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Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series

Page 51

by A. M. Myers

  I curl my lip in disgust. “Ew, Iz.”

  “Why did you tell him you were seeing someone?” she presses and I shrug.

  “I wasn’t interested.”

  She groans in frustration and rolls her eyes. “I will go get him and bring him back here. Trust me, you’ll feel much better after you get laid.”

  “I had sex a few weeks ago,” I blurt out to stop her from pushing and immediately regret it.

  “With who?”

  “No one you know.” My phone buzzes on the table and I pick it up, glancing at Chance when I see a text from him.


  What’s his name?


  Why do you care?

  “Hello?” Izzy nags, waving her hand in front of her to get my attention. “We’re having a conversation here. Who was this guy?”

  “I don’t know. Some guy I met in a bar. It honestly wasn’t even that good.” My phone buzzes again and I refuse to look at Chance as I unlock my phone.


  ‘Cause I’m gonna kill him for touching you.

  We had a deal. No other guys.

  I suck in a breath, reading his words a few times as my heart pounds in my ears. This has got to stop. We can’t see each other any more if he’s getting this invested. But how the hell am I supposed to walk away from him?


  It was before you.

  It strikes me how poignant that statement is. A lot of things were different before I met Chance Turner and it scares the hell out of me.

  “Well, that settles it, then. Go after him.”

  Shaking my head, I finish my glass of wine and meet her stare. “What about you, Iz? How are things going with your latest fling?”

  Izzy never resists an opportunity to tell us about her sex life so no matter how badly she wants me to go talk to Damian, gushing about whatever man she’s met this week will win out. It only takes a second for the smile to spread over her face and I know I’ve won. As she tells us about her latest conquest, I glance over at Chance. Desire lights up his eyes and I wish, just for a second, that it were he and I having dinner here alone. Shaking my head, I push that thought from my mind and vow, at the very least, to put some distance between us. A little bit of space will help me clear my head and get in control of this situation again.

  * * * *

  A knock on my office door pulls my gaze up from the computer screen and Mercedes pokes her head in, smiling at me. “Hey. I just read your email. Do you have a minute to talk about it?”

  “Absolutely,” I say with a nod, clearing a few things off my desk and pushing my computer to the side as she strides into the room and sinks into the lounge chair in front of my desk she helped me pick out. She crosses her legs and offers me a warm smile.

  “So, let’s hear your pitch.”

  I take a deep breath and nod, instantly going into business mode as I run over my argument in my head. Not that I think this will take much convincing, but I can’t bring myself to be unprofessional. When Ali and I first started here a month ago, Mercedes was so welcoming and really made us feel like we belonged here which was a pretty big change from our job at the Baton Rouge Times. Ali has hit the ground running with her advice column and I’ve worked on a few things here and there while I tried to figure out where I fit in this company. I’ve honestly never had a boss like Mercedes in my life and each day I come into work, I’m grateful Ali brought me along with her. I can’t even imagine still being at the Times and dealing with our awful boss, Mr. Klein.

  “As you know,” I start, my hands shaking as I clasp them in my lap. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted this until this moment. “I’ve been looking for my niche ever since I started here and I’ve been kicking around a few ideas. I’ve looked over the blog and what it already offers and I think both options will complement what is already on the site.”

  She rubs her hands together with a grin on her face. “I’m so excited to hear what you’ve got.”

  “My first idea was a section on Baton Rouge. We could spotlight local businesses, rate restaurants, tell tourists all the hidden little secrets our city has to offer and you’ll be able to charge local business owners a premium price to advertise on the page.”

  She nods, looking at me thoughtfully for a moment. “I like it but let’s hear your other idea first.”

  “Option number two came as I was sprucing up my office.”

  She glances around the room and smiles. The space has come a long way since I started here. On my first day, it was white walls, wood floors, and nothing else. I may have gone a little crazy designing it, but it was the only time I’ve ever gotten to do it and I fell in love with the whole process.

  “So, an interior design section?” she asks and I nod.

  “You’ve already got travel, exercise, fashion, beauty, and Ali’s advice column covered. With no interior design section, I see a huge gap in our audience’s needs. We could hold contests where people submit photos of their rooms and the best design wins. I could write about design, home decoration, or try out chic DIY projects.”

  “I like it,” she muses, tapping her finger to her chin as she stares blankly at the top of my desk. “If it goes well, I could also buy a fixer upper and have you supervise the remodel and post before and after photos. I’ve been wanting to invest in real estate for a while now, so it would be the perfect time if we were going to do something like that.”

  “Really? You like it?”

  “One hundred percent. Listen, I didn’t bring you and Ali over here, so you could ramble on every day about something you don’t really care about. There’s a spark in your eye when you talk about design and that’s what I want. I want everyone who reads the blog to hear your passion.”

  “Well, all right then.”

  She stands and heads for the door before turning back to look at me. “Oh, by the way, I wanted to ask you about that article you wrote about the corrupt cops last year.”

