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Learning Curves

Page 2

by Jane Fox

  I’d never been distracted from my work by a woman before, but I’d also never met a woman as singular as Aubrey. No one should be allowed to be gorgeous, smart, and sweet at the same time; it just wasn’t fair.

  Especially because I couldn’t have her.

  I spent too much time pondering if I could be satisfied with being just her colleague, and perhaps even her friend. Even if there hadn’t been an impediment to our dating, there was no guarantee she’d be interested in me, especially taking into account our age difference.

  None of this made me want her any less.

  But I convinced myself that I would accept any sort of relationship she offered. If she wanted to be friends, I could do that. If she wanted to be the sort of coworkers who nodded to each other as they passed in the hall, I could do that too.

  Well, I mostly convinced myself. A little corner of my mind, however, clung to the truth: I wanted her in every way possible, and I’d never be satisfied with anything less.

  It was with this mindset that I made my way over to the library a few minutes before noon on Thursday. I walked in expecting to see Aubrey; instead, one of the academic librarians stood behind the circulation desk.

  “I have a meeting with Aubrey Cortez,” I said. “Would you mind directing me to her office?”

  “Oh, Aubrey isn’t available,” the woman said. Her eyes cut to the left and right, as if to see if anyone else was listening. “She was called into a meeting, and, between you and me, I think it might take a while.”

  That sounded ominous.

  I drew on my best professorial charm and leaned on the desk. “Sounds serious,” I said, trying to match her gossipy tone. “What’s going on? Should I just come back later?”

  “Well,” the librarian said, seemingly delighted to have both information to share and a willing audience, “a complaint was made against her. It seems that she was rude to the daughter of a very important donor. Your meeting with her might just be canceled forever, at this rate.”

  Any attempt at casualness on my part went directly out the window. “Where are they?” I asked intensely.

  The librarian looked startled at my sudden change in tone. “They’re in the library administrator’s office.”

  “Where is it?”

  She paused for a moment, looking conflicted. “I don’t know that I should say.”

  “Where is it?” I demanded, in a tone I hope brooked no dissent.

  “Second floor, to the left,” the librarian said.

  I raced up the stairs to the second floor and down the hallway of offices. I scanned the nameplates until I found the one that read “Karen Mueller, Library Administrator.” I could hear the muffled voices of at least three different people. I pounded on the door.

  The door swung open, and I was staring down at a harried-looking middle-aged woman in a conservative two-piece suit.

  “Yes?” she said, a distinct edge to her voice.

  “I’m Dr. Richmond. I witnessed the incident you’re discussing,” I said, trying to keep my tone calm and even, “and I have additional information that you need to hear.”

  The woman raised her eyebrows, but stepped back from the doorway. I entered to find Aubrey sitting there, eyes red but not openly crying. I was proud of her for maintaining her composure. The little blonde brat from before was there too, sullenly typing something on her phone. Next to her sat a mousy little man with a comb-over who held a sheaf of paper in his hands. If he wasn’t a lawyer, I’d eat my intro to economics textbook.

  The woman who had opened the door sat down behind the desk. “What did you want to tell us, Dr. Richmond?”

  “I saw the interaction between these two women the other day,” I said, using the word ‘woman’ in the broadest sense when referring to the Jennings girl. “Ms. Cortez was a model of professionalism and restraint. Miss Jennings, on the other hand, threatened Ms. Cortez because Ms. Cortez refused to complete Miss Jennings’ assignment for her.”

  “See?” the blonde said, looking up from her phone for a moment with a triumphant sneer. “I told you she refused to help me.”

  The mousy man looked momentarily uncomfortable, and then said to me, “So you did see Ms. Cortez refuse to assist my client?”

  “That’s not what I said.” I fixed him with a cold stare. “She would have been more than happy to help Miss Jennings, but that’s not what Miss Jennings wanted. She demanded that Ms. Cortez complete the entire assignment for her.”

  “That’s what I said,” the blonde girl snapped. “She refused.”

  The lawyer touched his forehead for just a moment before he comported himself again. “Is there a room where I can speak with my client alone?” he said.

  The library administrator showed them out to find a conference room, and Aubrey and I were left alone.

  “Are you ok?” I asked quietly.

  “Yes,” she said, although the waver in her voice indicated otherwise. “I suspect that I’ll be on the search for a new job, though. I hope this doesn’t impact my progress in my program.”

  “You will do no such thing,” I said, gently tipping her chin up so I could look in her eyes. “You’re not going to be fired.”

  “That’s sweet of you,” she said faintly. I could tell that she didn’t believe me in the slightest.

  I put my hand on her shoulder and squeezed, hoping that I could comfort her with my touch. She reached her hand across to mine, and I threaded our fingers together. When the office door opened, we moved away from each other like we were two teenagers busted by a teacher.

  “So,” the library administrator said briskly, “Miss Jennings maintains that you were rude to her, and we don’t have any concrete evidence otherwise. I think the only resolution to this situation is for you to find other employment. Please rest assured that we will provide you with a positive reference.”

  “Wait,” I said, anger clear in my voice. “The Jennings girl just admitted that she made an unreasonable demand, but Ms. Cortez is going to be punished, regardless?”

