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Page 4

by Thomas Ransom

  She took a deep breath, “I am sorry. I know I'm swamped nowadays, but things will soon settle down once we have done all the initial procedures for the account, and they decide the new department head.”

  Just then, their food arrived. Clark touched her hand gently, saying, “I get it. I am here for you. Don’t worry; let’s just enjoy our lunch for now.”

  Aria decided to stop stressing over work for a while and shift her focus on Clark. She smiled at his animated face as he told her a story about his client. It turned out to be a pleasant lunch. “We should do this more,” Aria told Clark when they were leaving the café. They hugged goodbye, and Clark walked to a parking lot nearby where he had parked his car, He waved at her at the corner and disappeared in the crowd. Aria felt calmer now. This was what I needed right now to clear my head. She thought while digging in her purse for her keys.

  She noticed someone standing near her car, which was parked in two streets away. The guy was tall and wearing a black hoodie. Aria couldn’t see his face. At the sounds of her footsteps, the guy slightly turned around and started walking away. “Hey!” she yelled, but the guy hastily turned the corner and was gone.

  Aria cautiously looked all around her car, checked the backseat and even the trunk. She couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary. What was he doing? She wondered, opening the car door and rechecking the backseat. She did a quick sweep of the space under the seats. Satisfied, she sat inside and checked the rearview mirror. Was she paranoid again? He could have been a homeless person that I just scared off. She thought. “God! I really do need a vacation,” she hoped it could be soon.

  She reached the office ten minutes later and immediately sensed the excitement in the air. “What’s up?” Aria asked an office intern, who was walking by. “They are asking everyone ideas for the boss’ party. We are also supposed to write some messages or funny stories we have related to Coons. They will show it as a slideshow,” he explained enthusiastically.

  “Ah! Let me guess, Tanya is behind this?” Aria asked. The intern nodded.

  “There you are!” someone practically shouted in Aria’s ears, making her jump in fright.

  “Ugggh! Don’t ever do that again,” she snapped at Tanya, who was standing behind her sniggering. “Where have you been?” Tanya wanted to know, “I tried calling you but couldn’t get through.”

  Her heart still pounding, Aria glared at her, “I was out for lunch.” She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves, “Don’t we have to regroup for the Cooper account? What’s happening?”

  Tanya shrugged, “Coons left saying he has an urgent meeting, and we will continue tomorrow. That’s why I was calling you. I figured we should finalize things for the party instead. Everyone wanted to be a part of it, so I told them to come up with ideas, and we might use them.”

  “Oh, okay!” After a pause, she asked, “Was Whitney here?”

  Tanya nodded. “Yeah, they left together. How did you know?”

  “Nothing, I just saw her in the car park,” Aria informed her, not mentioning Clark. “Come on, let’s go through some ideas for the party.”

  The next two months were hectic for everyone. The team was focused on Cooper’s account, and also making preparations for Coons’ retirement party. Aria only saw Coons during the meetings. She felt he was deliberately trying to avoid everyone. But it could just be due to the stress of a high-profile account. She figured. After all, he will be leaving soon, and the entire account will be handled without him. He is probably worried about how things will be managed without him. Aria decided it wasn’t her business to talk to him and tell him to relax.

  She was loving every moment of being in charge. While it was stressful and she barely had time for herself, Aria was glad. She and Clark were spending even more time together. It felt like they had already moved in together. She wondered if things were going too fast. Clark was already talking about the future. However, she wasn’t worried. Clark was also ambitious like her, and he has been creating a business plan to open his real estate agency. He sure knew how to charm his clients.

  There was a knock on her door. Aria was in her office, finalizing a few things for their first meeting with Cooper since she had secured the account. She looked up to see Coons opening the door. “Got a minute?”

  “Yeah, sure. Come on in.” Aria gestured towards the seat, inviting her boss in. Coons made himself comfortable and smiled at her, “How are things going?”

  “A tad bit stressful, but overall, it has been pretty good!” she said after a pause. Aria was wondering why he came to meet her after months of staying away from everyone.

