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Page 6

by Michaela Scott

  What the fuck am I supposed to do about this? Going back to California is not an option: the more I think about it, the more I realize that I wasn’t ever really happy there. And, obviously, I can’t fuck him…I mean, what happens afterward? Jace goes back to his supermodels, I go back to dating guys who look like less attractive versions of Jace, and it’s weird for the rest of our lives. And that’s assuming nobody finds out about it.

  Why can’t I just ignore him, then?

  Well, because he’s Jace. He commands attention. He knows exactly how to get under my skin, and we’re going to be working together for the foreseeable future.

  God, he’s such a bastard. He took the one thing I was never able to get over, his stupid, sexually-charged contract, and immediately started rubbing it in my face before we’d even landed in New York.

  I bite my lip as I think about the contract again. It’s sitting on the nightstand next to me, like Jace knew I would be here trying not to think about it. Like he’s seven steps ahead of me.

  I peel it off the nightstand and read it again. I can’t believe how juvenile you’d have to be to write something like this. My eyes travel down to the last clause, the one about obeying everything Jace says or facing the consequences, and I can’t take it anymore. I press the contract face down into the bed and my fingers shoot between my legs as I imagine Jace walking into the room.

  “You like that?” he asks.

  I pull my dress up around my waist and my panties halfway down my thighs.

  “I’m glad you’ve finally come around.”

  I roll my hips back and forth in time with the slow circles I’m making on my clit as I imagine Jace dressing me up, admiring me, and ordering me around.

  “Say my name while you’re fucking yourself,” he says, “I’ve always wanted to hear you do that.”

  “No,” I say, “That would be wrong.”

  “No!?” Jace says, raising his eyebrows, “You just violated Clause 8 of the contract, Haley.”

  Jace sits on the edge of the bed.

  “Come over here and bend over my knee. I’m going to spank you until you learn your lesson.”

  Fantasizing about my stepbrother spanking me in my stepbrother’s bed is probably the dirtiest thing I’ve ever done in my life, but I’m just too wet to stop. I plunge two fingers between my lips, imagining that they’re Jace’s, and that he’s rewarding me for following his orders……obeying his commands…being completely and totally his…

  Thank God Jace isn’t here, because that last thought sends me into a long, prolonged orgasm that I’d never be able to live down.

  When I start to come down, the awkwardness of what I’ve just done sets in. I pull my panties back up and my dress down, but I don’t get up off of Jace’s bed.

  That’s when I realize what I’ve been suppressing, embarrassed of, running away from ever since I met Jace: I want him to fuck me. Are you happy now, Jace? I want to fuck you, and the idea of signing your contract makes me wet. There. I said it. Now stop making my life a living hell.

  This doesn’t change anything, though, does it? How could it? We’re still stepbrother and stepsister, and there are too many things that could go wrong if we ever become anything more. The problem is, I’m not attracted to Jace in the easy way, the way where I could just get over him by sleeping with someone else.

  I’m attracted to Jace in the hard way.

  In the living room, I hear my phone get a text. I climb out of Jace’s bed on trembling legs, careful to smooth out his covers so he’ll never know what I just did on top of them, and go pick up my phone to see who’s texting me.

  Of course it’s him.

  Eating dinner with Mom. Want to join?

  Is Jace seriously acting like nothing happened between us? That’s what it seems like, and it occurs to me that I’d better do the same thing. It’s the only way we can keep things professional between us. Normal. Appropriate.


  The Green Dragon, uptown. Leave your panties at home.

  So much for normal and appropriate. What did I expect, though? Asking Jace Fisher to be appropriate is like asking a koala to fly.

  Chapter 16: Haley

  Jace meets me out in front of The Green Dragon, greeting me with a big hug that’s just a little too tight.

  “Are those panties I feel?” Jace asks, running his finger along the place where the small of my back meets my butt, “You should be glad you haven’t signed the contract yet, otherwise you’d be in for a serious spanking when we get home.”

  I smack Jace hard in the arm as I pull away from him.

  “Your mom can see us through the window, asshole!” I say.

  “Well, yeah,” says Jace, “But she doesn’t exactly see anything that isn’t in spreadsheet form. She just kind of stares.”

  “Don’t be mean,” I say, grabbing Jace’s arm and leading him through the front doors of The Green Dragon.

  Inside, The Green Dragon looks like the kind of place that would charge 100 dollars a dumpling. Pale green Chinese lanterns bathe the entire restaurant in light, and green and gold dragon heads peek out from every corner.

  Laura sits in the back of the restaurant, at a small round table that has just enough room for the three of us. I frown as I notice that they’ve already ordered for me: there’s a huge plate of dumplings sitting on my third of the table. I smile politely at Laura as I sit down. Unfortunately, Laura has no concept of a polite smile, so her face just cracks into a little smirk.

  “How do you like New York?”

  “It’s nice,” I say.

  Jace kicks me under the table.

  “But…uh…I’ve been spending most of my time learning how to run RentNation. Jace has been helping me out a lot; he’s a really great teacher.”

  “That’s great, Haley,” Laura says, “It’s really too bad that it’s not going to work out.”

