Essays on Deleuze

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Essays on Deleuze Page 80

by Daniel Smith

  Bakhtin, Mikhail: chronotopes, ref1; free indirect style, ref2

  Balibar, Étienne, ref1

  banks: and banking practices, ref1; convert finance into payment, ref2

  Baroque: concept of, ref1; and Leibniz, ref2; and simulacra, ref3

  Baudrillard, Jean, ref1, ref2

  Beckett, Samuel, ref1, ref2, ref3; and “beckettism,” ref4; and logic, ref5n45; and minor literature, ref6; Molloy, ref7; Murphy, ref8; and schizophrenia, ref9, ref10; Watt, ref11

  becoming, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8; becoming-conscious (and revolution), ref9, ref10; becoming-minor, ref11, ref12, ref13; blocks of, ref14; of concepts, ref15; as Deleuze's method, ref16; in Foucault, ref17; versus history, ref18, ref19; and identity, ref20; in literature, ref21, ref22; in Moby-Dick, ref23; in Plato, ref24, ref25; between philosophy, science, art, ref26; and relations, ref27; in Spinoza, ref28; as surplus value of code, ref29

  Being, ref1; analogy of, ref2; being-with-others (Sartre), ref3; chain of, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7; collective versus distributive sense, ref8, ref9; as a common genus, ref10, ref11; as difference, ref12, ref13; and equality, ref14; and equivocity, ref15; is (est) versus and (et), ref16, ref17; lack of, and desire, ref18; multiple senses of, ref19; as the new, ref20, ref21; as a problem, ref22, ref23, ref24, ref25; multiple senses of (Aristotle), ref26; and univocity, ref27, ref28

  Beiser, Frederick, ref1, ref2n21, ref3n15, ref4n12

  Beistegui, Miguel de, ref1n6, ref2n1, ref3n24

  belief, ref1

  Bene, Carmelo, ref1, ref2

  Benjamin, Walter, and Nazi cinema, ref1

  Berg, Alban, ref1, ref2

  Bergman, Ingmar, Persona, ref1

  Bergson, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6; Badiou on, ref7; on color, ref8n18; Creative Evolution, ref9, ref10; The Creative Mind, ref11; critique of metaphysics, ref12; élan vital, ref13, ref14; on fabulation, ref15; and false problems, ref16; and the Idea of color, ref17; on intuition, ref18; and Leibniz, ref19; on life, ref20; Maimonian themes in, ref21n32; Matter and Memory, ref22, ref23; on mixtures, ref24n3; on modern science, ref25, ref26; on movement, ref27; and novelty, ref28; on the open, ref29; perception as subtractive, ref30; philosophers have one intuition, ref31; pure past, ref32; sugar melting, ref33; Time and Free Will, ref34; two types of multiplicity, ref35

  Berkeley, Bishop, critique of calculus, ref1

  Berlin, Isaiah, “Two Concepts of Freedom,” ref1

  Bernoulli, Jacob, ref1

  Best: as a Leibnizian category, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4; in Plato, ref5

  betrayal, of revolutions, ref1

  Bible, and Spinoza, ref1

  bifurcation, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4; of concepts, ref5

  Binswanger, Ludwig, ref1

  biology, ref1, ref2; and mathematics, in Deleuze, ref3; molecular, ref4, ref5n16; and variation, ref6

  Birmingham, Peg, ref1n1

  Bismark, Wilhelm, ref1, ref2

  Blanchot, Maurice, ref1n16

  Bleuler, Eugen, on schizohrenia, ref1

  block: of becoming, ref1, ref2; conceptual, ref3; of sensation, ref4, ref5; of space-time, ref6

  blockage, conceptual, ref1, ref2, ref3

  body: dis-integration of, ref1; fluids, ref2; in Francis Bacon, ref3; lived, in phenomenology, ref4, ref5; as a model, in Nietzsche, ref6, ref7; non-organic, ref8; and perception, in Kant, ref9; and truth, ref10; two axes of, in Spinoza, ref11; “What can a body do?”, ref12, ref13

  body without organs, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6; in Bacon, ref7; defined, ref8

