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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

Page 51

by Manda Mellett

  Again, he’s not wrong. Brothers, God help them, look up to me. If I start viewing everyone with suspicion, they’ll be casting their eyes around, too. Best way to break a club or lose a good member, if twos and twos are added with the wrong result. We’d all but killed Skull for circumstantial evidence which pointed the wrong way.

  “I’ll speak to Cad. The question we need to ask is how he knows. Not to come out directly and demand to know who told him.”

  “You’re focusing on the wrong problem.” Hell gets my attention again. “Whatever, however, he has that information, you’ve claimed a woman who probably has no desire for a claimin’. That’s what your head should be working on. She refuses? You don’t follow through? You’ve just made things ten times worse.”

  “You basically told him she’s a whore, Demon.”

  Fuck. Have I? Jesus, he’s right. I told him, given her supposed immoral background, it wasn’t unlikely she’d jump into my bed after leaving him. He wants to prove she’s an unfit mother? Maybe I’ve just handed him more ammunition. Shit.

  Hell’s hand lands on my shoulder. “Let’s get back.”

  I’m not ready. But this plan I’ve set in motion has to be kicked off. One last deep breath and I follow the others back to the bikes. Slipping into the lead, I ride on autopilot, thoughts whirring around my head. Why the fuck did I publicly claim her? How could I not? Something had to happen to put doubts in Angel’s mind and get him to back off. I couldn’t have said anything else, could I? I needed him to worry his wasn’t the only dick near her. Christ, the idea of that slimy bastard laying his hands on her is abhorrent. The thought I’d been inside her, the fiction I’m going to need to get people to believe, is disappointing, I admit, only because I have not.

  Now I’ve claimed her, maybe there’s a chance I’ll be able to rectify that frustration. What would she feel like? Is she tight, inexperienced? What does she like in bed? Are there things I could teach her? For fuck’s sake! She’s like my little sister. I would not be having these thoughts about Kennedy, so why am I about her?

  Because I’m a man. She’s a woman. And I’m having problems getting my head around that I’ve just sentenced myself to being faithful to someone I’ll have to live with platonically. If I want to save Theo, I can’t go back.

  “My office.” I barely wait for the engines to be switched off.

  “Try and keep me a-fuckin’-way,” Hellfire mutters as he swings his leg over the saddle.

  Heads turn as we storm through the clubroom, but I hold up my hand to stop questions being thrown my way. I do notice Cad’s not in his usual corner. “Prospect. Find Cad. I need him.” I don’t bother to ask which of them will respond, content one of them will.

  “So,” Hell asks, as he sits on the visitor side of the desk, “you had any further thoughts on the way back?”

  As Thunder kicks out the other chair, turns it around and straddles it, I sit, pinching my nose, then meet his stare.

  “Whether it was wise or not, I’ve said Violet and the kid are mine. If I back down, Angel will smell a rat and come after her harder. No doubt about it, I’ve no option other than to carry this through.”

  There’s a quirk to his lips when Hell says, “You’re going to make your mother very happy.”

  Ain’t that the fucking truth. A grandkid for her to fuss over. She’ll be the last person to worry that the kid’s not really mine.

  The immensity of what I’ve taken on hits me. Words start tumbling out. “I presume she put ‘Father Unknown’ on the birth certificate. Need to get that changed to my name. Need to get the wedding organised. Get a lawyer to tell us our rights. Get next week’s hearing postponed…”

  “Whoa, hold up, son. You’re forgetting one thing.” As I raise my eyebrow, he continues, “She has to agree.”

  She can’t afford not to. I have to make her see that. “Violet will do anything to keep Theo safe. If I tell her this is the plan, she’ll go along with it.” She’ll take my advice, she thinks I’m her proxy big brother. She’ll do what’s best. Big brother, yeah. One that wants to put his cock in her. Nothing wrong with that. Shit!

  There’s a knock at the door, followed by Cad putting his head around it. “Heard you wanted me?”


  Thunder stands, indicates the chair he’s just vacated, then steps back and leans against the wall, folding his arms across his chest. Quickly I explain to Cad.

