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Lullabies & Lies

Page 18

by Ruby Blaylock

  Did Kimberly put your name on that birth certificate, or is it a lie, too? Annie relaxed her arms as Emmett’s shadow appeared behind her. If Philip tried to run out of the sitting room, he’d have to get past Emmett, too.

  We just wanted a child. Philip gazed at Emma, stroking her cheek with one finger. Gareth wanted one more than I did, but when I met Emma, she stole my heart.

  Bessie looked confused. Annie, what on earth is he talking about?

  Philip continued before Annie could answer. I met Gareth before I met Kim. He actually introduced us in a roundabout way. We’d been dating for a while before he took the job with the Marshalls. I hated the thought of him working for those people, but he swore it would be fine. He told me about Kim—apparently Marlena liked to gossip a little too much with the help—and I made a point to run into her.

  Did you know she was pregnant? Annie asked.

  "Marlena made a point of disparaging the fact that she’d gotten pregnant out of wedlock. She told Gareth about the baby and he made a point of finding out where she lived so I could accidentally bump into her one day."

  So you stalked a pregnant woman you didn’t even know, then convinced her to marry you? Annie was incredulous. Philip was even more conniving and calculated than she could have imagined.

  "Kimberly meant nothing to the Marshalls. Nobody means anything to them. They cut their ties with me and went on a smear campaign, telling everyone I was inept at my job. I wasn’t inept—they were just being greedy and

  I played on their greed—but my career was nearly ruined. I didn’t work for months after Maxwell Marshall fired me."

  But Kim didn’t do anything to you, did she? Why would you want to hurt her? Annie couldn’t fathom the depths of Philip’s depravity. He truly didn’t seem to care for anyone but himself.

  She was there at the right time. I knew that Maxwell and Everett claimed to adore her, yet she seemed to want out of there pretty badly. Who leaves a steady job when you find out you’re pregnant? He looked at Everett. I wondered whether it was you or someone else, he muttered. I wondered if she hadn’t had an affair with Maxwell, the old scoundrel. After all, he gave her quite a stunning severance package.

  Everett sprang to life once again. Don’t you ever speak about my family or Kimberly like that ever again! I will make sure you never see the light of day ever again, do you hear me?

  Philip laughed. You have no proof. So I stalked a dead woman. So she agreed to marry me. She also made me a father when she agreed to put me on the birth certificate, he laughed. I’d say that I’m the winner this time.

  Oh, I wouldn’t say that, Emmett interjected. I’d say you’re about to lose a great deal, Mr. Hutchens, including that child in your arms. He moved Annie aside gently and stood in front of Philip. I just had a call from the station. I had to verify the birth certificate you gave Annie before I could release the baby back to you. I have to say, I wasn’t too surprised to find that the one you gave me was a forgery.

  Philip glared at Emmett, but he said nothing. Bessie strode across the room and held out her arms. Give me the baby, Mr. Hutchens. Reluctantly, Philip placed Emma into Bessie’s arms.

  For the record, Bessie began, I have no problem with same sex couples raising children in a happy home. I do have a problem with men who kill their fiancee and then try to steal a child that wasn’t even theirs in the first place!

  I trust the Marshalls are still here? And that Higgenbotham fella? Emmett had already pulled a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and was preparing to put them on Philip.

  As far as I know, Annie replied. Unless they decided to walk home. That fallen tree was more of a blessing than a curse, she noted. I guess you’ll be arresting Gareth Higgenbotham, too?

  Emmett nodded. Yep. I have to say, I’m surprised by the personal assistant. He seemed like a decent fella. But Mr. Hutchens was always too slick, too prepared. I had a feeling about him, Emmett admitted, but nothing solid. You, however, seemed to know quite a bit about the whole situation. He looked from Annie to Rory, then back at Annie. Anything either of you want to tell me about all that?

  Annie grinned. Not a thing. But you can tell us something. What’s going to happen to Emma?

  Emmett finished cuffing Philip. Well, now, I guess that depends on the Marshalls. Specifically Everett, he added. You’re her father, according to paternity test results. Do you accept responsibility for her?

  Before Everett could reply, Bessie strode over to him and put Emma in his arms. For a long moment, no one in the room spoke as Everett looked at his daughter—truly looked at her—for the first time. The baby was silent as she stared back at him. They evaluated each other solemnly until Everett could stand it no longer. His smile was drenched in tears, but Annie could tell exactly what he was feeling. He’d found the family he wanted so badly, and Emma had found the father that had been kept from her for her entire life.


  No More Secrets, No More Lies

  Terry ‘the tree man’ managed to remove the pine tree in record time. Annie was relieved that the fence beneath the fallen tree wasn’t damaged, but she was more relieved that she could say goodbye to her houseguests.

