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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

Page 58

by Manda Mellett

  “Don’t want to move, Vi. It feels like I’ve come home.”

  Chapter Twenty


  My cock is softening, slipping out of her. Her juices are making the bed wet. I’ll have to move soon; I don’t want to. For a second, I regret I hadn’t played Russian roulette and had forgone the condom.

  I wait for regrets to sink in. Wait for my head to say what I’ve just done is the most stupid mistake I’ve ever made in my life. I’ve fucked Nathan’s sister. While my head’s in turmoil, Vi’s quiet, snuggled into my side as if she’s meant to be there. The place she never should have taken. I wait for that voice saying what I’ve done is wrong, but it stays quiet. No regrets? None at all.

  I should never have made her get my name inked on her body. From that moment on, I was fighting a battle I’d had no chance of winning. It hadn’t helped that she’d wanted me, too. One thing I’m learning about my soon-to-be wife, if she desires something she goes after it. Once I came into this room I didn’t have a fuckin’ chance. Seems I’m the lucky bastard she wants.

  While I’m loathe to lose the connection, my cock, now flaccid, leaves the warmth of her body. Leaning over, I kiss her forehead. “Gonna go clean up, Vi.”

  She turns, her face unreadable. A cold feeling settles over me, wondering if she’s the one having regrets, fearing I might have taken advantage of her. Then she smiles, her hand reaches out to caress my face, a little tentatively, as if unsure of her welcome. Taking it in mine, I turn it over, placing my lips to the palm. Then I leave the bed.

  It’s only then I realise. “Fuck, Vi,” I start with a self-deprecating laugh. “I didn’t even take my clothes off. Sorry, hardly romantic, was it?”

  Her hand stretches out but she can’t reach me. Her eyes are half-hooded but match the smile on her lips. “Think it shows I drove you crazy.”

  Out of control, I’d call it. But crazy? Yeah. That’s a good enough word for it. “Reckon it won’t be for the last time.” As I say it, I mean it, and I’m not just referring to in bed. Vi’s a strong woman, and we’ll end up butting heads. But the make-up sex? Yeah, that will be out of this world amazing. I start to take a step away, then remember. “Hey, Vi. How’s your back? Didn’t give it a fuckin’ thought?”

  She wriggles. God, that body!

  “Neither did I,” she laughs. “But now you mention it, it is a little sore. How’s your tat?”

  “What tat?” I smile down at her. I’m used to being inked. And that small tattoo I got earlier today was nothing compared to when I had my back patch done. Nothing to distract me from the incredible feeling of being inside her. Leaning down, I place another light kiss to her head. “Hang on here for a moment.”

  “If you think I have the energy to move, you’re wrong,” she groans.

  Then I’ve done my job right.

  It’s only a moment before I’m back from the bathroom with a washcloth. I tap her legs, pleased when she opens them for me, loving that she’s not shy and she lets me clean her up. I’m momentarily distracted by her glistening cunt. I want to experience that time and time again.

  Part of me wishes I’d tried to make her pregnant; the thought that I was an inch away from doing so doesn’t disturb me. Not for one second. My decision had been right. Need to get shit put behind us before we move forward. What is worrying is how far I’ve let her in and how fast.

  Nah. Always had feelings for her. Just, now she’s old enough to act on them without me ending up in jail.

  “You ever going to get undressed?” Her voice sounds lazy as she stretches, in much the same way as Bitch does.

  “Thinking about it.”

  I smirk, realising how ridiculous this is. I can’t remember the last time I was in bed with a woman forgetting myself so entirely I’d done nothing more than slide down my zipper. She stares as I at last get down to business, ripping my tee over my head, then sliding my jeans and boxers off, toeing my boots away so I can remove them entirely.

  Then, as she moves her finger in a circle, I turn a full three-hundred-and-sixty degrees. I keep myself fit. Even at thirty-five there’s not an ounce of fat on me. When I’m facing her again, I relish the appreciative look in her eyes.

  When her arms open in welcome, I lay down beside her, chuckling as she shifts away from the wet spot and pulling her into my arms. Nuzzling my lips against her hair, I grow serious.

