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The Nik of Time

Page 5

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Nik,” Colin sighed.

  “Were you kissing this asshole?” Nikolai shouted again.

  Colin looked around the club. Most of the people had stopped dancing and were now watching the whole scene at the booth.

  “You’re making a scene, Nikolai,” Colin hissed.

  “I’m making a scene?” Nikolai growled. “I’m making a scene?”

  “Listen—” Clark started.

  “Oh Clark, just…no.” Sebastian shook his head at Clark.

  “You don’t get to speak.” Nikolai leaned into Clark’s face. He turned his attention back to Colin. “You want to see a scene? I’ll give you one.”

  “Oh fuck,” Sebastian sighed and leaned back in his chair as Nikolai left for the DJ booth.

  “What’s he doing?” Brock sipped his beer.

  “I’m pretty sure I know,” Sebastian sighed.

  Loud music pumped from the speaker system, shaking the floor and Travis looked over at Colin.

  “Do you have any idea?”

  Colin shook his head. Screaming erupted in the club and Colin’s head jerked to the bar. Nikolai had jumped up on it and was now pumping his hips to Ginuwine’s ‘Pony.’ Colin’s jaw dropped as Nikolai took off his muscle shirt and slid it between his legs.

  “Oh. My. God,” Brock said slowly.

  “Yeah, I made the mistake of introducing him to ‘Magic Mike’.” Sebastian grinned as his best friend slid across the bar on his stomach, fucking it.

  “What’s ‘Magic Mike’?” Travis asked.

  “A movie only gay men or women watch,” Lance said with a smirk.

  “I’ve seen it,” Jordy said. He glanced to the side at all his friends staring at him. “What? My mom had it on.”

  “Uh huh,” Lance winked.

  Brock tilted his head to the side. “How does he move like that? He should be a stripper.”

  “I’m straight, but that should be illegal,” Jordy chuckled.

  Colin’s eyes met Nikolai’s and he saw the smirk on Nik’s face. He tried to avert his eyes, but dammit, it was like an accident. He just couldn’t drag his eyes away. Nikolai slid halfway down the bar and shoved a guy’s face into his crotch, then proceeded to fuck the guy’s face.

  Colin fumed.

  Nikolai was standing in the middle of the bar. His hand slid down his abs slowly and the screaming got louder as he stopped at the button of his leather pants. Nikolai raised his eyebrows and he unbuttoned his pants. Colin gripped the wooden table, his nails leaving marks in it. Nikolai’s hand slid inside his pants and gripped the steel rod inside. In the next second, Nikolai’s finger was running back up his abs and circled one of his nipples. Colin licked his lips, as Nikolai stuck his finger in his mouth and sucked on it suggestively, all while slowly undulating his hips. It was so…seductive.

  “Jesus, that is hot!” Jordy slammed his hand down on the table. He looked over at Brock—who was recording the event.

  “Seriously?” Jordy raised his brows.

  “Are you kidding me?!” Brock shouted over the music. “I want to rewind, rewind, and rewind!”

  Colin smacked Brock’s hand. “Stop that!”

  Colin felt a poke to his ribs and looked over at his date.

  “What?” Colin spat.

  “Seems to me you have a thing for this guy.”

  “Don’t be stupid.” The music finally stopped and Colin let out a sigh of relief. Until another song came on.

  “Ah hell,” Sebastian laughed as LMFAO’s “I’m Sexy and I Know It” started playing. The crowd went crazy in front of the bar as Nikolai walked back and forth across it shaking his ass.

  “Damn, look at the size of his biceps,” Brock said, standing up and clapping as Nikolai pumped his hips.

  Travis narrowed his eyes. “Colin, is that your name on his right pectoral muscle?”

  “What?!” Colin spluttered.

  “Dude! It totally is!” Brock looked down at Colin in the chair. “You holding out on me, Greystone?”

  Nikolai had tattooed his name on his chest? What the hell? Colin tried to get a better look at Nikolai on the bar. Sure enough, when Nikolai spread his arms out and pumped his hips, Colin caught sight of his name.

  “Could be any Colin.” Colin crossed his arms over his chest.

  “And we both know that’s a load of shit, Greystone.” Sebastian elbowed Colin. “Nik’s got it bad for you. Resistance is futile.”

