Phoenix Rising: Issue #1 (Pretty Boy Rock Series)

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Phoenix Rising: Issue #1 (Pretty Boy Rock Series) Page 10

by S R Watson

  “Dammit, Phoenix. Can you just fuck me already?”

  “Patience, baby. Sometimes getting there is half the fun.” He enters me slowly, but just the tip. I try to back up to take more of him, but he stills my hips. “Nuh-uh. My terms. I feel that hungry pussy of yours clenching my dick. Are you ready for me?”

  “Mm-hmm,” I say as I try once again to back my ass toward him. This earns me another slap on the ass. Before I can protest, he slams into me, and I nearly topple over onto the bed. He easily catches me as he slides in and out of me at a leisurely pace. He gives me a few slow strokes before slamming into me again. I love how he switches up his fucking—keeping my pussy on edge. “God, yes!” I shout. It’s nice not to have to be quiet. There is nobody to mistakenly hear us.

  Phoenix wraps my hair in his fist and yanks my head back as he begins to drive into me deeper. I can’t help but slam back against him. This feels fucking amazing. Just as my legs begin to quiver, he stops and once again stills my hips. He leans forward and massages my breast, but that is not what I want. He returns to his steady strokes, but I need him to pound me. I need him to fuck me mercilessly. He has awakened the woman in me that I never knew existed.

  Just when I think I can no longer take his deliberate teasing, he slaps my ass once more. I’m beginning to see this is his thing. His hips piston as he delivers the most punishing strokes imaginable. He grabs my hips and digs deep. I relax into his assault on my pussy, and the feeling is so freaking euphoric. Stars dance behind my eyes, and my head becomes hazy as I reach the pinnacle of an abyss that I’ve yet to feel until now.

  “Fuck, yes. That’s it, baby,” Phoenix coaxes. I’m speechless. I’m nearly limp when I feel him find his own release. I can feel his cock throbbing in me. It seems to go on forever. He finally pulls out, and we both fall to the bed. He pulls me to him. “Oh, don’t think I’m done with you. I’m just getting started. Tonight I will introduce you to my stamina, and you will love it.”

  “Oh, really?” I ask when I’m able to find my voice. “Why is that?”

  “Just the obvious reasons. Multiple orgasms.” He chuckles.

  “Hmm. Who says I need multiple orgasms, and does this stamina have a name?” I tease.

  “Uh, you don’t need to say anything. Your pussy begs for my dick all on its own.” I can hear the smirk in his voice. “And my stamina doesn’t need a name. When it’s that amazing, it just is…no formalities needed.” I can’t help but laugh at his cockiness. I know he is giving me shit right now, but I have a feeling I’m about to get real acquainted with his stamina.

  Chapter Ten


  The early morning light filters through the bedroom window, and with it comes ambiguous regret. I don’t regret bringing Harlow to at least five orgasms before she passed out from exhaustion. No, that is a memory I will hold on for some time to come. I was even tempted to show her a glimpse of my dark side—my kink for control. In the end, I decided against it. I don’t think she would have been ready for that. That being said, I broke two of my fucking rules. I don’t do sleepovers, and I sure as hell don’t cuddle. Last night I did both. This woman is changing me, and I don’t like it. In reality, she means more than just some groupie, but my rules are set for a reason. I can’t break any more of them—not for her—not for anyone. We’ve already fucked twice. I’m not sure if I can allow the third opportunity that I normally give before a woman is cut off. Harlow has managed to slip past my terms once, and I have to regain control. I don’t want to hurt her, so I need to end this before it’s too late. She is beautiful, and sex with her is unquantifiable, but I have to stop my involvement with her. Having her come by the lake house will surely be awkward for a while.

  “Morning,” Harlow says groggily as she wipes the sleep from her eyes. “What time is it?”

  “Morning. It’s just after seven,” I say simply. I hop out of bed and find my clothes that are lying around on the floor.

  “Where’s the fire, stallion?” she jokes as I quickly get dressed.