  Bogue, Ronald, ref1n3

  Bordas-Demoulin, Jean-Baptiste, interpretation of calculus, ref1

  Borges, Jorge Luis, “The Garden of the Forking Paths,” ref1, ref2n35

  Boulez, Pierre, ref1, ref2

  Bouligand, Georges, ref1, ref2, ref3n55

  Boundas, Constantin V., ref1n6

  Bourbaki, Nicholas, ref1, ref2n49

  Bourdieu, Pierre, ref1

  Bousquet, Joë, ref1, ref2n43

  Bradley, F. H., ref1

  brain, ref1; and chaos, ref2; in Nietzsche, ref3

  breakdown: Nietzsche's, ref1; in psychology and economics, ref2; schizophrenic, ref3

  Bresson, Robert, Au hasard, Balthazar, ref1n12

  Brisset, Jean-Pierre, ref1

  Broch, Hermann, on the novel, ref1

  Broglie, Louis de, as politician, ref1

  Bronte, Emily, Wuthering Heights, ref1

  Brouwer, L. E. J., ref1

  Brown, Norman, ref1

  Bruno, Giordano, ref1

  Brunschvicg, Leon, ref1

  Buchanan, Ian, ref1n25, ref2n2

  Buchner, Georg, Lenz, ref1

  buggery, philosophical, in Deleuze, ref1

  Bunge, Mario: on causality, ref1; Causality and Modern Science, ref2

  Burchill, Louise, ref1n16, ref2n4

  Burroughs, William, ref1; and body without organs, ref2; on drugs, ref3, ref4n56; Naked Lunch, ref5; on schizophrenia, ref6

  Butler, Judith, ref1n13

  Butor, Michel, ref1

  Buydens, Mireille, ref1n6

  Caesar, crossing the Rubicon, in Leibniz, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  Cage, John, ref1n84; on “experimentation,” ref2; prepared piano, ref3

  Caiaphas, ref1

  calculus, ref1, ref2n15; and change, ref3; dialectic of, rather than metaphysics, ref4; differential, ref5; dynamic and static interpretations of, ref6; as an exploration of existence, ref7; of extrema, ref8, ref9; history of, ref10; in Leibniz, ref11; mathematical foundations of, ref12; of maxima and minima, ref13, ref14; model of, ref15; pre-scientific interpretations of, ref16; and problems, ref17; static interpretation of, ref18

  Calder case (Canada), ref1

  Caldwell, Erskine, ref1

  Canguilhem, Georges, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4n55

  Cantor, Georg, ref1; and discretization, ref2; and infinitesimals, ref3; set theory, ref4, ref5

  capabilities and capacities, in ethics, ref1

  capital, ref1, ref2; and axiomatics, ref3; discrete and continuous, ref4; as flow, ref5; as full body, ref6; and labor, ref7; as socius, ref8; versus wealth, ref9

  capitalism, ref1; analysis of central to political philosophy, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6; and axiomatics, ref7, ref8; as the conjunction of labor and capital, ref9; defined by lines of flight and minorities, ref10; and Kafka, ref11; Klossowski on, ref12; Marx's definition of, ref13; role of accounting in, ref14

  capture: apparatus of, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4; capturing forces, ref5, ref6, ref7

  Caputo, John, ref1n18

  Carbone, Mario, ref1n1

  caritas (Augustine), ref1, ref2

  Carnot, Sadi, ref1; interpretation of calculus, ref2

  Carroll, Lewis, ref1, ref2

  Cartesian coordinates, ref1, ref2

  cartography, ref1, ref2

  case: in Deleuze and Badiou, ref1; and human rights, ref2; and jurisprudence, ref3; in law, ref4; singular cases, in Klossowski, ref5

  Castoriadus, Cornelius, ref1

  castration, ref1

  catastrophe, in art, ref1

  catatonia, ref1, ref2

  categorical imperative, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

  categories, ref1, ref2; in Aristotle, ref3, ref4; in Deleuze, ref5; in Heidegger, ref6; in Kant, ref7, ref8; in Whitehead and Peirce, ref9n43, ref10n12, ref11n13

  Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, ref1, ref2n34; and analysis, ref3; on calculus, ref4

  causality, ref1, ref2; and association, ref3; emanative, ref4; immanent, ref5; in Kant, ref6; as a Kantian category, ref7; versus reason, in Leibniz, ref8; and sufficient reason, ref9; transitive, ref10; types of, ref11; and univocity (in Spinoza), ref12

  Cavell, Stanley, ref1n5

  Celine, Louis-Ferdinand, ref1

  Cézanne, Paul, ref1; capturing forces, ref2, ref3; and color, ref4; critique of impressionism, ref5; and the figural, ref6; Francis Bacon on, ref7; and the logic of the senses, ref8; on painting, ref9; renounced many paintings, ref10; and sensat
ion, ref11

  chain: of being, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4; signifying, in Lacan, ref5, ref6

  Chambige, ref1, ref2

  chance: in Francis Bacon, ref1; and thought, ref2

  change, ref1, ref2; as an affection of the whole, ref3; and calculus, ref4; pure, ref5

  chaos, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6; and the brain, ref7; chaos theory, ref8, ref9n32; and time, ref10

  chaosmos, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5; as the identity of world and chaos, ref6

  Châtelet, François, ref1, ref2, ref3

  Chestov, Lev, ref1

  chiaroscuro, in ideas, ref1

  choice, ref1; in existentialism, ref2; rational choice theory, ref3

  Chomsky, Noam, on language, ref1

  Chrétien de Troyes, ref1

  Christ, ref1

  Christianity, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5; on creation, ref6; and damnation, ref7; and demonology, ref8; and infinite debt, ref9; modes of subjectivation in, ref10; and the struggle against the passions, ref11; theology as economic, ref12

  Christina, Queen of Sweden, ref1

  chronotopes, in Bakhtin, ref1

  Church fathers, ref1

  cinematographic illusion, ref1

  circumstance, philosophy of, ref1n46

  Civil War, in America, ref1

  claimant, ref1, ref2n17; as conceptual persona, ref3

  class, ref1; class struggle, in Marx, ref2

  clear and distinct ideas, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5n26, ref6n11; Deleuze's critique of, ref7; in Descartes, ref8

  cliche, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6; destruction of, ref7

  clinical (clinique), ref1; becoming of the concept, ref2; and critical, ref3; generalized, ref4; and literary studies, ref5; universal clinical theory, ref6

  close-up, ref1

  closure, metaphysical, ref1, ref2

  code, ref1, ref2; civil, ref3; concept of, ref4; defined, in economics, ref5; of everyday signs, in Klossowski, ref6; genetic, ref7, ref8, ref9; as the inscription of flow, ref10; linked to disjunctive synthesis of recording, ref11; Morse, ref12; not “applied” to a flow, ref13; in painting, ref14, ref15; parallel between biological and social coding, ref16; reciprocally determined with flow, ref17; surplus value, ref18

  Cohen, Hermann, ref1, ref2; and space, ref3

  Cohen, Paul, ref1; and formalization, ref2

  collective, versus distributive, ref1

  Collège de France, ref1

  colonization, ref1, ref2

  color: broken tones, ref1; colorism, ref2; complementary, ref3; as differential relation, ref4; fields of, in Bacon, ref5; in Bergson, ref6, ref7n18; in impressionism, ref8; in painting, ref9, ref10; in perception, ref11; relations of tonality, ref12; two concepts of, ref13; two uses of, in painting, ref14

  common sense, ref1, ref2, ref3; in Aristotle, ref4; in Deleuze, ref5; defined, in Kant, ref6; and the faculties, ref7

  communication, ref1, ref2

  communism, ref1

  Comolli, Jean-Louis, ref1

  complexity theory, ref1, ref2n32

  composition: of affects, ref1; in art, ref2; and minorities, ref3; musical, ref4; of relations (Spinoza), ref5

  computers, ref1; more important than axiomatics, in mathematics, ref2

  concepts: analysis of, in Patton, ref1; in Aristotle, ref2; their becoming, ref3; conceptual blockage, ref4, ref5, ref6; creation of, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11; Deleuze's analytic of, ref12, ref13; empirical, categorical, ideal, ref14; exhausted, ref15; and existence, ref16; as generalities, ref17; internal variations of, ref18, ref19; in Kant, ref20; mutation of, ref21, ref22; in Nietzsche and Whitehead, ref23n2; and percepts and affects, ref24; political, ref25; quasi-concepts, in Derrida, ref26, ref27; relation to percepts, in art, ref28; and schemata, in Kant, ref29; singularities, not universals, ref30