  “How the fuck did he know she was here?” The question Cad’s just asked must, for now, overshadow the personal ramifications of what I’m taking on.

  “That’s what we want you to find out.” I’m proud of the patience in my tone.

  The implications hit him fast. “We need to talk to everyone. See who could be in contact with the Silvestri. See who could have opened their mouths and let anything slip to the wrong person. We’ve been sending the girls out to buy baby shit, Prez.”

  “Wouldn’t mean much unless he knew Vi and Theo were here.”

  “Before we alienate everyone in this club, Cad, any technical way he could have traced her?”

  I notice my temporary VP has gone still, his brow furrowing.

  “Thunder?” I encourage him to continue.

  “Just hit me, Prez. What if they found out accidentally? I mean when they were listening for something else. We have product moving around our businesses. For all Lucio spouted, I still think his crew is behind that. What if they’ve found a way to watch us? Bugs in the club? Hell, I don’t know, but I’d rather look for an answer before we start throwing accusations around.”

  It takes no more than a second for the implications of that to sink in. Then I’m blasting at Cad. “Could we be bugged? Watched?”

  “Whoa.” Cad holds up his hands. “Back up a bit, Prez. Someone would have needed to have planted shit like that. It would take a mole.”

  “Hangarounds coming to the parties? Couple of the guys have brought chicks back, too.”

  Cad’s lips press together, his hands rub his temples. My fingers drum on the table, wondering why he’s not jumped up and is tearing the club apart. “I’ll do a sweep, Prez. Check it out. But this Angel has an obvious interest in Violet. He could have physical eyes on her, or virtual ones.”

  “You think he’s tracking her? Thought of that, Brother, but she ditched her phone long before she came here.”

  Cad grins, leaning forward. “How about I tell you how I’d do it? What’s the one item a woman always has with her?”

  Hell’s the one who answers. “Her fuckin’ purse. Mo won’t leave the house without it.”

  Could it be that easy? I was about to tear the club apart and she might have brought the Silvestri bug into the compound herself? Completely unknowingly, clearly. Placing my palms on the table, I start to push myself off the seat.

  “Where you going?”

  “To get her purse.”

  “Demon, sit down. You plan to walk in and take it?”

  Of course, why not? “Yeah?”

  “Well you might need to do some explaining when taking a woman’s prized possession.”

  That’s one reason why I never wanted a woman. The explaining myself part is not what I’m good at.

  “Then,” Hell continues, “you’ll get into where you’ve been and why. Scare the shit out of her that Angel knows her location. And then have to tell her the decision you’ve unilaterally made. Think you need to plan how to approach it a bit more carefully.”

  “What do you suggest?” I glance out of the corner of my eye and see Cad listening intently.

  Hell jerks his chin toward Cad, then his gaze comes to me. “How isn’t the most important thing right now. Dealing with the implications is.” Hell’s face looks pinched. “Not the way I’d have wanted you to get hitched, Son.” For the moment, he’s my father. His lips press together, then he continues, “But this has to look right if you’re going to fool Angel. You need to get everyone on-side to back up your story, which, if I’m allowed to point out
, is as full of holes as a fuckin’ sieve. It has to be watertight, so you need everyone behind you. You also need to know how to approach this legally. Marriage, paternity rights. You’re already talking about changing the birth certificate. When you talk to Violet, you can’t be all ifs and buts, you have to know what you’re doing.”

  Cad looks at Hell, his eyes going wide, then he turns back to me and nods. He’s added all that data together fast. “I, we, will be behind you, Prez. Whatever you need. We will all have your back. Tell me what you want and I’m on it.”

  For a moment I stare at the ex-prez who I’m thinking should rightly still be sitting in this chair. He’s right. To pull this off, I need to convince her I have a plan, and that it will work. Knowledge, that will be my weapon.

  “Order of play, then. I’ll start to look everything up.”

  Christ, I don’t even know where you get a marriage license or how long it takes to do things right. But I will. Before I see Violet.

  “Her car’s in the compound, isn’t it, Prez?” When I nod, Cad continues, “That’s where I’ll start. Could be as simple as he’s put a tracker on it.”

