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Ancient Blood- Masters and Servants

Page 6

by Dora Esquivel

  Lucien entered him in one brutal thrust. He screamed at the overwhelming width of Lucien’s cock. His own had faltered a few minutes ago but now it was lengthening and filling. He couldn’t understand his libido around Lucien.

  Pinned to the counter, Lucien’s full immortal power was pounding into him. Each stab to his prostate was sweet agony.

  “Fuck me again, Alpha!” he yelled out loud.

  Lucien rammed into him harder and bit him again. The combination of the bite and fucking had Gabriel squirming. It had been a long year, and he hoped he would come tonight. He could feel the buildup, the pressure, but they’re always seemed to be a blockage. To get himself under control, it would take him hours. Gabriel just wanted to come.

  “I own you. Every inch of this body is mine. I am fucking your old life away because your life belongs to me now. I own this fucking ass of yours. Do you really think I left you alone? You have been followed and watched this whole time. I know who you fucked, and I intend to make you pay for each one of those fucks because your ass belongs to me. Never again will you ever escape my grasp.”

  Lucien’s words should have scared him, instead, Gabriel’s body only got hotter. Lucien’s huge teeth scraped his skin. “I know you have felt my bite, but this time it will be my incubus biting and claiming you.”

  Before he could protest, Lucien struck his flesh like a viper. There was intense pain, as a searing flood of energy consumed his mind. His whole body lit with a new surge of power. In his struggles, he was able to tear away from his bonds. He felt wired and alive. His body and mind were buzzing, he was feeling dizzy as Lucien continued to drink his blood, but he didn’t care. He’d give the last ounce of his blood to Lucien. This was some intense shit that he didn’t understand.

  Lucien turned him around and kissed him savagely, his sharp fangs had cut up his mouth, but he didn’t care. He felt powerful and full of life. He felt a tingling sensation in his gums and his fangs started to descend. They were sharp and several times he had cut his own tongue on Lucien’s, but it didn’t seem to matter to him. Another thing he noticed was he was drinking Lucien’s blood as it pooled in his mouth. It tasted divine and he wanted more.

  “I wasn’t sure if your Incubi powers would come out, but you seem to have inherited a small bit of it. Most of my pack has a small amount of my Incubi power, but you seem to have more of my own. This may be due to the fact that you’re my wolf’s mate, but enough talking.”

  Gabriel hardly cared what Lucien was saying. He needed to come.

  Lucien picked him up and seated him on his cock. Gabriel grunted in surprise. He was amazed by how strong Lucien was. He himself was no small guy, but Lucien had no problems lifting him off the ground like he weighed nothing.

  “Your hole is still wet from my seed. Nice. Now to make you come; because the hungrier and needier you are, the more you can feed me,” Lucien growled out as he penetrated Gabriel once more.

  Lucien drilled him hard and deep, his prostate was so sensitive and he was leaking so much it was making a pool on the bar floor. Gabriel wrapped his legs tightly around Lucien’s waist and held on tightly to his massive shoulders. It wasn’t enough to hold on.

  “Wrap your legs around me tighter and hold on. This time I’m not holding back.”

  Gabriel was shocked at the power of Lucien’s strength, he wasn’t holding on to anything anymore, Lucien’s thrusts were so robust he was bouncing off and on Lucien’s cock. Lucien was doing all the work as he gripped Gabriel’s hips tightly, bruising them.

  Lucien picked him up once and threw him on the bar. His back hit the thick wood hard, losing his breath from the powerful slam.

  “Grab your ankles and hold on. I want you to keep yourself open for me, do you understand me, don’t let go.” Lucien slapped down his engorged member.

  “Fuuckkk…” Gabriel hissed out, not letting go of his ankles.

  “Good boy.” Lucien rammed into him hard, drilling his swollen hole. “Come.”

  Shocked by those magical words, his orgasm tore through his body, setting his whole being on fire. He literally screamed out from the astonishing effects of his denied pleasure. He knew he had passed out, but his ignorant cock was still coming. His whole body felt wrung out. His eyelids were heavy and his whole body hurt. A year of being denied had literally killed him, and now coming had nearly killed him too. He couldn’t do this again.

  Lucien looked down at Gabriel and cocked a lopsided smile. “Your orgasms belong to me. You can only come with my approval. Enjoy this little reprieve. Once we get home, this cock will be locked up.”