  “He’s such a ...a...” Colin stammered for words.

  “Sexy as all hell badass motherfucker?” Brock provided helpfully.

  “Yeah, that you fucked.” Colin got up and grabbed his coat. “I’m out.”

  Nikolai’s eyes landed on Colin getting up and grabbing his coat. He looked for a way down from the bar and realized he’d have to go another route because of the crowd. Standing at the end, he did a backflip off of it and landed perfectly. Taking a quick bow, he ran after Colin who had just walked out the door. Colin was crossing the parking lot and Nikolai ran to catch up.

  “Colin, wait!”

  “What for? I think you made your point, Nik! Everyone wants you! Congratulations.”

  “You think I care what anyone in there thinks? The only guy I care about is you. Why won’t you give me a chance?”

  “You’re so fucking childish, Nikolai! Grow the fuck up!”

  “What are you afraid of, Colin?”

  “I’m not afraid of anything!”

  Nikolai grabbed Colin’s bicep and turned him around. “You are so full of shit! I can see you want me, why do you fight me on this? Are you that afraid to see if we might work?”

  “No, Nikolai. I’m that afraid that you’ll get bored with me and go fuck some random guy because I won’t put out for you!”

  “Jesus! This is so not about sex!” Nikolai shouted. “I couldn’t care less about that! I just want to be with you! When are you going to get that through your thick, Irish skull?”

  “I’m Sicilian, remember? My father’s a fucking murderer!”

  “No, your fathers are great men who have raised you from six months old. I know you, Colin Greystone! You are nothing like Rizzo!” Nikolai took Colin by his shoulders. “Look at me! You are nothing like that piece of shit.”

  The door to the club slammed shut and Colin saw Clark making his way over. This was not going to go over well.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, Clark, okay?” Colin called out.

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind taking you back to your room,” Clark answered.

  “Our room,” Nikolai snarled.

  Nikolai’s fingers gripped Colin’s shoulders tighter and the air became thick with anger. Colin could see Nikolai was almost over the edge, ready to snap.

  “Um, just go, Clark. I’ll be fine.” Colin nodded to him.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Are you fucking deaf? Or just that stupid?” Nikolai turned to face ‘Clark’.

  “I know who you are,” Clark smirked. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  Colin sighed.

  “You are that stupid,” Nikolai grinned. “Good, I need to let loose some energy.”

  “Clark, go.” Colin grabbed Nikolai’s bicep. “And I mean, like, now.” Colin pulled Nikolai down to his face. “Don’t. You’ll kill him before you can stop yourself.”

  “Can I give you a ride back then?” Nikolai searched Colin’s eyes.

  “Yes. If you promise to behave.”

  “I always behave,” Nikolai grinned.

  Colin rolled his eyes. “Where’s your bike?”

  “I’ll get it. Stay right here.”

  Colin watched as Nikolai strode off into the darkened parking lot. He had to admit; watching Nikolai get all territorial was fucking hotter than hell. And the striptease? Colin pulled his T-shirt away from his damp skin and aired his sweating chest. Lord, the way Nikolai moved gave him an insight into how the man would be in bed. Squealing tires and bright headlights startled him and he turned to see a car bearing down on him. Nik
olai’s Harley slid in between them and Colin instinctively jumped on the back, wrapping his arms around Nik’s waist.

  “Hang on!” Nikolai shouted.

  The Harley reared up, almost doing a wheelie, and surged forward. The car’s headlights turned off and the car sped out of the parking lot. Nikolai came to a sliding stop at the edge of the street.

  “Get off!”

  “No!” Colin shouted. “Follow him!”

  “Get the fuck off, Colin!”

  “You’re wasting time! Now fucking move!”

  “Goddammit!” Nikolai grabbed the extra helmet form the saddlebag. “Put this on and hold tight!”

  “We’re going to lose him!” Colin shouted. Nikolai kicked the bike into gear and Colin hung on for dear life. They flew out onto the street right in between two cars. They flew onto Pine Street and Colin tightened his grip.

  “Do you see the car?” Nikolai shouted over his shoulder.

  Even at midnight, there were more than a few cars on Pine Street. Colin scanned the many cars on the road and sighed in frustration.

  “He must have put his headlights back on and blended in!”

