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True as an Arrow

Page 1

by Sean Michael

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Title Page

  Book Description

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  A Totally Bound Publication

  True as an Arrow

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-461-4

  ©Copyright Sean Michael 2015

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright February 2015

  Edited by Stacey Birkel

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2015 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Totally Bound Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Burning and a Sexometer of 3.


  Sean Michael

  Will new revelations about Hunter’s desires rekindle the romance with Kyle or put an end to things?

  Committed couple Hunter and Kyle have been together a long time. They love each other very much, but they’re apart a lot, and there are very few surprises left in the bedroom anymore—or are there?

  When business trips lead Hunter to some eye-opening time on the Internet, he discovers a side to himself that he never knew existed. The kinky things he learns make him want Kyle all the more, make him want to go home and play all sorts of naughty games. He feels compelled to tell Kyle about it, even if he’s embarrassed, wanting to be honest. Will their relationship survive his revelation? Or will Kyle be disgusted by this new side of him?

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Vicks VapoRub: Proctor & Gamble

  Google: Google Inc.

  LovingMen: LovingMen

  McDonald’s: McDonald’s

  Chapter One

  Kyle smoothed the suit as he packed it into Hunter’s garment bag. He added three shirts—a white, a dark gray and the white with thin pink pinstripes that looked so good on his man. Socks and underwear tucked into the zippered bag at the bottom, along with Hunter’s dress shoes. Four ties clipped easily to the suit hanger, and, on a whim, he added the Tasmanian devil tie.

  There, perfect.

  He zipped the garment bag up, made sure that the neck pillow was on top of Hunter’s briefcase then slipped back into their bedroom.

  Sliding under the covers, Kyle curled up against his beautiful man. Hunter was tall and well-built. He had a belly Kyle both envied and admired and the best pecs ever. His dark hair curled slightly at this length, and behind dark, thick lashes were the most beautiful brown eyes Kyle’d ever seen.

  “Time to wake up, babe.” He gently tickled Hunter’s ribs.

  “Damn early risers.” Hunter chuckled, tugged him close. “Hey, lover. Do I have to?”

  He kissed his way along Hunter’s jaw. “You need to be at the airport in about an hour and a half.” Which gave him more than enough time to wake Hunter up properly.

  “Man… I should become a beach bum.” Hunter squeezed his ass with big, square hands.

  Wriggling his butt, Kyle tilted his head and imagined Hunter in Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. They would definitely clash unless Hunter let him choose. “I don’t know—all that sand in inconvenient places.”

  “Yeah, chafing is crappy. Hate the long trips, though.” Hunter grinned, nipped his bottom lip. The man did security program audits all over the country—the hours sucked, but the money wasn’t bad at all.

  “You’ll be home before you know it. I’ll make a roast beef dinner with potatoes, Brussel sprouts, and Yorkshire pudding—the works.” He let his hand slide down over the landscape of awesome muscles, headed for Hunter’s beautiful cock.

  “You spoil me.” Hunter’s cock was still mostly asleep, but beginning to fill. “And I’ll bring you something wonderful from… Where am I going? Chicago?”

  “Boston! Chicago is next month.” Kyle pressed a kiss to Hunter’s sternum. “And I like spoiling you.”

  “Love you, babe.” Hunter tangled his fingers in Kyle’s hair.

  “Mmm. I love you, too.”

  Soft and lazy, Kyle worked his kisses downward. It was warm under the covers, and it smelled like the two of them. Hunter shifted that perfect, flat belly for him, parting his heavy thighs. He slipped between them, fitting just right, and rubbed his cheek over Hunter’s abdomen. He could feel the heat of Hunter’s cock rising to meet him.

  “Lover.” Hunter moved his legs, pushed them against Kyle.

  “Mmm…” Kyle turned his head down and licked at the tip of the perfect erection. Soft-skinned and salty, hot and swollen—he wrapped his lips around it. He hummed happily and set to slowly going down on Hunter, taking it all in.

  “Fuck, lover.” Hunter rocked his hips, and Hunter’s lovely cock spread Kyle’s lips.

  He let Hunter have his mouth, loving the feeling of thin, velvet skin over hard heat against his lips, his tongue.

  Hunter hummed and groaned, murmuring softly to him, letting him know how good it was. “Turn and I’ll do you, too, lover. Let you have my mouth.”

  Only a fool would say no to something like that.

  Kyle let go of Hunter and shifted until his cock was up at Hunter’s head, then he went back to what he’d been doing. Hunter took him in, the pressure growing steadily as Hunter loved on him. Kyle closed his eyes and breathed it all in, his throat working around the tip of Hunter’s cock. Hunter’s mouth knew exactly what to give him, how to give it to him, the warm hands pulling him in deep.

