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Spell It Out for Me

Page 16

by Sarina Dorie

  I didn’t know if he was talking about my meditations or my relationship in general with Thatch.

  I didn’t want to watch Thatch’s humiliation. I didn’t want to shame him further by laughing at this as though it were a joke like Elric did. As though he were the joke. I crossed my arms and turned away. I’d hated that feeling of being forced to dance.

  This had to be ten times worse for Thatch after what my mother had done to him, how she’d used him, controlled him through his magic, and made him do her bidding. I glanced up. Vega laughed, enjoying herself.

  Thatch’s limbs had grown more limber, more natural. Vega planted her hands on his shoulders, and he grabbed her around the waist, swinging her legs over his right hip and then his left. He widened his stance and repositioned his grip and tossed her under his legs. They moved so fast I could hardly imagine how they didn’t get tangled. People shouted and cheered. All the while Thatch scowled. I hated how miserable he must have felt.

  I couldn’t watch anymore. I shook Elric’s arm. “Please release him from this spell.”

  “It isn’t a spell, it’s an enchantment. And I will. The song is almost over.”

  At the end of the song, Thatch didn’t leave the dance floor. He remained out there, panting. He looked more alone than ever.

  Vega made her way back toward us. She plopped down in the seat across from me, batting her eyelashes at Elric. “I need a break. How about a slow song?”

  “Good idea,” Elric said. “Would you like Thatch for the next dance as well?”

  “No,” I said firmly. “You said one song. You are going to release him and let him go home now.”

  “One more. Just one more,” Vega said. “I’d like to see him slow dance.”

  “No more,” I said.

  “He won’t admit it, but he likes it,” Elric said.

  Those words uncorked the rage building inside me. “Are you completely blind? He doesn’t like this. Are you going to do this to me someday? Amuse yourself with taking control over my body and making me do your bidding?” How could I love this man? I’d made a mistake in thinking I could barter my heart as the price for saving my students.

  Vega groaned. “You can be so melodramatic. It isn’t like he’s being raped.”

  I lifted my chin. “No, he’s just being forced to give up his own body for someone else’s amusement.”

  A slow song started up. Couples headed out to the dance floor. Thatch swayed from foot to foot. He held up his hands in the posture of a ballroom dancer, though he had no dance partner. I didn’t want anyone to have to suffer through this. I had to rescue him from such indignity.

  Though I didn’t know what I could do. I had used electrical magic to stop his father. I scanned the crowd for someone with a cell phone but I didn’t see anyone with an electronic out. A first in my life.

  Elric exchanged an amused glance with Vega. “It is diverting, isn’t it?”

  I crossed my arms. “If you don’t stop right now, I’ll never go on another date with you again.”

  Elric’s smile faded. “Tell me what you’ll give me if I grant your request.”

  Fury bubbled up inside me. I hated his conniving Fae ways, and more than that, I hated my inability to do something about it. My magic was uncontrollable at the best of times. There was no way I was going to be able to make him do anything with my lack of powers. Logic wasn’t going to get me that much further considering the differences in human logic and that of the Fae.

  Yet I wasn’t completely helpless so long as I had my wits. There was only one thing I imagined I could do: make Elric not want to see Thatch dance any longer. I slid away and out of my chair before Elric could stop me. I held my head high as I strode toward Thatch, completely in control of myself, even if only for the moment.

  Thatch’s muscles shook from exertion, and his face dripped with sweat. He spoke through clenched teeth as I approached. “What do you want? Are you here to rub it in how powerful your boyfriend is?” He swayed from side to side, but it was obvious he was trying to fight the enchantment.

  “No. I’m going to make him wish he’d never wanted you to dance,” I said with a tight smile.

  I lifted my right hand and placed it in his. I couldn’t reach his shoulder very well so I placed my left hand just above his bicep.

  “Isn’t this humiliating enough? I don’t want to dance with you,” Thatch said through clenched teeth.

  “I know.” I didn’t take it personally. “But I have a feeling it would be a lot easier for us if you could, you know, act like you were enjoying this. It will make him jealous, and he’ll probably release you.”