  conceptual persona, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4n20; the friend, ref5; Leviathan, ref6; and truthful person, ref7; noble savage, ref8; Prince, ref9

  concrete: and abstract, ref1; and the discrete, ref2

  condition: versus genesis, ref1, ref2; no broader than conditioned, ref3; not in the image of the conditioned, ref4; of real experience, ref5, ref6, ref7; of sensation, ref8; three types of, ref9; and the unconditioned, ref10

  conic sections, ref1; in Leibniz, ref2

  conjugation, of labor and capital, ref1

  conjunction, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4n45; “is” versus “and,” ref5; in Lewis Carroll, ref6; versus connection, ref7; see also synthesis

  connection, ref1, ref2; and minorities, ref3; versus conjunction, ref4; as synthesis, ref5, ref6; in Lewis Carroll, ref7; see also synthesis

  Conrad, Joseph, ref1

  consciousness, ref1; flux of, ref2; illusions of (Spinoza), ref3; in Kant, ref4; Nietzsche's theory of, ref5

  consistency: of concepts, ref1; endo-, ref2; exo-, ref3, ref4

  contingency, and possibility, in Spinoza, ref1

  continuity, ref1, ref2, ref3; in mathematics, ref4

  continuous variation, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10n49; and economic flows, ref11; in language, ref12

  continuum: an activity of prolongation, ref1; arithmetic, ref2; capital as a, ref3; as a composition, ref4; continuous, and Gödel, ref5; discrete and continuous, ref6; and Ideas, ref7; labyrinth of, ref8; Russell on, ref9n43

  contradiction, ref1; and the “alternative,” ref2; in Hegel, ref3; in Leibniz, ref4; in Marx, ref5; principle of non-contradiction, ref6, ref7

  control, ref1; in Deleuze, ref2

  convention, ref1, ref2

  convergence, ref1; and minorities, ref2; as individuation, ref3; as synthesis, ref4; see also synthesis

  Copernican Revolution, ref1, ref2, ref3

  cosmos, ref1; cosmology, in Kant, ref2; and time, ref3

  Couterat, Louis, on Leibniz, ref1

  crack, of the self, ref1, ref2, ref3

  creation, ref1, ref2; in art, ref3, ref4; in Bergson, ref5; and creationism, ref6; creativeness, ref7; of concepts, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12; and critique, ref13; ex nihilo, ref14, ref15; and impossibility, ref16; Leibniz on, ref17; of modes of existence, ref18; in myth, ref19; of a people, ref20; and philosophy, ref21; Whitehead and creativity, ref22

  credit, ref1

  Cressole, Michel, ref1, ref2

  Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, ref1

  Critchley, Simon, ref1n2

  critical (critique), ref1; becoming of the concept, ref2; and creation, ref3; in Kant, ref4

  critique: immanent, ref1; Kant, ref2; in of reason, ref3

  cummings, e. e., agrammaticalities, ref1

  cupiditas (Augustine), ref1, ref2

  curves: and calculus, ref1; in differential geometry, ref2

  D'Alembert, Jean, on calculus, ref1

  Danto, Arthur, ref1n64

  Davidson, Arnold I., ref1, ref2n1, ref3n23, ref4n24, ref5n31, ref6n15, ref7n16

  debt: as accumulated stock, ref1; and the gift, ref2; infinite, ref3, ref4, ref5; mobile and finite, ref6; as the principle of justice, ref7; as the unit of alliance, ref8

  deception, ref1, ref2

  decision theory, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4; in Badiou, ref5; and judgment, ref6; in Leibniz, ref7

  decoding, ref1, ref2; and capitalism, ref3; decoded flow the nightmare of every society, ref4