  The administrator spread her hands in defeat. “Dr. Richmond, the Jennings family is a major donor.”

  “Are we comparing pedigrees and donation levels, Ms. Mueller?” I growled. “Because I believe you’ll find that the science building is named after my family. Is it preferable to anger the Jennings or the Richmonds?”

  Karen Mueller rubbed her temples and looked nervous. “I’m sorry, Dr. Richmond,” she said. “I didn’t make the connection.”

  “I shouldn’t have to threaten you to get you to do the right thing,” I continued. “Stand up for your staff. Don’t abuse a good worker just to keep a spoiled brat happy.”

  “Yes, of course, you’re right,” she said, a fake smile plastered across her face.

  “If the slightest amount of discipline is inflicted on Ms. Cortez, or anything that so much as whiffs of retaliation, I can assure you that I will go directly to the College Professionals’ Union and assist them in any way possible.”

  Her smile faltered for a moment, and then she redoubled her efforts. “I assure you, Dr. Richmond, that no disciplinary action will be taken against Ms. Cortez for this incident.”

  “See that it doesn’t,” I said curtly. I extended my hand to Aubrey, helping her to her feet. She was staring at me with undisguised shock. Holding her hand, I led her out of Ms. Mueller’s office, slamming the door behind me.

  I stopped in the hallway, looking her over as if she’d been physically hurt instead of psychologically. “Are you sure that you’re alright?”

  “I am,” she said, giving me a brave smile. “I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t here.”

  “Luckily, I was,” I said. “Especially because, if you got fired, I’d never know what our meeting is about.”

  Her eyes widened. “Of course,” she said, “Our meeting. Can you meet me in the lobby in five minutes?”

  When I agreed she gave me a sweet smile and hurried down the hall. I made my way to the lobby
where the librarian behind the desk eyed me with bald curiosity. That curiosity didn’t decrease when Aubrey came down the stairs, toting grocery bags and smiling shyly.

  “I’m taking my lunch,” she told the woman behind the counter, barely sparing her a glance. “C’mon,” she said to me. “This way.”

  We went out the back door of the library, and she began walking towards one of the academic buildings. I followed her, puzzled, as she walked around the back of the building to an isolated little green area that couldn’t be seen from any of the main walkways.

  “I found this place when I was exploring the campus, and I knew that I’d find a use for it.” She knelt down, pulled a plaid blanket out of one of the bags, and spread it on the ground.

  Realization dawned on me when she started pulling out food containers. “Aubrey,” I said, “did you make me a picnic?”

  She looked up at me through her eyelashes and gave me that shy smile again. I caught my breath. Oh, the things that look did to me.

  “You said you’d never been on one, so I figured…” she said. “Is it ok? It was a silly idea, wasn’t it?”

  I bent down and gently pressed my mouth against hers, reveling in her gasp. I planned to do that a lot more as soon as I could, but for the moment, I broke the kiss and cupped her cheek. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect,” I said.

  Her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink as she looked back at me. “We should eat,” she said.

  “Was that too much?” I asked. I didn’t want to pressure her, but I had to know.

  “No!” she said. “No, not at all. I just... I don’t have very much experience with this sort of thing. At all.”

  How was that possible? A woman as ripe and gorgeous as Aubrey?

  “Not that I don’t want to do that,” she said hurriedly. “I mean, I do. I just... haven’t.”

  She looked a bit stricken after she said it, as if she’d blurted out something she hadn’t intended to.

  “Are you telling me you’re a virgin, Aubrey?” I said, making my tone as gentle as I could.

  She nodded, biting her lower lip. She wasn’t able to meet my eyes.

  I tilted her chin up so I could look in her eyes. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Whoever you choose will be a lucky man.”

  I saw doubt and confusion flit across her eyes, and she pulled away to finish opening containers as I tried to figure out what I’d said to upset her.

  “I didn’t know what you liked, so I packed a little bit of everything,” she said, her eyes flicking to mine apologetically.

  “I’m sure it’s delicious,” I said. “Did you pack pimiento loaf?”

  “I knew I forgot something,” she said with a small smile.

  “What, exactly, is pimiento loaf?”

  She started laughing. “Trust me, you’d rather not know. Let’s just say you owe me big for not subjecting you to it.”

  “I’ll trust your judgment,” I said, glad that the tension between us was broken.

  Aubrey continued opening small containers, and finally handed me a plate, saying, “I guess that’s everything.”

  I made sure to take a little bit of everything, leading to a very full and colorful plate. Aubrey watched me anxiously as I scooped up the first forkful of potato salad.

  “It’s excellent,” I said, and she beamed with pride.

  After she was sure that I was enjoying my lunch, she fixed herself a plate, and we sat on the grass, soaking up the sun and one another’s company. The hour passed much too quickly for my liking; before I knew it, Aubrey was packing up again.

  “Come to my place for dinner,” I said.

  She looked up at me, startled.

  “Please,” I said. “Lunch was excellent, so the next meal should be on me. And I make a killer linguine with clam sauce.”

  “Ok,” she said, her beautiful smile slowly spreading over her face. “I’d like that.”

