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Cowboy Doms Collection

Page 82

by BJ Wane

  “As a heart attack. But because you are a newbie and still learning, we won’t forbid you from getting yourself off.” With a playful yank on her hair, Greg winked and walked toward the front door.

  “See you at dinner.” Devin chucked her under the chin and left with Greg, neither man looking back.

  Pushing to her feet, Kelsey padded down the hall to the bathroom. She hadn’t minded masturbating before meeting those two, but now the prospect wasn’t as appealing. Stepping into the shower under the hot spray, she leaned against the wall and dipped one finger inside her pussy, going straight for her clit. Her still damp muscles fluttered as she milked the swollen nub for a quick release. Within seconds, an orgasm clutched around her invading digit, a pleasant, brief euphoria that fell far short of what Greg and Devin could deliver, either separately or together. God, she hoped in her pursuit of a pleasant distraction during these few weeks she hadn’t doomed any future relationships once she returned home. Wouldn’t that suck above all else?

  Chapter 11

  Greg twisted in the saddle to check on Kelsey for about the fifth time since heading out an hour ago. The Kilpatricks had arrived first thing that morning, just in time to enjoy a big breakfast with everyone. Otis and Silas hadn’t wasted any time taking off for the creek right after eating and he’d left Devin behind to outfit the hunting group with mounts before leading them west to get an early start on grouse hunting since the birds were more active in the early morning cooler hours. He would only go so far with the group as they were familiar with Montana’s hunting ranges, miles away from the ranch’s hiking and riding trails, making it safe to shoot hunting rifles. After testing the young newlyweds and the fifty-something Kilpatricks on their proclaimed riding skills, Greg had started the long, scenic trail ride up the hills, leaving the quicker, shorter route for the return trip down. Once Devin made sure the hunters were acclimated, he planned to meet up with Greg, Kelsey and the two couples on the flattops for a picnic lunch before making the ride back down off the hills with them.

  He didn’t know what was bugging him today, but some sixth sense kept prodding Greg into keeping an even closer eye on Kelsey. There was no physical reason why he should feel that urge; she appeared fine. For the first time, she had ventured over to the social hall for breakfast that morning and greeted everyone with her usual cheeky flare, putting her work off to join them. He and Devin had checked on her last night before turning in, only to find her snuggled comfortably in bed, sleeping peacefully. Their scene yesterday must have agreed with her even though she hadn’t looked happy about having to see to her own release. He still found her surprised, disgruntled glare amusing.

  But an itch had settled between his shoulders as soon as they hit the trails, an unsettling case of the jitters he hadn’t experienced since leaving the FBI. If it kept up, he planned to call Jordan this evening to see if there was any new information about the man who had attacked Kelsey. Seated on Cleo with a contented smile, her head cocked as she listened to something the Kilpatricks were saying, she appeared at ease. She looked up just then, her cheeks taking on a rosy hue he suspected had nothing to do with the unseasonable, mid-eighties temperature as they attempted to assess each other with their eyes. The girl was definitely not a twenty-four-seven submissive, which suited him just fine, or would if she weren’t returning home soon.

  “We’ll be happy to change places with her,” Vickie drawled. The young bride’s mouth curled in a knowing smile.

  Greg tipped his hat lower and shook his head. “No need, just making sure everyone’s still with us and not having a problem with their mount. Look there, through the trees.” Pulling to a halt, he pointed toward the mountain goat gingerly making its way down the hillside. He took a few moments to relate some facts about the habitat and other animals to watch for before moving again.

  They emerged from the forested trail onto the flattop thirty minutes later to find Devin with his binoculars out, already scouting for wildlife sightings. “This is almost barren compared to the mountainside trek we just took,” Mr. Kilpatrick commented as he dismounted and lifted his arms to assist his wife. She didn’t need the help – both of them had proved to be excellent horsemen – but her smile as she slid into his arms indicated she enjoyed her husband’s chivalry.