  Gabriel cut his eyes towards Lucien and smiled weakly. “Yeah … yeah … Alpha.”

  Lucien let out a baritone laugh, surprising Gabriel at such a human gesture. He didn’t want to think of Lucien as remotely human. The laugh was endearing, though. Dammit!

  Gabriel, at this moment, didn’t care. Part of him wanted to fight Lucien, but his mind was still trying to come back from such a powerful orgasm. He was still leaking.

  The satisfaction of his orgasm didn’t last as long as the sounds of slapping skin, screams, and grunts started slowing down. Smells of human flesh, juices, and blood from men and women infiltrated his nose.

  His lust-laden mind finally got the hint. He was still at the casino and people were dead or dying. Was his mother one of the living?

  Getting up, he looked around and all his eyes could see were corpses of dried flesh. Their faces were captured in agonizing, hollowed-out screams.

  Gabriel lost a little of his balance as he slid off the bar— hundreds of bodies. Fear and terror gripped his heart.

  He had to know.

  “Did my mother suffer?” he asked, knowing the answer.

  “Why don’t you see for yourself.” With that, Lucien jerked Gabriel towards him and twisted his face, marching him towards the piles of bodies, some fully naked, others half-naked.

  Gabriel didn’t want to see any of this, especially his mother’s body. He had seen dead bodies before in Afghanistan, but this was different.

  The bodies looked hollowed out, their skin dry and flaky as if they had been mummified. Faces contorted in death screams. He could see people dying while still fucking each other. Others had beer bottles up their asses, some of the glass bottles had broken inside their bodies. Women and men on top of each other, forcing their dicks down anyone, in any hole, all caught dead in a weird orgasmic death party.

  As they continued walking, ashen carcasses laid about on the casino floor as they had tried to open the doors outside. None of them had made it. He recognized Jason near the door— he had someone’s fist and lower arm up his asshole. Gabriel could smell the blood and shit that had leaked out of Jason.

  Nonchalantly, Lucien spoke out, “They all died trying to achieve an orgasm, and none did. I didn’t allow it. They died in pain as we fed off their sexual energy. I call it the kiss of death.”

  “We … I didn’t do this … you did this, all of this … fuck you!” he yelled back, not caring what happened next. Tears cascaded down his face. This fucking creature had just killed his mother.

  Chapter Ten


  LUCIEN WAS SO TIRED of his mate’s disrespect, he slapped him hard, dislodging Gabriel’s jaw bone and breaking several teeth. His mate’s body lay crumpled a few feet away from him. Moving, he grabbed Gabriel’s long hair and pulled him up. There were pain and anguish in his mate’s eyes. Gabriel’s lower jaw was unhinged, open, exposing a bloody mouth with a partially torn tongue and gaping holes where teeth had been. He threw him over one of the blackjack tables, his mate landed on the table, disintegrating one of the dried-up humans as plumes of human ash exploded around Gabriel.

  Gabriel was in tremendous pain and horrified as human dust landed on his naked form. Lucien was still angry at Gabriel’s outbursts; he had allowed Gabriel release and he still had the gall to disrespect him. His wolf was quiet and satisfied, but his demon was less tolerant of any disrespect.
  Gabriel’s jaw was distorted and useless, part of his jaw bone crushed from the slap. Gabriel had even swallowed some his own broken teeth. Snot and tears ran down his face. Tension solidified in the pit of his stomach, cinching into a tight, barbed, rusty wire readying to snap. His demon wanted to inflict more damage on his mate, but his wolf was controlling some of his Incubi rage.

  There was no way in hell he was ever letting go of Gabriel. Feeding on and fucking him had given both the wolf and demon satisfaction. The two halves of his world had been calm for a few minutes. He had even managed to laugh at Gabriel’s smart-ass comment. He had never felt relief like what Gabriel had given him. Food, power, and calmness were what his mate gave him.

  Roman satisfied his demon’s darkest sexual hunger, but Gabriel seemed to quiet both beasts, even if it was only for a few minutes. He would train Gabriel to be less disrespectful. He was not going to lose his mate to grouchy-ass vampires with permanent sticks up their assholes. The older he got, the more his demon tried overtaking his wolf and all of him. It was an uncontrolled beast, and Gabriel had provided him with a small part of sanctuary to be Lucien, not werewolf or incubus— Lucien was just Lucien.

