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Age of Dragons

Page 3

by Olivia Ash

  That’s what this is really about. She doesn’t know how to deal with this new world. This new reality. She and I were supposed to ride off into the sunset once the Vaer destroyed the Spectres, and then we would’ve been forever free.

  But that’s a pipe dream, now. It’ll never, ever happen.

  People like Irena—people like me—we can’t be normal. We can’t integrate with society or be content with the status quo.

  We’ll always want more.

  Deep down, she knows that.

  “That Levi fellow,” Irena says casually. “He was feral, wasn’t he?”

  I nod.

  “And you brought him back?”

  “We did it together,” I correct. “We—”

  Irena laughs. “Oh, shove your modesty off the roof, Rory. You love him, and you fought for him—same as you fought for me. You love all four of them.”

  “Love is a strong word.” I look away, but I can’t hide the sly smile on my face that confirms everything she just said.

  My sister sits up, watching me intently. “Tell me about them.”

  “You’re so damn bossy.” I chuckle, rubbing my hands together absently as I stall for time. I don’t really want to talk about this—feelings just aren’t really my thing.

  She shrugs and playfully gestures for me to get the hell on with it.



  At first, I don’t say anything. I’m so protective of my men that my impulse is to simply remain silent. To not share a thing.

  But Irena isn’t asking me for a bit of giggly girl talk. She wants to know who they are—and if she can trust them, too.

  “Levi is quiet,” I begin. “He doesn’t say anything unless it adds to the conversation. Serious, observant, always on guard. I don’t think he sleeps,” I add with a small smile. “I don’t know how he does it, but he manages to sneak up on even me. The man has ridiculous stealth.”

  “Damn,” Irena says, clearly impressed. “Noted.”

  I examine my nails, trying to find the words worthy of describing my ice dragon. “Levi makes me… I don’t know. Feel. He pushes me to be a better person. He makes me feel safe. Untouchable. Protected.”

  Irena raises a skeptical eyebrow. “You’re a Spectre. You are untouchable.”

  “I was,” I correct, and after that, all I can do is shrug. “That’s who he is. That’s how he’s changed me.”

  “Hmm.” Irena sits upright and leans her elbows on her knees, her eyes slipping out of focus as she processes all of that. “What about Tucker? The Knight?”

  “Former Knight,” I correct her once again.

  “Fine,” she admits with an exaggerated wave of her hand. “Former Knight. Former Spectres. Former whatever.”

  “Charming. Funny. Horny as hell.” I laugh. “Guns and weapons expert. There isn’t a weapon on this planet he doesn’t know how to operate.”

  “I assume that’s the General’s doing.”

  My smile falls at the mention of Tucker’s brutal father. “Yeah. The General treated Tucker like an investment, not a person. Back when he and I first met, Tucker lied to them to protect me. Fed them false intel until they figured him out.”

  “He lied to the General?” Irena balks. “For you?”

  I sarcastically huff, lifting one eyebrow as I study her baffled expression. “I’ll have you know I’m quite a catch, dear sister of mine.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Irena chuckles, studying her palms as she pauses to sift through this new information. “He risked his life for you. He risked everything.”

  “Several times,” I agree. “He taught me how to trust, Irena. How to open up. He makes me laugh, relax, and take life less seriously. I just feel so—I don’t know—happy and carefree around him.” I pause, grinning. “He’s also a beast in bed.”

  “Gah!” Irena covers her ears and laughs. “My innocent baby sister is having sex?”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh, shut up.”

  “So this Drew character,” Irena prods, gesturing for me to continue. “He’s obviously a high-ranking official.”

  “Darrington heir,” I correct. “Well, former. Jett says he can only lead if he turns me in.”

  The look of utter shock on Irena’s face is almost funny, but all shreds of humor dissolve from her eyes. Her pupils dilate, and I can almost detect a hint of panic.

  “We have to get you out of here.” Irena leans forward, tense and ready for war. “We have to find another—”

  “He’s safe,” I say softly. Calmly.