  “Do you have any idea how offensive that is? You want me to give in and pretend I enjoy this. How would you feel if someone told you they had complete control over your body and you would enjoy it?”

  Those words struck a chord in me like serrated nails on the strings of my heart. Julian had said those words to me just before he’d tried to use my affinity against me. “You’re missing the point. I’m not suggesting you’ll enjoy this. I didn’t like it when King Viridios or Julian controlled me. Just pretend you do.”

  “Pretend.” His forehead crinkled.

  “You’re always trying to help me in your messed-up way. Let me help you in my messed-up way for once.”

  He lifted his chin a fraction of an inch. “I’m not so prideful I’m above allowing myself to be rescued on occasion.”

  “Good.” I grinned. “And remember, it could be worse. You could be dancing with Vega.”

  That brought a small smile to his lips at least. Thatch circled an arm around my waist, his hand on my back. His shoulders relaxed.

  He held me close enough I could smell the scent of dusty books, lavender, and starlight on his jacket.

  He scanned the crowd of seated watchers. “The logic of your plan is flawed. It depends on him not controlling you as well.”

  “Can he do that? Control multiple people at once?” That was a possibility I hadn’t considered, though Elric had said he wouldn’t. I wasn’t as certain he would keep his word now. He hadn’t made an unbreakable oath.

  Thatch led me in a side-step, followed by a turn. “Possibly. That or he’ll control you and relinquish control on me. I’d say it would be a win-win in that case.” Mischief twinkled in his eyes.

  “Ha ha. Very funny.”

  “Place your hands on my shoulders,” he commanded.

  He bent forward so I could reach him better. He placed his hands on my waist and lifted me up in the air and twirled me around him. It was so thrilling and fun I squealed with laughter. I felt a bit like a little kid.

  He grinned. “In any case, I have a much better plan.”

  “Of course you would.” This sounded like the superior Felix Thatch I knew and . . . liked.

  He stared into my eyes. “It will be far more effective to make him jealous if you enjoy dancing with me.” He released his grip on one of my hands to flick a stray strand of pink hair out of my face.

  He swept me around the floor like a professional ballroom dancer. We were way better than the other dancers who were either swaying back and forth like awkward high school students or grinding in the dirty-dancing style in the darker regions of the floor.

  Thatch’s thumb brushed against my hand, and a flutter pulsed through me. I was aware of how good his hand felt on my back. He pulled me in closer, so that his warmth pressed against me. I didn’t want to feel attracted to him. I didn’t want to enjoy the intimacy of the moment this much. I could now see the danger in dancing. The contact brought out my affinity. His fingers kneaded into my lower back, the movement between a massage and a caress.

  From the little smile on his lips, I had a feeling he knew exactly what he was doing. It was all to get back at Elric, I told myself.

  I caught a glimpse of Elric on the dance floor, Vega’s arms draped around his neck. She smiled like the cat that had swallowed the canary. Or maybe th
e Venus flytrap who swallowed a canary. She pressed herself flat against him. I had no doubt she would be dirty dancing with him if she could.

  I nodded toward Elric. “How can he dance and control you? Doesn’t it take a lot of concentration?”

  “Indeed. But he released his enchantment five minutes ago.” He smiled with sinister pleasure. “I decided I wasn’t going to let him have the last laugh.”

  “You are diabolical.” I laughed. “And you lied.”

  His eyebrow quirked upward in question.

  “You can dance.”

  “When I choose. Not when I’m forced.”

  Elric danced next to us, his ballroom steps matching our own. He grinned jovially. “I’ve learned my lesson. I will never underestimate Felix Thatch again.”

  I could tell he still didn’t get it. It was the morals thing he was missing. He and Vega deserved each other.

  “How about not underestimating me?” I asked.

  “Oh, yes. You too. Of course, love.”

  My eyes narrowed. “Do you realize how dismissive and patronizing that just was?”

