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Skipped a Beat

Page 12

by Salsbury, JB

  “I take it back, stowaway. Looks like you found plenty in your size.”

  “I didn’t buy this shit!”

  I frown sarcastically. “I know. I did.”

  She closes the distance between us until she’s nearly on my toes. Her chin tilts back to glare up at me, and I can’t help but notice the feminine lines of her lips, her soft caramel-colored skin stretched over a delicate jaw, and the slope of her neck that throbs with an accelerated heartbeat. She is really pissed. “I didn’t ask for this! You know how uncomfortable this makes me, and you don’t even care. Why won’t you listen to me?”

  “Why can’t you just accept help?”

  “I am accepting your help. I’m getting a ride to California, I’m eating your food—”

  “That’s not my food.”

  She closes her eyes in an attempt, I assume, to find her chill. “Look,” she says softly. “I don’t want to appear ungrateful—”

  “Good. Then don’t.” I slide past her toward the bags and pull out a soft knitted top in burgundy. “This is nice. It’ll look great with your eyes.” Next I grab out a stack of folded jeans, all different shades of blue. I pull pajamas out of another as well as cotton pants and matching tees. Ideally I’d love to see her in silk, but for the bus, I suppose the more coverage the better. I frown to myself and toss the pj’s back into the bag. “Those look comfortable.”

  “I’m not keeping any of it.”

  I peer over my shoulder at her while pulling out a sexy black sweater that would hug her perfect curves. “You have to. If not, it’ll all go to waste. Besides, you like this stuff, don’t you?”

  She cocks her head, her fiery eyes still blazing holes through my chest. “I didn’t pick any of it out. Helen did.”

  I peek into the Urban Outfitters bag, spotting a flowery sundress and some graphic tees. “Helen has great taste. I think you should be covered until we get you to California.” I turn toward her then and motion at her feet. “Did you get running shoes?”

  She doesn’t answer me.

  I grin. “You know…” I cautiously step closer, feeling that familiar heat spark and sizzle between us. “Accepting a little help doesn’t make you weak.”

  “No,” she bites back immediately. “It makes you vulnerable and indebted, and I told myself I’d never—you know what? Forget it.” She stomps past me and disappears into the bedroom where she yells, “And I’m not using the fucking phone!” She slams the door behind her.

  “That was Jesse’s idea, not mine!” That’s a lie, but I know she’d be more willing to keep it if she thought it came from her semi-boss.

  I step around the couch and see a Nordstrom bag full of shoeboxes. I peek inside and see an orange Nike box. Satisfied, I head for the bedroom door and lean a shoulder against it. “I don’t know what you’ve been through, Jade, and I’m sorry if us helping you brings up some old shit you’d rather forget. But understand you don’t owe us anything. Hell, if anything, it makes us more comfortable knowing you’ll be properly clothed. People see you with us wearing the same thing day in and day out. They’ll start talking. The last thing we need is a media scandal.” I cringe at how bad that sounds but soldier on. “Anyway, we’re all going out to a club tonight. You should come.” I wait, listen, and hear nothing from behind the door. “We’ll come by and grab you at eleven.” Again, I strain to hear a response. Nothing. “Okay, so… I’ll see you later.” I turn to leave when the door clicks open behind me.

  She stands in the cracked doorway, her expression unreadable. “I don’t have an ID.”

  Her response isn’t much, but it’s enough to feel like a huge victory. “Don’t worry, you’ll be with us. You’ll get in.”

  “Where’s Ethan?”


  “You said I’d be crashing in his room.” She folds her arms at her chest and leans against the doorway.

  “I lied. I’d beat his ass before I’d let him bunk up with you.” Shit. Why did I say that out loud?

  Her lips part, just slightly, but she has no response.

  I clear my throat. “See you tonight.”

  Not wanting to give her the opportunity to say no, I spin away from her and leave, smiling the entire way to my room.

  * * *

  The Church is a club for high-end patrons, and as we leave our room to go pick up Chris, Jesse and Bethany, and hopefully Jade, we look like a couple of guys headed to the skate park.