  “Gonna need to rethink a lot of things, Vi. Gonna take a moment to get our heads around this step we’ve just taken.”

  “Don’t you see this is right, D? You and me?” She bites her lip.

  “I remember the day you were born, Vi. Even then, Nathan was so proud that he had a sister. You became ours to protect from that moment on. It was only a day or so later, I first got to hold you. You opened those blue eyes, looked straight into mine, and I fell in love with you.”

  A small frown darkens her face. “A different type of love, D.”

  I lean back onto the pillow, the arm that’s not around her covering my eyes as I prepare to tell her a truth I’m only just now admitting.

  “I remember how you clung to me at Nathan’s funeral, Vi. Seeking my comfort and support as we shared the loss of that person so important to us both. You were sixteen; I, of course, ten years older. I know the feelings I had then that a man shouldn’t have for a child. I wanted to hold onto you forever.”

  “But you didn’t stay in contact.”

  “I stayed away but watched from a distance. I knew every step you took until you were settled. I let you move on with your life but made sure you were okay until you were through college and started out on your career. I’m an outlaw biker, darlin’. You seemed to be on another path. Didn’t want to pressure you to step off it.”

  “You never spoke to me. Never picked up the phone, never asked how I was doing.”

  I ignore her, needing to get this off my chest. “I suspect I knew what I’d feel if I saw you up close, Vi. Like I did that morning we went for coffee. I wanted to step into your life and take over. You were no longer a girl I had to stay away from, you were a mature woman who I could pursue.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  I turn over, stare down into her beautiful eyes, the colour only deepened since I’d first held her as a babe in my arms. “I’m the prez of an MC, Vi. What have I to offer but my protection? You were not of this world, Violet, until circumstances drew you into it. I thought I could do best by being a proxy brother.”

  “I don’t need another brother.”

  Raising her fingers to my lips, I suck them into my mouth one by one, my tongue curling around them. She sighs, draws in a sharp breath, starts to turn to me…

  Theo’s sharp cry interrupts.

  A quick grin for me, then the concerned glance of a mother. Quickly shrugging a wrap around her, she lifts her—our—son into her arms, then takes him to the changing table and has a fresh diaper on him in a quarter of the time it had taken me. I determine to get in more practice; whatever I take on, I’ll learn how to be the best. Clean and dry, she now brings him to the bed. Unconcerned, she opens her wrap and puts him to her breast, then frowns as he suckles.

  “That painful?”

  “It sort of is and isn’t? Pinches a bit. In some ways it’s the best feeling in the world, but my milk is drying up, and now his teeth are starting to come through, it’s time to stop.”

  I watch, my gut clenching. It’s the most beautiful sight in the world. Doesn’t matter how he came into my life, that’s my son she’s feeding. The child I’ll guide to be what he wants, just like Hellfire had done me. I’m transfixed, but from the little frown on his face, I don’t need her to translate the situation.

  “Want me to get him a bottle?”


  The clubroom is covered with bodies sprawled out over every available surface. A few seem to have passed out on the floor. In the kitchen there are signs of life, Shadow is getting a glass of water. He watches as I heat the bottle, a grin coveri
ng his face.

  “Bit domesticated there, Prez.”

  A swift glare stops any further jokes. But he’s got an excuse to watch me wide-eyed. There are no babies in the Vegas chapter, as there were none here. Seems I’m not uncomfortable with it at all. Perhaps a new generation will be the making of us. New life to protect, the signs of a future. All of a sudden the new tattoo parlour, other businesses we run, are not just to give the brothers a comfortable existence, but for providing for our families and giving us something worth fighting for.

  There’s a spring in my step as I return to Hellfire’s old room. “It’s our wedding day,” I tell her, noting Theo, now taking the bottle, looks more satisfied.

  “Your mom said she got me a dress. I didn’t think it important.” She frowns. “I hope she has good taste, D.”

  “Mom will do okay.”