  “Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Nikolai pulled over. He let the bike idle and turned half way around to look at Colin. “That’s it; from now on you stay by me. Got it?”


  “No! No arguments! I’m going to be on you like a bitch in heat.”

  Colin had to grin. “Interesting analogy.”

  “Shut up,” Nikolai grumbled.

  “I’m fine,” Colin turned Nik’s face to his. “Look at me.” Colin looked into Nik’s eyes and saw the worry there. “I’m fine. Let’s go home, okay?”

  “Yeah,” Nik agreed grudgingly. “Okay.”


  Carmine sat behind his desk, sifting through all the information he had gathered on his son. Colin Greystone was an exact replica of his mother, Gabriella. He had jet black hair and dark chocolate eyes. Carmine scowled. How stupid she was to think he would never find out. She had paid dearly for her betrayal.

  Carmine sat back in his chair and smiled to himself. Soon he would have his son and they would take down the Youngbloods and Santornos together. He knew it would not be easy. Colin had grown up in the company of the mobster and his family. No matter. It would take time, but it was doable. Vladimir Borkosky had kidnapped Tanner McKinley and brainwashed him into becoming Devin Lyons, proof that anything was possible if you wanted it badly enough. The phone on his desk shrilled and Carmine looked at the caller ID. Blocked. He smiled and picked it up.

  “How are we doing?”

  “He has Nikolai Markov with him.”

  Carmine chuckled. “Kill two birds with one stone. I want Colin alive. Double the men and make your move.”

  “We had a problem—”

  Carmine growled. “Do not make a mistake. I said alive, not dead.”

  “And Markov?”

  Carmine closed his eyes and thought of the looks on Andrei Panchenko and Vince Markov’s faces if their son were to die.

  “If you can kill him, do so.” There was a hiss on the other end and then a growl.

  “You will lose many men if you attempt to kill Nikolai Markov!”

  “My men are expendable; you should know that. One way or another, I will have my son back. Call me when you have him.”

  Carmine hung up the phone and looked at the picture of his son on the desk. He was a Rizzo, and he would be back in the folds of the family if it was the last thing he did.

  ~*Chapter Four*~

  “No.” Colin crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Nikolai.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m not leaving school. We don’t even know if that was an actual attempt on my life.” They had gotten back to the dorms and Nikolai had been pacing for a good half hour now.

  “I’m sorry,” Nikolai blinked. “A speeding car coming straight at you, blinding you with bright headlights in a dark parking lot is not an attempt on your life?”

  “We can’t know for sure. Maybe the guy or girl was drunk.”

  Nikolai raised his brows. “Do you hear yourself?”

  Colin walked to his nightstand and pulled out his .45. He turned around and faced Nikolai.

  “You see this? Besides my hands, this is my preferred weapon. I’m not defenseless. You seem to think you are the only one trained in lethal combat, Nik. You left. I stayed and was trained by the best.”

  Nikolai snorted. “No offense, but my pops and I are the best.”

  “True, but I had Dimitri.”

  Nik’s brows shot up. “Voronova trained you?”

  “Along with the rest of the guys. I had some good quality time with Lorenzo, too.”

  Nikolai eyed Colin’s frame. He was maybe five foot ten, but he had quite a few muscles under his shirt. A broad chest was obvious under Colin’s tight black T-shirt. “You don’t want to leave, fine. Training starts in the morning.”


  Nikolai narrowed his eyes at Colin. “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.” Colin nodded. “I think it will be interesting to see the look on your face when you find out just how not weak I am.”

  “Fine. Are you finished packing?”

  “Yep,” Colin swung his duffle bag over his shoulder. They were going to Preston and Wyatt’s apartment for the night. From there, they would move from place to place until Nikolai knew Colin was safe. He hadn’t seen the need to argue. It was procedure.

  Nikolai checked the hallway as they left and took the back stairs out of the dorms. Colin climbed on the back of the bike and put his helmet on. Nikolai slid on and Colin gripped Nik’s hips.

  “Mmm, I like that,” Nikolai chuckled.

  Colin sighed in frustration. “Can we just go?”