  When you’re famous, no one really gives a shit what you wear. You could stumble into a celebrity in Hollywood and not recognize them in their baggy, often dirty sweatpants and hole-ridden T-shirts.

  I am wearing a pair of Levis, an old, faded Star Wars shirt, and my white-and-red-striped Adidas Superstars. I run my hands through my hair, and I’m done.

  Ethan is on the couch, his hand wrapped around a short glass of whiskey, his phone in his other hand.

  “Ready?” I shove my phone and wallet into my pockets.

  After my heated visit with Jade, I had come back and had a short, uneventful talk with Rachel. She did most of the talking. I felt like shit for having the feelings I have for Jade. Wondered how Rachel would feel if she knew I sent my assistant to take another woman shopping. My head began to throb, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep until Ethan woke me, asking what I wanted from room service.

  After a shower and a meal, I’m feeling antsy, my muscles jumping with energy, a side effect of playing shows late into the night.

  “Let’s get Chris, then Jade, and we’ll swing by Jesse’s room to see if he and Bethany want to come with us or if they’d rather stay in and fuck like dolphins all night.”

  We get to Chris’s door and knock. He comes out dressed similarly to us, but his eyes are a little glazed over, which makes me think he’s been doing a little solo pre-gaming.

  I clap him on the shoulder as we head toward Jade’s room. “You all right, man?”

  “Fine.” He avoids my eyes, which is unlike him.

  “If you want to talk about it—”

  He shrugs out from under my hand. “I said I’m fine.”

  Ethan and I share a look that says he agrees with me. Chris is most definitely not fine. I make a note to keep an eye on him tonight.

  I stand back as Ethan knocks on Jade’s door. I expect her to either not answer at all or answer wearing her new pale-purple pj’s and tell us she’s decided to stay in. So when the door clicks open and Jade steps out wearing a flannel in black, red, and white, skinny jeans, and black Converses, my jaw hits the floor. Her hair is down, thick unruly curls framing her wide-set eyes and full mouth.

  “Well fuck, Agent Jay. You clean up well.” Ethan snags her hand, and I barely refrain from snarling at his openly brazen contact.

  She closes her door and seems to make a pointed effort not to look at me. I let it slide, thinking it’s probably for the best anyway. I’m happy enough that she’s out, she’s wearing clothes I paid for, and she doesn’t seem completely miserable.


  I look like an idiot tagalong as Ethan drags me by the hand down the hall to pick up Jesse and his fiancée Bethany.

  Even though I’ve been around Jesse a handful of times, I still get butterflies in his presence. After years of listening to his music and seeing him on awards shows, it might take some time to start viewing him as human rather than a rock god.

  My stomach has been swirling with nerves since Ryder mentioned going out with them tonight. The thought of being seen in public with Jesse Lee and his band isn’t helping.

  I probably should’ve stayed in, but doing so felt like losing.

  We stop at Jesse’s door, and Chris knocks.

  The door swings open and reveals a small brunette woman I recognize from our video chat days ago. She’s wearing a sexy, fitted black dress that hits a good few inches above her knees, black heeled booties, and a denim jacket. Her hair is straight and silky, and she’s wearing a little makeup but not much. Her big brown eyes search me out, and I expect
her to give me the up and down, but instead, she launches her self at me with her arms wide.

  “Jade!” Her grip is firm and authentic. Ethan drops my hand so I can hug her back—loosely. “It’s so great to finally meet you.” She pulls back but keeps her hands on my shoulders. “I’m Bethany.”

  “I figured.” I flash her a small smile, which I hope comes across as friendly.

  “Jesiah told me you guys were going out tonight.” She leans forward in a conspirator, girl-whisper kind of way. “He said there was no way we were leaving the hotel room, but I managed to convince him.” She winks and gives Ryder, Chris, and Ethan all the same warm greeting.

  Jesse comes to the doorway wearing all black—shirt, jeans, and boots. He hooks Bethany over the shoulder and nods to us collectively in greeting. I expect my butterflies to intensify upon seeing him, but they don’t. Weird.