  What happened last night has given this day more significance. I’m not surprised Vi’s gone from not caring to now wanting to look her best. The vows are no longer just words we have to say, but on my part at least, a real commitment.

  “I’ve already claimed you, Vi. In front of my brothers, and last night…”

  “Was incredible. Everything I ever dreamed of.” She shifts Theo to make them both more comfortable. “It was always you, D. Always.”

  The tone of her voice tells me her words are the truth. I slide something out of my cut and approach her. “Want to give you something.”

  Her hands point to my crotch and she grins. “Again?”

  My mouth quirks, then I grow serious. I turn her around so her back is toward me, then fasten a chain around her neck. She looks down; her fingers raise the heart I’ve just placed around her.

  “You had this made for me?”

  “It’s our wedding day, Vi. It seemed appropriate.”

  “Even before we admitted what we felt?”

  I don’t tell her how special that heart-shaped jewellery is. Whatever reason I initially had for giving it to her, the gold engraved with an entwined ‘D’ and ‘V’ now seems right for more than one reason.

  As weddings days seem to go, it starts as it continues, everything going so fast it all seems a blur. Mom has indeed done Vi proud. She’s wearing a blue satin dress that hugs her lovely curves, with a knee-length skirt that flares as she moves. The women of the club have grabbed the opportunity to wear something other than shorts, and even the whores look halfway presentable.

  Of course, my wedding attire is simply clean jeans and a fresh shirt covered by my cut. It doesn’t take me long to get ready. Once dressed, I leave my room and am caught up with organising the escort to the church. Guns are checked in case the Silvestri family decide to call a halt to the proceedings.

  When at last everyone is ready, engines start with a roar. The sound of almost thirty motorcycles is deafening. With Drummer in the lead, me behind riding alongside Red, followed by Snatcher, Thunder and the rest of the VPs and officers, then the various combined rank and file, we make our way to the courthouse. In the midst of our procession is an SUV bringing Vi and Theo. The rest of the women are up behind their men, even Mo riding pillion with Hellfire. The club whores hitch rides where they can.

  “Did you spot the black limousine?” Drummer says quietly, taking me to one side when we park up.

  “Sure did.”

  “Get inside, Prez. I’ve got this.” Thunder waves at the SUV, now surrounded by numerous men in black leather.

  “Come on, you’re a target out here.” Drummer takes me inside.

  The limousine wasn’t the only thing I’d noticed. I’d spotted a few of Silvestri’s men as well. My caution in having invited the other chapters here today has been vindicated. Not only does it give the impression that this is a real president’s wedding, but our show of force may well have deterred an attack. I won’t settle in my mind until Vi’s safely back in the compound.

  She stunned me, that now-wife of mine. My vows were hurried and not thought through. Hers, though? She must have rewritten them since last night. No one could be left in any doubt of her love for me. I’m guilty I hadn’t reciprocated, but shit, that’s woman’s stuff, and this is the marriage that wasn’t meant to be but feels… perfect.

  The kiss, though. In public, I demonstrated just what she means to me to the accompaniment of cheers and wolf whistles, and more than a few tears from my mom. Even Hellfire was sniffling.

  “Proud of you, Son.” My father’s eyes glisten as I take Theo from Jayden.

  I make him a vow, as earnest as any I’d just said to Vi. “I’ll bring him up right, Hell. Got a fuckin’ good example to follow and live up to.”

  His hand squeezes my shoulder. We both know I’m alluding to the fact he brought up another man’s child. He points to the baby who’s smiling in my arms. “Not his fault the way he was spawned. What he’ll turn out to be will be shaped by you as his old man. Never look to see anything else there.” Wise words from a man who’s lived it.

  A quiet moment to ourselves. A question needing to be asked. “You ever have any second thoughts, Hell? Ever wondered if it was the right thing to do?”

  “Never.” His voice is sharp, his rebuttal fast. “Mo was it for me. Whatever she came with was mine, too.”

  I nod. That’s exactly what I feel about Vi, though I’d had my head in the sand too long and had tried to deny it.