  “It has its own beauty.” Devin lowered the binoculars and handed them to Kelsey as the others stretched their legs. “Just be sure you stay several feet back from the ledges. Look north. That’s a herd of mule deer.”

  Devin’s face softened as Kelsey looked through the glasses and said, “Hey, they’re kind of cool.” With a grin, she handed the binoculars to the newlyweds.

  “So, there are some things you find entertaining around here,” Greg whispered in her ear. He didn’t have long to wait for the now familiar teasing look she slid from him to Devin, the one that caused a strange clutch in his chest and sent blood pumping downward to his cock.

  “I’ve discovered a couple of fun things that help pass the time. Are we eating lunch over there?” She nodded toward the covered picnic area he and Devin had built, complete with a barbeque pit and two long tables with benches.

  “Shortly. Devin and I have to play guide first.” Pointing to the lookout post, he said, “The scopes will give you an even closer view for miles.” He squeezed her shoulder and then nodded at Devin to follow him as the small group walked over to the telescopes.

  As soon as Kelsey joined them and was out of earshot on the other side of the hilltop, Devin asked, “What’s up? I know that look. Something’s bugging you.”

  Greg shook his head as he kept his eyes on Kelsey. “Fuck if I know. I can’t shake an uneasy feeling and it’s irritating the hell out of me.”

  “Neither of us has discounted the occasional odd sensation before, so we won’t start now, but our guests seem fine, and pleased with this outing. And Kelsey’s speaking to us, so she must not be too put out over yesterday’s punishment.” Devin scanned the group with a careful eye.

  With a derisive look, Greg scoffed, “It wasn’t much of a punishment. Are we getting soft in our old age?”

  “No, and I’m not old so neither are you. But I agree. I’m not sure we did her any favors going easy. She might not get that consideration if she joins a club back home.” Devin’s gaze turned brooding as her laugh resonated around the hilltop.

  Greg knew better than to mention Devin’s softening toward the girl. Regardless of caring for her, Kelsey had made it clear from day one she didn’t want to be here and had no intentions of returning after she left. Going back to their discussion about his unexplainable sixth sense kicking in, he said, “The hunting group checked out, their licenses were in order and other than for dinner and breakfast, I doubt we see much of them. They’re seasoned outdoorsmen, so they know how to take care of themselves and I’m not worried about them.”

  “No use in standing here fretting over nothing tangible then. Let’s go do our jobs and stick a little closer to everyone until we get back to the cabins.”

  They spent close to two hours walking the flattop and viewing the wide expanse of prairie and distant mountains through the binoculars and telescopes. The group was excited to spot a cougar, a mama bear and her two cubs and a herd of caribou. Greg and Devin had made this trip so many times, the information they relayed about each sighting, whether it was fauna or flora, rolled easily off their tongues. They took time out to eat the sack lunches Mary and Les had put together before giving them another fifteen minutes to explore while they readied the horses for the return trip down.

  Kelsey turned from her last look out the telescope and wasn’t surprised to see Devin’s dark gaze on her. She loved having both men’s eyes on her when she stood before them naked, but could do without the hovering and ever watchful looks they’d been subjecting her to all day. Unless they knew something she didn’t, and that would piss her off. As much as she was reaping the rewards of submitting to their sexual demands, she still didn’t want to be here and inten
ded to hold Jordan and Theresa to their promise and hightail it home in ten days. She had no doubt the cramp in her abdomen when she thought of saying goodbye to her hosts would disappear as soon as she got back to Philly.

  “This has been fun, hasn’t it, dear?” Mrs. Kilpatrick smiled as the five of them strolled toward the horses upon Greg’s wave.

  “It has, although my butt might be saddle weary by the time we get back down.” The slight soreness Kelsey already felt was nothing like the pleasant ache from a spanking. She gave a mental headshake at the wayward thought. I really need to quit with those comparisons.

  “Greg mentioned taking a shortcut back down.” Jeffrey Sorenson glanced around from in front of her and the Kilpatricks as he swung his wife’s hand.

