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To Pillage a Pirate

Page 6

by Heather C. Myers

  During the ride up, Belle stared silently out the window, resting her head on the cool surface. She saw the grey clouds darkening the sky; an autumn storm was coming in. It would probably hit the small port that night. However, her thoughts drifted from her brief musings concerning the weather to much more pressing matters. Aaron seemed completely relaxed, a small smile on his face. Yes, she did feel safe with him, but she could not shake the impending feeling that if he found out who she really was, he would not hesitate to turn her over for the reward money. He had even said so himself; turning a woman in was much easier than looting the place. From the corner of her eye, she watched him, trying to figure out if she should trust him. He was a pirate after all, and they did not have the most honest reputations, but Aaron Donovan was nothing if not noble. He was the Robin Hood of the Seven Seas, and had even agreed to drop her off at the next port if she favored him with her presence this night; there had to be some good in him.

  Belle sighed, feeling a headache coming on. Aaron looked at her upon hearing the breath leave her mouth. She looked… tired, maybe even a bit apprehensive. Was she worried about tonight? She would be very believable as a merchant's wife, actually, and while he was thankful for finding someone who could play the part, it also made him wary. Tortuga was filled with women, but he doubted highly that even if he searched for a long time, he would have found someone as beautiful as she was. Not only that, but she really did look like she was raised in a nice home; she spoke well and was obviously educated, and while she was incredibly stubborn, she was also charming. No, she would fit the part perfectly; there was no reason for her to be worried.

  Her heart paused for a quick moment as she saw her former house come into view. Granted, it was not as big as the governor's mansion, located on a cliff that had a beautiful view of the ocean, but it held high prestige. For whatever reason, she was almost glad to see it. It was an off-white color, and her father had been interested in Roman architecture while having it built, so there were many columns surrounding the home. The garden in the front of the house was still being kept up, and she could see some of the stable boys riding a couple of the mares. She was left with a feeling of bittersweetness; the world, her home, carried on even without her.

  The carriage rounded the driveway, coming to a stop near the front door of the home. Belle unconsciously swallowed as she looked at the familiar doors. This was it; either they recognized her or not. A miniscule feeling of excitement tainted her nerves, but only slightly. She would soon see her family again, and hopefully rescue her sister from a disastrous marriage.

  Aaron slid out of his seat first, and then helped Belle out. Once again, they resumed their positions, linking arms as they walked up the three steps leading up to the front doors. He knocked on the door firmly, and then stepped back. It felt like forever for Belle. All she could hear was ringing in her ears before a butler, a very familiar butler, answered. He looked at Aaron first, regarding him with a polite nod.

  "You must be Master Donald," Barnaby said in his deep voice, a cold smile on his face. The smile was not intended for anyone to take offense; it was just his way of smiling. "The Rochesters are looking forward to dining with you and your…" He let his voice trail off as he regarded Belle. Immediately she knew she had been caught, and was hoping – well, she did not know what she was hoping for, really.

  Aaron glanced at the butler, and then down at his wife. He slid his arm from hers, coiling it around her waist and squeezing it tenderly. "I know," he said with a smile. "She's beautiful, isn't she? Couldn't quite take my eyes off of her when I first saw her, myself."

  Barnaby ignored Aaron's comment, before whispering, "Arabella?"

  Aaron furrowed his brow. Apparently Belle had a recognizable face.

  "Arabella Rochester, is that really you?" Barnaby asked, a hopeful tone in his voice.

  Now it was Aaron's turn to nearly lose his balance and fall down right there.


  Aaron Donovan was not a man who wore his emotions on his sleeve. However, concerning the matter at hand, he really could not help but be rather confused and a tad surprised. In fact, at first, he did not believe that Belle was really who this butler believed her to be. He even waited for her to explain that she had a familiar face, as she had to the dock master, who had thought he had recognized as well. Then it hit him. That explanation was never going to come because he had recognized her. This really was the elusive Belle Rochester who had run away from home at a young age. The same girl he had insulted back on the ship as he spoke casually with her.

