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Page 12

by Thomas Ransom

  She dragged her feet to the conference room. She could sense eyes boring into her, but she ignored everyone. She entered the room and saw that Wayne and Whitney were already inside talking in hushed tones. They looked up when she entered. Wayne cleared his throat uncomfortably.

  “Ah! Great you are finally here. I want you to pay attention and note everything down. Since you have been leading this account, hand in everything to Wayne after the meeting,” Whitney said, without even looking at Aria.

  She noticed Wayne looking at her. He had a strange expression on his face. Aria gave him a look and stomped on to find a seat as far away from him as possible. The rest of the team entered the room and took their seats. When everyone had settled down, Whitney stood up to make an announcement.

  “There is going to be a change from now onwards. Wayne is taking the lead on this account from Aria. She will continue working on this account, but you will be reporting to Wayne, and he will be taking all the decisions. Mr. Cooper has already been informed of this slight change,” Whitney looked around. “Any questions?”

  Everyone shook their heads. Aria could see her team members sneaking a glance at her and then quickly looking away. There was an uncomfortable silence in the room. Aria’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She bit her cheeks to stop herself from crying.

  Fortunately, the door opened at that moment, and Cooper and his team walked in. Aria was relieved that the meeting was starting. She was worried that Cooper might say something, but he just looked at her for a while and then shifted his gaze at Wayne as he started speaking.

  Aria tried to keep up with what Wayne was saying. However, her mind drifted. She was confused and scared. She felt alone. There wasn’t anyone to help her out. She was grateful for Detective Sanjay, though. He was the only one who was trying to help her. She hoped he kept his promise and talked to Ellen. Aria silently prayed that Ellen comes to her senses and reveals whatever she had been hiding. It could be a major clue that could help the police catch the killer.

  Cooper and Wayne were discussing something, but Aria couldn’t pay attention. Her head was buzzing. She glanced at her notepad and it was completely blank. She was hoping no one asks her anything.

  She practically jumped on her seat when there was suddenly a loud knock on the door. There was silence. Everyone looked confused. The entire department knew there was a meeting taking place,and no one was allowed to disturb. Before anyone could say anything, the door was opened by Tanya.

  Aria noticed she looked terrified.

  “Tanya!” Whitney glared at her. “What do you want?”

  Tanya looked around the room, and her eyes stopped at Aria. Her eyes widened. Aria’s heart sank instantly. She knew something was wrong. The door slammed against the wall, and Sergeant Walker walked past Tanya and entered the room. Detective Sanjay walked behind him.

  “What is it?” Whitney asked, standing up.

  “Please stay calm,” said Detective Sanjay as the Sergeant surveyed the room.

  Whitney stepped forward, “You can’t just barge into an office without a warrant.” The Sergeant gave her a look that made her stop in her tracks, “Ma’am, we have an arrest warrant. Please stay out of this.”

  Everyone immediately stood up. Aria’s heart skipped a beat. Have they finally found the killer, was he in this room! She thought and looked around the room. Her eyes stopped at Wayne. He was staring at her, with the same strange look on his face.

  She looked back at the Sergeant, and at the same moment, his eyes fell on her. He started moving towards her. Aria took a step back. She noticed Tanya’s scared look. Detective Sanjay had a poker-face. Everyone was looking at her.

  “Aria Raymond,” the Sergeant bellowed.

  “What is it?” she stammered and took another step back.

  “You are under arrest for the murder of Luis Coons…” said Sergeant Walker as he turned her around harshly.

  “What!” Aria yelled. “What the hell is happening!?

  The Sergeant grabbed her hands, “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law…” he said and cuffed her hands.

  “No!” Aria tried to jerk away from him, but he held her down, “You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be provided to you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about!” Aria screamed. Her heart was exploding. This is surreal! “Sanjay!” she called out. “Help me!”

  “Aria,” said Detective Sanjay calmly. “Please stay calm. I strongly suggest you stay quiet. Don’t say a word until you have an attorney.”