  Coons nodded approvingly. “Yeah. That’s good. That’s good.” Her boss looked distracted. Studying him carefully, Aria noticed the deep bags under his eyes. He looked as if he hasn’t slept in years! In all the years she worked with him, this was the first time he seemed dejected.“Is everything okay?” Aria gently asked.

  “What?” Coons was jolted out of his thoughts. “Yes, yes. All is good!” He gave her an unconvincing smile. Aria looked concerned. Coons tried to reassure her that he is fine, “But, enough about me, are you all prepared for the meeting tomorrow?”

  Aria was sure something was wrong, but she decided to drop it for now, “Yeah. It’s just a formality anyway. Cooper has already gone through everything, and he is fine with everything. Honestly? He doesn’t really want to get involved. He wants us to keep managing things while he focuses on other things.”

  Coons nodded. “He trusts you.”

  Aria shook her head, saying, "I think he has faith and trust in you.”

  Coons brushed the compliment away, “Well… Aria. I won’t be here for much longer.”

  “I know. Excited about your party?” Aria chimed in.

  He simply shrugged and moved forward, urgently, “Listen. Aria…”They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Aria was taken aback when she saw Whitney Fox opening the door. “There you are!” Whitney chided, looking at Coons.

  “I was coming to meet you. That chirpy woman told me you are here, so I decided to meet our star as well formally,” she held out her hand to Aria. Fortunately, Aria managed to choke out a hello. “I have been hearing nothing but praises from Cooper about you,” Whitney gushed as she sat down next to Coons. Aria could have sworn she saw him stiffening a little.

  Aria stammered, “Cooper … I mean, Mr. Cooper has been a great client so far.” Whitney smiled at her. “I told him he could trust us. Isn’t that right, Luis?” she said, turning to Coons.

  Coons smiled. Aria noticed Whitney placing a hand on his thigh and was caressing it. She cleared her throat uncomfortably and sat up straight.

  “Ms. Fox. I appreciate the opportunity you all gave me,” Aria said, pointedly averting her gaze.

  “The board is impressed with you, Aria,” Whitney informed her. Aria could feel her excitement bubbling. “I was actually planning to announce this formally at our meeting, but since I am already here, I might as well give you the news now.” Aria’s heart started pounding as she waited for Whitney to continue. “We are making you the acting head of the department affected immediately after Coons retirement,” said Whitney. Aria couldn’t believe it! “Seriously?!"

  “I think this is what your boss was about to tell you.” Whitney laughed, and continued, “Of course it’s temporary until Coons replacement is found. But, it is a huge learning opportunity for you.”

  “Thank you so much!” she said, looking at both of them.

  “Now go ahead and celebrate, your boss and I have things to discuss,” Whitney stood up, and so did Coons. “I am sure I will see you at the party.” Aria watched them walk out, bewildered at what just happened. Aria couldn’t bear her excitement. Whitney was right. Even if she were an acting department head for a month, it would open opportunities for her like never before. She couldn’t wait to tell Clark.

  Chapter 4: The Retirement Party

  “Earth to Aria,” teased Tanya.

a laughed, “Sorry. Sorry. I was just thinking about work.” The friends were out shopping for dresses for the party, which was tomorrow. Tanya giggled.

  “No doubt cooking up ways to make lives of use mere mortals difficult when you become the queen,” mocked Tanya. “But if you keep on daydreaming, we will have to go to the party in drags!”

  “Why are you are so dramatic!” Aria sniggered, lightly punching her friend’s arm. “I am so glad we finally found a chance to shop. I have absolutely nothing to wear for tomorrow!

  “I hear you! I know we will find something good.” Tanya laughed. “But seriously. You should totally make Wayne suffer.”

  “Oh, shut up!” Aria rolled her eyes. She felt a bit sorry for Wayne, who seemed withdrawn now. Aside from a few sarcastic remarks here and there, he had started keeping to himself. Aria understood how he felt. She would have been devastated if Wayne had gotten the account. She knew he was a rather good competitor and figured it would have been a very close call.