  Kelsey found the young couple cute. “I won’t complain about that. You guys must have more experience than me.” Last week the only guests she spent much time with were Otis and Silas, but she was glad she played hooky from work today to join this outing. Any time she could spend with Greg and Devin would mean more memories to take home with her. The bad part of that would come when she compared every guy she met with them, as she knew she would.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve been on a horse, but it was like riding a bike. Some things you never forget how to do.” Mr. Kilpatrick winked at his wife over Kelsey’s head.

  It was obvious how close the two couples were, and as she stepped away from them when they reached the horses, Kelsey wondered if she would ever be that lucky. She doubted it, considering how easily the men in her past relationships had walked away. Sadness pulled her shoulders down as she patted Cleo’s soft neck, wishing she knew why no one cared enough about her to stick around. Except for Jordan and Theresa, whose closeness she cherished.

  Kelsey was so immersed in her thoughts and not paying attention to anyone else that Cleo’s sudden high-pitched whinny and agitation caught her unprepared. The usually quiet, docile mare reared up, pawing the air and shaking her head hard enough to yank the reins out of her hand and send her stumbling back to avoid her thrashing hooves. Fear of the unknown prodded her to keep shuffling out of harm’s way, heedless of Greg’s warning shout to stop. Her foot caught on a protrusion and sent her sprawling backward to land on her side right on the edge of the hill. With a startled cry, she tumbled over the side, rolled twice and came to a jarring stop in the brush alongside the hill.


  Pushing her hair back with a trembling hand, she looked up the few feet to the ledge to see both Greg and Devin lying on their stomachs with their hands stretched out toward her.

  “If you’re not hurt, lift your arms so we can help you up,” Devin ordered, his voice calm compared to Greg’s strident tone when he called out for her to halt.

  She sucked in a deep breath and crawled upward. “I’m fine,” she assured them, raising first her right arm and waiting until Greg gripped her forearm before giving Devin her left. With an effortless tug, they hauled her up, pulling her away from the ground so as not to scrape her body against the rugged terrain. If she weren’t so rattled, Kelsey might have found that quick soaring lift fun. Falling against Devin as soon as her feet were on the ground, she leaned against his rigid body, trying to dislodge her heart from her throat as her breathing continued to stutter in and out. Everything had happened so fast that she found the whole episode a bit surreal as she stood there shaking.

  Greg placed his hand on her lower back, rubbing in soothing circles as he leaned down and whispered, “Are you sure you’re okay? Nothing hurts?”

  She shook her head, wishing he would kiss her, not caring the other guests were gawking. Pulling back with a deep breath, she held up her scratched arms. “Just some cuts. What… what happened with Cleo?”

  “I’ll check her while Devin puts something on those.” With an abruptness he’d never exhibited toward her, Greg spun around and strode toward the young mare that now stood quivering and pawing the ground.

  “Are you all right?” Vickie rushed forward as Devin wrapped his arm around her waist and led her toward Thor.

  “Just shook up, not harmed.” And embarrassed, but Kelsey couldn’t hide that from the concerned looks on the other’s faces. “It’s not the first time I’ve tripped over my own feet while here. Right, Devin?”

  He didn’t return her smile, just looked her over with a critical eye before pulling a first-aid kit from his saddlebag. “I’ll dab some antibiotic ointment on those cuts and scrapes and then you’ll ride back down with me. If the rest of you would mount up, we can get going in a few minutes.”

  For the first time, she didn’t take umbrage with his commanding tone. At this point, she would even walk down the hill rather than get on Cleo. “Ow,” she muttered as Devin first cleaned the reddened gashes and then blotted them with ointment.

  His hand tightened on her wrist as he held her arm up. “It could have been so much worse.”

  Kelsey winced as he gently applied cream to a tender cut. “But it wasn’t. I’m likely to be sorer from riding than that tumble.”

  “A hot soak in the tub when we get back will go a long way to ease those aches. Any place I missed?”

  She wished she could see more of his face, but he kept his hat lowered and head angled away. “No. Thank you.”