  Lucien walked over to Gabriel and grabbed him again, yanking him by his hair. He loved his mate’s long, dark, thick hair. It served as a good leash to tug along his disobedient mate. His mate’s jaw was still hanging off to the side. Gabriel’s tongue was still mending so he wouldn’t be protesting much.

  “The next time you disrespect me or talk when you have not been given permission do so, I will cut off your tongue and put the rest of it in a silver tongue sleeve. Your tongue will not grow back until I remove the device. Do. You. Understand?” He shook Gabriel forcefully.

  Gabriel nodded desperately. Teeth and fangs were growing back, his mate continued to tremble from the pain as his jaw slowly realigned itself back into place. Lucien understood the shock of new bone growing back; it was the one experience he hadn’t liked repeating when he had finally shifted over a thousand years ago. He had refused Sargon’s order to shift, and Sargon had broken every bone in his body, dipping his crippled body into a barrel full of silver powder. It was the most agonizing experience he had ever gone through. After that, he shifted whenever Sargon asked him too.

  Once again, his dick was rigid with feelings and desire blooming all over him. His skin was boiling; he was feeding off Gabriel’s lust and pain. He needed more of his mate. Even surrounded by all this death, Lucien wanted more of Gabriel.

  “On your hands and knees. Spread your cheeks wide and keep them spread,” Lucien ordered, knowing his mate would follow his orders. This time, Gabriel kneeled quickly down on the floor, his mate placed his shoulder on the floor, his hands trembled as he struggled to expose himself wide and open for Lucien’s inspection.

  He kneeled behind Gabriel’s quivering form, his one clawed nail circled around Gabriel’s tender opening. He pulled at the small, soft dark hairs surrounding his mate’s taint causing Gabriel to hiss out in anguish. His mate was perfect in every aspect. Lucien inserted his clawed fingertip into Gabriel’s opening, enjoying his mate’s sharp moans.

  Lucien fed off Gabriel’s sexual energy as waves of it undulated. It was addictive. He would need to keep Gabriel in a permanent state of arousal. The plans he had for his mate made his cock jerk violently. Unable to wait any longer, groaning, he rammed the swollen head of his cock into Gabriel’s ass, relishing in the heat and tightness of his mate’s body. Inch by inch, he filled Gabriel slowly. “Keep your hands there, open farther for me.”

  Gabriel moaned loudly from his deep fucking. Lucien bit into Gabriel’s shoulder, dying in the pure ecstasy of his mate’s blood. This time, he wanted Gabriel to feel the pain of his fangs as he bit deeper. Gabriel jerked forward from the bruising pain.

  Lucien went underneath his mate’s body and pinched savagely at Gabriel’s nipples.

  Gabriel’s hands had let go of own ass cheeks and Lucien’s incubus was coming to the surface. He could feel some of his body changing and elongating.

  He hissed at Gabriel’s disobedience, his horns and claws coming forth as he squeezed harder on Gabriel’s nipples, scratching them with his long claws.

  His mate screamed out from the pain of his bigger size, even his fangs were thicker and larger as he sank his incisors deep into Gabriel’s neck. His mate slumped in his arms. He lifted him off the floor, continuing to suck off his mate’s blood as he fucked him. He was feeding off Gabriel’s desires, fear, and blood. His mate’s cock twitched with each pull of blood he drank. His wings outstretched and his tail swished happily; once more, he was in full demon mode.

  The pain and misery of not seeing or claiming his mate had driven him crazy. Sargon’s hold on him had grown tighter, so he was always at vampire court by Sargon’s side. He had left his young pack alone for over nine months. The pack itself was only a hundred years old. They had been living at his ranch while he had been stuck shadowing Sargon.

  Sargon had been ruthless in his fucking and bites. Lucien’s body had also been adorned with silver piercings until Sumuel made Sargon take off every piece of his piercings. He still remembered the brutal punishment Sumuel had doled out to Sargon since only Sargon was supposed to be adorned. Sumuel was obsessed with Sargon in a way Lucien couldn’t understand, or maybe he could as he clamped down harder on his mate’s neck.