  “Let’s get this over with.”

  Bethany slaps him in the chest, then rubs soothing circles and keeps her hand there. “You promised you’d have a good attitude about it.”

  He closes the door, and we all head down the hallway to the elevator where a huddle of security guards—I count six—wait for us. “And you promised me I’d get in your ass.”

  I gasp and hear a low chuckle come from my left where I can feel Ryder’s presence. I don’t look to confirm.

  “Anal in exchange for a few hours in a club?” Ethan shakes his head. “You sure you don’t have a sister, Bethany?”

  She laughs and leans deeper into Jesse. “He’s lying. I did not promise him anal.”

  “That’s what I heard,” Jesse says, kissing the top of her head.

  We get to the elevators, and Ty briefs us on the protocol for the night.

  “Denver knows you’re here, boys. I don’t know how, but there are a few dozen fans in the street. My guess is they’re waiting to see where you head off to.”

  Ethan slowly raises his hand. “My bad. I may have tweeted that we were going out tonight.”

  A long, powerful arm brushes against my back as Ryder smacks Ethan in the back of the head. I ignore the brand his touch left behind on my skin.

  “So here’s how we play this,” Ty says. “We’ll leave out the back, and you’ll have Jonny, Max, and Alec escort you into the club and to the VIP room where they’ll man the door. I’ll hang outside with Dillon, and Rodger will stay in the vehicle to respond if you need a quick pick up.”

  We all nod in agreement and head toward the elevators, breaking up into two carriages to get to the lobby.

  I purposefully pick the elevator with Bethany and Jesse.

  “Jade, how are you doing with all this attention from fans and stuff?” Bethany asks me while Jesse absent-mindedly nibbles on her knuckles. “It’s crazy, right?”

  “I’ve only seen what happens at the arena during the shows.”

  “Oh, well, you’re in for a treat tonight. Just stick with me, okay? And don’t get too nervous. Jesiah has the best security in the business.”

  The elevator doors open, and Ryder, Chris, Ethan, and three security guards wait for us. The lobby is a hum of activity, and the goal to get down there, then sneak out the back is thwarted as soon as Jesse exits the lift behind me.

  “Jesse!!” The first shriek comes from nearby, and the rest quickly follow.

  Jesse releases Bethany instantly, and she’s pulled back and away by the black-haired security guard. I think his name is Max. A second later, there’s a gentle tap on my elbow, and Ty guides me to stand behind him. Ryder steps forward, forming a second wall of protection as screaming fans surround the band. The guys are generous with autographs, and even Chris—who I haven’t seen smile once yet tonight—is grinning for selfies. All six security guards are on full alert, their bodies rigid, their eyes constantly scanning, checking hands, back pockets, peering into bags.

  Jesse smiles like he’s in heaven, but I don’t miss the way his gaze slides toward Bethany over and over again, I assume to gauge her wellbeing.

  My heart melts a little.

  “All right, that’s all the guys have time for tonight!” one of the security guards calls, and four of them step in to usher back the crowd while Max and Ty direct us toward the back of the lobby. We scurry away, Bethany and me up front with the guys bringing up the rear. Ty pulls out a key card and gives us access to a door that leads into the service hallway. Jesse and the guys stay behind us, talking and laughing about their interaction with the fans.

  “You okay?” Bethany asks me, her eyes warm with concern. “You look a little green.”

  Do I? I suck in a deep breath, wondering if I may have forgotten to breathe that entire time. “It’s a little overwhelming. That’s all.”

  She smiles. “You’ll eventually get used to it.”

  Her encouragement strikes me as odd. I’m only here until we get to California. As soon as we cross the state line, I’ll be gone, and this experience will be nothing but a cool thing I did once.



  With my face pressed to the glass of the blacked-out SUV, I stare at the nightclub aptly named The Church. The Gothic structure looks like something out of the 1500s with its huge stained-glass windows inside pointed arches. The only thing giving away its current use is the multicolored lights flickering inside and the deep thumping bass.

