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More Than Pleasure You: A More Than Words Novella

Page 8

by Shayla Black

  “Those words are both wise and true. I’ll be in touch.”

  “I’ll be happy to help in any way I can, David.”

  He ends the call, and I darken my screen, shoving the device in my pocket and staring out at the placid blue ocean. I’m more than ready for the peace part of my vacation to start. But it won’t. I’m bothered by my conversation with David. I’m worried about how our deal could impact Skye. On the other hand, I’m also worried that if I don’t pursue this hard it will adversely affect my future, especially if I choose not to go back to New York and resume my position at Colossus.

  If I leave the firm, most people will think I’m crazy. Douglas Lund is a financial genius. In my defense, I’m no slouch. Admittedly, I’ve learned everything from my dad. But everyone knows that one day, probably in the next half-dozen years, he intends to hand me control of his multi-billion dollar business. I’ve worked all my life to learn his methods and earn his trust. Walking away now may look nonsensical on the surface. But in my gut, it’s a viable option. And this deal with David Chang, who is notoriously particular, would totally get me off the ground and bring me some individual Wall Street cred. I might need it since continuing to work with my dad is hitting all my moral buttons.

  It’s not okay that he won’t acknowledge his own fucking daughter. Half of her DNA is his. God, I hope he isn’t the sort of man to shut Nia out of his life for the reason I fear. If he is, it’s completely unacceptable.

  Can you really make a decision that affects your whole future without knowing why your dad won’t speak to Nia? Skye asks again in my head.

  The slamming of a car door interrupts my reverie. I snap around in my lounger to see Skye loping down the hill at a gait much closer to a run than a walk. Finn’s mother is right behind her.

  “I don’t have anything else to say, Sherry. I’m working right now. But the bottom line is, your son is married. I’m engaged. Finn and I aren’t getting back together.”

  “I don’t see your ring,” the woman says, her voice carrying on the breeze.

  “I took it off when I dipped French toast in batter this morning. Not that it matters. Finn is happy with Dana.”

  “He’s fooled himself. He needs you. That girl is going to bleed his bank account dry.”

  Skye whirls on Sherry. “Why would you think that? She loves him. She didn’t quit her job, and she’s never made him buy her things simply because he could.”

  “She will.” The woman sniffs.

  “What are you basing this on? Because you think her tattoos make her a gold digger? An immoral whore?”

  “Nice girls don’t look like that.”

  “The antiquated notion of a ‘nice girl’ no longer exists. We’re all just women.” Skye sounds exhausted by this conversation, probably because it’s not the first time they’ve had it.

  “This thing with Dana won’t work out, mark my words.”

  “It’s not a thing; it’s a marriage. They’ve committed their lives to one another. Until death do they part.”

  “Ha! I know good attorneys who can fix that. And once the ink is dry on Finn’s divorce decree, I’m sure he’ll see the light. All I’m asking is that you keep yourself available.”

  I’ve heard enough, so I stand and make my way along the lanai, to the side of the house, closing in on the two of them.

  “Skye won’t be doing that. She’s mine.” I stop along the side of the house, crossing my arms over my chest, my voice insistent. “Regardless of what happens with your son and his wife, Skye will marry me—no one else. I appreciate that you care for her, but she can’t fake her feelings for your son for your benefit.”

  Sherry looks even more agitated. “Maybe she has feelings for you, but she loves Finn.”

  “As a friend,” Skye points out, clearly exasperated. “We rarely kissed unless it was for your benefit. We both tried so hard to make it work to please you, but neither of us could fake it. I always knew that he would find someone wonderful for him. If you take away the ink and the bold hair, Dana is a vet tech who loves animals, donates her time to animal-related causes, and helps run a mobile vet service to help make sure all the island’s pets have good medical care. Why wouldn’t you love a woman with such a big heart?”

  “Because she’s not you.”

  I step off the lanai and do my best impression of a casual walk toward them, until I put myself between Skye and Sherry. “I appreciate that you see just how wonderful Skye is, but she has to follow her heart, just like your son does. They’ve both decided their hearts belong with different significant others.”