  “I beg your pardon.” Elric flashed his most charming smile. “Come now, you aren’t going to stay mad at me, are you? You’ve proven your point. You are friends with Felix Thatch, and you wish me not to coerce him with magic. I stopped.”

  Thatch turned his back on him. Elric’s eyebrows lifted in surprise as Thatch twirled me away. I tried not to laugh.

  Elric tapped him on the shoulder. “May I cut in?”

  “No,” I said.

  Thatch turned his back on Elric.

  Elric raised his voice. “Fine. Two can play at this game.”

  Thatch squeezed me closer. He took in a sharp breath. I expected the worst. I expected to lose control of my body and to be jerked away like a puppet.

  The music abruptly stopped. I glanced at the band. They looked to each other, confused. After a few seconds they broke into a different song, another fast swing.

  Thatch led me off the floor, his hand on my back. His stride was so long and quick, I had to take two small steps for his every one. We passed through the floor of dancers, wove around tables, and passed our table. I pointed to it and tried to shout over the music, thinking he didn’t know where we’d been sitting.

  He kept on walking up to the front door. Two of Elric’s body guards stood post. Captain Errol was dressed in twenties style clothes, his eyes as frigid as icicles, but neither of the Fae guards tried to stop us. In fact, Captain Errol opened the door as if welcoming our departure.

  Cold air greeted me, raking over my bare arms and legs.

  I glanced over my shoulder at Elric and Vega, all smiles as they danced to the rowdy song, oblivious to our departure. “What about—”

  “He’ll follow once he realizes.”

  The door slammed behind us, the music now faint and muffled. The street outside was dark. Cars were parked on the wrong side of the street. I had a feeling we were in Europe. Thatch led me around the back of the building. We passed a dumpster and two more cars. A door was open, music and bright light pouring out from a kitchen.

  I tucked my hands under my armpits. It had to be forty degrees outside. “Where are we going?”

  “We’re leaving. We’re going back to the school.”

  I shrugged away from him. “Wait a minute. What if I don’t want to go back? For once, you could ask me what I want instead of telling me.”

  “Pardon me. Would you like to come back to the school, or would you like to remain here?” As he passed through the light from the kitchen, his expression shifted into a frown. “Would you like to continue on a date with a creature who bends Morties and Witchkin to his whims and makes you watch? Would you like to stay here with this enchanting Faerie prince because he’s handsome and cheery as he thinks you’re his plaything? Oh, yes, I see. You want to stick around even after what that scoundrel did. Very well, I’ll just leave you here. We’ll see if he remembers to take you home this time.”

  I sighed in exasperation. “It would be nice if you just once didn’t patronize me. It’s bad enough he has to try to control me, but you do to.”

  “There’s never any controlling you.” He rubbed my bare arms, chasing away my goosebumps. He didn’t stop walking. He guided me toward the shadows.

  I dug my feet into the ground, a difficult thing to do in high heels. “I don’t want to go with you. I need to have a conversation with Elric.” A serious conversation.

  “Very well. If you want a scene here in the Morty Realm instead of somewhere more secluded in the Unseen Realm, so be it.”

  “What do you mean by ‘scene?’ Is this going to be a shouting match ‘scene’ or laser beams shooting out of your wand ‘scene’?”

  “The probability I have divined shows a good chance of a duel.”


  He turned me to face him. He removed his jacket and draped it over my shoulders. I gazed up into his eyes. Light from the street reflected on a sliver of his face, the rest in darkness. His hands were reassuringly warm on my arms. His breath came out in foggy puffs.

  “Thanks,” I said. I closed my eyes and savored the warmth of him so near. I leaned against him. He stroked my back and my shoulders. He tilted my chin up to look at him again. He inched closer. My eyes were locked on his lips. Never had his mouth looked so enticing. He was going to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. I needed him. I threaded my fingers through his hair.

  “Careful. I might make you repay me in a favor like Elric does.” His smile was sad, like someone seeing something they wanted that was just out of reach.

  Energy fluttered in my core. I was aware of the red ball of light swelling inside me. I pushed it back down. “You’re using my magic against me.”