  “I need to get you back to school. I have something to do this morning.” I pull my shirt over my head, but I don’t miss the disappointment in her eyes. It solidifies my earlier thought. To continue things with her would make “that look” much worse later. I’m an asshole, and she needs someone good. There is no happily ever after with me—only fucking, and her time is up. “I’ll check us out of the hotel and meet you downstairs, out front.”

  “Sure.” Her tone is dry. She gets up and puts her clothes on just as fast; only she isn’t looking at me now. I think she senses the change the day has brought about. I want to reassure her, but I can’t. I leave her to finish getting dressed, and I feel like shit.

  When I walk through the door, the guys are ready to give me a hard time. They know about my rules.

  “So who is the lucky woman who made you break your ‘fuck-n-go’?” Killian jokes.

  “Yeah, must have been some piece of ass,” Asher chimes in. If he only knew and with who, that grin would be wiped off his face right now. Ren eyes me suspiciously. I blew off the kiss he saw between Harlow and me as temporary insanity. My excuse was that I was horny, and she was there. I told him that I had come to my senses, and nothing happened.

  I can see the wheels churning in his head as he suspects now that may have been a lie.

  “It’s not what you think, fuckers. I do have other friends, you know? I got a little shitfaced with my buddy Sevyn while we played Destiny on the Xbox, and I ended up sleeping it off.” I shake my head at their nosiness of my sex life. “No pussy is worth breaking my rules for,” I reassure. That lie rolls off my tongue like it has been rehearsed. I’ve told myself this so many times, yet this morning it wasn’t the case. I’m trying not to let it get to me, so I’m not going to give these guys any indication that I was with a woman. I’d never heard the end of it.

  “Who is this Sevyn person? I’m beginning to think he is a figment of your imagination,” Ren chides.

  “Whatever, asshole.” I flip him off and make my way to the kitchen. I was supposed to have eaten already, so even the timing of my meals is off. Fuck.

  “Well, why haven’t we met this dude? Why are you hiding him like a lover?” Killian joins in.

  “Shut the fuck up. He has no interest in hanging with you douche bags. And you have seen him.”

  I ignore their questions of when, because the truth is, they have seen him—more than once. They will never formally meet him, and I can’t share our real connection or what we’re involved in. I’m actually meeting him at noon.

  He is a separate part of my life they can never be privy to. The only reason they even know he exists is because they kept questioning where I would disappear to sometimes. It’s not their business—they’re not my keepers, but I don’t want them to think the worst. When possible drug addiction ideas started to circulate, I knew I had to give them a bone. Hell, they wanted to stage an intervention. We have a strict no drugs policy. No exceptions. We don’t want to be your typical rock band and allow drugs to fuck off our opportunities before we even start. I didn’t feel like making up a name—too hard to keep up with, so I told them I had a friend named Sevyn. I told them I was helping him with something and to let it drop. For the most part, they respect my wishes not to talk about him. This morning, they just feel like giving me shit.

  “Come on, Killian. Your ass is going with me to buy groceries. Let Phoenix and his mystery man have their privacy,” he jokes. Asher pats me on the shoulder and shakes his head.

  “Ignore those two.” He grabs his water bottle off the table. “Hold on, dipshits, I’m going with you. You guys need chaperoning for the shit you like to buy.” Asher isn’t kidding. These guys stock up on more snacks than real food. At least with him going, I know he’ll get what I need for my meal preps. Once the guys are out the door, I eat, pack a few meals, and get ready to meet Sevyn.


  I’m sitting on my bed, trying to figure out what wen
t wrong with Phoenix. Things have changed in an instant. Was this all a game? I finally let down my guard and throw caution to the wind and had sex with him—twice. Now it is as if he is done with me. He couldn’t get out of that hotel room with me fast enough. He could barely even look at me, and the ride back to the dorm was quiet and strained. Was I not good enough for him? I don’t know what to think.

  “So, how was it?” Irelyn says, jumping on my bed. She wasn’t here when I got back, so I thought I had time to think.

  “What?” I grab my folder off the dresser and pretend to look through my syllabus to see what upcoming assignments I have. I can’t look at her right now. I’m afraid she will see the insecurities that have taken residence in my mind.