  My dumpling slips out of my chopsticks before I can bring it to my mouth.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Well, since the two of you aren’t going to last a week after the building opens, you should probably just relax,” Laura says, with a casual shrug.

  “Mom’s just jealous, Haley,” Jace says, “She’s mad that I’ve made more money than she ever will.”

  “So far,” says Laura, “But I’m zeroing in on a very lucrative opportunity right now.”

  Laura lifts a mushroom up to her mouth and swallows it without chewing.

  “See, there’s this company opening up in a few months, you’ve probably heard of it. It’s one of these new startups that wants to change the world. Well, I heard a nasty little rumor about this business: apparently, the CEO is so cocky that he’s literally hiring his stepsister to run the company with him, and he thinks that’s not going to ruin his company’s stock prices.”

  “Nobody’s gonna care about that, Mom.”

  “Your friends might not care, but anybody with business sense definitely will, especially when they find out that the CEO is a manwhore with no self control and the stepsister is a failed English major who couldn’t lead a mouse to cheese.”

  I look at Jace, who’s holding onto his chopsticks with white knuckles. Laura’s always been cold, but I’ve never seen her be this mean. Who calls their own son a manwhore with no self control?

  “I don’t care what you say about me,” says Jace, “But don’t say anything about Haley. You have no idea what she’s like.”

  “I’m just letting you know what people are going to think when they get a closer look at you two. You’re going to draw so much bad press and ridicule from the business world that Bruce is going to have no choice but to withdraw his investment to save his reputation. And then, when you can’t pay rent on your ugly little skyscraper anymore, I’ll be there, with a group of investors and an offer you won’t be able to refuse. Of course, once I’m CEO of the company, I’ll hire you both back at positions that are more suited to your skill levels.”

  “So, le
t me get this straight,” says Jace, through gritted teeth, “You think I’m too immature to run a business, but you’re over here fantasizing about ruining your son’s success because you’re jealous of him? I’m pretty sure you’re the immature one here.”

  “It’s not a fantasy, honey. I’ve already assembled the investors who are going to be buying you out. For example, one of them is Sheldon Monk, the owner of Hot Pink Magazine.”

  Jace raises his eyebrows.

  “Wow, you’re actually serious? This is not going to end well for you.”

  Laura turns to me.

  “Jace had a photo shoot at Hot Pink Magazine today. He apparently didn’t realize why this might be a bad photo to take after going through six girlfriends in a year last year.”

  Laura pulls out her phone, showing me a picture of Jace with his arms wrapped around a model’s waist, their mouths inches apart.

  “Well, now I know why they were making me do all those poses with the model,” says Jace, “They were in league with my fucking mother.”

  “If I weren’t your mother,” says Laura, “I wouldn’t be telling you any of this. I’d just be doing it.”

  “Well, it’s good to know you care.”

  For a few seconds, the three of us focus on our food in silence. Then, Laura speaks up again.

  “By the way, you two should pay more attention to how you behave in public. If Haley goes in front of a crowd of people with her tits out like that, staring at you every three seconds and biting her lip, you’re going to get some even nastier rumors started.”

  Jace looks over at me and notices that I’m turning bright red.

  “If you actually think you’re going to take our company, then you’re fucking insane. Let’s go, Haley.”

  Jace grabs my hand and stands up. I try to pull my hand out of his, but he holds it tight. Laura is watching our every move, and she smiles when Jace guides me up and leads me out of the restaurant.

  “Seems like I hit a nerve,” Laura says, “Have fun, you two.”

  “Don’t react,” says Jace, as we head out the doors of The Green Dragon and don’t look back.

  Chapter 17: Jace

  Haley’s upset. That’s perfectly reasonable after getting a concentrated blast of venom like that from my mother. I’m used to it, probably because I’ve been catching shit like that for years, but until now, she’s always taken it easy on Haley.

  “She’s the most insecure woman on the planet, Haley. She’s only trying to bring you down because you’re a threat to her now.”

  “Jace,” Haley says, “She knows too much.”

  “She doesn’t know anything. She just couldn’t wait to gloat about how she was going to screw us over, and in the process she said way too much about her plans. Now, when it’s time to open the building, we’ll be ready.”

  I’m trying to keep it together for Haley’s sake, but my mother is probably the one person on earth who can actually get to me.

  “Are you alright?” Haley asks.

  “Yeah,” I say, “But I really want to be alone right now.”

  “Oh…should I go?”

  “No, that’s not what I mean. I want to be alone with you.”

  I lead Haley through the streets, looking for a quiet place where we can talk without anybody nearby. It’s not an easy thing to do in New York City, but I figure if we can find something, it’ll be by the river.

  By the time we make it to the edge of Manhattan, the sun is just below the horizon and the streetlights are starting to flicker on. As we approach the river, I notice that the riverside walkway is fenced off and under construction. Off limits to the general population. Perfect.

  A construction worker with an orange vest is walking along the fence with a piece of rebar in his hands.

  “Jace, we’re not supposed to be here,” Haley says, as I take her over the gravel towards the construction worker.

  “Do you always do everything construction signs tell you to, Haley?”