  Well, this was an ironic turn of events, now wasn't it? Arabella Rochester, the girl he was subconsciously looking for ever since he had heard of her disappearance and the very generous reward her family would offer if someone brought her home, had fallen within his grasp. He did not even know it. The question that remained, at least for him, was what to do with her. This was her family; maybe she wanted to be returned, and he would definitely not refuse the reward money. However, wasn't it she who had remarked how she did not want to be dropped off at Port Royal, and that was why she was here, by his side, pretending to be his wife so his crew could silently pillage her family?

  A husband could not exactly turn in his wife, now could he? It would break their cover, and the fact was Belle did not want to be here. He could feel the tension even before they docked, and while she would not speak to why, it must have been serious. In good conscience, Aaron could not leave her here unless, of course, she changed her mind. Another thought came to the pirate captain; if she knew he was about to rob her family blind, why would she allow him to do such a thing?

  Because she did not want to be found out.

  Whatever problem she had must have been either a direct or indirect result of her family. For whatever reason, upon discovering this for himself, he tightened his grip on her waist, and he felt her relax subtly under his grip.

  "It is," she said, nodding. Quickly, Belle glanced up at Aaron, the worry still evident in her face upon being discovered, but he smiled warmly down at her, giving her silent strength. "This is my husband, Jonathon Donald."

  Barnaby scrutinized the man she claimed was her husband harshly; Aaron noted he must be incredibly protective of her, now that she had returned after so many years.

  "Barnaby, did I just hear you say Arabella has returned?" a familiar voice called down the hall. Belle stiffened; she recognized that voice, and her green eyes revealed an excited anticipation. "It is not another fake, is it? Papa and Mama do not have the heart in them to listen to another…"

  The young woman's voice drifted off as she came to stand next to Barnaby, her eyes focusing on those of her sister whom she had lost long ago. Belle looked at her younger sister noticing the key differences that had altered her outward appearance and transformed her into a beautiful young woman. Height was obviously the biggest difference, although she was still not taller than her older sister. Brylee was five-foot-four and a quarter while Belle stood at five-foot-five. Brylee's hair was a darker shade of blonde than Belle's, one some might even admit was a light shade of brown; it was also slightly shorter than her sister's, and straighter as well. The younger woman was pale, but that was probably because Belle had much more exposure to the sun than Brylee, and had no freckles that Belle could see. She filled out quite nicely, just as Belle had; however, Belle's legs were longer and her breasts were a bit fuller, while Brylee's stomach was tighter. The biggest difference between the sisters was their eye color; Brylee took after her mother's side of the family, receiving clear blue eyes while Belle had her father's darker, greener hue in her irises. However, Aaron could tell they were definitely sisters.

  "Brylee," Belle said, deciding to speak for the first time. "How are –"

  A thwack across Belle's cheek caused Belle to stop in midsentence. Immediately, Belle furrowed her brow angrily and cast her glare on her younger sister, only to find her tearing up. Brylee reached up and pulled her long-lost sister into the biggest hug s
he could possibly muster, causing Aaron to lose his grip on his wife, but he did not seem to mind. Belle returned her sister's hug just as fiercely, and when the two pulled apart, there were shameless tears inhabiting the eyes of the two women.

  "I have missed you," Belle said with a smile on her face. Again, Aaron noticed the blatant happiness on his companion's face. Maybe she would change her mind then…

  "And I, you," Brylee said, her voice holding a slight quiver. "You owe me a big explanation, dear sister, but Papa and Mama have waited too long to see you, so it will have to come later." Her clear, blue eyes finally wondered over to Aaron, looking at him for the first time. "Who is this?"

  A blush cast itself over Belle's face, and she took a step back so she stood beside Aaron. One hand pressed itself gently on the small of his back while the other reached up and rested itself on his chest. "This is my husband," Belle said, a firm smile on her face. "Jonathon Donald."

