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Cowboy Doms Collection

Page 67

by BJ Wane

  I’m a failure, and that will never change. He blinked, fighting the gathering dampness blurring his vision as he thought he recognized Ms. Meyers as the passenger in the vehicle up ahead. Hadn’t Dan mentioned before leaving this morning he would be meeting up with her at the fair? Pete, Morales and Bertie had gotten a kick out of ribbing their boss over his interest in the woman, surprised when he didn’t deny he’d planned on it being permanent. Curiosity, and a nagging sense of worry prodded him into sending a quick text to Dan, adding he thought something might be wrong when the car swerved from the erratic driving of whoever was behind the wheel.

  Ten minutes later, Pete was wrestling over whether to continue going straight past the upcoming intersection and on into Billings in pursuit of temporary numbness from his pain, or to stay with Ms. Meyers until he was sure she would be okay. She looks fine and is not my problem. I need… “Son-of-a-bitch!” he swore aloud as the driver brought down the butt of a gun on her temple when Ms. Meyers lunged toward her, making a grab for the wheel.

  Making a lightning fast decision, praying it wasn’t a mistake and landed her in more danger, he swung right, cutting off the car as it slowed to make the turn, hoping his impact on the rear end didn’t cause her more harm.

  Dan checked the time again, wondering what the hell was keeping Nan. When Grayson asked him about their relationship, he’d wanted nothing more than to admit to his feelings and hope they could make their current arrangement permanent. But Nan deserved to hear that first and he was itching to clear the air between them as soon as possible. As late morning passed into early afternoon with no sign of her, his eagerness turned to annoyance. Regardless of their previous relationship, or the reason for their bargain that was supposed to only last until she had overcome her trauma, he was tired of her pulling away from him. When he got his hands on her again, he planned to lay it on the line, tell her in no uncertain terms how they would be going forward and reinforcing his intentions with a long, overdue spanking.

  As Grayson returned leading his horse carrying the last rider for now, Dan pulled out his phone to call Nan, tired of waiting. Seeing a missed text, he started to pull it up when another one came in, this one making his blood run cold as fear threatened all rational sense.

  “What’s wrong?” Grayson’s sharp, demanding tone broke through Dan’s paralyzing disbelief as he thrust Pete’s message toward him. He scanned the message then said exactly what Dan was thinking. “Fuck, let’s go.”

  “Take over,” Dan called out to the college kid helping at the riding ring. Without waiting for a reply, he jumped into the passenger seat of Grayson’s cruiser parked in the field outside the makeshift coral.

  “We’ll head north, cut across the bluff and reach that corner in five minutes. What the hell’s going on?” Grayson floored the accelerator, bouncing the SUV over the rough terrain with a tight grip on the wheel and a concerned frown darkening his face.

  “I don’t know, just step on it,” Dan growled as he read the previous text, thankful Pete had noticed Nan and followed when the driver’s behavior looked suspicious. He couldn’t come up with a plausible reason for her to be on that road instead of at the fair with him, but given the harassment of the past few weeks, he wasn’t leaving anything to chance.

  They cleared the rise above the backroads intersection just in time to watch Pete ram his truck into the back of a compact sedan. Grayson sped forward, both of them swearing and reaching for the rifle on the rack above the seat as Nan stumbled from the car as soon as it stalled. Dan saw red when he noticed the trickle of blood dripping down from her forehead and vowed someone would pay for hurting her.

  Disoriented, Nan fell to the grassy ground then struggled to her feet, fearing for her life. Her heart pounded with the panic clamping her throat closed as two shots rent the air, one slamming into Pete’s shoulder as he rushed forward and tackled her back to the ground with a heavy grunt, the other sending Alice flying backward with a neat hole in her forehead.

  “No!” Scooting out from under her protector’s body, she scrambled to her knees, frantically pressing her hands against Pete’s blood-soaked shoulder, tears streaming down her face. “Where did you come from? Who…” She sobbed, saying, “You saved my life.”

  Pete offered a weak smile, reaching up to grip her hand, his pale face reflecting calm relief. “No, ma’am. Believe it or not, I think you saved mine.”

  And then Grayson and Dan were there, taking over as the sheriff checked to ensure Alice was dead and Dan stooped down next to them, pulling a roll of gauze from a medical kit.

  “It looks like it went right through.” Wrapping the bandaging around the wound to stem the flow of blood, he looked into Pete’s painfilled eyes and whispered, “Thank you.”

  Nan kept hold of his hand, the chain of events a jumbled blur as she replayed Pete’s timely interference followed by Dan and Grayson’s arrival. All she knew for certain was life was too short to second guess feelings. With sirens and flashing lights heralding the arrival of more cops and an ambulance, abundant questions that needed answering and her body racked with nausea and pain, she turned on Dan as Grayson helped Pete stand. Heedless of who heard, she grabbed his shirt, pulling up onto her toes with a furious whisper. “Damn it, Shylock, what we used to have, that was before…”

  She choked as he lowered his head, his dark eyes as warm as the brush of his lips over hers and his voice. “That was then, and this is now. I love you, Nan.” A euphoric sense of relief flooded her system as she sagged against him, convinced the trauma of her past was finally over.