  Nikolai chuckled again and they left the parking lot. Even at two in the morning, the streets were busy. They took back streets and alleys all the way to Wyatt’s and Colin found himself lulled by the Harley’s engine. His eyes closed briefly and then they came to a stop in a darkened garage. Colin slid off the bike and lugged his pack over his shoulder.

  “Where are we?” Colin took in his surroundings.

  “A place I found last time I was here.” Nikolai grabbed his own bag and started walking.

  Colin could see the apartments in the distance. Wyatt and Preston’s unit was on the second floor; the light was on inside. They made their way up the stairs and Nikolai knocked three times. Wyatt opened the door with a grin.

  “What? No secret knock?”

  “That was secret,” Nikolai grinned and walked past Wyatt into the apartment.

  “Hey, Colin,” Wyatt patted Colin on his back. “How’s life with your shadow?”

  “Annoying?” Colin lifted his brows. “Can I use your shower?”

  “Sure, last door on the left.” Wyatt waited for Colin to be down the hall before turning his attention to Nikolai. “So, here tonight, Scott and Tristan’s tomorrow?”

  “Yes, it’s better if we stay with werewolves. You know, that keen sense of smell you guys have.” Nikolai plopped down on the chair at the breakfast bar.

  “How bad was it?” Preston came in and went for the cupboards.

  “I didn’t see the car’s color or plates. Fucker had his brights on, but he made a direct go at Colin.”

  “You think it’s Rizzo?”

  “That sorry ass would never make a move on Colin himself.” Nikolai snorted. “He’ll use his lackeys to do his dirty work.” Nik rubbed his face with his hands. “Thanks for putting us up. Where do I stash my shit?”

  “Guest room. One bed.” Wyatt waggled his eyebrows.

  “I’ll sleep on the floor. Just need a pillow.” Nikolai dragged his ass up from the chair. “Thanks for this, guys.”

  “Hey, no problem. Sebastian has you on Monday,” Wyatt smiled.

  “Night, Nik.” Preston nodded.

  Nikolai jerked his chin and made his way down the hall. The guest bedro
om was covered in Native American art. Nik grabbed a pillow off the bed and settled on the floor. He stared at the ceiling and closed his eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  Nik opened one eye and looked at Colin, wet from the shower.

  “I’m trying to sleep.”

  “On the floor?”

  “Well I figured you wouldn’t want me in the bed with you.”

  Colin laughed and grabbed his duffle. “You mean you’re not going to pull a ‘Vince’ on me?”

  “Meaning what?” Nik sat up.

  “You know, put pillows down the center of the bed?”

  “Wouldn’t that be a ‘Keegan’?”

  “So you heard the story,” Colin snickered.

  “Well, yeah. Keegan’s my stepdad.”

  “So you’re not going to try to woo me into the same bed as you like your dad did to Keegan?”

  “My pops doesn’t woo, he irritates until you give in.”

  “Like father, like son?” Colin laughed and crawled into bed.

  “Maybe before, but not now,” Nik sighed and closed his eyes.

  “Hey, Nik?”


  “Tell me a story,” Colin chuckled.

  Nik smiled to himself. “Shut up.”

  “I need a nightlight,” Colin whispered.

  “And a Teddy?”

  “Yes.” Colin rolled over to the side of the bed and looked down at Nikolai. “Nik, thanks for tonight.”

  “Any time.”


  The sun’s morning rays crossed Colin’s features and he opened his eyes. He forgot where he was for a minute, only remembering when he saw a painting on the wall of wolves sitting together in the snow. Wyatt and Preston’s apartment. Colin rolled to his side and smiled at the sleeping form of Nikolai Markov on the floor. He was shirtless, his many tattoos visible. Colin ached to reach out and run his fingertips over his name on Nikolai’s chest. Why had he done that? Did Nikolai really care about him like that? Other than his own name, Colin couldn’t see any other names except for Nik’s family.

  Muscles tensed and Nikolai’s chest moved up and down slowly. Lord, the man was perfection. Colin sighed and let his eyes wander down Nikolai’s smooth stomach. Eight pack abs carved out a trail to his belly button and a soft line of black hair trailed below his boxers. Colin licked his lips thinking about the bulge he’d seen the day before. Nik was not small in the dick department. Colin closed his eyes. The dick that had seen many a hole in the past few years. Colin wondered how long Nik had been a virgin before he started fucking anything with a pulse.


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