  “You’re the worst.”

  I start walking alongside the construction worker, Haley in tow.

  “Excuse me, hey, is it dangerous on the other side of the fence?”

  The construction worker shoots me a glare and keeps walking.

  “I’m asking because as long as it’s not dangerous, I’ll pay you a hundred dollars to let us through.”

  That got his attention. He stops in his tracks and turns to face us, a little grin on his face.

  “Deal. The ground’s torn up, but nothing’s gonna fall on your head. Follow me.”

  We walk for about five minutes along the fence. I can tell Haley’s still upset, so I put my arm around her as we walk. Finally, the construction worker unlocks the gate and lets us through.

  “Thanks,” I say, “You’re a lifesaver.”

  I slip him two fifties, and he winks at me.

  “Have fun in there,” he says.

  “We will,” I say, as I close the gate behind us.

  “See? He thinks we make a cute couple.”

  Haley smacks me hard on the chest.

  “You can’t say things like that! What if Laura’s following us?”

  “If there’s one thing I’ve learned about dealing with Mom, it’s that I can’t waste my life stressing her.”

  “This isn’t just her, though, this is a huge group of investors, a billion dollar enterprise.”

  “Okay, but I’m Jace Fisher.”

  The ground beneath us is a mixture of dirt, loose bricks, and large pieces of cement we have to step around, but as we get closer to the river, the original walkway is still partially intact. Off in the distance, I see a bench, torn out of the ground and resting on cinderblocks, and I start steering us towards it. Haley’s eyes are watching the river.

  “Does your mom always talk to you like that?” Haley asks.

  “I mean, she’s never threatened to take over my business before, but everything else was pretty typical.”

  “How did you survive, growing up in a household like that?”

  “I mean…I got tough. I learned to love myself. Was your Dad ever like that to you?”

  “Definitely not. He was the best dad ever for the couple hours a week when he wasn’t working. Mostly I spent a lot of time with the babysitter, and then, when I got older, alone. That was how I got into reading, and I guess majoring in English Literature was my way of……getting closer to who I really was.”

  We reach the bench and sit down, looking out over the river. Even though there’s plenty of room on the bench, Haley sits right next to me, her hips pressing against mine.

  “Still,” I say, “You understand what it feels like to grow up with one parent that cares about their job way more than they cared about you. That’s why I was so upset when you left.”

  “If you liked me so much, then why did you tease me all the time?”

  “Because it’s the way I am. I was pretty sure you liked getting teased. You liked the attention.”

  Haley leans in closer to me, eyes wide like she’s just realized something for the first time.

  “I did like the attention,” she says, “Until I found the contract.”

  “And you got scared of me?”

  “Yeah,” she says, “But I also got scared of me.”

  Haley looks out towards the river again.

  “Haley?” I say.

  When she turns back towards me, I grab her face, watch her eyes light up as I move in, and smother her cute little mouth with mine. When Haley kisses me back, I take that as my cue to finally do what I’ve wanted to do ever since I met her: shove my tongue down her throat and fucking devour her. At first, Haley’s tongue is tentative against mine, but then, she starts getting more and more into it until she’s moaning and biting my lip like a total freak. She kisses me like she’s wanted this for a long time.

  As soon as Haley’s teeth come down on my lower lip, my cock goes from zero to hard as fuck in under a second. Holy shit. I was just going to kiss her, t
ell her not to worry about my mom, and take her home, but now, all bets are off. I take a huge handful of one of Haley’s tits, rolling her hard, swollen nipple against my palm, and she pushes it hard against me. Then, Haley lifts one of her legs up and rests it between mine, but I do her one better by spreading her cute little legs apart, laying her down on the bench, and climbing on top of her.

  My cock strains against my pants as I push it hard into the flesh between Haley’s legs. Fuck, it wants to be inside her so bad. And for a few seconds, I actually wonder if Haley’s going to unzip my jeans and let me fuck her right here on the bench. She runs her finger up and down my zipper, then her body jerks a little and she pulls away from me.

  “Jace,” she says, eyes open adorably wide like a bunny in a carrot garden, “This is so dangerous.”

  “That’s why it’s so hot,” I say, licking her nipple through her dress. As I press my mouth into Haley’s amazing tits, she runs her fingers through my hair like I’m eating her out.

  Is that a little subliminal request? I hope so, because ever since that little thigh-licking routine I pulled on her back at the suite, I’m dying to know what she tastes like.

  “Jace, we…have to get out of here,” Haley says, between desperate, horny gasps.

  “You sound wet,” I say, “Is my sweet, innocent stepsister wet for her big, strong stepbrother?”

  “Mmm,” Haley says, shaking her head back and forth.

  “Is that a no?” I ask, “You’re actually trying to pretend like you’re not wet for me right now?”

  I slide my hand up between Haley’s legs, pressing the thickest part of my palm against her soaking wet pussy, and Haley makes a sound that’s somewhere between a moan and a scream.

  “I love that sound. Let’s see how you feel.”

  I curl a few fingers into Haley’s panties and start to pull them to the side, only for her to slide further up the bench.

  “Jace, if you do that, I’m going to scream so loud.”


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