Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon

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Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon Page 1

by J.T Jackson

Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon

  J.T Jackson

  Copyright 2014 by J.T Jackson

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  For my best friend,

  and my Mother

  Thank you both for your support

  and love

  Table of contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Author Thanks

  Author Bio

  Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon

  Book Two Preview:


  Chapter One

  My life hasn't always been so damn complicated. There was a time, a long, long time ago when it was simpler. But those days are gone. Most of the time now, I'm busting my ass just to make it by. Working two jobs and being a full time student isn't a easy task. Worrying about stuff most 19 year olds just don't have to.

  This man in a weird, funny looking dark blue sweater and a bad comb over was standing at the front. He looked impatient already. I walk over and before I can even ask what can I get him, he starts saying his order.

  "Hello, can I get a white chocolate mocha with caramel. And a blue berry muffin."

  As soon as he's done saying the order I start making it since it seems like he has somewhere really important to be.

  "Ok, one white chocolate mocha with carmel and a..."

  "No, no, caramel. I asked for caramel."

  "Sir, that's what I said, one white chocolate mocha with carmel. Carmel, caramel, it's the same."

  "No, it isn't actually, Carmel is actually the name of several different cities and towns all across the country and the world, including places like New York, California, West Australia and El Carmel in Spain, where as caramel, is a confectionery product made by heating any of a variety of sugars. And is used as flavoring in puddings, ice creams or by itself either as a solid like caramel squares or a sauce, like the kind I want on my coffee."

  This guy is crazy. He just took me through a history of Carmel or caramel whatever.

  "We'll aren't you just a little Wikipedia? Look, sir, I've had a pretty long week and I could really give two shits about how to pronounce Carmel or caramel or camel. My point is either you want the damn coffee or you don't."

  He gets really quiet but doesn't move. So I assume he still wants it.

  "That will be 4.36." I say with a fake smile. He hands me exact change, grabs the coffee and muffin and walks away.

  "Have a nice day sir!" Working at the coffeehouse is almost the worst job ever. I think I rather shove shit off the side of the street. I deal with caffeine addicts all day, crazy tips and terrible hours.Or terrible tips and crazy hours. Five in the morning to nine in the morning. Then I have school, 10:15 to 3:00pm and then my second job. It's a repeating cycle and it never changes.

  I change out of my uniform and get dressed for school. I see Lisa in the locker room, getting ready for her shift.

  "Lulu, I haven't seen you all week, Where you been?" She reaches over and hugs me.

  "You know, work and stuff… How have you been?" I ask back.

  "You know. Same as always tired. The baby has been keeping me up, everyone up actually. I think my mom is actually gonna kick us out for it."

  "Haven't you and Tommy been saving money for your own place?" I try not to get too involved with my co-workers business. Especially living situations. It starts off as a simple how you doing, then they start talking about getting kicked out of their place and eventually they're asking you if they can stay for a few days. Which turned into weeks then months, then years.

  "Yeah we are, but you know how stuff can be. You think you're getting on top and then a new bill comes or something needs to be fixed, the car needs gas, the baby has a cold. It's hard. I didn't really imagine this life for myself at 19."

  "Tell me about it."

  I know where their money is going. I just didn't have the heart to tell Lisa. But I see Tommy at the club every single Friday with a stack of ones in his pocket. Of course I want to tell her. She's one of the few people I would consider a friend. But in order to bust him, I'll have to tell on myself, and I'm not prepared for that yet. Me and Tommy have a mutual understanding about the club. What happens there, stays there. Like Vegas.

  I finished getting dressed and grabbed my stuff. I told Lisa I’ll see her tomorrow and I left. I walked to the back of the shop where we have to park our cars. Someone was sitting by mine. It's a man. Or a boy. I couldn’t see his face. His back was turned to me and all I could see was brown hair and a leather jacket. I walk up to it slowly, he didn't see me though. All I could see was the back of his head and then, he turned around. It’s Toby.

  Chapter Two

  "Hey." He says.

  I pause. I don't move or say anything. Me and Toby use to be best friends. The best. We did everything together. From the time we met when we were ten to 16. He was a party boy and I was a study girl. I loved him, like truly loved him, but he said he just didn't feel that way about me. After that, I was crushed But I got over it. We stopped hanging out as much and talking, but we were fine.Until one day I went to a birthday party for our friend Maggie, he was drunk and started talking about how I poured my heart out to him, calling me pathetic and how I was a loser and so dumb to think a boy like him would ever give a girl like me a chance. I just remember everyone laughing at me. I became a joke. Soon everyone at school knew and it got so bad, I just left all together. That was a little over a year ago and I haven't talked to him since. And now he's sitting on my car.

  "Well aren't you gonna say something?" He says to me.

  "No." I walked to my car and open the door. He holds it open while I tried to close it.

  "Please, Luna, let me explain please."