  “Then we have church. Bring everyone in…”

  “Before or after you tell Violet?”

  Right now I don’t know which is worse. If it comes down to it, I’d far rather be explaining my plan to my brothers than trying to convince a woman to tie herself to me in a loveless, platonic marriage.

  Cad and Thunder disappear. Hell stays with me while I try to work through the mire of legalities, getting everything straight in my head. We could marry today, it would seem, not too much formality. I’ve a phone full of notes that will override any objection she has by the time Cad reappears.

  “Car’s clean, Prez. If she has anything on her, I’d put money on it being in her purse. I’ve just seen her in the clubroom. She has the kid with her, she’s engrossed with the women. Couldn’t see she had any bag with her except for the kid’s stuff. If we’re going to search her purse without her knowing, what about now?”

  “Good call. Let’s do it.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “He’s gorgeous, Violet. You can see Nathan in him, he has his nose.”

  Frowning, I respond, “Not sure that’s a compliment, Mo. Poor kid.”

  “Nathan was a handsome man, Violet.”

  Now I’m laughing at Demon’s mom. “He was my brother. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t think of him that way.”

  She smiles, and leans over, smoothing her hand gently over a sleeping Theo’s head. “He grows up like your brother? I assure you, he’ll be fighting all the girls off.”

  “Or not.” Jayden slumps down beside us. A grin accompanies her next words. “If he’s anything like the men here, he’ll be lapping all the attention up.” Reaching over, she pulls down the blanket that is covering Theo, so she can get a good look at him. “Seems he’s out for the count, Violet. Want to put him in his stroller and I’ll watch him for you? Give you some time to yourself?”

  I’ve just changed him; he’s been fed. I could use a few moments to myself.

  Moira’s been bombarding me with questions since she arrived. Does he feed well? Sleep well at night? Had his shots? Any issues? Her friendly concern and interest isn’t anything I haven’t experienced before, but coming from Demon’s mother, a woman I knew well in the past, makes me wish it was my own mom making such enquiries.

  It doesn’t seem right that my mom wouldn’t remember him being born. She isn’t able to understand she is a grandmother. I’m torn between guilt that I should check in and see my mom for myself, and the knowledge even if it was safe for me to go see her, it wouldn’t do anything but upset me. Even if I could go visit, I don’t know what I’d achieve.

  The last few days have at least given me a chance to catch my breath, to concentrate on being Theo’s mom, putting the rest to the back of my mind for a moment. Theo’s benefitted from my less-anxious state; he’s sleeping better at night. Of course, I haven’t stopped worrying. Angelino won’t have given up, but he doesn’t know where I am. This has become my safe haven.

  No one seems to be in a hurry for me to leave, but I won’t be able to stay here forever. Sometime soon I’ll need to speak to Demon and work on my future plans.

  I put my hand to my mouth to cover a yawn. Theo’s sleeping better, but that still means he wakes early for his first feed. Jayden’s suggestion of some time to myself is very welcome, and something I haven’t had much chance to indulge in since Theo’s birth. I’ve no qualms about leaving my son with Jayden, and Mo’s hovering around, desperate for him to wake up, if I’m any judge.

  A long soak in the tub? Yeah. Maybe. Perhaps, first, some fresh air. I’ve been cooped up inside for days.

  “Thank you, Jayden. He should be down for a while now. Mo, it was lovely catching up with you again.”

  “You go and relax. I’m happy to watch him with Jayden.” Demon’s mother’s eyes have a maternal gleam to them. For a second my stomach clenches. What would it have been like if Theo were Demon’s son, and Mo his real grandmother? Don’t go there, Vi. Theo’s yours. It doesn’t matter who his sperm donor was. But it does. I force my mind away from the immensity of problems his parentage has caused.