  “I would never use your magic against you. But I would use it against him.” He brought his lips to mine.

  His lips tasted like winter and starlight, a sleepy combination that made me drowsy. He kissed expertly, as though he knew what I wanted better than I knew myself. For months I had longed for this moment. I drank him in as if he were the coldest glass of water on a hot day. I needed him to quench the abyss of thirst dwelling inside me.

  He held me tighter, enveloping me in his warmth. I didn’t want him to let me go. I couldn’t get close enough to him.

  He lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist. His hands were warm on my hips. He pressed me against the cobblestone wall of the building. Rocks dug into my hips, but I hardly noticed as waves of pleasure rolled through me. My short dress had slid back. His hands held me under my butt, his fingers smoothing over my panties.

  “I want you,” I said.

  “Of course you do.” His mouth trailed down my neck, nibbling his way lower.

  Every moment he kissed me, I felt myself surrendering my will to him further. I didn’t question it or resist. I was completely fine with this.

  He bit my neck, hard enough I wondered if he’d drawn blood. He sucked, and I thought I could feel my life force draining away. He had to be a vampire. At that moment it felt so good, I didn’t mind. I arched into him. His teeth on my skin hurt and felt good at the same time. I closed my eyes and moaned.

  “Are you draining me?” I asked.

  “What would I drain from you?”

  That’s right. I didn’t have much left to drain.

  He bit my neck again, this time hard enough to make me gasp. It hurt enough to rouse me out of my stupor. I flinched back, banging my elbow against a brick sticking out in the wall. His jacket only shielded me slightly.

  “That is getting back at you,” he murmured in my ear. “This will be getting back at him.”

  Elric shouted, “What the fucking hell are you doing?”

  It was suddenly a lot brighter. I blinked. Thatch turned so that my back faced the brightness. Slowly he lowered me to my feet. He readjusted his coat over my shoulders, his hands remaining on my arms. I dis
creetly tugged the hem of my short dress lower. My neck was wet. I rubbed at it with my hand. It didn’t hurt, and there was no blood on my hand. Maybe he hadn’t sucked my blood.

  Probably he’d given me a hickey. I couldn’t have been more mortified at what I’d just done—at what I’d let him to do me. I shouldn’t have surrendered myself so willingly. Even knowing he was using my magic, I still hadn’t stopped him. Only now had some of the desire started to slip away.

  Thatch placed a hand on his heart, mock innocence in his expression. “I beg your pardon. I didn’t see you there.”

  Elric repeated himself.

  Thatch’s voice came out in the same disinterested monotone as when he gave a presentation to his students. “Getting back at you.”

  It occurred to me I had never seen Elric livid before. If ever I was going to, it would be now.

  I turned. Elric stood next to the dumpster, glowing like an angel, his silver hair flowing in an invisible breeze. His period attire had been replaced by his long robes decorated with Celtic knotwork woven from gold thread. He stood there, looking regal and elegant. Indignation contorted his face.

  This entire battle of wills had gone a little too far, with me as the pawn in their game.

  Vega’s heels clattered closer, and she blinked as she closed the distance between her and Elric.

  Thatch held on to my arm, his grip a little too firm to be considered pleasant. The bliss I’d experienced a few seconds before faded. I felt light-headed and confused. Not so confused I couldn’t feel angry.

  “I’m sorry,” I looked to Elric. “I didn’t know. . . . I didn’t plan. . . . This is all my fault.”

  “Yes, it is,” Elric said.

  I felt even worse. Just because I didn’t like what my date . . . my boyfriend did, didn’t mean it was right to cheat on him, and that’s what I’d just done. I’d allowed Thatch to kiss me. I could have shielded my affinity. I could have told him not to or at least not kissed him back. But I hadn’t stopped him because, deep down, I’d wanted to kiss him.

  I’d forgotten every lesson Thatch had taught me. I hated myself for my weakness.

  Elric’s voice was unusually sharp. “Come here, Clarissa.”


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