  “I’ll pick you up at the end of the day,” I said.

  The afternoon seemed to drag on, but I suspected that the evening would be worth it.



  I couldn’t believe that Sebastian had invited me over for dinner. I hoped that he hadn’t done it because he felt obligated; that wasn’t my intention when I’d packed the picnic lunch. He had just looked so sad when he said that he’d never been on a picnic that I got the idea to surprise him.

  I was useless at work. All I could think of was how his eyes had sparkled when he’d leaned in to kiss me.

  Not that he was likely to try that again, after I immediately blurted out that I was a virgin.

  At the end of the day he stepped into the library lobby and gave me a gentle smile. I’m not sure if I even said goodbye to the girl replacing me at the circulation desk; I was so enamored with looking at Sebastian that nothing else even seemed real.

  “Would you like me to call a cab?” he asked as he led me by the hand across campus. “I usually walk, because I live just a few blocks away.”

  The sun was shining, and it was a gorgeous fall day. The leaves were changing, making the landscape light up in tones of orange, yellow, and red. “I’d love to walk,” I said. Honestly, I didn’t care what I did as long as he was at my side. He smiled and tugged me closer, our arms brushing against one another. We were barely touching, and it still felt like one of the most erotic moments of my life.

  He noticed when I shivered. “Are you cold?” he asked, reaching to shrug his jacket off. “Here, take this.”

  I didn’t tell him I wasn’t shivering because I was cold. I slipped his jacket around my shoulders, reveling in its warmth and in being so close to him. He had the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up in a way that put his forearms on display, and I tried hard not to stare. I couldn’t believe that a man as gorgeous as Sebastian Richmond had any interest in me, but he didn’t seem to have any plans to release my hand.

  Just go with it, Aubrey. For once, just trust your heart.

  Every once in a while, I give myself good advice.

  Sebastian led me onto a tree-lined street of classic brownstones. I knew that a lot of professors lived along this row; it made sense that he’d found a house there, too. However, I wasn’t prepared for the house he led me to. It was on the corner, and more than twice the width of the surrounding brownstones. The architecture looked Italianate, and I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I just stopped for a moment to gawk.

  “Do you like it?” he asked. He almost sounded nervous, as if he thought I might say no.

  “It’s beautiful,” I breathed.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and giving me a dimpled smile.

  I ducked my head, and he gently lifted my chin, bringing his mouth to mine for another kiss. This time, I didn’t let my embarrassment stop me. I parted my lips for him, and he kissed me sweet but deep, his tongue dipping into my mouth.

  I don’t know how long we stood there, at the base of the stairs leading to his house, exploring each other's mouth. Sebastian was the first to break away.

  “We’d better get inside, before things get out of hand here on the street.”

  He led me up the stairs and unlocked the dark double doors, gesturing for me to go inside first. I walked into a surprisingly sunny foyer. There was a curving staircase in front of me and rooms to the left and right.

  As curious as I was to look around his house, he was bending down to kiss me again, and that was much more interesting.

  He backed me up against the door, his body crowding mine, and framed my face with his hands as he kissed me. I could feel how hard he was against me and I gasped into his mouth.

  “Too fast?” he asked, looking at me intently with his hands still cradling my face.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head for emphasis. “Just right.”

  Sebastian ran a hand through his hair, and said, “I don’t know what I was thinking. A woman like you deserves everything, not being taken against the
door just because I can’t resist myself.”

  Taken against the door actually sounded pretty damn good to me, but I stayed silent.

  “Come with me,” he said, taking my hand and leading me up the stairs. He pulled me into a bedroom, all dark wood and rich green fabric, and closed the door behind him. “I intend to do this right,” he said in a deep voice that sent shivers up and down my spine. Then he stepped closer and began unbuttoning my blouse.

  I was already incredibly turned on, and I whined wordlessly at the care he was taking with my blouse. “Patience, darling,” he said, leaning in to nip at the column of my neck. “I swear I’m going to make it worth it.”

  When he finished with my blouse, he pushed it off, and then mouthed gently at the tops of my breasts. I could feel my nipples, hard against my bra, eager for him to free them. But he turned to my pants instead, which came off much faster than my shirt had. I was standing in front of him in nothing but my bra and panties, and he must have seen the doubt in my eyes.

  “Aubrey, tell me you know how beautiful you are,” he said.

  I resisted the urge to laugh. It wasn’t that I was overly humble—I knew I was smart and driven, for example. But beautiful? Not a chance.

  “Come here,” he said, tugging me towards a full-length mirror. “Let me show you what I see.”

  I went a bit reluctantly, only because he asked. He put me in front of the mirror, with all my flaws on display, and stood behind me.

  “You are the most stunning woman that I’ve ever seen,” he said quietly, “and I wanted you from the moment I saw you. Just look at your curves.”

  He ran the back of his hand down my neck and over my breasts, and I shivered in anticipation. He moved his hand over my stomach, gently touching all those spots that were so problematic, as if he didn’t even see them.

  “And this,” he said, caressing my hip as he moved to squeeze my ass. “God, all I could think of were the sinful things I wanted to do to you. With you.”


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