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Courting Intrigue: A Sweet, Regency Romance (The Bequest Series Book 2)

Page 16

by Wendy May Andrews

  And they were all to adjourn to Sedgwick for two weeks during the middle of August so Lillian and Brock could spend time together on his home front. Lillian couldn’t wait. While she was looking forward to a week of quiet after the wedding while Violet and Leopold went to his hunting lodge and she remained behind with Kathryn, Brock was to absent himself so she was sure to be lonely despite the younger woman’s chattering company.

  “How do I look?”

  Violet’s question pulled Lillian from her troubled thoughts, and she turned to her aunt with a wide smile.

  “Like the most beautiful bride ever to present herself to a groom.”

  Violet blushed and smirked. “Get on with you, flatterer.”

  “It’s not flattery. I speak the truth. Happiness is making you glow. And that is the loveliest shade of lavender I’ve ever seen you wear. I can guarantee your new husband isn’t going to hear a word the priest has to say this morning.”

  Violet’s colour remained high, but she seemed pleased by her niece’s words.

  “Can you believe Lester has come?” Violet asked, changing the subject.

  Lillian kept her smile in place despite the drop in her mood. It was the one sore spot in the entire pot of happiness that was swirling around all of them. The viscount seemed truly chastened by the arrest of his steward and had come to wish his stepmother well on her new marriage. Lillian was glad for her aunt since the dear woman hated the thought of there being bad blood between her and her stepson. But the bounder had never seen fit to apologize to Lillian for the trouble he had put her through for an entire year. It was true that he was making at least a half-hearted effort to be pleasant or at least polite toward her, but Lillian couldn’t truly be comfortable in his presence and was glad that he would be leaving after the wedding breakfast.

  Brock was no more happy about having Lester there than she was. He had laughed with her about how to behave with the viscount, considering the pretence he had put on at the house party, but Lillian knew he was uncomfortable about his involvement in the investigation that resulted in the Ashburn Place steward’s arrest.

  Lillian and Brock had both been surprised the night before when Lester had quietly asked them for help in hiring a new steward.

  “I suppose you’ve heard about the arrest,” Shepley began without preamble.

  “Very little, actually,” Brock answered while Lillian kept her lips tightly sealed.

  “Can’t believe I was harbouring a traitor. And he tried to get me tied up in his mess. How could he have been in league with the French?”

  “The French, you say?” Lillian admired Brock’s ability to sound so surprised, despite the fact that she knew he was well aware of the facts.

  “Can you imagine they wanted to kidnap Prinny? They were going to hold him for ransom. Something about some laws being passed. I didn’t understand what the agents were telling me. Ralph was snivelling that they didn’t mean him any harm, that they never would have hurt His Highness, but the agents said they likely would have killed him. And Ralph was skimming from my books to fund this venture.”

  Brock made a sympathetic murmur but couldn’t reply.

  “Nearly cast up my accounts when they told me about it. The agents said they would have arrested me over it, too, but they had some sort of proof that I was merely stupid, not guilty.”

  Lillian bit her lip and avoided Brock’s gaze over that statement.

  “I couldn’t even argue with the man, could I? They never did tell me what their proof was. I didn’t argue when they carted Ralph off. He was pleading for me to defend him, but I couldn’t keep a traitor in the house no matter how my father might have trusted him. Clearly, my father was wrong about him after all.”

  “Your father was a fine man, Shepley. It’s possible your steward changed his allegiances after the viscount’s death.”

  Lester shrugged. “Anyhow, Ashburn Place is now free of Ralph, but I’ll need to replace him quickly. I haven’t the first idea how to go on though.” He cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable, his eyes shifting between Brock and Lillian. “I need your help.”

  Lillian bit her lip. It was likely the closest he would come to acknowledging all that she had done to look after his estate since his father’s death. A part of her wanted to leave him to fend for himself, but she had a strong sense of responsibility toward her late uncle and the estate she had so loved.

  “Mr. Johnson’s son knows about as much about the property as he does and would be happy for the promotion.”

  “The butler?” Lester sounded appalled at the thought.

  Lillian fought against the sneer wanting to mar her face. “Yes, your butler has a grown son who would fill the position nicely, I would think.”

  Lester looked unconvinced but didn’t argue the point.

  Lillian blinked away the memory and returned her focus to her aunt. They were both going to get the happily ever after Violet had been wishing for. She was puzzled by the frown marring her aunt’s forehead.

  “What’s wrong? Your glow is dimming.”

  This brought a grin back to Violet’s face, but the older woman shook her head. “I’m afraid I’m going to wake up and find out it has all been a pleasant dream.”

  Lillian laughed. “You have strange ideas of what’s pleasant, Aunt Vi. There have been enough unpleasant bits to reassure me that this is our reality. You are marrying a man who is thrilled to have you, and you’re going to get to be a grandmother and be happy for the rest of your days.”

  Violet’s grin returned. “And then it will be your turn soon. Can I be grandma to your babies, too?”

  “Aunt Vi,” Lillian protested with heat filling her cheeks. “I’m not even officially betrothed yet. Don’t have me with child beforehand.”

  The two fond relatives shared a grin before Violet pronounced with satisfaction, “That’s only a matter of time, my dear. Your earl has only awaited your betrothal out of respect for my wishes. Which says a great deal about what kind of man he is.”