  Chapter Eleven


  HIS BODY WAS SUSPENDED as if he were resting on a bed of clouds. He couldn’t understand the weightless feeling, like he was riding a cloud, caught somewhere between conscious and unconscious. Slowly, he opened his eyes. What he saw didn’t make sense. There were overturned chairs and tables, bodies made of ash, clothes, and drinks were thrown everywhere.

  Realization dawned on him. He must still be in the casino with him. Steel bands surrounded his waist, fiery pain throbbed deep within his neck and opening. The presence of the bigger creature he had met tonight pressed against his back, the one Lucien called Incubi.

  Fear pooled in his stomach. His body was caught between wanting to escape or to find a weapon and kill the bastard, but he couldn’t do anything. There was no way to fight this creature no matter how strong he thought he was now. All he could do was stay right where he was and take this creature’s brutal assault.

  Lucien’s gigantic rod hammered his asshole, his whole body was one erogenous zone. Gabriel’s eyes rolled back as Lucien hit his gland with precision. His body was shaking with thunderous need. This man … creature … was making him crazy. His world was becoming Lucien’s cock. When he was feeding off Lucien, nothing else mattered. His mind could only feel Lucien, could only see Lucien. Electric fire cascaded up and down his body as Lucien speared him ruthlessly burying his super-sized member deep within him, stretching Gabriel’s throbbing rim.

  “Fuck me more,” Gabriel moaned out. He couldn’t believe he was asking for more. Wanting all of Lucien’s monster deep within him, filling and stretching him.

  Lucien hissed, a sound so deep in its pleasure that goosebumps spread throughout his skin.

  “My mate is hungry for his alpha’s cock, his master’s cock, isn’t that right, Gabriel?”

  He couldn’t deny it any further— Lucien belonged to him, and he belonged to Lucien. The truth was hard to bear. “Yes, fuck me harder, split me in two and put me back together, just keep fucking me, my alpha,” Gabriel howled out.

  Lucien thrust his dick deeper into Gabriel, the head of Lucien’s cock expanded even further, providing him with a thrilling shot of sweet anguish. Gabriel couldn’t control what was happening and part of him knew it, so he gave up on control. He was a hole for Lucien, a receptacle for Lucien’s cock and nothing else.

  Lucien was breathing hard, the incubus’ hips savagely pounded Gabriel, sweat poured off him. Gabriel was now slamming back into Lucien, screaming and yelling for more. His own fangs extended, he licked his lips, ready to strike any flesh he could get from Lucien when he h
eard, “Hands up, you sick fucks!”

  Gabriel knew that voice. Bach. The daze he had been under was now gone and pure panic took over. He scrambled to get off Lucien, but Lucien only fucked him harder. Unconcerned, Lucien turned around, still inside Gabriel, turning them both over to face Bach.

  Gabriel saw the disbelief and anger in Bach’s intense blue eyes. His friend was in shock, but the gun pointing at them was steady.

  He was humiliated, dismayed, as he tried to pull his head away from Bach’s accusing eyes. Of course, Lucien wouldn’t have any of it so, he twisted and gripped Gabriel’s hair so tight it made his eyes water, pulling his neck fully back and viciously holding his head in place.

  For a moment, Gabriel thought Lucien was going to rip parts of it out. Instead, he continued to force his shaft deeper, stretching him further with his swollen, thick member. He forgot to breathe as a sharp stab hit his prostate. His body immediately flooded with heat as he snapped his hips against wanting more of Lucien, but this time, Lucien stopped, leaving him planted on top of his huge dick.

  A distant part of himself was humiliated and shocked, but those feelings didn’t last as Lucien stabbed him deep inside.

  “Mmmm, I need you to move, Master, please.” Gabriel moaned, trying to lower himself further into Lucien. He desperately needed some friction.

  “Isn’t he perfect? The way he cries out for my cock, the way he begs so beautifully, he’s my cock-whore, my cock-boy, always hungry for what only I can give him, Bach.” Lucien spoke to the police officer in a grating voice, sounding like rocks being rubbed together.

  Lost in his frenzy of sexual desire, it took him a moment to realize Lucien knew Bach, but how? He had never mentioned Bach. Had he? He was so lost in his own sexual prison, he couldn’t string together a sentence. All he could feel and think about was why Lucien wasn’t fucking him.


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