  The Sergeant turned her around, his hands tightly holding on to her cuffed hands. She saw everyone in the room, gaping at her astonished. “I didn’t do it!” Aria looked at everyone. A few people even stepped away from her. Her body trembled as she was led out of the room.

  Chapter 9: Help!

  Aria had been sitting in the interrogation room for what seemed like hours. She wasn’t sure what time it was. No one explained anything to her. She tried to ask Detective Sanjay, but he remained quiet. She was terrified. How can they arrest her for Coons’ murder! Aria thought. Her heart was racing faster than ever before. Why isn’t anyone telling her anything? She had a sinking feeling in her stomach. Did they genuinely believe she could do such a thing? She looked at her hands, still cuffed. It seemed surreal. This can’t be happening to her.

  The door flew open aggressively, startling Aria. The Sergeant walked in, followed by detective Sanjay. Sergeant Walker looked ready to kill, and the detective’s face was grim. Aria could feel the pit in her stomach growing deeper. By the looks on their faces, things didn’t seem good for her. But what the hell did she do, Aria pondered.

  Both of them sat opposite her. Aria looked at them, confused. “Are you ready to talk?” asked the Sergeant.“Why am I here?” asked Aria instantly. His mouth twitched, and he lifted an eyebrow, “You don’t know why you are here?”

  Aria stared at him. “I can’t believe you think I murdered Coons! I was the one who found him and tried to save him,” Aria snapped. “Yeah, the perfect crime. Killing someone in cold blood and then calling 911,” the Sergeant’s eyes bored into hers. Aria maintained eye contact, refusing to get intimidated.

  The Sergeant leaned back in his chair, “Just admit you did it. Your lawyer might be able to reduce your sentence.”

  “I didn’t do anything!” Aria raised her voice. The Sergeant pounded his fist on the table, making Aria fidget. "Aria,” came Detective Sanjay’s calm voice. Sergeant Walker glared at Aria, but leaned back in his chair, and let Sanjay speak. “Please. You can tell us what really happened that night. If you want, we can wait for your lawyer.” Aria gave him a look. “I don’t have a lawyer.”

  “Your company might send one for you,” said Detective Sanjay gently.

  “Or you can tell us what you did, and we will put in a good word for you... help you get you a better deal,” Sergeant Walker pitched in. “I. Did. Nothing.” Aria replied. “I want my lawyer.”

  “The sooner we get this over with, the better it would be for you,” Sergeant persisted. Aria glared at him, “I am not talking anymore.” Detective Sanjay gave her a slight nod, but the Sergeant continued to survey her.

  After a while, they both got up and left the room. Aria started feeling dizzy. She had been waiting in this grim room for ages, without having anything to drink. Fortunately, a few minutes later, Detective Sanjay entered the room and placed a water bottle in front of her.

  “So, there is a problem,” he said. Aria looked at him, “Oh, really?” she asked mockingly. Sanjay ignored her and sat on the chair. “Your company refused to send a lawyer. They don’t want to be associated with… well, this case.” He cleared his throat.

  “Great!” Aria wasn’t surprised. This was inevitable, especially after how they have been treating her. “They probably think I am the killer, right?” Detective Sanjay bit his lip but stayed quiet.

  Aria sighed. “Now what?” sh
e asked. “Well, the people who couldn’t get a lawyer, the state provides one for them. I have made a few calls, and a lawyer should be arriving here any moment,” he replied.

  “And this lawyer won’t care about me and get whatever deal he can easily get for me, right?”

  Detective Sanjay hesitated before answering, “That’s not the case. These lawyers are good at their jobs.” Aria rolled her eyes. “If there is anything you want to tell me, now is the time,” he said. Aria leaned in closer, “I know you are playing the good cop here… trying to be my friend, but you both are the same. You couldn’t find the murderer, so you are pinning it on me for no reason.”

  He sighed, “We can’t arrest someone for murder, just because we feel like it, Aria. There is probable cause for arrests or search warrants.” Aria continued to glare at him. He got up, “Let’s just wait for your lawyer.” With that, Aria was left alone in the small room once again.

