Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon

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Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon Page 2

by J.T Jackson


  "Yeah. You leaving your friends? The night is still young?"

  "Yeah, It's not really my scene. No offense ."

  "None taken." I drop the cigarette to the ground and step on it a few times.

  “Not really mine either.” I say and head back to the door.

  "Thanks for the light." Then I go back inside. My shift is almost over. Thank goodness. I still got to get up and go to the law office in the morning. I just hope I'm not too tired.

  When my shift is over, I go to the bar to count my tips. 48 bucks. That brings my total to 321. Not too bad. Tonight I wasn't even my best. But I guess that's a plus side of working here, even if you're not the prettiest or the sexiest, you're bound to make some kind of money. Drunk guys would shove money at anyone half naked and dancing for them.

  The drive home was kinda hard. I had to fight just to keep myself awake. I blasted the air conditioner and turned up the music. But it wasn't helping much. I just drove a little slower than normal just to be safe.

  I was so happy to finally get home. Today was a long day. I don't have to work the club or go to school tomorrow, but I still gotta get up and work the coffee house. I’m gonna have to pull some double shifts somewhere though, because working at the law firm, I won’t be making any money off of an internship.

  The second my head hit the pillow, I was out. Like a light.

  Chapter Five

  I Parked my car in the garage of the firm. I take the elevator to the 8th floor. That’s where I need to be. My interview is going to be with Mr.Ian Hanson. I’m going to be his assistant. When I get to the floor. I see a woman sitting at a desk. I walk over to her, assuming I need to check in or something.

  "Hello, how can I help you?" She ask me.

  "Hi, I have an interview with Ian Hanson?"

  She punched some numbers and letters into the computer and clicked around.

  "Luna Stone?"


  "That’s a beautiful name. What does Luna mean?"

  "Moon." I say. Kinda confused. I just always assumed that people knew that. But I guess I was wrong.

  "Your name is Moon Stone?" She giggles a little. Almost like she's mocking me.

  "Yeah." I said straight faced.

  "Well, Mr.Hanson will be with you shortly, you can take a seat Miss Moon Stone." Now I'm sure she's mocking me. I take a deep breath, put on a fake smile and walk over to the chairs. There was no one else in the office. It was really quite. No, tv's or radios to block out the silence. I picked up one of those crappy magazine they leave in offices for waiting people to read. I just flip through the pages. After about five minutes I hear someone enter the room. But a wall is blocking my view.

  "Mr. Hanson, Miss Luna Stone is here to see you."

  The man comes from behind the wall and now I can see him. Though I wish I hadn't. It's the guy from the club last night. Dressed in an all over black suit with a baby blue shirt that matched his tie. I stand up to shake his hand. He does the same.

  "Hello, Miss Stone. Pleasure to meet you."

  "You too Mr. Hanson." I say nervously. He stares at me for a moment like he just remembered something and then shakes his head and smiles.

  "Follow me."

  We walk down a long hallway. The walls are covered with awards. Some to individuals and some for the whole firm. A few pictures of groups of men. I assume that all work here.

  We reach a door and he opens it and lets me in first. The room is dark and poorly lit. Two tall lamps in two corners of the room and a small one on the desk are all that lights up the room.

  "Please, sit." He gestures to a chair.

  I take a seat in the black leather chair that stood in front of the desk where he sat at. He pulled out a folder from the desk and placed it on the desk and opened it.

  "So, Miss Stone, Mr. Banks Highly recommended you for this position. He says nothing but great things about you."

  I’m still holding my breath and wonder if he remembers me from last night. I just hold a smile on my face, trying not to let that escape.

  "I trust him that he knows what kind of people we are looking for to work here and that he would only recommend serious applicants." He looks me up and down then smiles a little. I’m pretty sure he remembers. Just by his whole demeanor. I'm pretty good at reading body language.