  Nodding to them both, I stand, then, with one last glance back, reassuring myself that he’s in good hands, I walk across the clubroom to the kitchen, and out through the back door. I haven’t had a chance to explore outside before. The ground is damp, but steam is rising as it’s heated by the sun, which has reappeared after a sudden heavy downpour of rain. Seeing the area with a mother’s eye, I notice the grass, but also dangerous lumps of concrete lying around. Spying picnic benches, I wander across, worried when I see a huge, deep pit. Inside there are grills, which must be for when they have barbeques. I doubt I need worry; I’ll be long gone before Theo starts running around, but it seems dangerous for a youngster.

  Was this where Demon and his brother and sister played? Or didn’t they come here as kids? I only remember their house off-compound. Whether children have run through these grounds before is nothing to do with me. My future is starting over in another state, not here.

  The industrial history of the buildings housing the club is more pronounced from the outside. I spend a moment looking around, intrigued, as well as enjoying the sunshine and the solitude.

  “They used to melt down trains in there,” a deep voice sounds from my side. Looking around, I see the man they call Thunder.

  “It’s not big enough for a train,” I scoff, thinking he’s pulling my leg.

  He walks closer and looks down into the pit. “They’d saw it in half first. It’s true. What you’re looking at is the furnace.”

  I look at the pit again. Yes, perhaps half a train would fit. Seems he could be telling the truth. “How long since it was worked?”

  He shrugs. “Getting on forty years now. Steel mill closed when the industry crashed.”

  “And the club’s been here since then?”

  “More or less.”

  “Demon’s grandfather was the president back in those days, wasn’t he?” I’m sure someone told me. Nathan, perhaps.

  Thunder glances my way, then quickly averts his eyes. “What you doing out here, anyway?”

  It’s a quick change of subject. I don’t understand why Demon’s relationship to the initial president is a touchy subject, but it certainly appears to be. I don’t press; it’s none of my business. As my relationship with the club will only be brief, I have no need to pry. “I just wanted some fresh air,” I explain. “Jayden and Mo are watching Theo for me.” I add the last hastily, not wanting him to think I’ve abandoned my baby again.

  Thunder laughs. “Mo will be in her element. She loves kids.”

  He’s got that right. It’s a bit awkward. My solitude has been ruined. I barely know this man. Don’t know how to speak to him.

  “You should be safe out here, Violet,” he says, suddenly. “
But you shouldn’t wander around alone.”

  “No one can get into the compound.” I’m viewing the high brick walls that surround the old factory. Where the wall has fallen in, there’s high chain-link fencing to keep people out.

  Thunder touches my shoulder and turns me around. He points around my arm. “Sniper could take you out if he wanted to.”

  My eyes go wide. “Why would anyone want that?”

  “Because if Theo has no other parent, Angel gets what he wants.”

  I go cold. I truly hadn’t considered that I could be in danger, that killing me would pave the way for Angelino to get what he wanted. As chills run through me, I wrap my arms around my stomach. “Angelino doesn’t know where I am, does he?”

  He hesitates, then shakes his head. “Nevertheless, pet. If I was you…”

  “I’ll go back inside,” I say quickly.

  “Best you do. Demon wouldn’t want you exposed. And I need to get off to work.”

  As Thunder waits, expectantly, I realise he’d only come out to make sure I was safe. All Demon’s men seem to be looking out for me, and now I’m holding him up. I know they have my best interests at heart, but it makes me feel a bit like a prisoner. Thinking I really need to make some plans about moving on, I turn and make my way back inside.

  I return through the kitchen; a long soak in the bath is sounding more and more attractive. Noticing Mo and Jay talking, I presume Theo is still asleep and not stirring and go over to check. Cad walks past, giving me a nod.

  “Hey, that was no more than five minutes,” Jay grins.

  “Go on, shoo. All moms need time to themselves.”

  Thanking them both, but still feeling guilty, I slip across the clubroom and up the stairs.

  Entering Hell’s room that he’s kindly allowing me to use, I grab a clean towel. Soon I’m watching steaming water fill the tub. Having Theo, quick showers are normally all that I can take, so I’m longing to have a good long soak. There’s no bubble bath, but just being able to lie back and relax is enough. When it’s full, and I might have over-indulged with the amount of water I’ve used, I ease myself down with a sigh, feeling my brain start to unwind.


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