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Fae Noir- the Murderer in Blue

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by Katelynn Alexandrea

  Fae Noir

  The murderer in blue

  Written by

  Katelynn Alexandrea

  Please note: This book is prohibited for sale or ownership in most fae realms, by the Union representing the Fairy Godmothers of Earth, and it's connected realms.

  Rated F for Fairy gentle language use & violence.

  Copyright 2019 - Katelynn Alexandrea

  Copyrights and Fair Usage legal information:

  All the characters, events, and most of the environmental elements, while possibly being based on real life people, places, or things, are not done so intentionally. Any likenesses to real events very likely require very good drugs, and I would appreciate it if you would share.

  This is expressly a work of fiction, and none of the policies, political statements, nor opinions held by the characters reflect any real world positions held by the Vancouver Police Department.

  While the author, Katelynn Alexandrea, maintains all rights to the published works of Fae Noir, including, but not limited to, it's characters, and plot, they tentatively give permission to use those characters for the explicitly limited purposes, for which the author voluntarily withdraws the right to sue or issue copyright takedown notices, under the very strict following fair usage conditions:

  Artistic Fanservice:

  Artistic work is not a skill of the author, and she is giving express written permission for artists to use the general likenesses of character descriptions, and their names, in fan art.

  You may, as an inidividual:

  -Accept paid commissions of Fae Noir characters.

  -Create posters, artwork, charms, baubles, or other craftwork, which you may sell, which uses said likenesses of characters.

  Under the condition that:

  -You are not a corporate entity looking to cash in on my work. This requires direct contact, and an agreed upon share of profits of said merchandise.

  -You, as an individual, inform me of your intention to do so, and receive a permissive email allowing you to do so at the following email:

  With the subject:

  I would like to use your character likenesses please.

  Please include a link to the shop you intend to sell this artwork or merchandise, so that I can both spread it to other fans of the series, and possibly buy stuff myself.


  If you are offering this art or craftwork for free, you do not require to send a permissive email, however I would appreciate you tagging @FaeNoirBook on Twitter, so that I can retweet your creations for other fans of the series to see.


  Does this give you the permission to market any such art, or craft work as an officially licensed product, and mass produce it for sale in a retail environment. This stipulation is meant to empower independent artists and craftwork creators in a fair manner to the owner of the copyrights to the book series, and it's characters.

  Character costumes

  You absolutely may, as a non-corporate entity, create costumes of the characters likenesses, and even profit off of them with the above stipulations on art or craftwork in place. Permission will not be given to sexualized versions of the costumes, as that is not the intention of the author.

  Written work

  Fan fiction is how I started writing, and I really have enjoyed it. I still presently write fan fiction on twitter, within various fandoms, and have no problems with other writers choosing to create fan fictions of these characters, under the following provisions:

  -Under absolutely no circumstances are you permitted to profit in a monetary fashion, off of my work, including comissioned work. However, agreeing to write a commissioned work in exchange for another piece of comissioned work is both fair, and acceptable, provided no cash is exchanged.

  -Please ensure to send me the link to the above email adress, so that I can read it!

  This is my work. This is my proffesion, and reputation as an author. These characters are my life, and I love them greatly. While I do not mind if you have a desire to write fan fiction, by using my characters, in a written manner, to turn a profit, you are directly stealing my life. Distaste for this crime, known as "Copyright Infringement" is not uncommon in the writing world, as literally any other agency would sue you in to oblivion for profiting off of their copywritten work.

  You must also acknowledge that you do not own the characters involved, somewhere in the work's description, and include "Fae Noir characters are copyright of Katelynn Alexandrea".

  Roleplaying characters

  Express written permission is given to use the described likenesses, and character designs, to create a character to write collaboratively with other people on roleplay platforms. Under no circumstances, however, are the following permitted:

  -You may not alter the gender or sexual orientation of the characters in any way, though using face claims with different skin tones, or hair colors is fine.

  -You may not defame any of the characters listed, including altering their life mottos, or belief systems, or write them in a manner which would make readers of the book think less of a specific non-villainous character.

  -You may not profit off of the written fan service content that you produce, however art, or craft work, as listed above is acceptable, provided you obtain permission from whomever you used as a face claim, to produce it.

  This seems unfairly skewered towards artists.

  That would be because it is. Creating art from my work is creating an entirely new thing that I freely admit I am not able to do, and would feel honored to have artists use my work as the basis for something beautiful and inspiring.

  Creating written work from my work is derivative of my work, and I expressly will not tolerate profiting off of it.