  "This is a very demanding job. And very interesting for someone who wants to expand into law business someday. Now I understand that your studying for psychology, but nonetheless, We want to make sure our time is being used in the most effective way possible when bringing in new people to our office. So you can understand my shock when I saw you here just now."

  Yeah, he remembers. I straighten up, preparing myself to leave.

  "Yeah. I understand. Well thanks anyway." I stand up and walked towards the door.

  "Wait, Miss Stone," I turn and stand facing him.

  He gestures me to sit back down.

  "I didn't mean to offend you."


  He laughed a little. I sit in the chair more relaxed now. Knowing that I probably won't get the job.

  "Alright, maybe that was me being judgmental. I shouldn't have done that, and I will like to apologize."

  I don't say anything, and he continues talking. Almost like the last couple of minutes didn't happen.

  "So, basically the job consists of daily agendas. Chances are you won't be doing the same thing everyday. Somedays you might need to take notes at a meeting for me, somedays you might have to hold A meeting for me. Filling out paperwork, filing, things like that. Some days you might be asked to stay longer hours. Somedays you might get to go home early, it depends solely on the work load for that day. We move at a pretty fast pace here." I just stare at him blankly. I'm not even sure if I really want to be here right now.

  "As you know, this is an internship, so there is no pay, but working at a law firm is an impressive thing to put on a resume. Also, if any positions open up while you are working your internship that you qualify for, you will have first chance to apply for it. Do you have any questions?"

  "Nope." I shouldn't be acting like this, but he assumed because of where I work that I wouldn't take this job serious. I've had people my whole life tell me I wasn't good enough for something. That I would never make it anywhere. That I would never finish high school, or get into college. Now, I still have people judging me on something that I don't do because I want to, but because I have to.

  "Now, I’m assuming the hours and time will work out ok. Mr. Banks tells me that you just had your finals at school and that you were planning to cut back your hours at your job at the coffee house?"


  "And what about your... Other job?"

  I sigh a little and breathe. He's staring at me. It’s only now that I actually look at his face. I realized that before I was never really looking at him. He's young. Really young. Not a wrinkle on his face. I noticed his hazel eyes and how perfectly they fit with his skin tone. He has his hands folded together and sitting on his desk. Then I looked around and saw the pictures around the room. Pictures of him and a woman. Girlfriend I assume. I look at his hand and I didn't see a ring. In all of them it’s him and the same woman. Long Blonde hair, big boobs. Probably fake. She looked like a barbie doll. I didn't really take him to be the type.

  "My other job shouldn't interfere."

  "I told you nights mights be required."

  "Well, if need-be, I can take some time off from there as well."

  He seems shock at my respond and he sits back in his chair.

  "May I ask you a personal question, Miss Stone?"


  "How old are you?"

  "I’m 19."

  "You are a young and brightly intelligent young lady, from what I've been told, Why do you choose to work at such a demeaning, derogative place?"

  "Can I ask you a question? Why were you there? I'm sure your… Girlfriend wouldn't be to happy that you wer
e hanging out at such a "demeaning" place.”

  He doesn't say anything, so I continue.

  “I don't work there because I want to, and I sure as hell don’t work there for the free beer. I work there because it gets the bills paid. Coffee house minimum wage and shitty tips just don't cut it when you have to pay rent and gas and hospital bills."

  I pick my purse up from the floor and stand up again. Determined to leave this time.

  "Thank you for your time Mr. Hanson, But you and I both know that I'm probably not fit for this job right now. Have a good afternoon."

  I walk out the door and went straight to the elevator.

  That didn't go exactly how I thought it would. When I stepped into the elevator, I pulled my hair out of my pony tail and let it sit on my shoulders. And take off my dress jacket. Standing there in a pink short belly showing tank top. I just got really hot. Before the doors fully closed, a hand stopped them. I know that hand. It's him. He steps into the elevator with me and presses G. I stand up against the elevator walls. Avoiding all eye contact with him. He's really getting on my nerves right now.

  "You know, people don't usually talk to me like that." He puts both of his hands in his pocket.

