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Cowboy Doms Collection

Page 87

by BJ Wane

  “Yes, they’re dead. We made sure of it. Come on.” Greg took her arm and nodded to the older men. “Thank you, both of you. You may as well come inside. The police will want your statements.”

  “I’ll place the call and wait here.” Devin spotted Tom standing several yards away, his rifle in his arms, his stance protective as he took in the scene. Fuck, but it was good to know their relationships with all three men went deeper than guests and hosts and employers and employee. He was also happy to breathe a sigh of relief the danger to Kelsey had been laid to rest once and for all. With the arrest of Sven Lindgren in Sweden, she could return home in a few days without fear.

  The hard part, he was ready to admit, would be getting used to not having her around anymore.

  It was close to four in the morning by the time the Billings police had taken everyone’s statements, talked to Jordan and left with the bodies of the Kilpatricks. Kelsey still couldn’t believe the friendly couple had been hired to kill her. They’d seemed so nice. She’d refused to talk to either McAllister, but from what she heard, the Kilpatricks’ alias had withstood the FBI’s background search and more investigation would be needed before they could determine if the couple were professionals. If she weren’t so tired, shell-shocked and despondent, that information would likely freak her out more. As it was, when Devin and Greg ordered her to bed, she didn’t take umbrage at their bossiness and fell into an exhausted sleep as soon as she hit the mattress.

  For the first time in days, Kelsey awoke alone in her bed, and she missed the presence of Greg or Devin. That didn’t bode well for her return home, but she’d known the time would come when she’d have to go back to her less-than-satisfying sex life. Such were the woes of indulging in fantasies for a short time.

  It felt strange to discover herself not only alone in bed but in the house as she padded into the kitchen. Like her first morning here, the coffee pot stood filled with her cup next to it. No note was needed as she knew where everything was now. She didn’t know when the McAllisters would come get her, but she did remember today was the last day Mary and Les would be around until they returned in the spring. May seemed like such a long time away, she thought sadly, taking her mug with her as she left the house.

  The ranch seemed so quiet and deserted without guests moving about or any activities taking place. Shielding her eyes with her hand, she peered out toward the pastures and could barely make out a handful of riders among the herd of cattle. Even with the distance though, she had no trouble zeroing in on Devin and Greg, the coldness that had gripped her since last night thawing as she drank in their tall frames, wide shoulders and the skill with which they maneuvered their horses among the herd. With a sigh of longing, she forced her feet to move, walking over to the social hall with a lump in her throat.

  “My goodness, what a night you must have had.” Mary came bustling over as soon as Kelsey entered, wrapping her soft arms around her in a motherly embrace that brought tears to her eyes.

  “Now, Mary, the boys kept her safe, so don’t fret. You’ll upset the girl.” Les put his arm around Kelsey’s shoulders as soon as Mary released her and gave her a quick but tight hug.

  “Thank you both.” She smiled as she stepped back, needing the space to get herself under control. “I know you’re packing up for the winter. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Aren’t you a dear? Thank you, but no, we’re about done. I do hope you’ll come for a visit next year,” Mary said.

  “Oh, well, I don’t know.” She’d wanted to go home since she arrived, so she couldn’t imagine wanting to return, at least not anytime soon. She would miss everyone, especially Greg and Devin, but the ache she experienced when she thought of not seeing them again would go away in time, wouldn’t it? It was just the stress and unhappiness with her situation that brought them together and prompted her into going after them. How much longer could it last, anyway, when it was just sex? “If you’re sure I can’t be of help, I’ll say goodbye.”

  “You take care,” Les said, holding the door open for her.

  I always do, don’t I? Kelsey nodded, walked back out into the bright sun and spotted Cleo in the corral. Returning her cup to the house, she saddled the little mare, swung up and steered her toward the path that would take them to the creek. She had thanked Otis and Silas last night, but wouldn’t mind wasting the afternoon riding solo and then visiting with them by the stream.