  “He’s a Darrington—”

  “He had his chance to turn me over,” I admit, none too proud that he had the upper hand down there in the tunnels. “He had a moment where he could have gotten everything he ever wanted—money, prestige, fame, power. And he gave it all up.” I pause. “For me.”

  As silence settles between us, I can only imagine what’s going on in Irena’s head. The doubts. The plans. She will probably want to have a little talk with Drew, and even then, I doubt she’s going to trust him.

  “Irena.” My voice is quiet. Intense. “He’s almost superhuman. Incredibly strong. A natural leader. I blasted him at point-blank range with my magic, and all he did was wince.”

  “And you trust him?”

  “Completely,” I admit, marveling a little at how far I’ve come. “He doesn’t really do feelings, either. He isn’t one for the touchy-feely mushy stuff, but he has put his life and reputation on the line again and again to keep me safe. Sometimes when I’m around him, I have to surrender and give up power, to compromise and not try to control every little thing. He's dominating, muscular, and commanding—and he is devoted to me entirely. He makes me feel…” I trail off, sucking in a deep breath as I debate how to finish that sentence. “Powerful.”

  Irena sighs, jaw tensing as she stares out at the forest. “You’re so forgiving. It’s hard for me to see past what his family has done.”

  “Forgiving isn’t a word I would’ve used to describe myself before I came here,” I admit with a shrug. “But they’ve changed me, Irena. For the better, I think.”

  “And Jace?” She nods toward the courtyard. “This mate-bond thing you two have?”

  I huff, not entirely sure where to start with him.


  The Dojo Master.

  The controlling, commanding badass who is one of the only fighters I’ve ever met who can match me.

  “He makes my dragon happy,” I admit. “When I’m around him, it’s like I’m home. I don’t understand it.” I groan. “I don’t understand him, but I can say he’s done more than his fair share to watch over me.”

  “But you’re a Spectre,” Irena says again with an annoyed groan. “What does he think you are, a delicate flower in need of a vase?”

  I shrug. “I can’t deny what he and I have, Irena, but I don’t know what’s going to happen with us. He has all these female soldiers, so it’s not a girls-can’t-fight thing. He’s just protective over me because of the mate-bond.” I pause, frustrated. “Because of what it would mean if one of us died.”

  “Feral,” Irena finishes for me, nodding. “I’m surprised you haven’t tried locking him in a tower to keep yourself safe. He seems a little too willing to jump into the fray.”

  I laugh. “That’s a damn good idea.”

  Irena chuckles. She opens her mouth to speak, but her bright green eyes dart toward the forest as the canopy rustles in the distance. Seconds later, a brilliant green dragon soars upward through the canopy, breaking through the branches as his stunning emerald wings spread open. With a powerful stroke, he barrels toward us.

  I haven’t seen this guy before. Even though I don’t know all of Jace’s soldiers, I don’t like the direct path he’s taking toward our roof.

  Toward us.

  Wary, I ball my hand into a fist and stand as the wind whips my hair across my face. He gets ever closer, and I call on the magic in my core should the need arise. White light dances a
cross my skin, ready to fire at a moment’s notice.

  Irena, however, just groans in annoyance.

  He banks around the tower as he nears, his sharp black eyes locked on her. With a charming wink, he banks toward the ocean and flies off.

  That dragon never even looked at me.

  “Well that’s a nice change,” I mutter, more to myself than my sister.

  For a moment, I’m not sure what to make of what just happened. My eyes dart between Irena and the quickly disappearing shifter, a puzzled expression on my face.

  Irena shakes her head. “He’s been flirting with me ever since I got here.”



  “You found a boyfriend already?” I grin. “You hussy!”

  She laughs and grabs my arm, yanking me back down so that I sit beside her. Once I’m settled again, she punches me in the arm.

  “Ow,” I say, cradling the impact site with an exaggerated flourish.

  I totally deserved it, though.