  "Shocker." I say.

  "I think you should reconsider." He says to me. Staring up at the ceiling.


  "On taking the position. I think you would be perfect for it." I see him studying me up and down, looking at my new outfit.

  "Are you sure? You think a low class whore like me can fit into a Wall Street world like this?"

  "I never said that."

  "You didn't have to, I’m studying psychology remember? I know what people mean just by their body language."

  The doors to the elevator open up and I step outside. He follows behind me.

  "I just wouldn't want you to pass up an opportunity like this because I didn't choose my words carefully."

  "I think you chose your words just fine. You said exactly how you feel. You were being honest."

  "That’s not what I meant. Look. Please. Just, at least come in on Monday, go through the day and see if you like it."

  I want to know why he's pushing this so hard right now. When we first started, he so much but told me I shouldn't be there and now he's begging me to stay. I reach my car and get inside before I answer him.

  "I'll think about it." And I closed the door and drove off, leaving him standing in the middle of the garage. I’m not really mad, like I said, I've dealt with this my whole life. But it just kinda sucks. I was excited to start this. I don't really have time to think about it though. I have to go over to the hospital to see my mother.

  Chapter Six

  When I get there she's just lying in bed, looking up at the tv so hard, she doesn't even notice I'm there. I knock on the door twice. She looks over and sees me.

  "Hey baby girl." She smiles weakly.

  "Hey ma. How you feeling today?"

  "Oh, you know, same. How you doing baby?"

  "I’m all right. Working and school."

  "You gonna kill yourself one day with as much as you work baby."

  "Yeah, but at least I'll die with the bills paid." She tried to laugh but starts coughing instead.

  "Have you had your medicine today yet?"

  "Yeah, the lady just came in here and gave it to me. I told them to stop bothering with it."

  "Mama, you need it though. It's...."

  "It anit making me better. It’s keeping me the same. I wish they just let me die already."

  "Mama, don't say that."

  "Baby girl, I’m done fighting. I’m tired. I'm just ready to go."

  She starts coughing again. She takes my hand and places it in hers.

  "I’m done Luna . I anit got it in me anymore."

  "What did the doctors say?"

  "They say a month, maybe two left."

  Tears start streaming down my face. The thought of my mother not being around cuts inside of me like a thousand razor blades. She was such a strong woman. She did her best to give me everything she could. It wasn't much but she did what she could. She was so beautiful. Fully round face. Beautiful skin. It was a couple of shades darker than mine but it had a glow about it. Her hair was black and curly that would bounce when she moved. Now, she's thin and weak. Her skin has no color to it. Her hair doesn't shine. Almost Like her life was being sucked from the inside of her.

  I stayed at the hospital for about an hour. The doctor came in and said she needed to rest. After that, I just drove home and sat there. I didn't want to think about what my mother just said to me. I don't want to think that she really is ready to give up on life. But because I can't stop my mind from wondering, I just find something new to think about.I start thinking about what Mr. Hanson said. Maybe I should go in on Monday. Just to check it out. Maybe he'll have a better attitude by then. Maybe I overreacted a little. I mean, I can't really be mad at him for doubting my professional abilities when he knows what I do for a living. Part time anyway.

  I take a shower and just block everything out of my mind for the rest of the night. I really just need some sleep. I climb into my bed, drained from the day, when my phone rings. It's from a blocked number. I usually don't answer them, but it's 10:30 at night and I'm sure it's not a bill collector.

  "Hello." No respond.

  "Hello." I say again, a little more irritated.

  "Hey Lu, it’s Toby."

  Omg. What now?

  "What do you want Toby?” As if I care.

  “Do you think you can come pick me up?” He's talking in a low voice. Almost like there's fear in it.

  “What? What's wrong? Where are you?”

  “I'm at a store on 67th and Wallace."

  “Why are you calling me to come get you?”

  I'm trying not to sound too mean but the guy just decided to pop back up and I'm the person he calls to pick him up late at night.

