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Another Family Affair

Page 16

by Davies, A. A.

  “Today’s my birthday,” I told him.

  Nick tilted his head, his eyes twinkling. “Is that so.”

  “Yup. I turned twenty-one.” I waited to see if the fact that I was young grossed him out, but it only seemed to make that delicious tick in his jaw beat more. “Does that bother you?” I asked anyway.

  In a quick move, Nick pulled my stool closer to his. He leaned toward me, his hand gripping the seat of the stool that I was currently sitting on. There was hardly any room on it for me, let alone his hand. But when his thumb brushed back and forth over my hip, that touch burned into me. I had jeans on and yet I could still feel him everywhere. Was this normal? Did my parents ever experience this? Jessa?

  “You’re thinking.” Nick pinched my chin. “You need to stop thinking and live a little. Isn’t that why we did what we did tonight?”

  “I was bored.” I wasn’t sure why I said that but a part of me wanted to poke the bear and see how long it would take for him to snap and maul me.

  A wicked grin spread on his face. “Careful, little girl.” He leaned down to my ear, his hot breath scorching the side of my face. “Now that I know what you feel like, I won’t stop until I know what you taste like as well.”

  I swallowed hard, my body heating at what he was suggesting. “Take me out of here,” I heard myself say.

  His body stiffened.

  Ha. Looked like the guy wasn’t expecting me to say that.

  I shoved my head out of his grip and jumped off the stool before stepping between his knees. “You want me again?” I cupped his inner thigh, giving his ear a gentle nip. “Then take me out of here, Nick.”

  In a quick move, he shoved to his feet and grabbed my hand. Leading me out of the club, we quickly walked to what I could only assume was his car. He seemed like the type to have a sports car or a large SUV.

  When we hit the parking lot across the street, Nick quickened his steps, keeping a firm grip on my hand.

  I rushed to keep up with him, the muscles in my legs burning from the excessive use. “Nick.”

  He suddenly stopped in front of a red truck, pulling me in front of him and slammed me up against the side of it.

  All breath escaped me at the rough move. “Nick.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” His hands roamed down my sides before digging into my ass and lifting me into his arms.

  “Make me,” I threw at him.

  He smirked, crushing his mouth to mine.

  The kiss was frantic, fast and all consuming. I had never felt anything like it. Not even earlier that evening in the bathroom stall. I felt this kiss down to my toes. The pleasure tingled over my skin. Even though we were fully clothed, my body burned for him.

  With rough hands, Nick unbuttoned my jeans, pushing the fabric below my ass. His fingers massaged and kneaded my flesh, igniting the raging inferno inside of me.

  Breaking the kiss, he gave me a soft peck before spinning me around.

  My heart raced, my chest rose and fell with ragged breath. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Outside. Late at night. In the damn public no less.

  “Stick your ass out.” His deep voice slid over every inch of me.

  I tilted my hips, waiting, wanting, silently begging for him to do what he did best.

  Nick brushed the hair off the back of my neck and pushed the tip of his cock between my legs. “I’m going to spend the night using your body.” Before I could comment, he thrust inside of me.

  I whimpered, chewing my bottom lip to keep from crying out.

  “You feel how hard I am for you?” His thrusts deepened, his cock hardening even more. “You feel what you do to me?”

  “Yes,” I moaned.

  He chuckled. “Good.” His hips powered back and forth, lifting me onto the tips of my toes with each hard thrust.

  My body tingled, my pussy aching at the rough but delicious use. An electric current rushed through me, the release hitting me fast and sudden.

  Nick grunted, his own orgasm spilling into me.

  My eyes widened, realizing then that he hadn’t used a condom.

  Pulling out of me, he brushed the tip of his cock over my center, his cream coating me.

  I shivered, pushing back into him.

  In his own way, he was marking me, claiming me as his. And I guess I was. For the night anyway.

  * * *


  I had no intention of fucking Rina outside and against my truck for that matter. But there was something about her that I needed. I became addicted and fast. She felt good. So damn good wrapped around me. But stupid me, slipped my dick inside her without covering up first. Once I helped her with her jeans, she told me she was on birth control. Thank God for that.

  When I drove us to my little house just outside the city, I didn’t learn much more about her. Just that she had a sex drive that could bring me to my knees.

  “Fuck.” I cupped the back of her head and forced her mouth further down my throbbing cock.

  She gagged, a low moan escaping her.

  I held her head, liking the feel of her throat working over my dick. She widened her mouth, taking me even deeper. That single action shot through my balls and made me come hard and fast. “Fucking hell.”

  Rina swallowed every drop, gave the tip of my cock a final kiss before sitting back in her seat. She wiped her mouth, her dark eyes meeting mine. “You need to drive faster.”

  I chuckled and like a good little boy, I listened.

  Chapter Four


  Making my way into my parents’ house, I tried to be as quiet as I possibly could. It was only nine in the morning. I was exhausted, sore but absolutely satisfied. I had never felt pleasure like I had last night. Nick did things to my body that I never even knew were possible.