  “What’s his name?” I ask with a nod toward the shifter.

  “Eric.” She watches him disappear into the misty ravine on the other side of the castle. “He’s certainly… persistent.”

  I watch her for a moment, noticing the way her gaze lingers after the dragon shifter, noticing the tension in her neck and shoulders as she subtly leans toward him.

  Irena’s fighting her attraction to this guy—hard—but I can see through the lies she’s telling herself.

  With a grin, I simply shake my head. “Poor man doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into.”

  “I know, right?” she says with a wry smile. “Poor fool.”

  Chapter Three

  As a full moon shines above me, I slip through the shadows of the forest. The occasional silvery ribbon of light filters through the canopy, but I sidestep each one.

  I have no intention of being seen.

  The darkness engulfs me as I move along the leaf-strewn paths through the woods. As I slide from shadow to shadow, from trunk to trunk, I have to confess I'm looking for trouble.

  Well, for Levi, mainly.

  I can't sleep, no matter how hard I try. Each time I close my eyes, my mind wanders to Zurie. To Kinsley. To the Bosses. To the General. To the Knights. To the dozens of organizations that are hunting me right this moment.

  They all want something from me. Something I refuse to give.

  I figure if I can't sleep, I can at least take Levi up on his offer to spar. A good match usually helps me burn off excess energy and get to sleep faster.

  Of course, this is Levi I’m hunting, so finding him has been a chore in and of itself.

  If I’m being honest, that's part of the fun.

  Something in the air shifts, and my intuition pangs in warning before I can even consciously understand what the threat could be.

  I pause, careful to keep to the shadows of a nearby tree, and I listen. At first, there's nothing but the soft howl of air through the leaves above me and the occasional peep of a frog nearby.

  But the longer I pause and listen, the more prominent the sound of breathing becomes. It’s steady and quiet, soft and still, but it's there.

  I kneel to get my bearings, as well as an understanding of where the breathing might be coming from. As I scan the world around me, I eventually spot a silhouette on the edge of a cliff nearby. I pause, narrowing my eyes, trying to get a better view of it in the distance, and that's when I make out the familiar form of a man reclining against a tree trunk.


  I almost don't believe it. The thought that I could sneak up on Levi is practically impossible to consider, and I wonder if this is a game. If he's toying with me in some way.

  If he is, I'll indulge him.

  Carefully—as silent as the night around us—I steal through the forest toward him. I don't make a sound. I barely breathe. My entire focus is on him, on the form reclined against the tree.

  As I get closer, the details of his face come slowly into view. The dark hair. The square jaw. The broad shoulders. The thick and muscled chest stretching against the fabric of his shirt.

  But his eyes are closed.

  Everything about this scenario strikes me as impossible, and I hesitate to consider what might really be happening. I still don't quite believe that he would take a nap beneath a tree, where he’s exposed and vulnerable.

  Even if he's comfortable here at the dojo—even if he feels like he can let his guard down around these dragons—I should never be able to get this close to him. I never have before. No matter how hard I tried, I could never get the leg up on him. He always knew I was coming.

  Every. Time.

  So either this is a trick, or he’s unconscious and possibly hurt.

  A flicker of worry snakes through my chest, and I suppress the impulse to crash through the woods to get to him more quickly. It’s never a good idea to charge in to any situation, no matter the stakes.

  Rule 42 of the Spectres—assess all risk first. Act second.

  My eyes scan his shoulders, and they lifts with the gentle flow of his breath. His chest rises ever so slightly, and I can even hear the soft exhale of his powerful lungs. He's not in pain. His face isn't scrunched up in agony.

  It truly seems as though he’s just sleeping—even though I know it couldn’t possibly be that simple.

  All right.

  I’ll bite.

  Time to see what kind of game my stoic ice dragon is playing.

  Without so much as a whisper to give me away, I creep through the woods until I can kneel in front of him. With each step, my full and entire focus is trained on him. I pause now and then to scan the woods—a girl has to be aware of her surroundings, after all—but out here, tonight, it’s just him, me, and the silence.