  "I really don't have time, I have to go to school."

  "Tonight then?"He pleads.

  "I have work."

  "Again? Didn't you just get off?"

  "I have another job. What? Are you stalking me?" I closed the door and started the car. He started tapping on the window so I let it down.

  "Meet me back here at 4. You'll have ten minutes to 'explain yourself.'" I closed the window and drove off.I hope I don't walk into class late because of him. I hate him. But I don't have time to think about that now.

  Chapter Three

  I get to school 5 minutes late. My teacher has already started the lecture. I take a seat in the back and pull out my notebook. I know he has noticed my
late arrival. I’ve been late five times this month already, and it's only the 11th. Mr. Banks is a pretty nice teacher, but I don’t want him to think I’m not taking this serious. He’s the person I’m relying on to give me good recommendations. Plus, I think it’s pretty important to pass your psychology class, if you plan on being, well a psychologist.

  "Now we do not have class tomorrow but Wednesday is your exam, so make sure you study for it. That’s all I got for today, class dismissed. Luna, can I speak to you please?"

  I walk down to the front of the room to the desk. Mr Banks sat on the desk and waits for all the students to leave before he starts talking.

  "Luna, how are you?" He starts off asking.

  "I’m fine."

  "Good. Well the reason I wanted to talk you is one, you came to class late... again. Two, I know you've been working really hard to make it on honor roll this semester. And I got some extra credit opportunities for you."

  "Sure yeah. What is it?"

  "Well, it’s kinda like an internship as well. It's a 12 week program at Hanson and Smith law firm."

  "A law firm? What will I be doing?"

  "Well, I think you'll be doing work like a personal assistance."

  "I can do that."

  "I know you can, that's why I recommended you for the job."

  "Well, thank you. When do I start?"

  "Well, the job doesn't start till Monday, but it would be great if you can get down there between now and then. Just to introduce yourself and figure out what your getting into.

  "Ok, Well I'll try to get over there tomorrow."

  "Great. Good luck."

  "Thank you."

  “Oh, and Luna,”

  I turn back around. He’s sitting at his desk grading what I assume are test.

  “You better show up for class on time from now on.”

  “Of course sir.” I smile then leave.

  This is great. I just need one more thing to do. I couldn't pass this up though. It would look really good on my transcripts and future resumes. But I'll have to take some time off from the coffee house. 12 weeks is a long time, but I'll work it out.

  The rest of the day I was trying to plan out how I was going to make the next 12 weeks work out for me. After I was done with my classes, I went back to the coffee house and I saw Toby sitting inside. With two coffees on the table. When I walked in, he stood up and waited for me to sit. So now he wants to be a gentleman. Where the hell was that when he was ripping my heart out of my chest?

  "I already ordered your drink. Triple espresso latte."

  "Thanks." I take a sip of the coffee and put it back down.

  I don't really drink coffee anymore, I can't stand it after I started working at the coffee house. Just the smell of it gets me.

  "Ok." I say. I was already irritated. Even before he spoke.

  "Ok, so I guess I just wanna start by saying, I’m sorry for the way things ended with us. You didn't deserve that."

  "Yeah I know. Apology accepted. Thanks." I stand up to leave.

  "Wait. Lu, please sit."

  It’s been so long since I've heard someone call me Lu. Toby is the only person that really does it.

  "Toby, I really don't have anything else to say to you."

  "Well, I do. I just… I want us to be back to the way we were."

  "Toby, just so we understand each other. We will never be back to where we were. Ever. I kinda think you ruined that when you called me self absorbing control bitch."

  "You have to admit, you use to have control issues."

  He says with a smile. I don't find it very funny.

  "You're still the same." I stand up one more time to leave, this time he stands up too.

  "Luna, You don't understand. I need you right now. I know I haven't been there for you and I was a ass when I was but, right now, I need you."

  I looked at him, and for a second, I almost see my old friend again. The boy I loved.

  "Right after you said all that shitty stuff about me at that party. I hoped you would run after me and say something like that to me. That you really did feel the same way I did. The way it happens in the movies. But it didn’t, because it wasn't a movie. It was real life, my real life. So when you didn't. I gave up. Not only on you. On everything I thought I wanted. Something snapped in me and I haven't been the same person since. I stopped trying to get people to love me. I stopped trying to keep people from walking out of my life. I just gave up. You were all I had left when my mom got sick and you didn't even care. If you of all people, the boy who was suppose to be my best friend didn’t even care about me, who would? I just don't have time for people in my life that don't have anything to offer me anymore. I’m trying to better my life and myself. And honestly, you don’t make me feel good about myself. Because every time I look at you, I go right back to being that little girl who you called pathetic. I don’t wanna go back to that place. I’m moving forward. I had always hoped you would change my life. I just alway thought it was gonna be for the better.”