  “Luna, please, I.. I got into some bad shit ok, and I just need a ride."

  Bad shit? I got enough shit in my life, I don't need bad shit too.

  "Dammit Toby I'm coming. Be there in ten minutes." I slip out of the bed and put my shoes on. I stay in my pjs and just throw my coat on over it.

  When I get to the store, which is more like a gas station, I see Toby standing near the road. I honk my horn twice and he comes right over and gets in the car.

  "What the hell Toby?"

  "I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to call."

  "What's going on?"

  "Nothing. I don't wanna get you into."

  "You called me while I was about to get into the bed at 10:30 at night to pick you up from a gas station, I'm in it already."

  "This guy, I owed this guy money."

  "Shit Toby. Are you gambling again?"

  "It was just one game, my dude told me I had it."

  "What, was he gonna kick your ass?"

  "Said he was gonna get his crew. Let them do it for him."

  When Toby gets upset, I can really hear his New York accent come out. It was one of the things I liked most about him. And his gambling was one that I hated. He had a real big problem with it back in high school. Got kicked out twice for betting on basketball and football games.

  "Look Lu, I'm sorry for dragging you out."

  "Whatever. Where am I dropping you off at."

  We stop at a stop light. The streets are clear tonight. Not many cars out. A lot of people don't come this way at night. It isn't exactly safe.

  Toby is quiet for a few seconds after I ask my question. I look over at him, about to ask again, and he just looks up at me. I already know, before he even says it.

  "No, no Toby."

  "Just one night. That's all I need. I'm sure I can get the money by tomorrow to pay the dudes off and pay my rent."

  "You got rent due?"

  "That's the money that I lost."

  I smacked my steering wheel and the light turns green.

  "Dammit Toby! What the hell?
Where you gonna get the money from? You got a job? Is tomorrow pay day? How much did you lose?" I'm almost screaming now. I feel my face getting hot and my hands are sweating.

  "Almost five grand."

  "Five thousand dollars Toby?”

  “Calmar al bebé” Toby says

  “No Toby, don't tell me to calm down. You did this shit on purpose."

  "Lu, you know I anit like that. I handle my own, you know that."

  "No, you bury yourself in more shit you than you can dig yourself out of and then you call me. That's the way it's always been. You know, you gonna mess around with the wrong guys one day and you gonna get yourself killed. You know what, forget it Whatever.”

  I didn't talk to him for the rest of the ride home. I really didn't have anything to say to him.

  We get to my house and I go straight to my room and slam the door. My mind is racing. He know I'm the kind of person that helps people with their problems. That's why he called me. I don't want to help him, but I don't know how not to. I go under my bed and pull out a shoe box. It's where I keep my extra dollars in case of an emergency. I've been saving it mostly for mom. In case she needs something the insurance won't cover. I got about ten grand saved in the box alone. I pull out the wad of money and start counting. I count off 5000 dollars and put the rest back in the box. I walk back out of the living room and Toby is laying on the couch staring up at the wall.

  "Here." I throw the money on the table in front of him.

  "You need to be gone before I get up in the morning."

  "Luna,wait. Por favor!"

  "I'm done waiting Toby. I'm done helping you. You have never done anything for me Toby. Nothing. But break my heart. And still you beg me to help you. I'm done with it.”

  "I'm sorry."

  "Yeah you are. You better be gone when I get up."

  I go back to my room and get into the bed. I feel kinda bad that I had to treat him that way, but he won't learn another way.

  I had a hard time falling asleep. I don't know why. My mind was just racing a million miles a minute and I couldn't focus on just one thing. Thinking about My mother saying she wants to die. My current and future career choices. Toby. Well, tomorrow is another day and I'm sure all of these problems will be there too.


  When I get up in the morning Toby is gone. I go over to the couch and he left a note on the table. It's in Spanish. Good thing I was totally obsess with him in high school. It forced me to take Spanish all four years just so I could hold a conversation with him.


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