  She picked out a dress from the stand and held it in front of her. She looked at the mirror and then placed the dress back. It wasn’t her. Aria sighed. She was hoping Wayne feels better soon. Granted, he was super annoying most of the time; she still missed his weirdness. She was determined to give him the nudge when she becomes the acting head of the department. He needs to get back in his element.

  Aria looked at another dress. It was a long trailing backless, black gown with a lace body, wide boat neck, and cap sleeves.

  “Woah!” Tanya said when she looked over. “This is so you! Try it on.”

  Aria looked at the dress. It was stunning. “Don’t you think it’s a bit too much?”

  “What’s ‘too much’!” Tanya rolled her eyes. “You are the star of the show… okay, fine,” she held up her hands. “Coons is the star of the show, but people will have eyes on you. It is you who will be taking over.”

  “Temporarily,” Aria interjected.

  “Girl! You need to loosen up and enjoy the attention. It is a massive deal! People would kill to be in your position right now,” said Tanya leading her to the fitting rooms.

  “T! You are too much!” Aria laughed as she was gently pushed into one of the fitting rooms by Tanya and ordered to try out the dress. She knew Tanya wouldn’t leave unless she showed her how the dress looked on her. She quickly tried on the dress and looked at the mirror. It was a perfect fit. She twirled around and was instantly in love with the dress!

  Tanya banged on the door. “What’s taking you so long!”

  Aria opened the door and walked out. Tanya whistled. “Omg, Aria! You are slaying the dress.”

  “Sure, it's not too much?” Aria asked, even though she knew this is the dress she was going to buy.

  Tanya glared at her, “Don’t start with me again!” Aria laughed and went to the fitting room to change. “Make sure Clark sees you in this dress.” Aria heard her friend say and blushed. She was glad Tanya couldn’t see her right now. Aria knew Clark would love this dress. “Yup! I am definitely buying this.” She whispered to herself, giggling.

  People were starting to arrive at the retirement party. The company had rented a banquet hall at a hotel to accommodate all the employees of the department. The hall was decorated beautifully with balloons, flowers, and streamers. There was also a small stage that had a massive banner on the background saying “Farewell Boss, Best Wishes for the New Chapter.”

  Wayne headed straight to the bar to get a drink. Tanya was already on the dance floor, Coons was deep in conversation with Whitney, and rest of the people were mingling, gently swaying to the beat. Aria was feeling self-conscious as she entered the venue. She was cursing Tanya for encouraging her to buy that dress, which had a hefty price tag. Although she loved this purchase, she felt overdressed for the occasion. Her suspicion was confirmed when all eyes were on her the minute she walked through the gate.

  She stumbled backward and almost fell, but someone caught her from behind.

  “Easy there,” said a familiar voice.

  Aria turned, and it was Cooper! Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Cooper gave her a nod and asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” she stammered. “Thank you for not letting me fall.”

  Cooper winked at her, “Always a pleasure meeting you, Aria.”

  Tanya raced towards her looking concerned, “Aria! Are you okay?”

  Cooper gave her a nod and walked towards Coons. Aria gave her friend a glaring look, “No! You did this!”

  Tanya looked taken aback, “Wha… what did I do?”

  Aria whispered urgently, “I asked you if this dress was too much, and you said no. Everyone was looking at me the minute I entered.”

  Tanya laughed. “Geez, Aria! Stop overthinking. Everyone is dressed up tonight. Plus, I think people are talking about how you are taking over.”

  Aria looked at her friend, confused, “How do they know already! It hasn’t been announced officially yet.”

  Her friend shrugged. “Nothing ever stays a secret at our workplace Aria, don’t you know that?” she said, leading her to the bar and grabbing two drinks.

  Aria gulped down her drink in one chug. She couldn’t believe there is already a rumor going around that she will be filling in Coons’ place temporarily. She was starting to feel the pressure now. They made their way over to Coons, who seemed to be arguing with Whitney.

  They immediately stopped when they noticed Aria and Tanya approaching. “Here is my star,” Whitney said, spreading her arms. Aria was stunned as Whitney hugged her and pecked her cheeks.

