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A Forever Love

Page 21

by Kelly Elliott

I giggled as I walked into our room and placed Jack into his bassinet. I no sooner turned around before Garrett was picking me up and taking me over to the bed.

  In no time at all, I was softly calling out my husband’s name as he took me to heaven and back.

  After returning the favor and making Garrett orgasm, we both took a quick shower where Garrett snuck in another orgasm for me.

  Later, we wrapped ourselves up in our quilt and sat on the front porch. We hadn’t had any alone time in so long that it was amazing to just sit and be with each other.

  As I looked out toward the west pasture, I couldn’t help but smile.

  Garrett pulled me closer to him and said, “What is that smile for?”

  I shrugged. “I’m not sure. I just see so many wonderful things happening on this ranch in the future.”

  He nodded his head. “I hope so. I really hope so.”

  I slowly turned and looked at him. “Thank you for my letter.”

  He smiled that smile that melted my heart. I knew that smile would forever melt my heart.

  “I meant every word.”

  I pulled his hand up and kissed the back of it. “I know you did.”

  Garrett let out a long sigh and said, “I had a dream last night.”

  “Oh, yeah? What was it about?”

  He shook his head. “I was sitting on this porch, talking to the boys, I guess. They were older, our age when we got married. I was telling them about our story.”

  I smiled as I thought back to the first time I’d laid my eyes on Garrett Mathews and how foolish I had been, fighting my feelings for him.

  “Do you know what my hope is for our boys?” