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Bury Me with Lies (Twin Lies Duet Book 2)

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by S. M. Soto

  Bury Me with Lies

  Copyright © 2020 S.M. Soto

  All rights reserved.

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Cover by Najla Qamber Designs

  Photographer: Stevan Reyes

  Editing by Paige Smith, Jenny Sims, and Rebecca Barney

  Formatting by Stacey Blake

















































  Some secrets are better left buried…

  Stuck between life and death, Mackenzie is hell-bent on proving her innocence, and getting revenge on the men who murdered her sister. With one series of unfortunate events after another, Mackenzie must outrun her own fate—death.

  When secrets unravel and lies become twisted betrayals, Mackenzie finds herself in more danger than she could’ve realized. Her only saving grace is Baz, the elusive playboy she’s given her heart to. But will placing her trust in a man like Baz be her downfall?


  Deception and Chaos

  Blood and Chaos

  Love and Chaos


  The Darkest Hour

  Scoring the Quarterback

  Damaged Heart


  Kiss Me with Lies



  A Cruel Love


  Hate Thy Neighbor

  Jake Wilder




  In the Air Tonight—Phil Collins

  Mount Everest—Labrinth


  all the good girls go to hell—Billie Ellish

  The Fall—BANKS

  Joke’s On You—Charlotte Lawrence

  There Will Be Blood—Kim Petras

  Fairplay—Kiana Lede


  Between Two Points—The Glitch Mob ft. Swan

  Pretty Head—Transviolet

  Wild Woman—Sleep Machine

  I Did Something Bad—Shoshana Bean, Cynthia Erivo

  Dreams—Fleetwood Mac

  Devil’s Worst Nightmare—FJORA


  Gently Break It—Beck Pete

  After Hours—The Weeknd

  Fav—QUIN ft. 6LACK

  I desire the things which will destroy me in the end.—Sylvia Plath

  Nine Years Ago

  I listen halfheartedly as Savannah gripes on and on about her nonexistent relationship with Jay, her former boyfriend. At Summer Walker’s graduation bash last weekend, Savannah took it upon herself to sleep with Trent Ainsworth, one of the five infamous Savages of Humboldt County. Of course, everyone at the party found out, including her boyfriend, Jay, who then decided to dump her.

  Can’t say she didn’t deserve it.

  I’ve only been half-listening as she prattles on and on, crying about how unfair her life is. Instead of nodding and “hmming” every so often, I want to tell her it’s her own fault. She wants sympathy for cheating?

  Yeah, not happening.

  I roll my eyes and take a long pull from the bitter alcohol in the plastic cup. Cobra Starship’s “Good Girls Go Bad” is playing on someone’s radio, and most of the people here are either high, drunk, or getting ready to fuck.

  Every muscle in my body tenses when I glance toward the bonfire and the logs surrounding it. My gaze narrows, and my lips thin into a grim line when I spot who’s in line to get a beer. After I specifically fucking told her not to.

  She’s dressed differently than usual, and it only serves to fuel my anger. When I see who she’s with—or more accurately, who dragged her here—I grind my back teeth together in frustration, trying to quell the sudden fury roaring through my veins. The audacity of that girl Winnie to think she can go against my word and bring her here? There was a reason I told her to stay away tonight.

  My sister’s eyes widen once she spots me through the crowd, and I see the fear flare in their depths, even from here. But beneath the fear is a sudden flash of rebellion. I blame Winnie for that, too, obviously. Mackenzie takes the cup, downs its entire contents like she’s a goddamn pro, and takes another.

  I watch her and her friend walk toward the logs near the fire to sit while I observe through narrowed slits.

  Why the hell can’t she just do as I say? For fuck’s sake.

  I thought the end-of-the-year bash would be the last place on Earth Mack would ever be caught hanging out at, but obviously, I’ve underestimated my twin. And her friend Winnie.

  With anger swimming through my veins, I try to keep an eye on her for most of the night, but it becomes harder than I originally thought when I’m here for something else entirely. I split my time between keeping an eye on Mackenzie and keeping an eye out for the Savages.

  I came here for one thing and one thing only—and I refuse to let the night end until I get it. I always get what I want.

  Somewhere along the way, I get preoccupied with friends wanting to take shots and ask idiotic questions and play these immature games. At one point in time, this party, the events of this entire night, might’ve been something I looked forward to, something that was appealing, but not anymore. Now, the only thing I feel while looking around and pretending is absolute disgust at my former self and everyone else who is inebriated, making fools of themselves. Those two semesters I spent away from this shit town was the wake-up call I needed.