  More importantly, however, as the legal owner of the characters and series, it is my sole discretion to issue permissions to do these things, and I have gone out of my way to expressly spell out how you can, and cannot use this work, without fear of being sued for copyright infringement, as a supporter of independent artists and fanfiction writers. These terms are not negotiable, and are legally binding. You are welcome to discuss it in court, to my legal representative, if you dislike it, however I should warn you, this will not go in your favor, as I have taken particular care in crafting, and wording this information, and it is significantly more fair in it's Fair Use of Copywritten Content Policy than most Copyright claims are.

  All other rights, including production of televised, audio, internet streamed content, and other forms of creation based on the Fae Noir series remains with the author, and requires written contracts that may include monetary compensation to the author. Failure to adhere to these terms and conditions of the Fair Use of Copywritten Works clause will result in copyright protection take down notices, and probable legal action.

  A letter from the author

  Hello, and thank you for purchasing your copy of Fae Noir: The Murderer in blue. This book was sort of a love letter from me to my creative process, because I had never really allowed it to work on the magnitude of a fictional work that I intended to have published before.

  I hope you enjoy the dive into a very strange version of our world, where the divisions between what is real, and what is fantastical is blurred. Great care has been taken to blend them in such a way that feels both logical, and at the same time, mildly jarring to how you would normally perceive everyday life.

  A brief few thank yous, before we get started;

  I would like to thank my dear mother, Jessy, for putting up with my incessant rambling at all hours of the day about what nonsense the drama queen of a main character was hol
ding me ransom with.

  My fiance, Beth, for her kind and sweet words of encouragement, and her delight at the idea that I was going to sit here at this keyboard, and finish this book.

  My daughter, Claira, for existing, because honestly, her face is enough to light up an entire room, and I love her for it.

  Ryan, Jeff, Pengy, Chris, the OTHER Katie, Sunshine, Mels, and the intrepid Captain Noobenstein for their friendship, and support.

  Some more personalized thanks,

  RayRay, my oldest friend. You have been the absolute best, even when I started transitioning. May the beer never stop flowing.

  Marcus, though I'm the only one who still calls you that, we're closer than I am with most of my siblings, and I consider you properly family. Thank you for that. It has meant a great deal.

  Dest, or Bob, as she's known around here, puts up with me. I don't know why, if we're being honest. You're the best, Bob.

  Jessie, Jen, Jan, also Jen, Sephi and Toast. I appreciate you, my favorite nerds, and I look forward to being nerds together in the future.

  Kryssi, you have helped and taught me so much, and I wish you every happiness.

  Katie, V, AJ, and Bex, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!

  Cal, Carly, and Alyssa(the cookie), whose support and love for The Deadvengers made you my favorite fans of my writing.

  Ellie, and Pixie, I adore you, both, but to Ellie, specifically, this year, I have needed a friend to get through a lot of stuff, and you have unexpectedly stepped up. You have always been there. It means more than you know.

  To J,

  I think you would be proud. Thank you for everything.

  Azura for being a bloody drama queen, and Bailey for putting up with her, and most importantly


  You’re pretty awesome, and I hope you enjoy this book.


  Twenty one years ago

  The Black Fairy

  I'm sure you've heard stories about fairy godmothers before.

  I'm sure you've read all the classics. The one with the pumpkins. The one with the pirates and lost kids. The one about Jeanette, who is quite frankly creepily obsessed with teeth.

  You all probably have read them and thought I wish I was a fairy godmother. Magic would be fun.

  Magic isn't fun. Everybody expects you to wave a magic wand and fix everything. You don't get to be selfish. You don't get to fall in love. You never rescue the damsel, or slay the villain. You're a plot device to move the story forward. Nobody cares about your wishes. Your dreams.

  Quite frankly, if you want to be a fairy godmother, I'm fairly certain you should first consider a psychiatric consult, and perhaps a really high dosage of quetiapine, or clozapine. Maybe a nice relaxing stay in a hotel with bouncy walls, and really tight dinner jackets.

  Magic particularly is bothersome if you're a fairy godmother, because everybody gets 'colored' at birth. That's a nice way of saying your entire life story is written out before you. Worse, your color defines who you are meant to help in life.

  I'm sure you don't see the problem. Most fae are colors like blue, who helps the truly depressed, or green, who helps the jealous, and the innocent.

  My name is Azura Noir. My wings were black.

  That's not technically a color, but it's not like magic had an appeals board for me to lodge a complaint against.

  There aren't other black Fae. As I understand our history, they inevitably turn as evil as those they're ordered to help, according to the wheel of fate, and try and overthrow the fairy godmothers, and take over the world, or some dramatic nonsense. I can't imagine why you'd want to. Paperwork is bad enough, when you need to grant a tiny stupid wish, and fate demands seventy three forms filled out in triplicate about why altering the threads of fate is of any vital importance.