  "Well, he is… tall," Brylee observed in that no-nonsense voice Belle had once found annoying and arrogant, but now she found that she had missed it. Her eyes narrowed, and she asked Belle's apparent husband pointedly, "If you knew my family had been searching for your wife for a while, Master Donald, why did you decide not to mention anything in your note?"

  Belle tensed, unsure of how he would answer the question. However, his reputation seemed to have been based on truth, because he answered easily, "Well, I did not want them to think I was after their reward money."

  Brylee seemed to find this explanation satisfying, and Belle dropped her arms from Aaron, preparing to be invited in. However, Brylee seemed to have one more question directed at Belle herself.

  "So you decide to go and get married and not even invite your family, let alone tell them?" she accused, those blue eyes of hers still narrowed, and one of her brows arched up. Aaron almost chuckled at the sight; now he knew Belle's trait must run in the family.

  "I did not want Mother or Father to have any say in the matter," Belle said, a dark undertone inflecting seriousness in her voice. "Nor you. If I remember correctly, you were the one who complained of my fascination with Papa's stories."

  "That was because you always wanted to hear about Captain Donovan, that pirate," Brylee said, rolling her eyes. She glanced up at Aaron, an amused smile now on his face. It would seem he could not hold his amusement back. "Obviously you did not marry a pirate, however. I would have been very supportive. He's wealthy, he owns his own business, and he's quite handsome, if I may say so."

  "You may say, but those are not reasons to get married," Belle said, looking her sister straight in the eye. She hoped Brylee was smart enough to understand underlying meaning in her words. "Jonathon may be all those things, but the only reason I married him is because I love him with all my heart, and he loves me in the same way. He would never hurt me."

  Brylee either ignored her pointedness, or she simply did not catch on because she shifted her weight before looking at her sister, almost with shame. "After you left, Mother and Father arranged to have me marry Dustin," she said softly.

  "You do not have to do this, Brylee," Belle whispered almost desperately.

  "Of course I do," she snapped just as softly. "Once you left, all my dreams of finding my Prince Charming were dashed. Do not get me wrong, sister, I am glad you found someone who cares for you, and I am honored that Commodore Commack will have me, despite the fact that I am not his first choice. However –"

  Before Brylee could finish, her mother and father appeared at the door. Recognition flashed in both sets of eyes, and brilliant smiles eclipsed their face. Belle's father, Horace, looked at Brylee, and in a teasing voice, said, "Brylee, what is this? Keeping our guests from entering, even though that is most definitely our daughter?"

  "I just had to make sure Father," Brylee said, faking a small smile as she looked up to meet her father's eyes.

  "I have missed you," Belle told her parents. "This is my husband, Jonathon Donald." Before her father or mother could say anything, her eyes seemed to search for someone who was noticeably missing from her family reunion, someone she had missed undeniably, to the point of pain. "Mother, Father?" she questioned, her eyes still searching. "Where is Papa? I have missed him very much, and I would like to see him…"

  Aaron watched as Belle's mother, father, and sister instantly sobered. They could not meet Belle’s eyes, and Brylee even sniffed.

  "I am sorry, Belle," her mother said in a wispy voice so that it would not crack. "About a month after you left… well, we found him sleeping in the late afternoon. He never woke up."

  It was a very good thing that Aaron had the reflexes of a cat because he caught Belle with ease just as she began to faint.


  Aaron's arms quickly encircled Belle's falling frame, and within moments, he lifted her with ease. His right arm was underneath her knees while his left was securing her shoulders. If she had not fainted, they might resemble a bride and groom, about to step over the threshold of their home. Immediately, Belle's mother, Nancy, invited them inside, exclaiming disbelief that Brylee had not done so earlier considering the weather. Horace, Belle's father, was not sure how to react to his daughter's swoon, so, as usual, he took a step back, let his wife take care of everything, and turned red.