  “Cut the shit. You guys fucked again. You left early yesterday and didn’t come back until this morning.” She yanks the folder from me. “Come on. I’m your best friend. Tell me what’s going on. You’re not catching feelings for this guy, are you?” I don’t know what I’m feeling. Of course I didn’t think this thing between us could mature into anything. It was just fucking, and now it’s over. He’s a manwhore. I gave in to what my body wanted and let myself have a piece of his sexy ass.

  “There are definitely no feelings involved, Irelyn. It was just sex. I was horny, and he wanted to fuck. I needed to brush off the old cobwebs.” I try to joke, but my laugh falls flat.

  “Are you sure?” She eyes me suspiciously—unsure of what to believe. “Because you do know that his type will never change. The more famous he gets, the more pussy he will get thrown at him.”

  “Yes, Irelyn. I know this. I’m not a fool.” I tell her about our first hookup and then everything about yesterday. I leave out the part about his mood change this morning. I just tell her we ended it, but I don’t explain how or why because I’m not sure of that myself.

  “Well, good. I’m glad you’re back on the proverbial sex horse, so to speak.” She has no idea how off the horse I’ve been. She goes off on a tangent about me getting back on the dating scene, but then my phone rings.

  “Hello?” I wave my hand to silence her because it’s Asher.

  “Hey, sis. What are you up to?” I can hear the guys in the background. I wonder if Phoenix is with them.

  “Nothing. Just talking with Irelyn. What’s up?”

  “Well, I’m out grocery shopping with the guys, and we’ve decided to fire up the grill while the weather is still nice. I was wondering if you and Irelyn would like to come hang out for the day. I can come and get you and bring you back later tonight.”

  “Uh, I don’t know, Asher.” I’m not ready to see Phoenix again. It’ll be a hard pill to swallow if he behaves like he did this morning.

  “Aw, come on. I don’t want to interrupt your plans, but we may have a reason to celebrate. I wasn’t going to say anything yet, but I want you here.” He lets out a sigh. “If you can’t, I understand.”

  “No. We don’t have any plans for today, so we can come.” I give Irelyn a pleading look. She has to go with me.

  “Great. We’re checking out now, so I’ll be there in an hour.” I can hear him telling the guys that he is going to be picking us up.

  “See you then.” We say our goodbyes and hang up.

  “What did you just volunteer me for?” Irelyn smirks.

  “The guys are grilling and apparently have some news to share. I can’t go by myself. You have to go.” I don’t have to explain the awkwardness I would feel with Phoenix. Even without knowing the entire story, she gets it. If I’m lucky, maybe he won’t even be there. He did say he had something he had to do. “Asher will be here in an hour.”

  “Fine. I was planning on soaking up some warm rays and hottie watching on the campus lawn, so you owe me,” she kids.

  “Well, tomorrow we’ll grab a blanket and hottie watch together,” I promise, and she grins from ear to ear. An old oak tree by the library is a popular spot for students to hang out under while they study. Irelyn likes to take her blanket and just people watch—hot guys, to be specific.

  She has been trying to get me to partake in this useless activity, but I always turn her down. I know I could have gotten her to go with me without that asinine promise, but I thought it was only fair that I return the favor. I decide to go with a simple tank top and jeans. I French braid my hair and call it a day. Irelyn opts for a tube dress and wedge sandals. I sometimes envy her chic style, but I’d rather be comfortable. After we’re dressed and ready to go, we head downstairs to wait for Asher.

  So far, so good, no sign of Phoenix. Asher is out on the deck with Ren, starting up the grill while Killian seasons the meat and veggies. Irelyn makes herself at home on the white leather sofa. She flips through the channels on the television, trying to find something interesting. I grab a glass and pour myself some wine before joining her. It’s a little past noon, but it’s not too early to start drinking. I have a feeling I’m going to need it. My premonition is correct. I haven’t even finished my glass when Phoenix walks in with some leggy brunette. Her heels click on the tile when she walks. Her fitted dress leaves nothing to wonder about. She is definitely stacked, but where the hell is she coming from looking like that? Even Irelyn is shocked. We exchange glances, and I know she is wondering the same thing that I am.