  “Stick together,” Ty says as he motions for us to exit the SUV into a semicircle of manpower and muscle.

  We move as one unit, and as militant as the process should feel, it doesn’t. With Jesse and Bethany’s constant hilarious sparring, Ethan’s occasional inappropriate comment, and Ryder’s low chuckle, I relax a bit.

  I assume someone from Jesse’s team must’ve called beforehand because we bypass the line and crowd outside and get waved through the door. We don’t get in unnoticed as people call Jesse’s name, but we continue to move until the music is too loud to hear anything and we reach a set of stairs. We climb to the top of the balcony that overlooks the club below. It’s a little quieter up here. The center of the room displays a circular settee couch that looks like it could seat twelve people. Surrounding it is multiple tables, chairs, and our own bar with two bartenders as well as cocktail servers who are wearing nothing more than bras and panties.

  “Fuck yeah!” Ethan pumps his fist in the air to the beat of the house music below, his hair flying around his face.

  “I’m sure you hear this all the time,” Bethany says from my side, “but you have a really beautiful smile.”

  I do hear it, but it’s nice to hear it from a woman who sincerely means it rather than a man who’s just trying to fuck me. Or fuck me over. “Thank you.”

  “Do you want something to drink?” she asks.

  “Um…” I consider my options and come up blank. “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

  She nods and heads to the bar. Jesse trails after her like a love-sick dog, and I’m struck by how different they are. He’s Jesse Lee, rock idol, rumored sex god, bigger than life, and Bethany is beautifully simple, pure, and confident. Watching them together pulls at the emptiness in my chest.

  I blink away from them and head to the edge of the room to look down into the club. The security team mans the bottom of the stairs as women are already trying to get a pass to come through. Bodies undulate to the music, some wrapped together, some blissfully solo without a care as to what they look like. Again, I find myself envious.

  “What do you think of this place?”

  I turn toward Ryder who leans his elbows on the banister beside me. “It’s loud.”

  He tilts his head toward me and I’m struck, not for the first time, by his handsome face. “What did I do?” He must read my confusion. “You’re giving me that look, the one that says you wish I’d go eat shit and die.”

  I do my best to release the tension in my face. “I don’t mean to. This is just my face.”

  “I’m not saying I don’t like it.” He flashes his lazy grin. “You still mad about the clo

  I shrug. “It was never about the clothes. It was about you not hearing me.”

  He nods, looks around a bit, then his gaze comes back to mine. “I think you’re the one who’s not hearing me.”

  I imagine it’s frustrating to want to do something kind for someone, only to have that person reject it. I bought an extra dinner for a homeless man outside a restaurant once. He refused the meal and asked for money. When I told him all I had for him was food, he called me a stingy bitch.

  Am I no different than that man, by only accepting the kindness I want rather than accepting the kindness I need?

  My shoulders slump at the realization. “I’m sorry. You’re right.”

  He does a double take, and his light brows drop over his eyes. “I’m going to need you to repeat that. For a second there, I thought it sounded like you said I’m right.”

  I laugh. “Man, your hearing is just as bad as Jesse’s.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure I heard you correctly. You said ‘I’m sorry. You’re right.’ And I’m pretty sure you mentioned something about anal.’”

  Now I’m really laughing. “Nope, I’m positive you misheard now.”

  “Damn.” He sobers a little, but he’s still grinning. “A man can dream.”

  “They have a name for those. They’re called wet dreams.” What am I doing flirting with Ryder? He has a girlfriend!

  He licks his lips and quickly turns away from me, probably realizing the flirting we accidently slipped into as well. “Look, Jade, I—”

  Ethan knocks into me on the other side, shoving a drink into my hand. “Here ya go, Agent Jay.”

  The drink is a pale pink with a cherry floating in it. It looks good, but… “Bethany said she was getting me a drink.”

  “She was.” Ethan takes a sip from his cocktail glass, which looks like it’s filled with pure liquor. “But she doesn’t drink, so she was ordering you a Sprite. I know better so I got you a sex on the beach.” He winks.


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