  She woke up startled. “What?” she said, looking around. Aria had no idea when and for how long she had slept. She was still in the interrogation room, and a bald man was taking a seat opposite her. His eyes were on a file he was holding.

  “So, let’s get started,” he said, looking at Aria. “I am the lawyer assigned to your case. My name is Tyler Jones. Aria blinked. Her head was fuzzy. “Is there anything you want to tell me right now?” he asked Aria.

  “Get me out of here!” snapped Aria. “I have been sitting here for God knows how long. I am tired and frustrated. They are not telling me anything. They can’t just accuse me of murder and arrest me!”

  Tyler looked at her with a raised eyebrow. He leaned in closer, “Did you do it?”

  “Nooo!!” bellowed Aria. “I have never even hit a person in my life. How could I murder someone? He was my boss and I cared about him,” Her voice trembled.

  Tyler closed his file. “Okay. Let’s see what they have got. Then, we can proceed further. Think about your answers before you say them. They can twist your words easily. Avoid saying anything that might make you sound guilty. I will be here with you throughout the interrogation. If I tell you not to answer a question, don’t!” Tyler explained. “Understood?” Aria nodded. He seemed like someone who knew how to handle this. Aria felt slightly better.

  A few minutes later, the Sergeant and the detective entered the interrogation room once again. “Are you ready to talk now?”

  Tyler spoke up, “Please tell my client why are you accusing her of the murder? Do you have any proof?”

  The Sergeant looked at Tyler and then at Aria. “You were the only one present at the scene of the crime. You were the last person to be seen with Coons. No one else saw either of you for hours at the party. Your colleagues have also told us that you and Coons fought a few days before the party. Is that correct? "Aria sighed, “It was nothing…”

  “It’s a simple yes or no question,” said the Sergeant. She nodded. “And you were talking to each other?” he asked. “For a while, but it was just work-related stuff. We resolved everything before the party,” replied Aria. “He didn’t want you to take his place after his retirement?” he asked.

  “No… that’s…” she looked at Terry who cleared his throat. “What does this have to do with the murder? Do you have any probable cause to keep her here? If not, then my client and I are leaving.”

  “She murdered Coons. She was with him at the time of the crime. She stayed there and called 911. He was dead when the ambulance arrived. There is no evidence of a third person at the scene. He couldn’t have stabbed himself; the angles aren’t right…” Sergeant Walker stated all the facts, looking straight at Aria.

  “Being at the place doesn’t prove that my client murdered him. Why would she help him if she murdered him?” asked Tyler. “To make her look innocent, and it was working rather well for her until we got the tip,” Sergeant Walker’s mouth twisted. “What tip?” Aria asked promptly. The Sergeant glared at her for a few seconds. “To look into you.”

  “What!” snapped Aria. “Why would anyone say that?”

  “Because someone didn’t want you to get away with what you did,” he snapped back. “They were right. We almost closed the case and labeled it as unsolved. If it weren’t for that anonymous tip.”

  “Do you have any proof that my client murdered Coons?” sternly asked Tyler. The Sergeant banged something on the table. There was something shiny in the evidence bag. “You found it!” Aria exclaimed. It was the missing knife! She felt some relief. They can now find the real killer. The knife still had dried blood on it. She looked hopefully at detective Sanjay, “You can find the killer now.”

  “We have already found the killer, Aria,” replied the Sergeant. “Who?” she asked.

  “YOU!” bellowed the Sergeant. “Why do you think we are all sitting here right now?!” Aria grimaced. “That is not possible!” she replied. “Aria…,” started Detective Sanjay. “The knife was found at your house.” Aria’s face paled. “No! That can’t be possible. How can it be at my house? I only saw it that night, and it disappeared!”

  “Because you hid it,” the Sergeant calmly replied. “No, I didn’t!” said Aria, her lip trembling. “This is not possible,” she repeated. She looked at Tyler and then at Sanjay, “You have to believe me, I have never seen this aside from that night. I told you about it too.” Tyler cleared his throat, “Why would my client tell you about the knife and then make it disappear?” The Sergeant scoffed, “To confuse us. To send us on a wild goose chase. No one was looking at her as a suspect. She was the victim who saw her boss die in front of her eyes.”

