Book Read Free

Kill Tone

Page 10

by Lance Winkless

  The two women both have VIP lanyards hanging around their necks that they will need to get back into the VIP area when they return from the main Arena. Other VIPs are emerging from their wigwams and heading in the same direction as them, to the hospitality area. Both Veronica and Rose check out the faces of the other people, interested to see if any of them are famous. They don’t recognise any of them though, so maybe there is a VIP area for the famous people? Neither of them is bothered, as all they are interested in is having a good time.

  As they leave the camping area and enter the hospitality area, they are impressed by how glamorous the setup is. There are at least two outside bars, with chairs, tables and massive bean bags to chill on. Food is available at the bars and at the back of the area is a marquee with music playing inside. The marquee may be quiet now with everybody out in the sunshine, but something tells them it will be packed later when the sun has disappeared and more drinks have been consumed.

  “I don’t think I’ll be buying many large G&Ts from here,” Rose says as she takes her first sip.

  “I know, how expensive was that for two drinks!” Veronica states.

  “Too expensive, hopefully, they won’t be as expensive out of the VIP area,” Rose says. “Do you want to sit down to drink them or shall we go and have a look around the Arena?”

  “Let’s have a look who is playing, shall we?”

  “Is there anyone you want to catch?” Rose asks.

  “Only Lady Kai. I’m happy to go with the flow apart from that. How about you?”

  “You know me, go with the flow.”

  “Come on then!” Veronica suddenly says, excited, and grabs Rose’s hand to pull her along.

  Veronica stops suddenly as they near the exit into the main Arena.

  “Hey Veronica, you made it,” Bobby says as he comes into the VIP area. Veronica is as gorgeous as he remembers; it wasn’t just the alcohol, and her blonde friend is just as beautiful.

  “Bobby,” Veronica says startled. “That was good timing; we were just about to go out into the Arena.”

  Veronica was afraid that she wouldn’t recognise Bobby, the man who had sent her the tickets. He is more handsome then she remembers, however, and he looks like a rock star himself, with his dishevelled hair and casual look.

  “Is this your friend?” Bobby asks.

  “Oh yes, sorry, this is Rose. Rose this is Bobby who I met at the club and who sent me the tickets.”

  “The mysterious man with the connections. Nice to meet you, Bobby,”

  “I have a few connections, but it’s all luck, mostly,” Bobby smiles. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Great thanks, we’ve only just arrived, first drink,” Rose says holding up her overpriced G&T.”

  “Rip-off prices I’m afraid in here, they aren’t much better out there,” Bobby says indicating toward the Arena with his head. “Anyone you two are looking forward to seeing?”

  “Lady Kai!” Veronica blurts out a bit too quickly.

  “She loves her,” Rose teases.

  “She is amazing and you know it,” Veronica defends herself.

  “She is a fabulous artist,” Bobby says. “Listen, I’ve only got half an hour to grab some lunch now, but how would you like to watch Lady Kai from the sound tower?”

  “The sound tower, what’s that?” Veronica asks confused.

  “You don’t know what the sound tower is? Maybe you’d better not then, I’m offended,” Bobby says seriously.

  “Don’t be like that,” Veronica says. A broad smile spreads across Bobby’s face and immediately, Veronica knows he is only playing with her and she is slightly embarrassed that she fell for it.

  “Follow me,” Bobby says and leads them over to the entrance he has just come through. “That is the sound tower,” he says pointing through the entrance at the tall tower overlooking the main stage.

  “Are you kidding?” Veronica says, almost overcome.

  “No,” Bobby says.

  “That would be brilliant, can you arrange that?” Veronica’s excitement grows.

  “Certainly, and the view from up there is awesome. Why don’t you go and have a look around the site? It will take you quite a while to see everything. Have a good time and I’ll meet you at the tower at eight-fifteen. Lady Kai’s set starts at eight-thirty, how does that sound?”

  “Wow, thanks, Bobby. That will be fantastic, won’t it, Rose?”

  “It does sound good,” Rose admits.