  Sherry’s eyes narrow. “You appeared so suddenly in Skye’s life. She never mentioned a word about you before this week. So how permanent can you really be? And why are you staying in the Aloha Rainbow rental, instead of with your girlfriend at her place?”

  “Fiancée,” I correct automatically.

  “Whatever. Why wouldn’t you stay with her?”

  “My place is too cramped,” Skye insists, her voice strong. I’m proud of her for the improvisational excuse. “Stephen isn’t a small man, and my barely more-than-twin bed isn’t big enough for us both.”

  “Besides, I’m here on vacation. Dean and Erma had a last-minute opening, which allows me to be closer and more romantic with Skye.” I lean in. “I understand you’re unhappy with your son’s choice of bride, but you can’t make my fiancée miserable because of it. I think it would be better for us all if you let Skye and I enjoy our evening.”

  Sherry sniffs. “You’re asking me to leave?”

  I try to give her a good-natured smile. “After Finn and Dana’s lovely wedding, we realize we have a lot of planning to do on our own before I head back to New York.”

  Finn’s mother leans around me to look at Skye. “Are you really okay with him throwing me off the property?”

  “That’s not how you should look at it. We’re just—”

  “On our way to meet my sister and her husband for dinner.” I step back and put my arm around Skye with a smile. “Nia is looking forward to meeting you, too. So we should get going.”

  “Yeah.” Skye’s smile is more stilted than I’d like, but she does her best to warm to the topic. “Just let me put the groceries away.”

  “I’ll text Nia that we’ll be there in an hour, then give you a hand.” Then I turn to Finn’s mother. “Good to see you, Sherry. Skye and I wish Finn and Dana all the best. I think if you put your energy into doing the same, you’ll be much happier.”

  Sherry doesn’t say another word, simply whirls around and storms back to her car, looking far from happy—or ready to give up.

  “C’mon.” I tug on Skye’s hand once we hear Sherry’s car back out of its spot and bump its way down the dirt road. “I’ll help you with the groceries.”

  “Thanks. What do you want for dinner? I’ve got tons of options now, so whatever tempts your taste buds…”

  Skye herself tempts my taste buds. I’d love to lay her out across my bed and feast on her all night, but I can tell by the way she’s walking that she’s still a little tender in all my favorite spots.

  It probably makes me a caveman, but I smile.

  “I was serious. Nia invited us to dinner.”

  “Us? Does she even know about me?”

  Not yet, but she will. “Sure. Game for meeting her?”

  Skye nibbles on that lip I love to kiss so much. “Y-you want me to meet her?”

  I know what she’s asking, if my feelings are actually so strong that I want to introduce her to family.

  “Yeah.” I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and kiss her. “I’d love that.”

  She smiles. “I’d like that, too.”

  Within a few minutes, we’ve situated everything she bought at the store. Afterward, Skye changes into a sundress, fluffs her hair, tosses on some mascara and lip gloss, then settles herself in the front seat of my rental car. I’m still chuckling, thinking about Nia’s response to my text that I was bringing a date

  There’s some matchmaking in my future. And I’m actually happy about it. When it comes to swaying Skye in my favor, I’m all about an unfair advantage.

  Ten minutes later, we pull up in front of a lovely white house sprawling in the bright, tropical sun. Nia greets us at the door, wearing a vibrant coral sundress and a smile. Evan is right behind her in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, hand resting possessively on her hip.

  “Hey! Glad you made it.” She hugs me.

  I’m thrilled to see that she looks happier than ever. It was touch and go between her and Evan for a while. He’d been a widower, and the fact Nia was his assistant complicated their relationship. Throw some jealousy and an unexpected pregnancy into the mix…

  “Thanks for inviting us. Nia, Evan, this is Skye Ingram.”

  My sister and her husband give my girl a warm welcome, and we all head inside, past the fireplace that’s thoroughly impractical in Maui, but Evan got it for Nia anyway because she wanted it so badly. The look on my sister’s face tells me she now has everything she’s ever dreamed of.

  As they lead us through the gorgeous house and toward the lanai out back, Nia grabs Skye’s arm. “Is my brother behaving himself?”

  She glances over her shoulder at me, clearly not sure how to answer. I see the flush crawling up her cheeks. I have no doubt Evan and Nia will, too.

  My sister laughs. “I’ll take that as a no. But you’re here with him, so I’m guessing that means you still like him despite his bad behavior.”

  “Yeah.” Skye smiles. “Actually, he’s been really wonderful.”

  Her voice sounds soft. I hear the happiness in it, and it does something to me. My cock, of course. It’s always attuned to her. But this feeling resides farther north, in my chest. I love the idea of being the man who makes Skye truly happy.

  No idea why or how that would actually work, but there it is. And the suspicion that I’ve fallen for her deepens.

  “We’ve had a good time. She’s fantastic,” I tell Nia.

  That makes Skye blush more, but she soldiers on. “I hear you’re new to the island? I’ve lived here my whole life, so if you need any recommendations on things to do or places to eat…”

  “That would be great. All of us would love a good pedicurist.”

  “All of us?” Skye blinks.

  We step outside, under the shade of the overhang, to find a long patio table set up with a colorful tablecloth, a hodgepodge of chairs…and every member of Evan’s extended family waiting for us.

  “Good to see you!” Maxon stands and shoves his hand in my direction.

  As we shake, I see his pretty redhead of a wife cradling their newborn daughter. Beyond her sleepy expression, she glows with happiness.

  “You, too. Congratulations. Your daughter is beautiful.”

  “Isn’t she?” Keeley, Maxon’s wife, says. “Too bad she’s got her daddy’s disposition.”

  Maxon laughs. “She does. Impatient all the time. She wants everything now and she wants it perfect.”

  “That’s it.” Keeley nods. “God help me.”

  Skye smiles beside me. “She’s beautiful. How old is she?”

  “Two weeks today. You must be Skye.” When my girl nods, Keeley fills her in. “Nia told us about you. Would you like to hold her?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Let me introduce her to everyone real quick,” Nia puts in, then points to the blonde beside Keeley. “That’s Britta, Griff’s wife. They’re parents to that rug rat out there.” She points to a toddler running with abandon through the sprinklers on the far side of the yard.

  “And this one.” Britta lays a hand on her very pregnant belly. “Who needs to come out already.”

  “Congratulations. When are you due?” Skye asks.

  “Two days ago. I’m so miserable.”

  Griff kisses her head and laughs as he sticks his hand in Skye’s direction. “That’s how I know our second son will be like his mommy. She’s always late.”

  Britta sticks a good-natured tongue out at him.

  He winks back at his wife. “But if you want to try kickstarting your labor again, I’ll be happy to take you home and put that tongue to good use.”

  The prim little blonde turns twenty shades of red and slaps at her husband with a little tsk. Everyone around them laughs.

  “It’s nice to meet you both.” Skye shakes their hands, then looks between the brothers. “I’ve seen your billboards all over the island for the last few months. This is kind of like meeting celebrities.”

  Nia laughs. “Reed Brothers Property Associates is doing really well—”

  “Number one in Maui,” Maxon puts in.

  “We’re a killer team,” Griff finishes with pride.

  “Mostly because you’re both stubborn and don’t take no for an answer,” Britta chimes in.

  Everyone laughs.

  “But if you want a celebrity, meet this guy.” My sister points across the table at a hulk of an athlete. “Noah Weston, legendary NFL quarterback and hall-of-famer.”

  “Retired and it will be five years before I’m even eligible for a vote.”

  My sister scoffs. “You’re a shoo-in.”

  “Thank you.” Noah turns his attention to me. “Good to see you, man.”

  “You, too.”

  “And you’re Skye? Pretty name.”

  “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you.” She winces. “Sorry. I know nothing about football.”

  Noah just smiles. “Neither did my wife when we first met. She was totally unimpressed. So I had to marry her. This is Harlow.” He bumps shoulders with his wife. “Since we’re having a baby in three weeks, I think I appropriately dazzled her.”