  “You like that, baby?” Nick murmured against my ear. “You like when I choke you?”

  My neck tingled from the way he had kept a firm hold on my throat. He had been gentle in the bathroom stall compared to how rough he had been later on. But I never complained. I never told him no. I never told him that it was too much. I could still see his dark eyes staring down at me. I could still feel his powerful cock inside every inch of my body. I could still feel him dominating me in ways I never thought I would enjoy.

  Making it to my bedroom, I breathed a sigh of relief that my parents weren’t up yet to catch me sneaking in. I had told them that I was spending the night at Jessa’s. After texting her once we got to Nick’s place, I had found out that she was going home with two of the guys she spent the night dancing with. I wasn’t surprised in the least. Men loved her. Especially older ones.

  A soft knock on my door, startled me. “Rina? I heard you come in.”

  I rushed to my dresser and quickly got changed into pajamas before answering the door.

  My mother stared back at me, giving me a small smile. “I wasn’t expecting you home so soon.”

  “Yeah, Jessa had some things to do today and I couldn’t sleep, so I figured I’d come home and maybe sleeping in my own bed would help.” Luckily it wasn’t overly a lie. I always had an issue sleeping in someone else’s bed. Until last night that is when I passed out in Nick’s bed.

  Mom closed the distance between us and pulled me into a hug. “Happy belated birthday. I hope you had fun.”

  I did. More than I could ever tell her. “Thank you, Mom.”

  “Listen, your uncle’s back in town and he’s coming over this evening for dinner. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen him.”

  “Uncle?” I frowned.

  “Yeah.” Mom released me and stepped back out into the hall. “Your dad and his brother had a falling out when you were born. Long story short, their egos got in the way and Nick left.”

  My heart stuttered at the name. “Funny, I met a guy last night at the club, named Nick.”

  “Oh yes. I heard he had gone out for drinks with the guys.” Mom laughed, shaking her head. “I miss those days.”

  Something od
d nudged at me but I couldn’t quite place what it was.

  “How come I never met him or even seen pictures?” I asked, following her downstairs.

  “Because my brother is an ass,” Dad said, coming out of the kitchen with a mug in each hand. “Did you have a good birthday?”

  Eventually. “I did.”

  “Good.” He gave Mom a kiss on the cheek. “Nick will probably be here early. Trying to make up for lost time I guess.”

  While they talked about my uncle, I couldn’t help but wonder exactly who my uncle was. It still didn’t make sense why I never met him or even seen a picture of him. After all of this time.

  Excusing myself, I took a shower and got dressed when my phone dinged with an incoming text. As I was slipping the dress over my head, I glanced at my cell, my stomach flipping.

  Nick: I want to see you later.

  Me: How much later?

  Nick: I have a family thing and then I’m free. I’m itching for a taste of that juicy cunt.

  I shivered at his vulgar words.

  Me: I’m sure I can slip away. I have a family thing too.

  Nick: Family comes first.

  Why did I sense a bit of sarcasm in that text?

  Me: It does. Most times anyway.

  Nick: What are you wearing?

  I laughed.

  Me: A dress.

  Nick: Good. Don’t wear any panties.

  I smirked.

  Me: Wasn’t planning on it.

  Nick: Good girl.

  Me: Have a good day, Nick. See you later tonight.

  Nick: You too, Rina.

  I spent the day doing nothing. It was nice actually. I listened to Nick and didn’t put on any panties but as the hours went on, I found the anticipation getting worse. I was wet for him and he hadn’t even done anything. He made promises and I knew he intended to keep them.

  Later that afternoon, I was sitting outside when I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I put my book down as my parents stepped out into the backyard.

  “Rina, I’d like you to meet your Uncle Nick.” Dad moved to the side as a large man came out of the house.

  When those dark eyes landed on me, my heart fell to the ground beneath me.

  Chapter Five


  As I stared back at my niece, I realized then just how cruel life was. Not only was she my niece, but she was also who I had spent the previous night with. We did things. We did unspeakable things. And now I came to learn that Rina was actually my niece.

  She stood from the patio couch she was sitting on and came toward me. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot.”

  How she could be so calm was beyond me. “It’s nice to finally meet you too.”

  “Good. Now that introductions are done, I’ll grab us a beer.” Jason headed back into the house.

  “I really wish you two would have met sooner,” Liz said. “But better late than never, right?”

  Rina only nodded, crossing her arms under her chest.

  “Well, I’ll let you two get acquainted, while I continue working on dinner.” Before either of us could say anything, Liz headed back into the house.

  Rina and I only stared at each other. As much as this wasn’t right, what we did, what we shared the night before, I couldn’t help but want to go to her. To pull her into my arms. To hold her. Touch her. Be there for her. But that couldn’t happen. What we did. What we shared. It could never happen again. As much as I found myself wanting it to, it wasn’t right. This was all sorts of fucked up.

  “Did you know about this?” Rina finally asked.

  I grunted. “Yeah, because fucking my niece is my kink.”