  Philip and Gareth went away in handcuffs, each getting their own police cruiser to chauffer them to the jailhouse while Emmett sorted through both the new evidence in Philip’s car and the documents delivered to him by AJ Preminger. Unfortunately for the Marshalls, this meant they’d lost yet another personal assistant. It also meant that Marlena had to drive herself back to her home. She seemed reluctant to do so, at least until Everett offered a solution.

  I was going to stay here a few more days, he admitted to his mother. However, under these new circumstances, I think it’s best if I take Emma home.

  Marlena looked hopeful. You don’t mean your place in Atlanta, do you? That would be so far for us to come and visit.

  Everett shook his head. No, I think Atlanta’s far too busy a place to raise a baby, at least for someone like me who has never been around babies, he admitted. I’ll come back with you and Dad, if that’s okay, until I can find a little house somewhere close to you guys. If Annie and Mrs. Purdy don’t mind, I’ll leave my car here and drive back with you, Mother. You can keep Emma company while I drive, he added.

  I think that’s a fine idea, Annie said. Leave your car as long as you need to.

  Maxwell Marshall pulled Annie aside and asked if he could speak with her briefly. She left Everett and Marlena with her mother.

  I wanted to clear up our bill with you, Maxwell began. I know my son offered to pay, but he’s going to have some unforeseen expenses now, he grinned. I can’t believe I have a grandchild.

  Annie returned his smile with one of her own. I know Emma will be loved very much, Mr. Marshall. And do promise me that you’ll keep us posted on how she’s doing. My mother has become quite attached to that little girl.

  They slipped into Annie’s tiny office so that Maxwell could settle up. Annie pulled up a screen on her laptop and tallied the charges, deducting one night for Philip’s stay. The final figure for the Marshall’s stay was quite large—they’d booked the entire house and insisted that they pay for an entire week, despite leaving a couple of days shy of that mark. With a little hesitation, Annie gave Mr. Marshall the figure.

  He pulled out his wallet and passed her a credit card. Why don’t you round that up to the next thousand, eh?

  Annie opened her mouth to protest, but Maxwell patted her on the hand. Now, I won’t hear any arguments. We’ve been terrible guests, Mrs. Richards. We’ve done nothing but bicker and carry on, and I can’t help but feel like we were partly to blame for that horrible man’s presence here.

  He let out a long sigh. More than that, you’ve made me feel like my family can actually be a family again. You got justice for our dear Kim. You brought us our granddaughter. But, most importantly, you’ve given me hope.

  Annie felt her cheeks flushing from the compliments. I just did the right thing, she ins
isted. I know how I’d feel if someone I loved was murdered. I’d want justice and I’d want to know that my son had someone who would care for him and love him the way that I would.

  She wanted to say more, to encourage Maxwell to put his family ahead of his business in the future, but she knew that would be overstepping a line. Instead, she processed the payment as he requested and resisted the urge to grin like a madwoman. Despite the drama and awful things that had happened in the past few days, Annie had just had the inn’s best week ever, financially speaking.

  As they walked back to the sitting room, Marlena approached them again. She looked happier than Annie had ever seen her look all week. It struck Annie as horribly sad that Marlena’s happiness came at such a great cost. If Kimberly hadn’t died, would Everett had ever known that he was the baby’s father? Would any of the Marshalls even be speaking to each other if Kim’s death and the introduction of her child hadn’t brought them together?

  I just wanted to thank you again before we leave. For everything, she added, pulling Annie away from her husband so she could speak with her more privately. I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done. I feel like I have my family back, she confided.

  Annie smiled, then narrowed her eyes. You know you’re going to have to address the issue of that letter you withheld from Everett. You need to truly have a clean slate if you want your family to be happy from now on. No more secrets, no more lies.

  Marlena nodded solemnly. And I hope you know that we’ll be coming back here in the future, Marlena added. After all, this is where our little family grew, isn’t it? Emma needs to know the women who cared for her in her greatest time of need. I plan on making sure that she remembers you and your mother as well as her own, she added quietly.

  Rory helped Everett load the Marshalls’ luggage into the back of Marlena’s car. Annie watched as first Maxwell drove away, then Marlena and Everett with baby Emma. Suddenly, the house was very quiet.

  Bessie, Annie, and Rory made their way to the sitting room and collapsed onto the sofa. Annie saw Emma’s empty playpen in a corner of the room and felt a pang of something. She wasn’t sad that the baby was gone—if anything, she was thrilled for the Marshalls and the fact that Emma would be truly loved by them—but she felt a pang of loneliness just the same.

  Almost as if on cue, Devon’s face appeared in the doorway. Mom, I’ve got to be at work in like an hour. Is there anything I can eat before I go? I’m starving and Grannie Bessie hasn’t started cooking yet.

  Bessie shot her grandson a mean side-eye. You know how to make a sandwich? she grumbled.

  Devon grinned. Just messing with you, Gran. Did all the guests leave? There’s only like one car sitting outside.