  He just sat there staring at me as I walked away. That was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. I wiped tears off my face trying to push them back. A piece of me, just died. One piece of many more to come.

  Chapter Four

  The club is packed tonight. There’s at least three different birthdays and five different bachelor parties going on. It's one of our biggest nights in the last few weeks.

  "500 bucks baby! Tonight is the night the tips are pouring in." Jamie says while walking into the dressing room.

  "Destiny rose, you're after kitty." Jaime said to me while pulling glitter from her hair.

  I finish putting on my makeup in a mirror I'm sharing with three other girls. Lacy Lenn. She has a two year old baby girl at home. She's one of the newest girls here. But she's a great dancer. Bobby Jean. She's been here for what seems like forever. She's everyones favorite. But getting a little old if you ask me. Still, men ask for her specifically. If she's not dancing and someone wants to see her, they pay extra just to get her to come in. She probably makes the most money here. Maybe 1500 a night, at least. And the other girl is Shyann. She really is shy. She doesn't talk much to anyone, but when she hits the floor, she lights up like a christmas tree.

  I hear clapping and shouting and then the music change. That means Kitty is done and I'm on. I stand straight up from the mirror. I don't check myself out like the other girls do before I perform. Because at this time, I am a different person. I'm no longer Luna Stone. I become Destiny Rose. A strong independent brave woman.

  I take my spot in the middle of the stage. The lights go pitch black. I take two breaths in and one out. Then the music starts. The lights come on and so does Destiny. My mind is disconnected from my body when I'm dancing. Like I'm another person. Those three minutes on the stage feel like forever most nights. I see green paper flying all around me. I feel it being tucked in the sides of my body. I hear the screams and shouts but mostly the music. It controls my body. I truly dance. The other girls make fun of me for it. Instead of doing the whole ass shaking booty clap same ol same old, I dance. Erotically but a little more than the rest. I think they like that sometimes. To see someone perform. Some of the men don't but hey, you can't please everyone.

  At the end of my performance, I go back stage. Hot and tired. I have to get cleaned up and change to work the floor waitressing. 273 dollars I made. From one dance.

  Out on the floor, things are a little different. The men don't look at you the same, or talk to you the same, or tip you the same. Even if I just got done performing five minutes before, the second that uniform goes on and the booty and boobies go away, you're invisible to them.

  "Hey, I'm Destiny, I'll be your waitress for the night, what can I get the gentlemen at table number 14 tonight?"

  "Can we just get a couple of pitchers of beer?"

  "You got it, coming right up."

  Most of the guys that come in here don't look as fancy as these guys. T
hey had on suits and ties, like they just got off from work. I'm pretty sure most of them were married. I've learn how to point out the married guys from the single ones.

  When I come back to the table with the beer, Candy is on the stage. They’re all standing up pulling out ones. I try to put the beer on the table without one of them knocking it out of my hands. I go to the other side of the table where I don't see anyone. I place them on the table and then I hear a voice.

  "Hey. Can I get a glass of water?"

  It's a man. He's sitting not standing like the other men. He doesn't really seem to be enjoying the show. He was really cute. Beautiful skin, like a golden CARAMEL color. He had on a purple dress shirt with the first three buttons undone. The color matched him so perfectly. He didn't appear to be having as much fun as the other guys.

  "Yeah, of course." I smile.

  I got to the bar. Rex is working the bar tonight. He always tries to hold conversation with me while I'm working the floor.

  "Hey Rex, can I get a glass of water?"

  "Yeah, you did good tonight. Seemed a little off, but it was still good."

  "Thanks, just got some things going on."

  He hands me the glass.

  "Wanna talk about it?" He asks with a smile.

  "Not right now. Working." I take the glass and walk back to table number 14.

  "Here you go sir. One glass of water. Let me know if ya'll need anything else." He takes the glass and smiles. I go to serve a few more tables before I go outside for my break.

  I go out to the front and pull out a cigarette. I feel around my pocket for a lighter before I realize I don't have it on me. Before I can turn around and go back inside to get it, a hand appears in front of my face with a lit lighter. I pulled my cigarette to it and inhale. The light disappears. I turn to see who the hand belongs to. It's the guy from table number 14.

  "You know, smoking is bad for you." He says in all seriousness.

  "So is getting in peoples business." I say matter-of-factly.

  "I can’t help it, it’s what I do." He put both of his hands into his coat pocket.

  “What? Getting in people’s business?”

  “Yeah.” He says. I just nod my head.

  I stand up against the wall. He takes a couple of steps up. Closer to the road. Like he's looking for someone or a car maybe. Then his cell phone rings and he answers it.

  "Yeah.... I’m right outside, I don't see you." He pauses and looks around, then comes closer to me.

  "Excuse me, what is the address?"

  "It’s, um… 427 Sky Road."

  I hear him repeat the address back to who ever he's speaking to on the phone. And then he hangs up.


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