  “Maybe, big guy. Maybe…” The gorgeous brunette wearing the enormous rock extends her hand to Skye with a laugh. “Great to meet you.”

  “Same. Congratulations. Is this baby your first?”

  She nods. “I’m so ready.”

  “I’ll say. If you decorate the nursery with any more shit, the weight of it all will send the second floor collapsing into the first.”

  Harlow elbows him. “Ha! Even you admitted it’s cute in there.”

  “It’s adorable,” Keeley says. “I wish I had half your talent for decorating.”

  “You do,” Harlow insists. “I love Kailani’s nursery.”

  “I haven’t even started my nursery,” Nia puts in with a groan. “Thank goodness I have time.”

  “One-hundred-ninety-six days,” Evan confirms, already looking nervous.

  “It sounds so far away.” My sister rubs her still flat belly affectionately. “I just want to cuddle our little munchkin now.”

  “Everyone here is expecting? Remind me not to drink the water.” Skye laughs.

  “Hey, we’re all newlyweds.” Maxon shrugs. “Besides, I have to catch up to Griff in the daddy department.”

  Keeley turns to him, brow raised. “My uterus is not here for you to win some juvenile game with your brother.”

  “Of course not, sunshine. I love you so much. And I’ll do my very best to sweet-talk you into another baby as soon as the doctor says it’s okay…”

  “Oh, I know you’ll try.” She sighs. “Fatherhood has not made you any less relentless.”

  Everyone laughs again.

  It’s a close-knit group. I know in the last year they’ve all overcome tremendous difficulties and fought unbelievable pain to find happiness.

  At the end of the table, I see the two stragglers who haven’t managed that feat yet.

  “Hey, I didn’t know you’d be here, Trace.” I wave at him.

  “Yeah. Ranger and I hopped in the car when we heard you were coming.” He cradles a newborn in a blue onesie with one arm and holds a bottle to the baby’s little working mouth with the other. “Good to see you. I’d shake your hand, but someone is a demanding eater.”

  I laugh, then turn to Skye. “This is Noah’s brother, Trace. And his son, Ranger.”

  Trace nod
s in greeting. “We’re the bachelors of the group, along with this guy next to me. What was your name again?”

  It’s obvious Trace is teasing, and the man in question rolls his eyes. “Bite my ass.”

  Trace tsks. “Your parents should really have rethought that moniker. Then again, it fits.”

  The gathering erupts in laughter once more.

  The tall man stands, smile tight, looking a little out of place. “Sebastian Shaw. I’m Evan’s CFO and bestie.”

  “Good to meet you.” I shake his hand.

  Skye does the same. “Are you visiting the island?”

  He shakes his head. “I moved here, just a few miles up the road, when Evan relocated his company a few weeks ago. I’m still getting acclimated.”

  “It’s a big change from Seattle for all of us,” Nia puts in. “So far, Bas isn’t a fan of the singles’ scene around here.”

  “What singles’ scene?” he quips.

  “Have a seat.” Nia points to two empty chairs at the table sandwiched between Bas and her own.

  As Skye and I settle in, my sister plays hostess, getting us drinks, answering the doorbell when the caterer arrives, and making sure everyone is happy and comfortable. There’s lots of food, teasing, and laughter all around the table.

  When the meal is over, the men gravitate toward the pool near the back end of the yard, talking about the NFL playoffs and the remaining teams’ strengths and weaknesses, along with the fact Noah would be providing color commentary this week if it weren’t for the fact that Harlow—along with Maxon, Griff, Evan, and my friend Bethany—lost their father a few days ago. His funeral is in San Diego on Tuesday.

  The fact that no one is in mourning says more about Barclay Reed than them.

  “Have you talked to Bethany?” Maxon asks me quietly as the other men chatter on.

  I nod. “On Friday. She’s doing all right. Just busy.”

  “She has a lot on her plate.”

  I nod again. “She sends her love.”

  “Back at her. Any change between her and Clint?”

  I shake my head. “She needs time.”

  “And she needs to get Dad in the ground before she can move on. I get it. I hope she and Clint make it. They’re perfect for each other.”


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