  Annie nodded. And the baby, she added.

  Devon’s eyes grew wide. For real? Did she get adopted or something?

  Annie shook her head. No, it’s a little more complicated than that, but she’s with family.

  Devon nodded. That’s good, I guess. I was kind of looking forward to having a little sister around here for a while, he added.

  Now it’s was Annie’s turn to look surprised. You hardly even looked at that baby. You want a baby sister?

  Devon shrugged. Sometimes, it sucks to be an only child. Besides, everybody knows that babies are chick magnets. I could have taken her to the mall and met like, loads of girls, he teased.

  Laura Parsons wouldn’t be too thrilled with that idea, Bessie quipped.

  Devon’s face turned several shades of red. I don’t know if Laura and I are a serious thing, he admitted. She wants to go away to college next year. She’s applied to the University of Boston and UGA, he said. She’ll probably get to choose which to accept. She’s pretty brainy.

  Aren’t you planning on doing the same thing? Annie asked.

  Nah. Rory said starting out at the community college was the best way to go. I can get my basic classes out of the way while I figure out what I want to major in, then I can decide which college is the best fit for me. You know, a lot of places are offering degrees online, too. Technically, I could go to college from my bedroom, he noted. I may never leave home, he teased.

  Annie tried to hide the smile that wanted to force its way onto her face. She turned to Rory, who grinned and gave a little shrug.

  Besides, Devon added, I’m definitely not going anywhere until Grannie Bessie and Emmett get hitched.

  Annie and Rory both turned on Bessie at the same time. You said yes? You didn’t tell us!

  Bessie looked shocked. I didn’t tell anybody, she promised.

  Devon grinned. Em told me. I saw him pulling out of the driveway when I was pulling in. He had such a big grin on his face, I just knew something was up. Congrats, Grannie!

  Bessie’s face lit up. Thank you, Devon. She turned to Annie. I promise I was going to tell you, but then all heck broke loose with that Philip Hutchens and then the police were here…

  Annie shook her head. What am I going to do with you? Just don’t go and tell me you’ve eloped, she teased. I don’t think I could take it. Annie hugged her mother tightly. Congratulations, Mama.

  Bessie rose from the sofa and smoothed down her shirt, looking for something to do with her hands. Annie could see that Bessie was still nervous about the idea of marrying Emmett, but she also saw how happy the two of them could be together.

  I’m going to go and make my grandson something to eat, Bessie declared before taking Devon off towards the kitchen.

  Annie turned back to Rory, who was still grinning from ear to ear. Can you believe she didn’t tell us? I don’t buy that too busy thing for one minute. She changed her tone. Thank you for convincing my son to go to a local school, she said in a near-whisper.

  Rory shook his head. I did no such thing. I simply pointed out the fact that living at home was cheaper than working full-time and trying to go to school someplace that wants you to give them a major internal organ each semester to pay for classes.

  Still, thanks. She scooted closer to him on the sofa, leaning against him with a sigh. Do you hear that? she asked, closing her eyes.

  Hear what? he asked, lacing his fingers through hers.

  Exactly, she sighed. Blissful silence.

  They sat like that for a few minutes, then Rory cleared his throat. I’d say it’s too quiet, don’t you think?

  Annie laughed. Maybe. I guess. But I won’t miss the baby’s crying.

  Not at all, Rory agreed sarcastically.

  Nope. I’m definitely done with babies, Annie declared.

  Oh, well, now, that’s a shame, Rory said. I was looking forward to maybe practicing the way you make them with you someday.

  Annie felt her face flush and her pulse race. She squeezed his hand in her own. "Well, I said I was over babies, not the practicing part, she teased. But first, you’ll have to take me to dinner."

  Italian sound good to you? he asked, cupping her chin with his free hand.

  Annie closed her eyes and leaned in for a kiss. It sounds wonderful, she sighed. She kept her eyes closed and breathed in the perfect moment. She was more than happy, she was truly content, and she couldn’t remember feeling this way in a very, very long time.


  Other Books by Ruby Blaylock

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  If you’d like to read more books by Ruby Blaylock, or if you’d like to join her email newsletter mailing list, please visit

  Other books by this author include:

  The Rosewood Place Mysteries

  Bodies & Buried Secrets

  Corpses & Conmen

  Greed & Deadly Deceit

  Pecan Pies & Alibis (Short Mystery)

  Lullabies & Lies

  The Carly Keene Cozy Mysteries

  Dead Before the Wedding

  Gravely Dead

  Love, Death & Christmas Cookies

  Can’t Beat a Dead Horse

  The Hedg
ewood Sisters Paranormal Mysteries

  That Witch Doesn’t Kill You

  Any Witch Way But Dead

  Hexing the Ex (A Short Mystery)

  The Suburban Witch Series

  Coming Soon!




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