  Who is this woman to Phoenix? The better question is—is she what he had to do this morning? She flicks her hair to one side as she waits to be introduced. Phoenix is beaming as he steps forward. Asher and Ren reenter the house, just in time for Phoenix’s introduction.

  “Everyone, this is Desiree Roberson.” The guys give her a welcoming hello while Irelyn and I half raise our hands in a wave. “Desiree is with Pretty Boy Rock and has heard good things about our band.”

  “Heck yeah!” the fellas chant heartily. Pretty Boy Rock is a pretty big deal. They’re among the best record labels in the industry for producing rock music.

  “Desiree got in contact with me and wanted to meet up today to talk about our music. She’s heard a few of our cover songs and is interested in hearing more of our original music,” Phoenix adds. I’m happy for them. This could be their big break. I watch as Desiree rubs the top of his shoulder, and he looks over and smiles at her. The scene before me doesn’t sit right. My stomach churns at the thought he may have been with her more than to discuss a possible record deal earlier. Maybe he used his assets to sway the decision more in their favor. She looks mighty comfortable with him.

  “We have some of our stuff recorded,” Asher offers. “We also have our own makeshift studio if you want to hear us live,” he offers excitedly.

  “Oh, no. I’m not staying long. I just wanted to meet you guys. I’m coming Friday to see you guys play at Club Luxe,” she assures. The guys introduce themselves, one by one, and tell about their position in the band. I can hear the enthusiasm in their voices. I can only imagine how ecstatic they must feel to be recognized by such a big label. Asher briefly introduces Irelyn and me and then tries again to get her to stay, but she declines. “I’ll leave you gentlemen to your afternoon. Nice meeting you ladies, as well,” she says as an afterthought. Irelyn and I feign fake smiles and wave goodbye. I watch as her hips sway again as she walks out the door. The guys all walk her out. Yes. It took all of them.

  Irelyn looks at me when they’re all out of sight. “Did you get a load of her?” She shakes her head like she’s trying to clear it.

  “Something is definitely off with her. She seems like the nicety type. Nice-nasty. Hidden agenda. I don’t know, but she makes my hackles go up.” I can’t put a finger on the negative vibes she inspires. They’re just there.

  “Not to mention, she had her claws in Phoenix. She’s probably already fucked him. Maybe even how the meeting came about,” she ponders. My face falls before I can school my expression. “Shit, that was insensitive, Harlow. But see, this is why it is best you cut all ties. If they get this record deal, things are going to change for them real quick.” I know she is telling the truth, so why does it f
eel like I’m being stabbed in the chest? I’m not supposed to care.

  Chapter Eleven


  The look on Harlow’s face as I introduced Desiree to the band was telling. She was jealous. I didn’t expect her to be there. Asher must have invited her over. When Desiree put her hand on my shoulder, I saw the slightest of flinches from Harlow; one that could have been missed if you weren’t watching closely. I bet anything she thinks I slept with this woman, so that leads me to another conclusion. What a mess? I have to keep my distance from her today. I don’t have answers for her or have any idea how to move forward right now. Yup. Avoidance is key until I can get the hell out of here.

  When we get back upstairs, I don’t even look at her. I know hurt no matter how much it’s masked, and I know exactly why it’s there. “Killian, grab a beer and come down to the lake with me, fucker.”

  “Sure. We can discuss how you really came to meet Miss Desiree,” he taunts. “Seriously, though, we need a game plan for this weekend. Maybe even squeeze in writing a new song to showcase, if we can.”

  “Already on it, man. I want us to have at least a few of our original songs ready and only our best covers.”

  “Agreed,” Asher joins in. Killian grabs a beer and heads toward the lake with me. We leave Asher and Ren with the girls.

  “So how did you come in contact with Desiree?” he asks when we’re finally alone.

  “Mutual friend,” I answer simply as I take a swig of my beer.

  Yup, I’m fucking off my diet regimen, but today calls for a celebration. It was fucked today from the start when I didn’t have my ass at home to start my first meal on time.


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