  Devin and Greg sat on the porch watching Kelsey gallop toward the stables, both admiring her skill in riding, the way her bright hair flew around her face and the sway of her small body. It had been Devin’s idea to give her space today. He figured after having them hovering for days and insisting she stay close before the threat against her had been confirmed, she would appreciate the freedom to spend a few hours as she pleased. As she rode into the corral, he could see the rosy hue covering her cheeks, the blush of pleasure much easier to handle than seeing her pale features last night.

  As if reading his thoughts, Greg said, “She held up good last night. Better than most would under the same circumstances.”

  “She did. Gotta admire the hell out of her for that,” Devin murmured in agreement.

  “Jordan called. They’re upset she still won’t speak to them. He said to tell her they’d be at the airport Friday morning to take her back.”

  “Yeah, I figured that from what I heard in the barn.” And he’d been trying not to jump down his friend’s throat for the twist in his gut when he thought of not having her around.

  Greg snorted. “You’re not fooling me. You’re pissed, likely at me because you’ll miss her as much I will.” Pushing to his feet, he stretched, saying, “She still doesn’t like it here and wants to go home. A sub’s needs always come first.”

  Devin rose, his eyes on Kelsey as she as she strolled toward the porch. “Then I guess we should make the best of her last two days here.”

  Chapter 15

  Kelsey left the stable and started toward the house wondering what they would have for dinner. But when she spotted Devin and Greg waiting for her on the porch with muscled arms crossed, booted feet spread, their rugged, bristled jaws taut and their eyes shadowed by their lowered Stetsons, all thoughts of food fled as her pulse spiked and her palms turned clammy. Her whole body went on high alert, the girls and slutty bitch did their usual jig upon seeing them. With any luck, they were ready to sate a different kind of hunger in a way she’d been dreaming of for way too long.

  “Did you enjoy your ride, little bit?” Greg took her hand as soon as she stepped onto the porch.

  “Yes. I left Otis and Silas at the creek. They invited me to share their catches for dinner at their cabin, but I declined, hoping you had something in mind.” She hadn’t shied away from letting them know what she wanted and saw no reason to do so now. The slow curl to both men’s lips warmed her from the inside out.

  “Mary left a casserole and it’s heating up now.” Devin opened the door and pressed a hand against her butt to usher her inside. “I’ll get it out of the oven while you get out of your clothes.”

  Stumbling to a stop inside the foyer, Kelsey gaped at him as Greg’s hand tightened around hers. “You expect me to eat naked?”

  “Yes. Got a problem with that?” Greg asked, the amusement in his tone curling her toes.

  Her surprise changed to a familiar, illicit thrill and she shook her head with a wry grin. “Nope.”

  “Told you.” Devin smirked at Greg before strolling into the kitchen.

  Under Greg’s watchful eye, she stripped off her jeans and top. “Be a good girl and go put your clothes in your room. But hurry, I’m hungry.”

  That was the start of the strangest, but most exhilarating evening she’d spent with them. They sat opposite her at the kitchen table, asking her what she’d like to do before she left Friday morning while her nipples puckered into tight, almost painful pinpoints under their heated gazes. At the mention of the McAllisters’ arrival to take her home, he
r mood dropped from ecstatic to depressed. She should be happy her ordeal was finally over and she would be back in her own apartment by the weekend, right? The desperate clutch around her heart had to be because she would miss her cowboys. Home was where she wanted to be and within a few weeks, her time here would slip to the back of her mind with the other fond memories she’d kept of her previous relationships. Only none of those men had ever looked at her with such intense, focused gazes; had never put her needs or her safety above theirs and had never pulled such exalting orgasms from her.

  “Eat and tell me what made you look so sad all of a sudden.” Devin pointed his fork at her plate where she’d been toying with the creamy pasta bake.

  “It’s a little difficult to concentrate on eating while naked in front of two, fully clothed men,” she retorted, uneasy with their probing question. It wouldn’t do to let them know she would be sad to leave them. She didn’t doubt they would forget her as soon as they returned to their club and took up with someone else.