  Hell’s wise, proves it as he sums up, “You loved a child, Son. You stepped back when she started to grow. That love resurfaced when you connected again as man and woman. The only fucker who couldn’t see it was you. You’ve been fighting a battle you had no fuckin’ chance of winnin’.” He breaks off and grins. “Luckily, she’s a strong girl, wouldn’t let you run.”

  I chuckle, then grow serious. “Is she strong enough, though, for this life?”

  “She will be, with your help, Demon.”

  I might have struggled with drawing her into my world, but I’m a selfish bastard. Now she’s here, I’m going to keep her.

  She is walking toward us, her progress slow as she stops to accept congratulations. Mo hugs her, secret smiles exchanged, making me frown, wondering what they are plotting. Mo and Vi? Yeah, reckon I’ll need to watch my step with Mom and my old lady. Eventually she breaks through and is by my side.

  Reaching me at last, she glances down at the new shiny ring on her finger, then up into my face. “It’s perfect, Demon.”

  A moment of guilt. “Pyro chose it.”

  “Well, he has good taste. I love it.”

  Making a note to thank him again, knowing I don’t regret spending those few thousand dollars if it puts such a smile on her face, I pass her the baby as she indicates she wants to take him.

  I lean down, covering Theo’s ears with my hands. “When we get back, I’m gonna fuck you hard. Ask Jay to take him. I want to hear you scream.”

  Her pale skin blushes a lovely shade of red. “Mo’s offered to take him for the night.”

  “No way, Vi. Not letting him go off the compound.”

  She gives me a look which speaks volumes. It reads, What the hell do you take me for, D? “Hell and Mo are going to stay in your room.”

  So that’s what they were just discussing. Seeing Mo’s eyes catching mine, I raise my chin. Silent thanks that she’s giving me a wedding night. At least we’ll have more space once Vi’s safely back at the clubhouse; most of our visitors will be returning home.

  Drummer and Red approach, Snatcher not far behind. “About ready to go, Demon?” Their cautious eyes keep scanning the environment, all uneasy now we’re outside.

  I don’t waste a moment. Whistling loudly, I raise my hand over my head and circle it around. Time to get this show back to the compound.

  Conversations quiet, men start moving in the right direction. Mo’s herding up the bitches, and Jay comes to take Theo from me. Vi might not be dressed for the slide, but it’s only a short journey back to the compound, and I’ll be taking it easy, so hopefully she won’t end up with road rash. />
  I take position at the head of the ride. This is our time and taking prime spot shows it. On such an occasion as this, Drummer, the mother chapter president, typically gives up his pole position to the groom.

  A very lucky groom as it happens, I think, as I watch that skirt twirl. Can’t wait to get her out of that. She’s all mine. She might have thought I’d given her my all last night; she’s going to learn I haven’t even started showing her my kind of loving yet. Yeah. I can’t wait.

  Getting on behind me, Vi takes a moment to make sure her skirt is tight under her ass and squeezed between her thighs so it won’t be caught in the spokes, then, a helmet on and her arms around my back, she rests her chin on my shoulder. “Love you so much, D,” she sighs.

  My smile is wide. Jeez, how the fuck did I get so lucky in my life? She’s my one, I admit it. Never been anyone else for me but her. I’m one lucky motherfucker.

  Then, with a press of the start button, my engine starts with a roar, followed by all the bikes behind me. If I could hear over the exhausts, windows would probably be rattling. Feeling as happy as a fucking man on his wedding day, I pull away, a sense of pride in leading the column behind me. While Pueblo is used to seeing our bikes around, it’s not normal that so many of us are riding together. People stop and stare with various reactions. Some wave, some watch, some hurry children in the opposite direction. I couldn’t give a flying fuck.

  Then we’re through and driving through the outskirts.

  Fuck! What the hell? I glance in my rearview, hastily applying my brake. Some fucker’s come out of a hidden driveway off to one side and has driven straight into the bikes behind us; there are men and parts scattered over the road. I pull my bike to a halt and Vi immediately jumps off as I kick down the stand. I’ve started running back when I hear another squeal of brakes.


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