  Rina’s jaw clenched, her cheeks turning red. “What we did…”

  “It wasn’t our fault. I had no idea who you were.”

  She looked away. “It was fun,” she murmured, her voice soft.

  “It was more than fun, Rina.” I took a step toward her. “It was the best night of my life.”

  She looked at me then, a slow smile spreading on her face. “It was mine too.”

  Before we could elaborate more on the subject, Liz and Jason took that moment to join us.

  Jason tried playing nice, when in all reality, I really wanted nothing to do with my brother. Or half-brother technically. We shared the same father, but our mothers were different. Which still made Rina my niece by blood. My stomach twisted. Fucking hell.

  Jason and I used to be close but after he got the girl, I left. It had been too hard seeing him with Liz. Even though it had been years ago, being near them again made me uneasy.


  My head whipped around as Liz came toward me while Jason stood off to the side, talking to his daughter.

  “I know this is…well…weird.” Liz gave me a small smile.

  She had no idea. “It’s fine.”

  “Is it?” She placed her hand on my arm. “I am sorry. For everything. I never meant to cause a rift between you and your brother.”

  “I know.” I pulled her into my arms, giving her a hug. “It’s fine. I promise.”

  “Okay.” Liz returned the embrace, giving me a gentle squeeze.

  Releasing her, I pulled back the rest of my beer, wishing it was something harder.

  “What’s going on?” Jason asked, joining our little duo.

  “Nothing.” Liz stood on tip toes and placed a soft peck on his cheek. “Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes.” She left us and went back into the house.

  I caught Rina’s gaze.

  Her brow was raised, probably wondering what the hell was going on between me and her parents.


  “Yup,” I said, staring at my niece.

  “We never should have let a woman come between us.”

  I looked at my brother then. I searched his face for a sign that he was lying but when I couldn’t find anything, I clapped his shoulder. “I’m glad we’re talking again.”

  “Me too, brother.” He grinned. “Me too.”


  I slept with my uncle. No. Correction. I fucked my uncle. Or he fucked me for the most part. I couldn’t believe this was happening. After all this time, I finally found a man who made me feel things I never thought I could feel before only to find out that I was related to him. It didn’t matter that they were half-brothers. We were still blood related.

  While I sat at the dining room table, waiting for my mother to dish out dinner, I took a sip of my wine.

  The back of my neck tingled as someone sat beside me. I knew who it was but there was no way I could look at him. I was embarrassed. Memories of the things we had done the night before came rushing back.

  “You’re a little slut, aren’t you? Swallowing my big cock like a fucking whore.”

  My throat burned. I could still feel him sliding along my tongue.

  My core ached, throbbing with need for the man I could never have.

  “Rina, I promise I didn’t know,” Nick’s deep voice slid over every inch of me. “I swear I didn’t.”

  Sitting back in the chair, I placed my ankle on the opposite knee. My dress rode up to my thighs.

  Nick’s dark eyes glanced down at my lap before meeting my gaze. “You can’t do this shit.”

  “I’m not doing anything.” I suddenly remembered that I wasn’t wearing any panties. Because he had been the one to tell me not to since we were meeting up later. But now that he was there, I suddenly felt exposed.

  When I went to lower my foot, he stopped me. His hand cupped my knee, his fingers digging into the bone.

  My skin burned, knowing this wasn’t right but craving his touch just the same.

  While my parents were in the kitchen getting dinner ready, Nick slid his fingers up my inner thigh. His gaze dropped to his hand, his jaw clenching.

  My heart raced at how dangerous this was but exciting just the same. Getting a hint of bravery, I moved my foot from my ankle and placed it on the edge of his seat, opening my
body up to him even more.

  As much as I knew we shouldn’t be doing this, I couldn’t help it when he was looking at me like he wanted to damn near rip me apart.

  When his fingers hit my center, I let out a soft whimper.

  “Shhh…” In a quick move, he thrust his middle finger into my body. The movements were slow and deliberate, almost like he was damn near teasing me. As he kept fingering me, Mom and Dad joined us at the table.

  I lowered my knee, pushed the chair further under the table and grabbed onto Nick’s hand that was currently between my legs. God, I was going to hell but I would sure have a hell of a good time before doing so.

  While my parents and Nick caught up, I looked between both my dad and him. Side by side, you could see the resemblance they shared. They looked like brothers but meeting Nick the night before, I had no idea that he was related to me in any way. Life wasn’t fair.

  Chapter Six


  By the time supper was done, I was damn near vibrating out of my skin. Nick had kept his hand between my legs the whole time. He teased and touched, massaged and tickled, but never let me have that orgasm I craved.

  The fact that he was my uncle should have stopped me, but it didn’t. I wanted him. Maybe I always would. This wasn’t right. No matter how much he made me feel good, this couldn’t happen again. But God, he felt so good at the same time. I was confused. I almost wished my dad and him never reconciled, then I never would have known that he was my uncle. It was selfish of me to think that way but at that point, it was all I had.


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