  The disconnect is long enough that I lose sight of my sister. When I spot Vincent
Hawthorne, frissons of electricity fire through my veins. My heart lurches violently, pounding as I close the distance between us. I tighten my grip around the plastic cup for support.

  I’ve been here before. I can only hope tonight will end differently than my other futile attempts.

  Vincent is in deep conversation with Zach, both whispering to each other under their breaths. More than likely, they’re discussing some diabolical plan. Sebastian is standing off to the side with Marcus, glaring down at his phone. He’s probably still pissed Summer broke up with him.

  Fucking figures.

  I’m capable of few emotions. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a sociopath, but I have taught myself the art of being numb. The art of pretending I don’t feel anything at all. It works for me ninety-nine percent of the time. But right now? Nothing is working as I stare at Vincent through narrowed slits. A barrage of emotions slams into me, ranging from anger and betrayal to sadness. I feel all of them tenfold as I stare at the bastard who ruined my life.

  As if sensing my presence, Vincent and Zach glance up. Zach smiles wolfishly, taking a step forward. Vincent has a different approach to my presence. He purposely looks anywhere but at me, ignoring me. It’s meant to be a blow to my ego, and if things were different, it would be. I’d feel my heart crumble beneath his neglect, the offhandedness he has for me. Not anymore. I no longer have anything left of my heart to break.

  “What do you know, God really is listening. Hey, V, wasn’t I just asking Him to send me someone I can have fun with tonight?” Zach gloats, nudging Vincent. He still doesn’t acknowledge me, just drains the contents of his cup and acts like I’m not even here.

  The asshole.

  Forcing a seductive grin on my face, I embrace the façade I’ve gotten so used to wearing in this town. “You flatter me, Zach, but I was actually coming here to talk with Vincent for a sec. Is that all right?”

  “You serious right now?” Zach tosses his hands up and lets them smack down at his sides irritably. “Fucker’s been getting pussy all night,” he mumbles under his breath, as he stalks off toward the rest of the guys.

  “Can we talk?”

  Vincent finally spares me a glance, though it’s not a pleasant one. “I don’t fuck twice, Wright. Save your breath.”

  Anger vibrates through my veins, and my rage bubbles up my chest. I take a threatening step forward and jab an angry finger at him.

  “You owe me something, you sorry son of a bitch. Because the next person I speak to about what happened? It’ll be over for you. All of you.”

  Vincent’s eyes blaze with rage. He knocks my hand down, stepping into me. The movement is so sudden, it catches me off guard, and my breath hitches, skyrocketing my heart rate. “Keep fucking with me, Madison. You’re going to regret it.”

  My face crumples with distaste. “I regret few things, Vincent, but one is that night. Give me what I want, or I’m going to the police.” My voice comes out harsh, much stronger than how I’m feeling inside.

  His nostrils flare. “You have no proof.”

  I smile coldly. It reflects just how dead I feel inside. “I don’t need proof when I have my word.” I pause, just to really fuck with him. “And who says I don’t have proof?”

  The guys call Vincent over, not realizing the heated discussion we’re having, and with one final glare, he turns his back on me, his gait stiff as he heads back toward the rest of the Savages.

  Feeling pissed off and needing to regroup, I storm off, throwing down my cup in the dirt and heading toward the trees. My footsteps slow when I spot the two forms groping and kissing up ahead. They’re partly shielded by the trees and foliage, but not nearly enough. If I can see them, so can everyone else. My heart races in my chest the closer I get. Once they materialize and I see who it is, my anger explodes. I shoot an accusatory glance over my shoulder, toward Vincent, who’s staring back at me with a smirk. He raises his cup in salute and takes a drink.

  Well played, motherfucker.

  I stomp toward Trent and Mackenzie, my hands fisting at my sides. My nails dig into the flesh of my palms, stinging as they rip into my skin, leaving little crescents in their wake.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  My sister jerks back, revealing her flushed face, and I almost lose it. I almost rip her back by her hair and drag her back to the car, but not before kicking Trent in the balls. I steel myself for what I’m about to say next, hoping the embarrassment will be enough of a lesson for her and more than enough to get Trent to look elsewhere for fun tonight.

  Words that are filled with venom spew from my lips. And with each one, I watch my sister’s exterior crumble. I watch her heart shatter into millions of pieces; yet, I can’t bring myself to be sorry. Everything I’ve done, everything I’m doing, is for her.

  It always has been.

