

  Khadija’s eyes searched Leila’s. “Please come back and visit me soon,” she said.

  “I will try,” Leila said. She hugged Khadija once more, not knowing when next she would see the girl. By the grace of God, it would be soon. Even if Malik was not ready to come to Nira right now, hopefully Dauda would come here soon to dissolve their marriage. She had to come back to Nira when he was ready to do so. She smiled at Khadija and then walked to the bus, pulling her suitcase behind her. She watched as the driver placed her suitcase in the trunk of the bus with the other passengers’ bags. After that, she turned to wave at Khadija and got on the bus.

  Sitting at the back, she stared out of the window while the other passengers boarded. The bus soon started to move out of the station and Leila took a deep breath. Waves of excitement went through her. She had been told that the journey to Dogon was a three-hour drive, so they would be there before noon.

  Before long, I will get to see Malik, she thought. Thinking about it left her breathless with anticipation. Of course, she had to be careful with him when it came to physical contact as she was still a married woman. That dampened her anticipation slightly. She still had to wait for Dauda to keep his word.

  She brought out her phone from her purse and opened her Bible app. She had learned how to download apps days after Dauda had bought her the phone and the Bible app had been her first download. She thought about how crazy it was that, just a year ago, she’d known nothing about apps or any type of technology, really. The women’s camp totally isolated everyone there, which was a good thing in a way and slightly bad in another.

  She read the Bible as the bus sped down the road. After a while, she started to read a novel that came with the phone. She had never bothered to read it until now. Minutes later, she stopped reading as the novel did not appeal to her. She stared out the window and watched the other cars moving down the road and watched the buildings that she had never seen before.


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