  Tyler raised an eyebrow, “And how did you know the knife was at her house?”

  This time, detective Sanjay answered, “The anonymous tip. They told us to look into Aria. She was hiding something. We got a search warrant for her place.”

  “What?” Aria’s face turned scarlet. “I was never informed about this…,” she turned to Tyler, “Can they do that?” Tyler sighed, “If they have probable cause and if they have a search warrant.”

  Aria stared at Tyler and then turned her gaze to the Sergeant and the detective. She couldn’t believe her ears. This is not happening to me, she thought. She buried her face in her hands.

  “It is best to confess, Aria,” said the Sergeant.

  “You can’t ask my client to do that,” Tyler pitched in. “You don’t have to say anything, Aria.”

  Aria spoke up, “Someone is clearly framing me. You are letting the real killer get away with this. I didn’t do anything! Why on earth would I kill Coons?”

  The Sergeant shrugged. “You might be angry at him for not believing in you and you lost control and stabbed him.”

  “No!” Aria replied, and her eyes welled up. “That’s not true. I could never do that.”

  “Your fingerprints are all over the knife. The murder weapon was found in your bedroom, wrapped in a blanket, and covered in your fingerprints. This is a rather simple case now, Aria,” said Sergeant Walker.

  “Of course, my fingerprints would be on the knife. I touched it by mistake that night when I was looking for Coons,” Aria replied.

  “What?” Detective Sanjay leaned closer. “But you never told us.”

  “I told you about the knife. I repeatedly told you about the knife, asking you to look for it,” Aria said angrily.

  “No. I meant, you never told us that you touched the knife,” stated detective Sanjay. Before Aria could reply, the Sergeant interjected, “Because she was making it all up, Sanjay. She doesn’t have her story straight.”

  “I am not making anything up!” Aria replied.

  “As I said, work with us. Confess to your crime, and your lawyer can get a good deal for you,” said Sergeant Walker. He got up. We have sufficient evidence to lock you up, Aria. We just have to finish up the paperwork, and you will be off to prison. Talk to your lawyer, think about it,” with that he and the detective left the room.

  There was an eerie silence. Aria’s eyes filled with tears. She f
elt suffocated. “Can they really do that?” she whispered.

  “Excuse me?” asked Tyler, leaning closer to her. “I will go to jail now?” Tyler simply stared at her. “Well, you won’t be sent directly to prison. If you don’t confess, your case will go to trial. We will have to build a strong case...

  “But! I didn’t do it,” Aria said in desperation. “We can make a deal with the DA. You can plead guilty, and seeing that you have no priors, your sentence might be reduced. Plus, if you are on your best behavior during your time, I might be able to get a few more years off your sentence,” Tyler continued as if he wasn’t interrupted.

  “I. Didn’t. Do. It!!” Aria screamed. “Why would I confess? Why should I go to prison???”

  Tyler leaned back in his chair as if to get away from Aria. “Look, Aria. I am going to be honest with you. It doesn’t look good. There is overwhelming evidence against you. Even if we go to trial, it won’t do you any good.”

  “You are supposed to help me!” Aria glared at him.

  “That’s what I am trying to do,” Tyler said calmly. “I suggest you plead guilty. We might be able to negotiate the terms.”

  “Get out!” Aria screamed. “Get the hell out of here. I don’t want you as my lawyer.”

  Tyler got up and tried one last time to convince her, “Honestly, I don’t think anyone would want to take your case. As the Sergeant told you, it is now a rather simple case. They have strong evidence against you. There is nothing much anyone else can do. They will advise you the same as I did.”

  “GET OUT!!!” Aria screamed again.

  “Your arraignment will be held in two days,” a police officer informed Aria a few hours after Tyler left. She was still in the interrogation room. Aria looked up. Her eyes were puffy, and she had completely lost track of time. She had no idea how long she had been sitting in this room. The officer was looking at her, awaiting her answer.


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