  Dan’s words and his hovering, protective presence the next few hours eased the stress of getting her stomach pumped and going over the series of events with Grayson that had resulted in Alice’s death and Pete’s injury. There were no words for Nan to express her deep gratitude to Dan’s troubled employee, or how much more she now resented the Avet family for what Gerard and his mother had put her through. As Dan drove her home from Billings several hours later, she nodded off against his shoulder, relaxing and feeling good for the first time all day.

  Dan stripped Nan and settled her in his bed before undressing and joining her. God, he was tired, he admitted, pulling her into his arms, relishing her soft curves molding to his side. He didn’t know how long it would take to dislodge his heart from his throat, where it had been stuck since seeing that crazed woman aiming a gun at Nan. Nothing could have clarified his feelings so effectively or cemented his future intentions faster than coming close to losing her yet again. He owed Pete a debt he could never repay and hoped he took him up on his offer to stay on at the ranch after his probation was up. From the way he’d left Bertie hovering over Pete in the barracks, he knew his foreman would ensure Pete’s acceptance.

  He still wasn’t happy Grayson had taken the shot Dan felt should have been his. His friend’s terse reply, “I’m the sheriff, less paperwork,” did little to appease him after Nan relayed the scope of Alice Avet’s attempts to delay and discredit her testimony against Gerard while sitting in the emergency room being pumped full of toxin-killing drugs. Tightening his arms around her, he settled on gratitude for good timing and pure blind luck.

  “So,” Nan whispered against his chest, her soft breath stirring his nipple into puckering, “how long do you think we’ve felt this way about each other?”

  A low rumble of laughter shook his chest. “Longer than either of us will admit. I’m sure there’s a lesson to be learned there.”

  Nan giggled, a rare sound coming from her as she pulled away and climbed on top of him. Straddling his hips, she reached down to grip his straining cock. “The only lessons I’m interested in learning are those that can make me feel this,” she lowered herself by slow increments onto his shaft, “good.” She sighed as she settled her soft, plump ass on his groin.

  With her snug pussy hugging his rock-hard flesh, he gripped her hips and lifted, dragging his rigid length along her slick walls. “Then I’ll get started teaching right a

  Dan’s heart finally settled back into his chest as she arched above him, crying out, “I love you, Master Dan,” as he surged up inside her.


  Two months later

  The bailiff opened the door into the front of the courtroom and nodded at Nan. “They’re ready for you, miss.”

  Rising from the hall bench, she ran clammy palms down her sides before crossing the hall on rubbery legs. No matter how many times she told herself she could handle seeing Gerard again, she continued to wonder if that were true. Despite the hours Dan spent tutoring her on her testimony, giving her pointers, telling her what to say, and not say to certain questions, a small sliver of insecurity remained.

  Offering her a smile of encouragement, the bailiff ushered her forward with a wave of his hand. “Deep breath, miss. Everything will be fine.”

  “Let’s hope,” she replied, gazing into the courtroom. Instead of looking toward the defendant’s table, she sought the front row, every roiling emotion inside her settling when she saw the two most important people in her life sitting side by side. With Dan and Jay there, giving her their undivided support, how could she go wrong? Seeing Tamara, Sydney and Avery behind them was icing on the cake, their surprise presence sending a warm glow coursing through her. If they were in New Orleans, Nan didn’t doubt their husbands were here also.

  Her heart rolled over as she entered, taking the first step toward a bright and promising future.

  The End

  Submitting to Two Doms

  Cowboy Doms, Book Five

  Published by Blushing Books

  An Imprint of

  ABCD Graphics and Design, Inc.

  A Virginia Corporation

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901


  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The trademark Blushing Books is pending in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  BJ Wane

  Submitting to Two Doms

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-64563-103-3

  Print ISBN: 978-1-64563-111-8


  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book contains fantasy themes appropriate for mature readers only. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual sexual activity.

  Chapter 1

  Curiosity killed the cat. That could also be said for her concentration, Kelsey mused as yet another soft cry echoed up from the lower floor and distracted her from the numbers on the computer screen before her. Do not leave the office tonight, no matter what. Due to the secluded location of this private establishment, her foster father had insisted on driving her tonight and dropping her off with that dictate, one Jared Markham, the owner, had reiterated before leaving her alone in his office to audit the club’s books. Twenty-nine years old and Jordan still keeps an overprotective eye on me. She shook her head ruefully. It was hard to get upset with either Jordan or his wife, Theresa since they were the closest thing to family she’d ever known.

  A shiver racked Kelsey’s body as the suspicious sound of leather snapping against bare skin reached her ears, the high-pitched shriek that followed making her jump. She didn’t know much about her accounting firm’s new client except that Dominion was a private club and the only time she could audit their books was in the evening as there was no one around during the day. But putting two and two together was easy and she knew, just knew she was inside a kink club for the first time. Growing up in Philadelphia, she’d heard all about the decadent social pleasures Pennsylvania’s largest city boasted.