  Kyle loved the circle of pleasure they made, his sounds coming out of Hunter’s mouth, his sucking pulling at his own cock. Hunter rocked, cock slipping a little deeper, the suction that much harder. Fuck. Fuck, yes.

  Kyle sucked at Hunter’s erection for all he was worth, his hips beginning to move against his will. He just couldn’t keep them still. Hunter answered in kind, pulling at him, taking him in and in and in. He found Hunter’s balls, teased and tugged on them, giving his lover that little bit more.

  The sound of Hunter just about to come made him crazy. He lost it, his own erection spurting as he pulled on Hunter’s cock. Hunter tasted salty, bitter and all male as spunk splashed over his tongue. Kyle swallowed it all down and kept sucking, encouraging every little drop out.

  “Mmm. Damn, lover. Blow my mind.”r />
  “Aha. I always knew your brains were in your dick.” Grinning, he wriggled back up so they could share kisses.

  “Dork.” Hunter swatted his ass, lazily.

  He moved, rubbing up against Hunter’s great body. “Your dork.”

  “Mmmhmm. Mine.” Hunter sighed, hugged him tight.

  He patted Hunter’s chest. “You’ll be back home before you know it.”

  “Yep. Love you.”

  Kyle turned Hunter’s face to his, looking into his lover’s eyes. “And I love you.”

  “I know.” Hunter grinned, kissed his nose. “Gotta hustle, lover. I’ll see you next week.”

  He nodded. “I have coffee on, and it’ll only take me a minute to whip you up some eggs.” He got up and started pulling out the clothes Hunter would wear for his flight. “Everything but your toiletries has been packed.”

  “You spoil me.”

  “That’s my job, isn’t it? Spoiling the man I love.”

  Hunter grabbed him, tugged him in for another kiss.

  “Yeah, lover. Thank you.”

  “Just come home safe.”

  “I promise.”

  The conversation was always the same.

  “Good.” Kyle took one more kiss, then got out of bed and went to make Hunter’s breakfast.

  * * * *

  God, what a day.

  Hunter plopped down on the bed, kicked off his shoes, and grabbed his phone. Dialed home.


  “Hey, lover.” He leaned back, tried to smile.

  “Hunter. I was hoping that was you and not a client.”

  “A client? This late? We’ve got months to Christmas.”

  “It’s just been a day, love.” Kyle sighed. “I miss you.”

  “I hear you.” Hunter sighed, rubbed his forehead. “Tell me about your day.”

  “I couldn’t find anything I needed, I had three emergency calls, although when is it ever not an emergency?” Kyle chuckled. “I’m sure you don’t want to hear me whine. How did your day go? Is the hotel nice?”

  “It’s a hotel. There’s a bed and Wi-Fi.” He grinned. He couldn’t fathom doing Kyle’s job. Personal shopping for others was… Yeah.

  “So you can surf for porn and go to sleep satisfied.” Kyle laughed softly.

  “Exactly. Did you eat supper?”

  “Not yet. I have stew heating. You?”

  “I grabbed some wrap thing. It had lettuce.”

  Kyle laughed again for him, like he’d been aiming for. “Sounds nice and uh, healthy.”

  “Yep. Gotta watch my girlish figure.”

  “There’s nothing girlish about you, babe.”

  “No?” He flexed, even though there wasn’t someone to see it.

  “Mmm. No, no, not girlish. I was thinking more studly.”

  “Yeah. You and me, we’re hot.”

  He could almost hear Kyle preen through the line. “Thanks, babe.”

  “Anytime. Anytime at all.”

  “I miss you,” Kyle said softly.

  “Ditto.” Hunter sighed, feeling worn out and bored and maudlin.

  “I guess I should let you go…”

  “We could just talk all night.” He grinned, rubbed his forehead. “But then where would I be in the whole porn-watching schedule?”

  “Oh, we can talk! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like I was rushing you off the phone.”

  “Tell me what happened with your day, lover. You sound all stressed out and shit.”

  “You sure you want to hear all the piddly little details?”

  He thought he could hear Kyle settle in on the leather couch, though.

  “I’m positive.” He wanted to hear everything.

  There was a soft little laugh, and Kyle started to talk, telling him about clients with last-minute, impossible requests and clerks who were assholes. “Well, didn’t he change his tune when I spoke to the manager and explained how I and my multi-millionaire clients would no longer be patronizing his establishment.”

  Hunter applauded, laughed softly. “You kick their asses, lover.”

  “I did. I don’t expect people to fawn over me or treat me like royalty, but when did common courtesy become something extraordinary?”

  “I don’t know, lover. In the Eighties, I think.”

  Kyle laughed, and he could hear his lover relaxing in the sound.

  “Well, I’m going to reward the people who want my business and ignore the rest! Maybe I’ll write a book about the dying art of customer service.”

  “That would rock.” He fought his laughter.