  As my knees press into the dirt mere feet away from his gorgeous and toned body, he doesn’t flinch. There’s not even a twitch in his eyebrow to suggest he knows I’m here.

  For the briefest moment, I triumphantly wonder if I have truly somehow snuck up on Levi Sloane.

  With him at my mercy like this, I wonder how I want to play with him. Kiss him on the nose, maybe, or playfully pull him into a headlock.

  Equally romantic options, all things considered.

  In the end, however, I decide to take it easy on him. If I was able to sneak up on my silent protector, something must be deeply bothering him. I don’t want to make it worse.

  Gently, I reach my hand toward his face to brush aside a lock of hair from over his eye.

  Like a flash of lightning, he grabs my wrist before my fingers can so much as touch his face.

  His eyes snap open, and he glares at me with murderous rage. The fire and fury in his gaze catches me off guard, and in that brief moment, I’m speechless.

  Even though he’s in human form, his eyes look almost feral.

  This must be what it’s like to face him as an enemy. That anger, that intent to kill—it’s overpowering.

  My training kicks in, and my immediate impulse is to counter. To twist my wrist free, pin him, and diffuse the threat.

  In the seconds that follow, however, his expression softens. I see a glimmer of recognition, and his features relax. He loosens his grip on my wrist and smiles.

  “You shouldn't sneak up on people like that,” he says.

  I let out a slow breath to calm my nerves. “Now you know how it feels.”

  Grateful he’s all right, I lean back on my heels. I figure he might need to talk before we spar, so I simply wait for him to speak.

  He has other ideas.

  With his hand still around my wrist, he gives me a soft tug and pulls me into his lap. I laugh and fall into him, letting him have his way with me as he holds me tight. He adjusts me, controlling every movement, and my back falls flush against his hard chest. He weaves his arms around my body, holding me close as he props his legs on either side of me. To tease him, I wiggle my ass just a little, grinding against his cock. He laughs and holds me tighter
, pressing me against his hardening dick, teasing me right back.

  So ruthless.

  As we settle into this new position, he sighs happily into my hair and kisses my ear. I keep expecting him to say something, to start the conversation and air out whatever was bothering him, but that’s not his way.

  He only speaks when he truly has something to say—but I can tell there’s something boiling beneath the surface. Whatever is going on with him, he needs to get this out.

  “What were you doing?” I ask.

  He sighs, burrowing his face into my neck and pausing a moment before he answers. “Talking to my dragon.”

  “Ah,” I say with a small nod. “I take it the conversation didn’t go well?”

  “You could say that,” he says with a shrug. “We're still trying to make peace. There’s still some fallout from being feral for so long. The connection isn’t shattered anymore, but we still don’t fully trust each other. It could break again if I’m not careful.” He sighs, leaning his forehead against my hair. “Honestly, Rory, I'm not sure if I'll ever shift again.”

  “Don't say that,” I chide softly. “Of course you will. You’re a man that does the impossible, Levi. It’s just how you operate.”

  He chuckles, taking a deep breath as he holds me a little tighter. It's weird to be cradled like this, to be held and comforted and soothed.

  But I have to admit, I kind of like it.

  For a while, we sit there in the silence, listening to the night and the wind, and it's a pleasure to simply enjoy each other's company. To enjoy the quiet. To not need to be anywhere or have anything expected of us.

  Tenderly, Levi brushes his thumb across the back of my hand, his skin igniting shivers of delight and pleasure that run through the lengths of my arms and into my core.

  Deep within me, my dragon stirs at his touch, responding to him, curling with delight and joy as he gently caresses me.

  I close my eyes, reaching toward her, wondering what it will take for her to come out. For us to shift. For her to be more than just a baby dragon deep within me.

  “How did you first shift? I ask Levi, shattering the silence.

  “You don't want to hear that story,” he answers simply. There’s a hardness to his tone, a stiff formality I’m not used to hearing.


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