  “Should we just meet you at the bottom of it?” Veronica asks.

  “Yes, by the entrance at the barrier.”

  “Okay, at eight-fifteen, we will be there,”

  “Okay great, until then.”

  “Until then,” Veronica repeats excited.

  “Oh, and don’t get too drunk, you’ll want to remember her show.”

  “Definitely,” Veronica says as Bobby walks away as cool as you like and immediately bumps into somebody else he knows.

  Veronica grabs Rose’s hand again in her excitement and starts to drag her towards the exit. “Lady Kai from the sound tower; it’s going to be amazing!” Veronica tells Rose, and Rose is swept along in her excitement.

  Chapter 10

  The sun is starting to dip in the sky and there is still no sign of Daryl returning from the Arena. Jack looks again to see if he can see him anywhere around the entrance, but he can’t. Jack is eager to have a change of scenery and to get a look around the Arena, where all the action is taking place before the sun goes completely. He is getting tired hearing the wavy volume of the music he has been listening to for the last couple of hours. He also hopes Daryl is selling more than he is. Trying to do deals around the Village is difficult, as security and police seem to be constantly walking around the area.

  “What’s going on here then?” a voice from behind Jack startles him.

  “For fuck's sake, Daryl,” Jack scolds. “Where did you spring from?”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help it,” Daryl laughs. “I came out of the Arena from a different exit, then got a bit lost.”

  “A bit? You’ve been ages, I was about to send out a search party.”

  “I haven’t been that long. Anyway sales have been really good. I’m empty.” Daryl says, pleased with himself.

  “Great; all three of the others have been back for more. Sales are going well.”

  “I know, I’ve phoned all three of them to tell them to meet us here.”

  “Why?” Jack asks.

  “It’s close to evening, the big acts will be on soon and they need to fill up ready for the rush. It also means neither of us will have to hang around here waiting for them. We can both get into the Arena to maximise the sales.”

  “Good idea,” Jack says. “If it carries on as it has been, we will run out of stock.”

  “That’s the plan. Here come Joe and Tom now.”

  Jack looks around to see the two men approaching; they must have bumped into each other. They are both chatting away to each other with smiles on their faces, which Jack takes as a good sign that they have been doing well.

  “How’s it going?” Daryl says to them as they arrive.

  “Good,” Joe says. “I’m nearly out and so is Tom.

  “Any trouble?” Daryl asks.

  “Not one bit. Everybody is cool and up for it,” Joe tells them.

  “Good, that’s what I like to hear. It’s time to concentrate on the Arena now, that’s where everybody will be. You two go with Jack to restock and I’ll wait for Reggie here,” Daryl tells them.

  “Okay boss,” Joe jokes.

  “Meet over at Big Dave’s when the music finishes tonight. If anybody needs more stock before then, phone Jack and he will meet you.”

  “Okay,” the two lads say to Daryl, as Jack leads them over towards Big Dave’s.

  With Joe and Tom sorted, Jack watches as they walk across the field towards the entrance to the Arena. There are now lots of people streaming in the same direction as the sun beg
ins to set and the busiest time in the Arena approaches. If it weren’t for the two lads wearing the hi-vis security tabards, Jack would lose them in the crowd as it narrows nearer the entrance.

  “Are you ready?” Daryl asks as he comes over with Reggie.

  Jack sorts Reggie out first and he is gone as soon as he is restocked, with his hi-vis on also. Daryl is next, but he waits for Jack to sort himself out before they both start their walk to the Arena.

  Jack has butterflies in his stomach as they go. He has seen the others get through security without any problems, so why is he so nervous about it? He concentrates on how well things are going to try and settle himself down. Things are progressing far better than he could have hoped for, and the stock will easily sell out tomorrow unless things change drastically. Dmitri Ivanov had been right; the merchandise Jack had originally asked for was ‘not so much’. Jack will have to commend him on his foresight if he is at the club to settle up on Wednesday.