  “Devin, bring me that cream when you’re done,” Greg called out, one hand running in soothing circles on Cleo’s flank.

  “Wait here, then.” Carrying the tube of ointment, he left her to walk over to Greg and Cleo.

  The stinging in her arms started to ease as she watched the two men conversing in hushed tones while tending to something Greg spotted on Cleo, and a few minutes later, curiosity propelled her forward. As soon as she saw the trickle of blood on Cleo’s hip, she dashed to her side, her fear forgotten in her concern.

  “Poor baby. What happened?”

  “Most likely a female horse fly or deer fly. Their bite is extremely painful and will draw blood, but even so, her reaction was extreme.” Greg tended the oozing sore with gentle fingers, Devin moving to the horse’s head to keep her as still as possible.

  “So she was hurt, and scared?” Reaching out a tentative hand, Kelsey felt delicate shuddering ripples running under the smooth coat.

  “Yes, but like I said, she never should have reacted that way. I’ll examine the bite more closely when the swelling goes down.” Capping the ointment, Greg cupped her jaw and tilted her head up. “You’re okay?”

  “Yes, so you can quit asking. Devin wants me to ride down with him, but maybe…”

  “No,” they interrupted at the same time. Greg grasped her shoulders and turned her toward Thor. Sliding his hands down to her waist, he lifted her up and Devin swung her in front of him.

  “You two handle me like I weigh ten pounds,” she huffed, settling back against him.

  “That’s the best part about your size.” Devin tightened his arm around her waist and turned Thor to lead the riders down the hill.

  He entered the rustic cabin, shut the door and leaned against it. A rare smile curved his mouth as he gazed at his partner lounging in front of the fireplace. “That was quick thinking up there, digging your nail into that bug bite.”

  “It was, wasn’t it?” She sighed, irritation flitting across her face. “Too bad it didn’t give us better results. I was hoping she would at least end up hurt bad enough to lay her up at the house. It would have made getting to her with no one else around easier.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Young and Fisher seem damned protective of her when we were told no one knows about the contract.” Walking over, he threw himself onto the sofa next to her and propped his feet on the coffee table. “I’m thinking arranging an accident isn’t going to work.”

  “You give in too easily,” she retorted. “We’re here until Tuesday. If an opportunity doesn’t present itself by then, we’ll leave and sneak back to finish the job. It won’t be the first time we’ve trekked through woods at night.”

  “True, bu
t if I have to go through that much trouble and risk, that impatient asshole is paying more.”

  She patted his arm. “I always did say good things come to those who wait.”

  “There’s more irritation here than a fly bite.” Tom eyed the puffy sore on Cleo’s hip with a skeptical look. “They hurt, but I agree with you, she shouldn’t have reacted like that. I’ll keep an eye on it, and her.”

  Devin stroked the mare’s nose, glad to see she’d settled down and her gentle nature was once more shining through. “I was on the other side of Thor, so couldn’t see her clearly. Everyone was gathered around behind the horses, getting ready to mount. With only a few other horses bedded down inside tonight, she’ll rest quietly and maybe we can get a better look at it in the morning.”

  He would never forget the surge of gut-clenching panic he experienced when Cleo’s thrashing hooves missed Kelsey’s face by inches, or the anxiety that had propelled him forward as she rolled down the hillside. Thank God, she hadn’t slid too far and they were able to bring her up with little effort. His throat constricted every time he imagined all the ways she could have ended up hurt much worse. And wouldn’t his best friend just love to know the extent of his worry and concern over the girl?

  With a last pat to Cleo’s shoulder, Devin followed Tom out of the stall and caught Greg talking into his phone as he signaled to him from the front of the stables. “See you in a few minutes at the hall,” he told his manager, leaving Tom to scoop grain into Cleo’s feeder to see what Greg wanted.

  “Hold on, Jordan. Devin’s here and we’re taking this outside.” Jerking his head toward the doors, Greg said, “McAllister needs to talk to both of us about Kelsey.”


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