  “What about it?” A little over a year ago, it was a regular day in the office when a young woman named Emma and her boyfriend, Nix, walked in and told me a story I will never forget as long as I live. Hearing what she went through, I had to write it and help her in any way I could even though it was way outside my comfort zone and it pissed my boss off. It was the right thing to do.

  “Do you want to do a follow up?”

  I chew on my lip, considering it. As much as I loved what the article did for my career, I’m really excited about the future and ready to move forward.

  “I don’t think so. Unless of course, you’d like me to write it.”

  Mercedes shakes her head. “No, I’m okay if you don’t want to. I just wanted to give you the option since you mentioned it when you were hired.”

  “I think, at this point, everyone has moved on and we should just keep it that way.”

  “Perfect,” she says, walking to the doorway. “I’ll go look at the schedule and let’s meet up again in a few days to talk timelines for rolling out the new page.”

  “Thanks, Mercedes.”

  She flashes me a smile before leaving my office and I slide my computer back in front of me, excited to research and plan. Before I can even do my first search, my phone buzzes on the table with a text from Chance.


  I want to see you tonight.

  Ignoring him, I blow out a breath and focus back on the screen in front of me. Chance and I need distance - lots and lots of distance if this thing is going to continue. And I want it to continue because the sex is mind-blowing – the best I’ve ever had – and I’m not eager to give that up but Chance makes it hard to resist him. Especially when I’m falling to pieces and it feels like the only thing that will make it better is him. It’s pathetic. How on earth did I ever survive anything before he was there to wrap me up in his arms? Seriously, because I don’t remember.

  My phone buzzes again and I glance over at it.


  Don’t think you
can ignore me, Princess.

  Oh, I can and I will. I will stay away from him until I can look at him without feeling like a pile of mush. Until his kiss doesn’t make me weak in the knee.

  I focus on the screen in front of me and think about my first article, but my gaze keeps being drawn back to the phone. Just when I’m about to toss it in a drawer, it rings and Chance’s face pops up on the screen.

  “Nope,” I whisper to myself, staring at the computer screen but seeing nothing. “Not going to answer it.”

  I look up designs but his face flashing on the screen taunts me and my fingers twitch to answer it. I haven’t spoken to him since the dinner last night and I don’t think texts really count. Somehow, I got out of the restaurant and home without having to face him and I was thankful for it. Between the looks he was giving me and the fact that Damian was there, again, I was at the end of my patience. After I got home, I turned my phone off and spent an hour in a hot bubble bath until my legs felt like Jell-O.

  My phone buzzes again and I sigh as I glance at it.


  This isn’t over, Carly.

  Damn him for being right.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Dottie,” I call out as I step into the house, the smell of homemade chicken noodle soup greeting me and making my stomach growl.

  “In here!” she yells out from the kitchen and I follow my nose, my mouth watering as I realize I haven’t eaten all day. Avoiding Chance is definitely taking its toll on me. Dottie is standing in front of the stove in a long white sundress and her colorful apron tied around her waist.

  “Hey, Auntie,” I say, leaning in and kissing her cheek as she stirs the soup. “You look awfully pretty today.”

  She blushes and I grin. “Well, thank you, child.”

  Sighing, she sets the wooden spoon down as she turns and grabs my upper arms. “Listen, about last week… I’m so sorry I upset you. I lost my head for a few minutes there and I’ve been so worried about you all week. I know you don’t like to talk about that time in your life.”

  “It’s okay, Dottie.”

  “You mean that, don’t you?” she asks, studying me and I nod. Sure, that night I was a wreck, but it didn’t haunt me the rest of the week like it usually would have. It could have something to do with the fact that Chance distracted me most of the time but whatever it is, I’m not complaining.

  “Of course, I do.”

  “There’s something different about you.”

  I scoff and pull myself out of her arms. “No, there’s not. Now, what do you need help with?”

  She’s quiet for a moment and I worry she will push me but she doesn’t. Instead, she shakes her head and points to the stove. “You can check the rolls and set the table.”

  “You’ve got it.”

  Pulling open the oven door, I peek inside and decide the rolls need a little more time before grabbing three bowls out of the cupboard and setting them on the table.

  “So, have you heard from your sister?” Dottie asks and I shake my head.

  “No, I’ve called her a few times, but she hasn’t answered or called me back.”

  She’s quiet for a long moment before turning. “There is something going on here.”

  “I didn’t want to believe it but I’m thinking you’re right. Ivy’s flaky but she’s never been this flaky and she always calls me back.”

  “Keep trying, will ya? We’ve got to find out what’s going on with this new man of hers.”

  As I grab spoons, I sigh. “You don’t think they’re maybe just in love and wanting to spend all their time together.”

  “Girl, I pray every day that is the case, but I’ve got this nagging feeling down deep in my gut that tells me something is wrong.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “You should probably see a doctor about that, Auntie.”