  Daryl leads the way through security, greeting them as he goes, as if he knows them personally. Jack follows suit and quickly finds himself on the other side of the fence and in the Arena.

  The two men wait until they are a good distance away from the entrance before they take off their security gear and get ready for business.

  “Right then, keep an eye on your phone and I’ll see you back at Big Dave’s if not before,” Daryl says as they are about to split up.

  “Yes, see you back there,”

  “Play it cool and you’ll be okay,” Daryl says, obviously seeing Jack’s trepidation. Daryl turns and is gone, quickly swallowed up in the throngs of people.

  Jack takes a moment to gather himself and then looks around to get his bearings. Music is streaming at him from multiple directions. Funnily enough, even with the numerous stages in the Arena where bands are thrashing out their music, the sounds overpowering them all are being blasted out from another source. Flashing lights beat in time to the deafening, cheesy music of the funfair’s dizzying Waltzers, the volume trying to attract customers. The overpowering music must be working, the ride is full and people are queuing for the chance to churn their stomachs.

  The Ferris wheel behind the Waltzers feeds its flashing lights high into the sky as it revolves. Jack bends his neck to see the top. There must be quite a view from up there, Jack thinks, before turning his back on the funfair. Artificial light is everywhere and it is only going to become more prevalent as dusk turns into night. Crowds part to walk around Jack as he stands stationary, looking around. Many of the people are lit up with every colour of the rainbow. Glow sticks are worn around their necks or attached to their wrists and waved excitedly in the air, reflecting off the luminous dayglow paints on their faces.

  Across the field in front of Jack, towering over the swarming crowds is a gargantuan red and blue marquee. The marquee is in the opposite direction to the one Daryl headed off in, and so Jack decides to try his luck in that direction. He is looking forward to seeing the main stage properly, the top of which is visible off to his left. He might as well start selling here, though, while he is over here and so he starts off in the direction of the marquee.

  Big screens are hung outside the marquee, showing the stage inside and the band that is playing. Jack doesn’t know who is playing but they must be popular because the closer he gets to the marquee, the more packed the crowds get. Gradually, to his relief, the music from the marquee overtakes the squawking music from the funfair.

  Security staff are patrolling around within the crowds but it is easy to avoid them and soon, Jack is making sales. He works his way slowly towards the marquee. Slow is the only possible speed he can reach; if he is not avoiding security, he is waiting for bunches of people to pass or he is making a sale. It isn’t long before he comes to a standstill, the throng in front of him having jammed up. The marquee must be full and so the crowds are now forced to watch the show on the large screens.

  Jack quickly realises he is in the wrong position. He isn’t here to watch big TVs and isn’t going to get a look inside the marquee; he needs passing trade. He turns around and pushes his way back, out from the main crowd, but he turns right before he hears the row from the funfair. He allows the streams of people to carry him farther into the Arena and closer to the main stage, now hidden behind a large official merchandising outlet. The brightly lit outlet has dozens of t-shirts, hoodies and other items stuck under its spotlights, to a massive display at the rear. Potential customers vie to get to the front, to try to get a better look at what’s on offer and what they can spend their money on.

  Veering to the right, to miss the people with money burning holes in their pockets, Jack expects more room behind the merchandising outlet and the crowds to thin out, at least some. He is wrong. Food stands are lined up, busy with customers getting their evening meals. The queue for food forces Jack and everyone else over and there is a bottleneck. Jack is surprised at just how busy everywhere is and he hasn’t even made it into the field with the main stage yet; he is starting to feel a little claustrophobic.

  Finally, Jack gets past the food stands, and the crowds do thin out. In front of him is the massive main stage, in all its glory. Even though it is still a good distance away and he is separated from it by hordes of fans, Jack is impressed by its stature. The light show on the stage is immense, and it isn’t even fully dark yet. Sound hits him, the deep bass vibrating his body. It almost feels like he is next to the stage, but he isn’t. The performers are tiny dots in the distance and if it wasn’t for the massive screens on either side of the stage, he wouldn’t know what the band looked like.