  “It’s none of my business. Focus, girl,” Kelsey lectured herself as she calculated the debit column for the third time. Odds were, the long dry spell since her last relationship ended contributed to her mind insisting on straying toward those foreign sounds. I mean, really, who shrieks like that during sex? Not her, that was for sure. As much as she loved doing the horizontal nasty and missed getting naked and sweaty with a hard male body, her orgasms had never rendered her a mindless ninny nor were powerful enough to draw a cry out of her.

  She made it through the debit column before a low moan resonated upstairs, sounding as if it had been wrenched from a tortured woman’s throat just outside the open door. Kelsey glanced out into the hall and at the rail along the catwalk circling the lower floor. What could one peek hurt? Just enough to satisfy my curiosity so I can concentrate on work.

  “Oh, hell, why not?” she muttered, pushing back from the desk. She wouldn’t get any work done at this rate. Her sneakered feet were quiet on the carpet as she stepped into the hall and sidled over to the far corner where she could stay partially hidden. She knew she shouldn’t be risking this. If caught going against a client’s instructions, she could lose her job, and the last thing she ever wanted to do was disappoint the McAllisters who had taken her in and kept her after the second foster family in five years turned her back over to the state.

  Kelsey’s life before the age of five was as murky as the Hudson River, her only memory that of holding a small black puppy while angry male voices followed by a series of loud, unexplainable noises filtered through a closed door. She remembered nothing else, not even how she ended up a ward of the state. No one had claimed her then and no one had stuck with her in the twenty-four years since, not those foster parents or counselors poking at her memory between the ages of five and ten, and not one of the four men she’d enjoyed a relationship with in the last ten years. Only Jordan and Theresa, who never let the fact she wasn’t biologically theirs matter. She would do anything for them, including putting up with their ever watchful, overprotective concern that could, at times, stifle and irritate the hell out of her.

  I’ll make it fast, she promised herself. Just a quick look, enough to answer the plaguing questions each of those sounds kept popping up. Leaning sideways, she peered down, her knees almost buckling at what she saw. The dimmer lighting didn’t hide the odd contraptions both men and women were bound to or the apparent pleasure they reaped from their partner’s attention and the public exhibitionism. Weren’t they embarrassed? she wondered, gazing down upon the pale, stripped bodies on display.

  Kelsey shifted her eyes around the room and zeroed in on a tall man standing right below her, his face revealing displeasure as he appeared to rebuke the blonde who trembled before him wearing nothing but a sheer, thigh-length slip. She could only catch snippets of the man’s deep voiced lecture. “…attitude… not acceptable… know better… I’m disappointed….” The young girl paled at that last utterance and tears pooled in her eyes as she lowered her head.

  Slapping a hand over her mouth, Kelsey watched wide-eyed as the girl slid her hands under her slip and lowered her panties to mid-thigh. With a barked order, the man snapped his fingers and pointed to the arm of the sofa next to them. Other people milled about, some pausing to watch as the subdued girl turned and positioned her hips on top of the arm, the slip inching up, baring her butt as she braced on her elbows and lowered her head to the sofa seat. Kelsey’s legs gave out and she squatted down, which wasn’t far considering at five-foot-two she was already halfway there.

  She wasn’t surprised when the man pulled his arm back and swatted the blonde’s butt, but the ripple of shocked awareness warming her body with as much heat as she imagined those fleshy cheeks were feeling did. Oh, that’s just wrong. Kelsey groaned as the girl lifted her butt and pushed back, as if begging for more, which he delivered with enough force to jiggle the rounded globes. “Knock it off you two,” she hissed under her breath when her nipples puckered in response to the scene. “This is not our thing, so don’t get any ideas.” But when the next spank reddened the under curve of the girl’s right buttock and her stomped bar
e foot in reaction earned her a sharp-voiced reprimand and a smack that pushed her forward on the seat, Kelsey’s long neglected pussy spasmed and went damp. Fisting her hands, she rolled her eyes and cast a quick look down between her bent legs. “You too, you slutty bitch. Behave!”

  If she didn’t get back to work soon, her own butt might be in trouble, but she couldn’t seem to pull herself away from that one scene. Not understanding why those two enthralled her, she forced herself to scope out some of the other activities. The two women kneeling at a man’s feet with their heads bent over his straining cock was certainly eye-catching and worth ogling for a few moments, as was the woman writhing under her raised, chained arms as two men dropped melted wax onto her nipples. Kelsey’s nubs heated and pulsed even though she couldn’t imagine ever agreeing to try such a painful thing, her body’s continued betrayal giving her something to think about. But two men? Well, what red-blooded woman didn’t fantasize about that ultimate pleasure? She wondered if she would shy away from such an offer if she were ever lucky enough to get one.

  Her gaze followed one man’s hands as they stroked down the young woman’s waist and thighs before trailing up the insides of her spread legs. A shudder ran through Kelsey as he cupped the woman’s bare labia, her head dropping back as her hips thrust forward into the cupped palm. She had never considered going further than keeping her pubic hair neatly trimmed but witnessing the woman’s reaction to such a light touch on that sensitive skin gave her one more thing to think about.


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