  “Ha ha,” she playfully sneers. “I know you girls don’t put much stock in my instincts, but they never fail me. The day your daddy died, I knew something was wrong, but I told myself I was being silly. I’ll never do that again. Who knows… he may still be here with us if I had just listened to that little voice inside my head.”

  My chest aches as I think about what my life would be like today with my daddy in it. There is so much he missed out on and so much that didn’t feel right without him with me.

  “I do know one thing for sure,” Dottie whispers, patting my cheek. “He would be damn proud of the incredible woman you’ve become.”

  Tears well up in my eyes and I sniffle as I look away from her. “You don’t think he’d be disappointed?”

  “Oh, heavens no. Why would you ever think that?”

  “Because of what happened and who I became because of it.”

  She arches a brow and flashes me a stern look. “What did that night make you? You’re stronger now because of it and yes, you’re a little too cautious but, sweetie, you’ve just got to get out of your own way. You don’t have to live in this pain for the rest of your life.”

  “I want to, Dottie,” I admit for the first time in my life. “I just don’t know how.”

  She smiles and pulls me into a hug that reminds me of carefree summer nights and my dad. “Just jump, Carly. All you gotta do is jump.”

  I stand up straight, pulling out of her arms and clear my throat as I wipe the tear off my cheek. “Well, that’s about enough of that, I think.”

  Dottie laughs and nods. “Certainly. Pull those rolls out. They have to be done by now.”

  I go to the oven and take the rolls out, tossing them into a basket before taking them to the table where Dottie is waiting with the pot of soup.

  “Well, I suppose we should give her a few more minutes.”

  I nod. “I’ll try calling her.”

  I dial her number and the phone rings until her voicemail picks up and I sigh. “Hey, Vi. It’s me, your sister. Dottie and I are here at her house waiting for you guys. Are you going to be here soon?”

  “So,” Dottie says as I hang up the phone. “How’s work going? Did you find that thing you were looking for?”

  I grin, excited to tell her about my new project. “Yeah, actually. I’m going to be running a page about interior design and home décor. Maybe doing some DIY projects. Mercedes is even tossing around buying an apartment and having me fix it up since she’s been wanting to get involved with real estate.”

  “Real estate?” she asks. “I didn’t realize you were interested in that kind of thing.”

  “Neither did I until I had to decorate my office and looked into it.”

  “Well, that’s great. You look so happy when you talk about it.”

  “I’m honestly thrilled.”

  “Well, good for you, dear. I can’t wait to read all about it.”

  My phone buzzes and I glance down, my smile fading at the text from Chance on the screen.


  How long you gonna freeze me out, Princess?

  “That your sister?” Dottie asks and I shake my head. “Who is it?”

  “Uh… just this guy.”

  Her brow arches. “Chance? The one you took to your mother’s charity thing?”


  “And?” she prompts. “How are things going between you two? Figure out what you are?”

  I shake my head. “Not exactly. We’re taking a little break.”

  “Translation, you’re pushing him away.” I open my mouth to object, but she holds her hand out and shakes her head. “I’ve said my peace about this, so I’ll just say one more thing. People don’t wait around forever, no matter how strong their feelings. At some point, it just gets too painful to love someone who won’t give you the things you need. If you care about this man at all, make the jump or let him go permanently. It’s not fair to string him along.”

  “You sound like you know from experience, Auntie,” I muse and she nods, sadness creeping into her gaze.

  “I met a man once and for me, it was love at first si
ght, but he didn’t feel the same way. He strung me along for three very long, painful years before I had to walk away. I still think about him from time to time and no one else has ever made me feel the way he did when things were good between us.”

  The heartbreak is clear on her face and I wonder if I’m hurting Chance as much with my inability to commit. My phone buzzes again, saving me from replying to her as I glance down at a new text. This one from Ivy.


  Sorry. Not going to make it.

  “Ivy’s not coming,” I whisper, glancing up at Dottie as she looks out the window. Her brow furrows in concern and after a moment, she sighs.

  “Let me box up some of this food for you, sweetie. I’m afraid I will not be good company tonight.”

  I nod, watching her as she grabs a container and fills it with soup for me to take home. I hate to admit it but I’m worrying about my sister, too, and seeing how distraught Dottie is, makes me feel even more uneasy. Whatever it takes, I will get to the bottom of this and figure out what is going on.

  * * * *

  “I’ll let you all talk but just think about what I said,” Chance says, standing from the table where Ali is perched with her laptop in front of her. He meets my eyes as he passes us and my hand shakes with the urge to reach out and touch him.

  “Hey, Car, see somethin’ you like?” Ali asks, a smile stretching across her face, and I shake my head.

  “Shut up. We’re here to talk about you. Not me.”

  She laughs and nods, kicking out one of the chairs next to her. “By all means then, have a seat.”

  “How are you doing, Hon?” Izzy asks, looking at her with a concerned expression as she sits down and crosses her arms on the table.


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