  “Don’t you laugh at me, Hunter Greenway. I bet it would make a mint.”

  “I’m not, lover. I swear.” The chuckles bubbled out.

  “You are, too!” Kyle was laughing now, too. “I am so going to write it now, and then take you out for the most expensive meal you’ve ever had on the profits.”

  “Promises, promises. You’ll have to take me to Rome.”

  “Oh, I’d love to go back. I think that was my favorite vacation—or maybe when we went to Rio…”

  “Mmm. You on a nude beach. Loved it. I liked skiing in Vermont, too, though.”

  “I want to go on that Alaskan cruise next. I bet that’s going to be awesome.”

  “Mmm. Hell, yeah. You want to go after the holidays?”

  “Oh, I do. I’ll look into it, get some prices and options for you to look at when you get home.”

  Hunter could hear the excitement in Kyle’s voice, even as his lover slipped into super-efficient personal shopper mode.

  “Perfect.” He stretched, yawned a little.

  “You sound tired. Was it a productive day, at least?”

  “The first day is always the hardest. Tomorrow I’ll do my next run-through, then I’ll start being a hard ass.”

  “Mmm, I like your hard ass.”

  That made him chuckle. “Perv.”

  “Me? Nah, not as big a perv as my boyfriend.”

  “You have a boyfriend? Dude!” He couldn’t stop his laughter.

  “Butthead.” Kyle was laughing, too, the sound sweet.

  That was better. “Yep.” He stretched, legs sprawling out.

  “Good thing I love you.”

  “Yes.” Absolutely.

  Kyle chuckled again at that. “Oh, damn, that was the oven. The bread is ready. You wanna hold on a second while I get my food, or do you have stuff to do?”

  “Go eat, lover. I’m going to grab a shower and get some sleep, huh?” He was stiff and willing to take the chance for sleep while his body was asking for it.

  “Okay, I will. Call me tomorrow when you get back. And, Hunter?” Kyle paused for a moment, then added softly, “I love you.”

  “I know. Love you.” Hunter hung up and sighed, let his eyes drop closed.


  So fucking tired.

  Chapter Two

  Hunter’s eyes popped open, the hotel lights confusing him for a second.

  Wait. Wait. Oh, man.

  He was still in his shirt and slacks, still draped over the bed. He rolled over, blinked at the clock.

  Three-thirty. Fabulous.

  Fucking time zones. Fucking travel.

  He stumbled across the floor, stripping clothes as he went. Shower. Water. Soap. Something.

  Hunter left the bathroom lights off and bathed, the warm water relaxing him, easing his sore muscles. He did his best not to wake up all the way—to keep it low key and mostly asleep. By the time he was clean, though, that plan wasn’t working. He was three-quarters hard, the hot water was lukewarm at best and he was nowhere near sleepy.

  Damn it.

  He hopped out, grabbed a towel and made a pot of decaf in the little en-suite coffeemaker. Maybe he should just check his email. There was a note from Kyle, saying good night and good morning and don’t spend all night watching porn, with a winking smiley face.

  Porn. That might do it. A little happy porn, an orgasm then boom, sleeping. He li
ked it.

  Hunter opened up a browser, started searching Google. There was a huge choice, from movie and picture sites to chat rooms to for-pay stuff in just about every flavor he could dream up. He clicked through LovingMen and some of the others, rolling his eyes, then he found a link that was called simply ForMen.

  When he clicked on the link, it led him to a classy, simple page, all black with a single picture of a muscled guy, bound and tied, kneeling on the ground. Pretty. There was a link to a chat room with a spattering of usernames displayed, everything from TopDog to BottomSlut.

  Wow. Wow.

  He looked at the picture again, surprised that his cock jerked. There didn’t seem to be another gallery or anything, though. Just the chat room. Weird.

  He opened another tab, went back to Google. He didn’t want to chat. He just wanted to get off, real quick. It niggled at his mind, though. Especially the name ‘Sir T’.


  Nothing else caught his interest, and he wasn’t any closer to getting off than he had been.

  Damn it.

  Finally he went back to chat room tab, typed in the nickname ‘Arrow’ and joined.

  There were a spate of hello and Yo s, then Sir T also greeted him.

  Sir T: Arrow.

  Arrow: Hello.

  He leaned back against the headboard. There weren’t a lot of people—maybe ten—but it was enough that the conversations moved pretty fast and he had to read quickly to keep up with most of it.

  Sir T: Not straight as, I hope

  He chuckled. It had been the first thing that had popped into his head, really. Besides, arrows were kind of phallic.

  Arrow: No. Not straight at all.

  Sir T: Excellent. What do u look like?

  He was tempted to say short and skinny. Nobody told the truth on the Internet, right? You could be anyone you wanted to be. He knew he looked good, though. He didn’t have any reason to fabricate his appearance.


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