  "Take Master Donald up to Belle's old bedroom," Nancy ordered in a crisp voice to her youngest daughter. "All she needs is rest; she should wake up soon." Her worried eyes gazed upon Aaron's nearly helpless face as he looked down at his bride. "I do apologize, Master Donald. This is not exactly how we expected supper to go, as you have probably guessed."

  Aaron glanced up, studying the woman. Nancy Rochester was much shorter than he was, but then again, so were many people. She had short, red hair and the blue eyes he had seen in Brylee not moments ago. She was a bit chubby, but still had an attractiveness about her. When she smiled, a dimple popped out in her left cheek, and freckles seemed to consume her entire body. However, she was pale for the most part, and because of this, Aaron guessed that she must be of Irish descent.

  "That is all right, Madame," he said, nodding curtly.

  "Master Donald, this way please," Brylee called him, standing patiently at the foot of the stairs, one hand cupping the banister, waiting for him so they could ascend.

  In swift strides, Aaron reached Brylee with ease, and without a word spoken between them, she led him up the stairs. Turning left, towards the west wing of the home, she led the pirate captain to the very end of the hallway before opening a door. When Aaron stepped in, he could tell immediately that the room had not been used for a very long while. There was a large, four poster bed in the middle of the largest wall, decorated with green and silver silks. A desk and vanity mirror were adjacent to the bed, as was a large window with a beautiful view of the sea. Just opposite the bed, there was a rather large wardrobe. As Aaron's eyes slid around the room, he noticed some things that were slightly… off. A chair sitting next to the bed seemed like it did not belong, and the sheets looked wrinkled, as though they had not been changed in years. The window, too, was slightly ajar so he could smell the air tainted with salt.

  Brylee observed Aaron as he surveyed the room, and guessed correctly at his questioning stare. "We have not changed the room since she disappeared," she told him quietly, her blue eyes gazing around the room as well.

  Aaron laid Belle down, gently covering her up with the blankets so she would not get a chill from the breeze. He took a seat next to the chair, merely looking at his new companion. Despite the fact that she had, in fact, fainted, she looked so vulnerable as she slept. Her blonde tresses were beginning to fall from some of the pins, coiling down her neck or framing her face. She seemed to have inherited a small portion of her mother's freckles because they splashed across her high cheeks and small, upturned nose. With full lips slightly agape and a slender neck, Aaron decided that maybe she was much prettier than he originally anticipated, but because she was so guarded, he did not spot it until just then.

>   "We used to share this room," Brylee stated. Her cheeks flushed from embarrassment, but he could not say as to why. Aaron regarded the young woman silently with his eyes, showing that he was interested, before returning to look at her older sister. "The day she disappeared, I was out with Mother, shopping for her birthday gift. She had always wanted a horse of her own, but we knew Papa had already gotten one for her, so we were looking for nice riding attire to go with it." When Brylee was nervous or emotional, she rambled. However, Aaron was not annoyed with her; he was actually interested in what she had to say.

  "There was a… connection between the two," she continued, a sad smile on her pretty face. "Papa and Belle; they were always up to something mischievous together. Before bedtime, he would sit right where you were sitting in that exact chair and ask what story we wanted to hear before falling asleep. Of course, Belle was fascinated by Captain Donovan, but I think she loved watching and listening to Papa tell it more than anything. Father always had business to attend to, and Mother and I seemed to be more alike, but it did not bother Belle, really, because she had Papa, and he had her.

  "In fact," Brylee said in a tone that resembled an idea she had previously forgotten and now reacquired, "he was the only person to disapprove of the match between Belle and Commodore Commack." She pushed her brows together, and Aaron looked at her for the first time. "The family just brushed his disapproval off because we assumed that he did not think anyone was good enough for his little girl." She smiled again. "He would call her his pirate princess, and me, his pixie."

  "He sounded like a good man," Aaron stated. He especially liked the fact that it was not just pirates and buccaneers that saw through Commack's little game.


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