  “Yes, it does,” Lillian agreed as she watched the maid admit Brock, and he walked toward them. She could tell he was trying to not stare too obviously at her. This was to be Lady Violet’s special day after all.

  “You look wonderful, my lady,” he said as he bowed over Violet’s hand. “Might I have the honour of escorting you two to the chapel?”

  “It would be our pleasure,” Violet answered with a giggle.

  Lillian and Brock exchanged a glance. Brock squeezed her hand as Violet stood from the stool she was still perched on, and then he offered them each one of his elbows.

  Lillian felt her tummy dip with butterflies as she exchanged one more loving glance with the earl before fixing her gaze straight ahead. It would not do to fall into his arms during her aunt’s wedding ceremony. That could keep a little while longer, she reminded herself with a smug smile as she tried to concentrate on the matters at hand. It wouldn’t do to ignore her aunt’s vows in favour of anticipating the glowing future Brock was offering her. He had been right. Being a countess was going to be far better than being a steward, she thought with a grin as she basked in the glow from her betrothed’s loving gaze.

  The End

  About the Author

  I’ve been writing pretty much since I learned to read when I was five years old. Of course, those early efforts were basically only something a mother could love :-). I put writing aside after I left school and stuck with reading. I am an avid reader. I love words. I will read anything, even the cereal box, signs, posters, etc. But my true love is novels.

  Almost ten years ago my husband dared me to write a book instead of always reading them. I didn’t think I’d be able to do it, but to my surprise I love writing. Those early efforts eventually became my first published book – Tempting the Earl (published by Avalon Books in 2010). There were some ups and downs in my publishing efforts. My first publisher was sold and I became an “orphan” author, back to the drawing board of trying to find a publishi
ng house. It has been a thrilling adventure as I learned to navigate the world of publishing.

  I believe firmly that everyone deserves a happily ever after. I want my readers to be able to escape from the everyday for a little while and feel upbeat and refreshed when they get to the end of my books.

  When not reading or writing, I can be found traipsing around my neighborhood admiring the dogs and greenery or travelling the world with my favorite companion.

  Stay in touch:

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  Other titles by Wendy May Andrews

  Have you read Book 1 in the Bequest Series?

  Inheriting Trouble

  The inheritance was meant to better her life, not muddle it.

  Georgia Holton, wellborn but nearly penniless, is best friends with one of the Earl of Sherton’s five daughters. When she is invited to accompany her friend for two weeks of the Season, Georgia jumps at the opportunity to have a little adventure away from her small village.

  The Earl of Crossley is handsome, wealthy, widowed, and jaded. He has no intention of courting any of this Season’s debutantes. After all, every woman he’s ever known has been dishonest, including his late wife. But when a chance encounter throws him into contact with the Sherton ladies and their lovely friend, he can’t help being drawn to Georgia’s beauty and endearing personality.

  When confusion about Georgia’s small inheritance becomes known, a sense of obligation to right a wrong forces the earl and Georgia into close association.

  But is she really different from any of the other women, or does she have an ulterior motive?

  And can Georgia even consider getting close to a man from High Society, when all she wants is to return to her simple village life?

  Sparks fly between these two, but it will take forgiveness and understanding on both their parts to reach a happily ever after.

  Available now on Amazon

  If you like Regencies with a touch of adventure, you will love the Mayfair Mayhem series. Book 1:

  The Duke Conspiracy

  Anything is possible with a spying debutante, a duke, and a conspiracy.

  Growing up, Rose and Alex were the best of friends until their families became embroiled in a feud. Now, the Season is throwing them into each other’s company. Despite the spark of attraction they might feel for one another, they each want very different things in life, besides needing to support their own family’s side in the dispute.

  Miss Rosamund Smythe is finding the Season to be a dead bore after spying with her father, a baron diplomat, in Vienna. She wants more out of life than just being some nobleman’s wife. When she overhears a plot to entrap Alex into a marriage of convenience, her intrigue and some last vestige of loyalty causes them to overcome the feud.

  His Grace, Alexander Milton, the Duke of Wrentham, wants a quiet life with a “proper” wife after his tumultuous childhood. His parents had fought viciously, lied often, and Alex had hated it all.

  Rose’s meddling puts her in danger. Alex will have to leave the simple peace he craves to claim a love he never could have imagined. Can they claim their happily ever after despite the turmoil?

  Available now on Amazon

  If you like Regencies with a touch of adventure, you will love the Mayfair Mayhem series. Book 1:

  The Governess' Debut

  The governess must charm both the spoiled child

  and the haughty earl.

  Orphaned and destitute, gently born Felicia Scott must find a way to keep a roof over her head. No longer able to enter the Marriage Mart, but also not of the servant class, the only option is to find a position as governess.

  After his spoiled, seven year old daughter has sent off three governesses in the 18 months since her mother died, the Earl of Standish doubts the young, inexperienced Miss Scott could possible manage the position. Since he’s desperate and she comes so highly recommended, the earl agrees to give her a chance. Much to everyone’s amazement, the beautiful, young governess succeeds where the others had failed. The entire household benefits from the calm, including the jaded earl.

  How does he overcome his arrogance to see his governess’ true value?

  Available now on Amazon




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