  I'm also told the previous black Fae actually liked their jobs. Like, every single one. They actually liked being shafted with the world's degenerate idiocy. I'm fairly certain, by my tone, that you might grasp little hints suggesting I am most assuredly not a gruntled employee. Not necessarily all the way disgruntled, but definitely not gruntled.

  If given the choice between helping these frankly daft assholes, and living peacefully in the Faewoods, taking up some charmingly stereotypical Fae hobbies like gardening, or dentistry, I'm not sure which one I'd choose, but Fae aren't given such choices.

  The Faewoods, contrary to popular belief, are not a place on Earth, or some fairy tale land. They only sort of exist. Just at the edge of what is real, and what is believed to be not real.

  I am not particularly sure how to describe them. They could go on forever. Most non-Fae would get lost long before they found a single Fae, and yet, you can travel from one end of them to the other in but a single step. They are both impossibly thick, unyielding, and dense, while also being open, inviting, and homely.

  I'm more fond of what was once my home, than I let on, even if I do get the only house that exists under the swamps that may or may not only exist because I live in them.

  I'm not particularly old, as Fae go, either. I suppose that helps. I wasn't here before the likes of Hitler, or Stalin. They weren't my predecessor's work, before you ask. That was a different pantheon of magic and miracles. Some guy named Samael set that into motion.

  We're not evil. That's the funny secret everybody disbelieves about black fae. We're just assigned to be fairy godmothers to really fucking shitty people. Not like "terrorist" evil. Those guys get fairy goddemons, which is a specific part of the demonic pantheons that seem to both always exist, no matter the religion, and simultaneously never be spoken of. It's only the Catholic ones who are so lazy that you can only find them at specific crossroads, and thus, the only ones people write about.

  No, I'm not talking about serial killers, usually. I'm talking about the people who grow up to be sleazy lawyers, politicians, or high school bullies. I probably owe you more than a few apologies, all things considered, but I didn't exactly choose this bullshit, either. You might view that as an excuse, but as I said, were I to be given the choice, I wouldn't do this.

  You probably don't see the wishes I get to grant, either. You have no idea what makes those people the way they are. It's hardly my doing.

  They make their wishes on the worst days of their lives. Their parents divorcing, or their uncles being particularly perverted. The truth is, these people aren't born to be assholes. They're born to be people. Like you. Shit just happens to them.

  But magic doesn't work as kindly upon them, as they think it might. Fate requires a certain karmatic balance to be paid, and even if my wand was fully loaded, the very nature of the fabric of the world needs them to exist as assholes.

  Now, I know. I can already hear you saying "but that doesn't excuse how they act."

  And you're right.

  It doesn't.

  That's where my story really starts.

  In 1998.

  You can take this job, and-

  It was a dark, and stormy night. The power was out, and quite probably a great many other really terrible cliches were occurring in this particular suburb of Columbus.

  I wasn't really paying attention to the writing narratives in the weather forecast, and made that up, if we're being honest. According to the weather archives, the sky was actually clear. Moon wasn't even full. Mercury wasn't in retrograde for once. There was no real supernatural explanation for the evening, much to my dramatic flare's extreme disappointment.

  I don't remember this kid's name. I don't remember his face. I call him a kid, but he was 15. You'd think someone so important would be memorable. His victims certainly saw him as such. None of them were memorable to me. I'll loop back to that later.

  I do remember the particulars of his wish case file, though.

  His parents had divorced. His father was abusive. He was made fun of for it. He reacted to this by beating the hell out of other kids, until bigger kids started beating the hell out of him. The cycle of high school douchebaggery is
not a particularly well studied phenomena at most high schools, because teachers were overworked, underpaid, and honestly were too busy looking forward to whatever they were planning to do after school, themselves. Writing terrible romance novels, drinking, sportsball hooliganery, a lovely bubble bath, hot cocoa, wine, fight club, or whatever depraved hobby that one social studies teacher every school has that should probably be on 5 separate watch lists did. No matter what it might be, the furthest thing from 97% of high school teachers minds was trying to solve the power dynamics in their classrooms.

  They'll make excuses, instead. Some of them valid. Some of them not. It's hard to tell the truth from the lie. The uncomfortable unanimous truth, though, is a single fact. Humanity is cruel. An underpaid teacher can change that no more than an overpaid politician. Some teachers might care, but at the end of the day, this truth beats them back. Whether the bully has influential parents, or is good at some sport or another, it always seems like they have rigged the game, and they get away with it.

  In this specific instance, when I was led to this young man's house, he was a local rugby superstar. They called it Football in the United States, but I'm not a local, and I'm not about to sully proper football like that.


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