  deconstruction, ref1; Deleuze on deconstruction, ref2; and justice, ref3

  Dedekind, Richard: cut, ref1; and discretization, in mathematics, ref2

  deduction: of concepts, ref1; and theorematics, ref2

  deferral, ref1; infinite, in Derrida, ref2

  definition, defined, ref1; nominal and real, ref2; and flows, ref3

  deformation, ref1; in art, ref2; as a technique, in Bacon, ref3, ref4

  Delacroix, Eugène, ref1

  Delanda, Manuel, ref1, ref2n32, ref3n60, ref4n68

  Deleuze, Gilles: authorship with Guattari, ref1; death, ref2; eight-year hole in his life, ref3; a pure metaphysician, ref4, ref5, ref6; respiratory ailments, ref7; indebtedness to S
pinoza and Leibniz, ref8; meets Francis Bacon, ref9; a “naive” philosopher, ref10

  Deleuze, Gilles, works: Abécédaire, ref1, ref2; Anti-Oedipus, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24, ref25n8; Bergsonism, ref26; Capitalism and Schizophrenia, ref27, ref28, ref29, ref30, ref31, ref32, ref33, ref34, ref35, ref36, ref37; Cinema, ref38, ref39, ref40, ref41; Dialogues, ref42; Difference and Repetition, ref43, ref44, ref45, ref46, ref47, ref48, ref49, ref50, ref51, ref52, ref53, ref54, ref55, ref56, ref57, ref58, ref59, ref60, ref61, ref62, ref63, ref64, ref65, ref66, ref67, ref68, ref69, ref70, ref71, ref72, ref73, ref74, ref75, ref76, ref77, ref78, ref79, ref80, ref81, ref82; Empiricism and Subjectivity, ref83, ref84; Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza, ref85, ref86; Essays Critical and Clinical, ref87, ref88, ref89, ref90, ref91; The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque, ref92, ref93, ref94, ref95, ref96; Francis Bacon: Logic of Sensation, ref97, ref98, ref99, ref100, ref101, ref102, ref103n1; “He Stuttered,” ref104; Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature, ref105, ref106; Logic of Sense, ref107, ref108, ref109, ref110, ref111, ref112, ref113, ref114, ref115, ref116, ref117; “Louis Wolfson; or, The Procedure,” ref118; Masochism: Coldness and Cruelty, ref119, ref120, ref121; Negotiations, ref122; Nietzsche and Philosophy, ref123, ref124, ref125, ref126, ref127, ref128, ref129; “Postscript on Control Societies,” ref130; “Postulates of Linguistics,” ref131; Proust and Signs, ref132, ref133, ref134, ref135, ref136, ref137, ref138; A Thousand Plateaus, ref139, ref140, ref141, ref142, ref143, ref144, ref145, ref146, ref147, ref148, ref149, ref150, ref151; The Time-Image, ref152, ref153; What is Philosophy?, ref154, ref155, ref156, ref157, ref158, ref159, ref160, ref161, ref162, ref163, ref164, ref165, ref166

  delirium, ref1, ref2; direct investment of the social field, ref3; and Leibniz, ref4; literature as, ref5; Nietzsche's, ref6

  democracy, ref1

  Democritus, ref1

  demonology, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4; and Klossowski, ref5

  demonstration: and discovery, ref1; in Leibniz, ref2

  denotation, ref1; in Russell, ref2

  depression, ref1; Great Depression, ref2

  depth: in Klossowski, ref1; and surface, ref2

  Derrida, Jacques, ref1, ref2, ref3; aporia, Derrida's use of term, ref4; Aporias, ref5; on the call, ref6; Deleuze on deconstruction, ref7; and Deleuze, on Ideas, ref8; and democracy, ref9; and différance, ref10, ref11, ref12; on double bind, ref13; “Force of Law,” ref14, ref15, ref16; on forgiveness, ref17; and the gift, ref18; and Hegel, ref19; and Heidegger, ref20n7; and Husserl, ref21; hymen, ref22; on Ideas, ref23n28; immanence and transcendence in, ref24; on judgment, ref25; and justice, ref26; and Levinas, ref27; logocentrism, ref28; on Marxism, ref29n7; messianicity, ref30; and negative theology, ref31; overcoming metaphysics, ref32; parergon, ref33; pharmakon, ref34; The Post Card, ref35; supplement, ref36; on writing, ref37n34


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