  “Yet you didn’t hesitate to obey our instructions,” Greg pointed out with a lift of one brow.

  Kelsey could concentrate better when they wore their hats and she couldn’t look directly into their eyes. “Yeah, well, it’s been a long four days since we went to the club.”

  “Poor baby,” Devin mocked. “Finish eating and we’ll be happy to pick up where we left off last weekend.”

  That remark perked her up and she downed the delicious meal in minutes, flushing when both men grinned at her obvious enthusiasm. She was going home soon. What did she care what they thought? After taking the last swallow of tea, she rose and carried her dishes to the dishwasher, her butt clenching as she felt their eyes on her. Her pussy dampened even more, and she squeezed her inner muscles in an effort to hold the betraying juices inside. When she turned and they came toward her, she gave up the battle to hide her arousal. Let them see what their hot looks did to her so they would get on with doing something about it.

  But as they steered her to the den instead of the bedroom and settled her between them on the sofa, Kelsey feared they planned another delay. Devin clicked on the television and her favorite movie started rolling. Who didn’t love Indiana Jones? Right now, she didn’t if watching it meant sitting here for two hours without… oh!

  Greg’s deep chuckle rumbled in her ear as he pinched one nipple and Devin scraped his nail over the other one. “You watch while we play.”

  “But… ow!” Kelsey tried shifting away from the stinging burn covering her tender folds, complements of Devin’s slap, but his cupped hand prevented her from moving.

  “Be quiet unless you need to use a safeword.” He pressed against her aching flesh.

  A silent huff lodged in her throat as they got busy with their hands and mouths, bringing her to the very edge of orgasm several times only to pull back before she could go over. Frustration pulled curses from her as they thwarted every movement that would get her what she craved. Her nipples throbbed from the sharp tugs and pinches, her abdomen quivered from the brush of calloused fingertips and when they draped her legs over their thighs, spreading her wide, her pussy spasmed, swelled and slickened around their pumping fingers. She glanced down and shivered seeing their dark hands against her pale skin, their fingers pushing side-by-side inside her pussy.

  Kelsey closed her eyes and leaned her head back, the boisterous movie theatrics and her pitiful mewls the only sounds in the room as she clutched their thick forearms in a desperate attempt to anchor herself against the rising tide of sensation.

  When the small contractions signaling an impending climax began for the third time and were cut off once again, her eyes flew open and she wrestled out of their hold. She sprang up with a demand of her own. “Now.” Pivoting on her toes, she stomped down the hall.

  “I guess that was mean, wasn’t it?” Greg pulled his shirt over his head and followed Kelsey.

  “Yeah, but in a fun way. I’m still going to let her know who’s calling the shots,” Devin replied as he followed him.

  Kelsey lay propped up on the bed with her hands on her breasts when they walked in, their wide, sun-bronzed, naked chests drawing her eyes. Without a word, they shucked their jeans and boots and settled on each side of her. They cut off a ripple of relief as Greg rolled her toward him and Devin swatted her butt twice before they maneuvered her the other way for him to deliver two smacks, the slaps hard enough to jolt her with stinging pain and wring a cry from her.

  “Last time, baby,” Devin growled, pushing her on her back and leaning over. “Don’t open your mouth unless it’s to use a safeword, welcome our tongue or to suck on dick. Got it?”

  “I thought I couldn’t… mmmph…” He cut off her smiling retort with his mouth and she didn’t need to be told twice to open for the intrusion of his sweeping tongue.

  And then they went all Dom on her and drove her insane with lust. They each shackled a wrist above her head and pinned her restless legs apart with their heavy thighs. The room spun and lights exploded behind her eyes with the first thrust of fingers inside her pussy and anus accompanied by the dual suction of their hot mouths on her breasts. They rendered her unable to move and left her no choice but to lie between them and quake with the onslaught of pleasure. Bulging muscles pressed against her softer body, their size emphasizing her much smaller stature, turning her on even more. She was still riding the waves undulating through her body when they pulled back, and she gasped the first word that came to mind. “More.”