  For the entire ride home, I can feel her hurt. I see the pain in her eyes as she climbs out of the car. I see it in the drop of her shoulders as she heads inside. A part of me wants to call out to her and make things right, but the urgency thrumming from my fingertips down to my toes urges me not to.

  I have more important scores to settle. She’ll have to wait.

  That was my plan—take care of this situation tonight, once and for all, then finally explain everything to Mackenzie. She deserved to know. If there was anyone I trusted, it was her. It was always her.

  Once she’s safely inside, I head back into the woods. The one place they’ll all be tonight. I furiously push through the trees, slapping branches out of my way, as I close in on the kissing rock. I can hear their laughter, and it fuels my anger.

  How dare they enjoy themselves while my entire world is turned upside down?

  How dare they be young and free when there’s a darkness that now taints my soul because of them?

  When the trees clear, giving way to the rock and the Savages around it, I see red. A blinding rage consumes my every breath, taking space in every orifice of my body. I’m trembling, my arms shaking and my legs threatening to give out on me.

  “You sorry motherfucker.” My voice is steel, cutting through the sound of their laughter.

  All gazes swing toward mine. Vincent’s smile drops, and the rest of the guys look confused. I close in on Trent.

  “Stay the fuck away from my sister,” I grit, the warning clear in my tone.

  Seeing Trent with his hands all over Mackenzie caused something in me to snap. A protective streak I never knew I had came out to play, and I’d embrace it. I’d always embrace it if it meant protecting my sister.

  An inferno brews at the caustic smirk he’s wearing. The red spill of anger that’s blurring my vision is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I know what they’re capable of, and there’s no way I’m letting any of them near my sister. She’s not like us. She’s never been like us. She’s too good for our world. Too sweet and much too naïve. Easily corruptible and easy to take advantage of. Over my dead body will I let that happen.

  “Oh, c’mon. I just wanted to have a little fun.”

  “I know what you wanted from her, and I swear to God, if I see you near her again, I’ll kill you. Understand me?”

  The rest of the guys “ooh,” obnoxiously, like children. Everyone except for Vincent. He’s standing as calm and aloof as ever, prompting me to whirl on him.

  “This is your last chance before I make your life a living hell.” I search his gaze, trying to find a semblance of a human being or at least one redeemable quality in the guy. But there is none. Vincent Hawthorne is a walking, talking shell of a human being. He’s dead inside. That was what attracted me to him at first, how quiet and unattainable he was. His eyes were endless black orbs that felt like an ink spill if you stared into them for too long. He seemed broody and serious, and I was a fucking idiot to ever think inserting myself into his life was the safe thing to do.

  “Fuck off, Madison,” he growls.

  “What does she want?” Marcus asks, confusion thick in his ton

  Vincent and I have a stare off, and when a smirk steals over his face, my body thrums with rage. It’s a smirk I know too well.

  “Nothing. Where are the rest of the bottles?” he asks, never taking his eyes off mine. There’s a challenge there. Always a challenge with him—always a game.

  “We’re heading to Sebastian’s to grab the rest. We need to hurry, though. He’s leaving for another stupid fucking family vacation in about an hour. C’mon, Marcus.” Trent jerks his head back toward the trail, and Marcus follows. He takes one last look over his shoulder, likely still trying to figure out what’s happening.

  Uncomfortable silence descends as we all turn and watch Trent and Marcus disappear through the trees, leaving me alone with Vincent and Zach.

  Zach’s gaze darts back and forth between the two of us and our silent standoff. He crosses his thick arms over his chest, and a frown tugs low on his features.

  “Someone want to explain what the fuck is going on between you two? Ever since last year, you two have been acting like fucking idiots, so spill it.”

  Vincent smirks. A dark gleam enters his eyes, sending a fearful tremor down my spine. “We made a sex tape, and now poor little Madison is scared it’s gonna end up in the wrong hands. You wanted it. You inserted yourself into my life. You practically fucking begged me for it, and now, you suddenly want to erase it. What, you came back from Italy, and now you think you’re hot shit? Better than the rest of us?”

  Tears of frustration spring to my eyes at his callousness. My hands ball into fists, and my nails dig into my palms, tearing open my skin. He has no idea. No fucking clue what he’s done or just how much he’s ruined my life.

  “You raped me!” I yell, tears glimmering in my eyes. All traces of humor on their faces are gone. The woods suddenly grow silent. The sound of the wind whispering through the trees completely dies down as if Mother Nature herself understands the gravity of this moment. My body shakes violently as I take a step toward Vincent. Leaves and stray twigs crunch beneath the soles of my shoes. “You raped me, and hurt me, and recorded it for your sick viewing pleasure.”


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