As Seen On the Internet: A (slightly modified) Compilation
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And I'm sorry I couldn't help you navigate the light.
To get you through the darkness, and to make things right.
And my words can say much more than this poem really can.
So I'm sorry I can't express how sorry I truly am.
And I can remember a time where we weren't just sad.
When we and our friends could even be glad
But as time long past and times far gone.
The past will stay where the past belongs.
But know that from you, I learned the error in my ways.
I learned to change, to make my own brighter days.
Because you twisted and knotted destinies shape.
You curled and ripped, and created your fate.
You made the world what you wanted it to be.
Or you tried, but that's all that matters to me.
You won't become another martyr of sin.
You'll enhance the burning passion within.
You inspire me to do good for the good I hold.
You inspire all of us to make everyone behold.
For inside of us burns the flame of life.
A flame that burns light into the darkest strife.
So, Dear Erin, you show me even in death.
That life can be more than just breath after breath.
You show me that what I do really matters.
And that even when my world starts to shatter.
I can pick up, and start over again.
All I need to do is believe now and then.
Leid – For the time I thought I felt love in my heart
The rain fell evenly through the night
Thunder screaming, lightning burning bright
I heard a strange sound come from beside
My phone, buzzing, singing an injured leid
I answered, but she spoke before me
Her voice came through determined, but still shaky
“I have a question for you…
If I said I love you, would you say it, too?”
Silence is frightening, stagnant, deepening
Each second counting down when I know she’s listening
So I searched my heart and mind alike
Thought through every kiss, talk, hug, and fight
I didn’t know how to answer so suddenly
“All I want is to make sure you’re happy.”
It wasn’t a lie, but it was all I could offer
The most neutral thing I could think to say to her
And I could hear a sigh from the other end
Then, I knew what I had to mend
So I started, “I have a question for you…
If I said I love you, would you say it, too?”
Silence is frightening, stagnant, deepening
Seconds flying by in the between
Her voice didn’t come through, determined or shaky
I didn’t hear anything, she must’ve hung up, maybe.
Dearest Erin – For the time my memory deceived me
It’s been six years since we were together,
Four since communications fell apart
Two since I tried talking to you again
One since you broke my heart
It’s been so long, my memories aren’t even clear now
The hard part is, I had faith in you
I believed you were strong
But, hey, jumping down a few stories
That’s a hell of a way to prove me wrong
No one but me even remembers you
And now I don’t even know who I’m writing for
I can’t even afford that luxury anymore
Which leads me to believe…
Now all I’ve got is memories of us
Memories I can no longer trust
You’re nothing but a complex of my memory
So I won’t remember, I’ll let you go
For all the time we shared that we didn’t at all, I’ve got nothing left to show.
And Now – For the time I dabbled in song writing
Long ago: the planet we stood on was flat
And everyone accepted it as ordinary fact
Then we unraveled the truths disguise
Then we sent space ships up into the skies
(And now) We all know of the blue marble’s majesty
We all know you can sail from sea, to shining sea
We all know circumnavigation
Was the foundation
Of the world
We are better,
than our predecessors. (And now)
We know better,
than our ancestors. (And Now)
We must choose,
Win or Lose…
The course of our world.
Untitled – For the time I felt uncharacteristically hopeful
Fight not for the stories of old
Fight for the ones yet to be told
The stories that dare to make us dream
The stories that make our futures gleam
Stories that can boil our blood
Stories that bring tears to flood
Stories that make us cheer for more
Or stories that make us tired and bored...
The stories of new, the next best thing
Not the stories of old, the last regime
Where the past held lessons to be learned
The future gets something inside of us to burn
A yearning, a sense, an idea, a thought
Something for which we have fought and fought
a better day, a happier life
A brighter smile, and an end to all strife
So don't grab for the dreams of long lost dates
Aspire for the dreams you've yet to make