  Tanya was giving her a sideways look. Aria ignored her and greeted Whitney and Coons.

  “So! How does it feel knowing you won’t have to come to work again?” Tanya asked Coons, grinning broadly. “You can finally sleep in late and stay up late partying!”

  Coons laughed, “Partying at my age!”

  Tanya gave his arm a nudge, “Come on boss, you aren’t that old yet!”

  Coons chuckled, “But honestly, it’s a bit odd. I don’t have to go to work, worry about the clients, deadlines, and making sure you all are putting in the effort for our clients,” he said looking pointedly at Tanya, who pretended to be offended.

  They all laughed. Whitney placed a hand on Coons’ shoulder, “You have worked extremely hard and trained good people. Your job is done, now it’s time to let go of the work burdens and enjoy this part of your life.”

  Coons nodded.

  “Who knows the star you created here,” Whitney nodded to Aria, “… might actually stay in your position.”

  Aria couldn’t believe her ears, “Re… really?” she stammered. Whitney nodded and winked at her, “Let’s see how you perform as an acting head,”

  More people came to greet Coons and wish him well. Aria zoned out of the chatter happening around her as she kept going over what Whitney has just said. Tanya grabbed her arm and steered her away from the crowd.

  “Woah! Did you hear that?” her friend said excitedly, “With Whitney backing you up, you will be able to make it Aria!”Aria hugged her friend, happy to have Tanya by her side always. “I feel … I don’t know what I feel …” Aria tried to explain.

  Tanya squeezed her hand, “You will be fine,” she said sympathetically.

  “On one hand, this is what I always wanted, but on the other hand, it is such a huge responsibility. I am scared that I may mess it up, and Coons won’t be there to clean up my mess,” said Aria, her voice shaking slightly.

  Tanya hugged her again, “You will do what you always did, give it your best. I know Coons won’t be here, but you have our back. Everyone is thrilled that you will be leading them. They trust you. Plus, they wouldn’t have considered you if they didn’t think you have what it takes to lead a department.”

  Aria nodded. Tanya was right, she thought, she should have more confidence in herself. She was slightly disappointed at herself for doubting herself. She has worked so hard to get to this stage. This is what she was
preparing for since the time she opted to study finance. Aria decided to let go of the worries and celebrate her success with her colleagues.

  She took Tanya’s hand, “Come on, let’s dance,” leading her friend to the middle of the floor.

  Tanya cheered, “Yeah, that’s what I am talking about.”

  People around them were cheering them on, and joining them on the dance floor. She tried to find Wayne but couldn’t see him anywhere; she was starting to get worried about him. She decided to ask Coons to talk to him. Aria cranked her neck to see past the dancers around her to spot Coons. She saw Whitney chatting with Cooper, drinks in hands. However, she didn’t see Coons anywhere.

  She shrugged and decided to let it go for tonight. Many came to Aria to congratulate her. Aria and Tanya twirled around on the dance floor until Aria’s throat started feeling dry.

  “Hey, I am going to get a drink,” she practically shouted to Tanya over the loud music. “Do you want anything?” Tanya waved her hand to say no, “Hurry back!” and continued dancing.

  Aria made her way to the bar. It certainly took a while since people kept stopping her to offer their congratulations. It seemed like everyone had heard the news. Tanya was right, Aria thought, nothing stays a secret here. She didn’t mind the attention, though; she chuckled as she took a drink from the bartender and moved out of the way to drink in peace.

  She was also meeting up with Clark after the party. They had decided to do their own celebration. Aria felt her cheek getting flushed, was buzzing with excitement now. The thrill of a new challenge that will give a major boost to her career, and the anticipation of the special night Clark had in store for her. She was so lost in her thoughts that she failed to notice someone lurking in the corner, behind a pillar, until a hand grabbed her and pulled her in the darkness.

  Startled, her glass slipped from her hand and fell on the floor, but the loud music drowned the sound of the breaking glass. Her scream was cut short with a hasty hand covering her mouth tightly. Her heart was pounding, and she continued her muffled screams, hoping someone could see her.


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