  Devin shook his head as he turned her toward him and she came into full frontal contact with all of that hard, warm flesh. “What have I told you about being careful of what you want? Put your leg over my hip.” Instead of waiting for her to obey, he lifted her leg himself, draping her calf and foot over his lower back.

  The position pressed her slick labia against the hot thickness of his rigid cock. She tried to maneuver up enough to take him in, but he stopped her with a blistering blow on her right cheek and then pulled that globe open for Greg to prod his latex covered cock head against before he slid slick fingers inside her. “We have more, little bit,” Greg said as he pulled his greased fingers from her butt. “Deep breath.”

  Burying her face in Devin’s shoulder, she inhaled and held it as he breached her tight resistance with a painful push. She shook, bit her lip and waited until she’d adjusted to the stretch and burn. Her tense muscles slowly relaxed and she breathed easier.

  “There you go,” Devin murmured, his voice laced with approval that went straight to her heart. Kelsey looked up into his dark eyes and her pulse stuttered at the softening she saw in the midnight blue depths. Bending, he kissed her with as much slow care as Greg worked his cock into her butt.

  Their roaming hands soothed her shivers as Greg’s whispered, “Easy, Kelsey, slow and easy,” settled her reservations and Devin’s tender kiss brought a sheen of tears to her eyes. Greg pulled out of her before he’d embedded half of his cock, the emptiness forcing a whimpered protest. She’d just gotten used to the thick, steely penetration.

  “How quick you forget we know better than you what you need, and what you can handle.” Greg squeezed her sore buttock as Devin released her mouth and made short work of covering his shaft and thrusting between her slick folds.

  “Fuck but I love how wet you get for us.” He pushed up, filled and stretched her to the point of a pleasant discomfort she’d come to crave.

  “And eager for us,” Greg added as he re-entered her rectum the same time Devin pulled out of her pussy.

  The perfect, synchronized rhythm of one in, one out they set up robbed her of breath and all coherent thought. She trembled from the perfect timing and well-aimed thrusts, her perspiration-damp body sliding against theirs as she basked in their dual possession that kept her sandwiched between them. With each deep plunge of Devin’s cock in her pussy, she slid upward, her nipples sliding through his prickly chest hairs before Greg pulled her hips back for his return.

were careful, too careful. They were slow, too damn slow. And they were good, so fucking good. Her climax broke on a wave of saturating pleasure, sensation after fiery, rippling sensation rolling through her well-used body in a heart-stopping burst of ecstasy that rivaled everything they’d delivered before. She fell asleep in the same position, wrapped around Devin with Greg against her back, their groans of satisfaction bringing a tired smile.

  Kelsey spotted Jordan and Theresa coming out of the snack shop at the small airport as soon as Greg pulled in and parked the truck. A lump rose to her throat, but she could only deal with one chaotic emotional disturbance at a time. As Devin helped her down from the truck, the lingering soreness from the twenty-four-hour sexual marathon that had ended last night with them double-fucking her again made itself known. Yesterday morning, Greg had cornered her in the stable and with an infectious laugh, yanked down her jeans, bent her over a stack of hay and fucked her from behind. Devin had caught up with her on her walk in the woods just so he could lift her up and down on his cock as he braced her shoulders against a tree. Both men had walked away whistling, leaving her to right her clothes before one of the ranch hands got an eyeful.

  It had been hard saying goodbye to Otis and Silas, and the tears that had filled her eyes when she’d fed Cleo her last treat still threatened to fall. But nothing could compare with the sense of loss growing stronger as they walked toward the waiting plane. None of them had said much on the drive this morning, so when Greg yanked her against him and she dared let herself look into his vivid green eyes, she encountered a turbulence he’d never shown before.

  “Come back any time you wish, little bit. We’re not going anywhere.” Greg didn’t care what the McAllisters thought. Nothing would stop him from taking one more taste of that sassy mouth. He would miss her, damned if he wouldn’t.


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