  Jack moves forward, leaving the relatively open spaces at the back of the field. Groups of fans are sitting on the grass like small islands, eating and drinking or just waiting for the band they are interested in seeing come on stage. Everyone is in good spirits and Jack sails around the islands, discreetly offering his wares for sale. In some ‘ports’ he gets waved away, whilst in others, he is invited to dock so that the inhabitants of the island can question him on what he has to offer.

  There are dozens of islands to visit and sales are good. Jack moves across the field and then works his way down. Everyone is friendly; if they aren’t interested, Jack is told no thanks and he moves on. Daryl’s advice was right, a quick glance tells Jack if the people might be interested in what he is offering, if they look too young or too straight, Jack simply sails around them and onto the next island.

  As Jack gets deeper into the crowd and edges closer to the main stage, which is still a long way off, almost everyone is on their feet. He moves between the fans, many of them dancing or on their tiptoes trying to see the stage or the big screens, whilst others just stand, arms crossed across their chests.

  Jack takes a breather in the quieter area behind a tall tower that overlooks the main stage. Around the perimeter of the tower is a barrier with a security guard manning the entrance. Jack assumes the tower houses engineers and equipment that controls the sound and lighting for the show. The tower cuts off the view of the stage and so it isn’t as busy; some people are sitting down again as they wait or take a breather too. The closer Jack get to the front, the busier and more packed together the audience gets. He looks around at the busy crowd and then decides to make his way over to the left of the field. Two more marquees are standing over there, behind a row of bushes and trees. The passing trade should be better there, as fans move between stages to see their favourite acts.

  “Jack!” a female voice shouts from Jack’s left, just before he leaves the relative quiet space behind the tower.

  Jack is taken aback as the woman emerges out of the crowd, and his mind registers who the stunning woman is, who has called out his name. It takes him a moment in the dim light because she looks so different; her hair is changed, flowers are entwined in it and her beautiful face is sparkling with glitter.

  “Jenny?” Jack says confused, like an idiot, to the mother of his daughter.

  “I didn’t expect to
see you here, Jack,” Jenny says to him, smiling. The first time she has smiled in Jack’s presence for longer than he can remember.

  “Where’s—?” Jack asks confused, looking at either side of Jenny to find Sophie.

  “She is with my sister, Jack. Our daughter isn’t old enough for the Kill Tone Festival quite yet, is she?”

  “No, no she isn’t,” Jack agrees feeling foolish, still at sixes and sevens.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Me, yes I’m having a great time!” Jack says overcompensating. “Are you?”

  “Yes, it’s nice to let my hair down for once.”

  “You look amazing, Jenny, beautiful,” he tells her.

  “Thank you. I wasn’t always a nagging pain in your ass, remember?”

  “Of course I remember, Jenny, and I’m sorry. I know it’s my fault. I’m trying…” Jack stops mid-sentence as a man approaches from behind Jenny saying her name.

  “Are you okay, Jenny? Who is this?” the man asks.

  Who am I, who the fuck are you? Jack thinks as the man, who is a bit older than him puts his hand onto Jenny’s shoulder. Jenny’s smile disappears and her face changes to one of worry and embarrassment.

  “This is Jack,” Jenny stumbles to say.

  “Oh yes, hello Jack,” the man says knowingly.

  “Jack, this is Robert…my friend,” Jenny says after a long pause and looking anywhere but at Jack.

  “Robert,” Jack manages to say as the moment gets more and more awkward.

  “Are you here with friends?” Robert asks him.


  “For the weekend?”

  “Yes, and I’m supposed to be meeting them.”

  “We are only here for the day,” Jenny quickly says importantly.

  “I’d better go, my friends will be waiting,” Jack says, looking for a way out of the situation.

  “Well, enjoy the weekend, Jack,” Robert says, making Jack’s skin crawl.

  “You two enjoy your day too,” Jack replies, already inching away, wanting to hide himself in the crowd as quickly as possible.

  “Bye, Jack,” Jenny says sombrely as Jack turns.


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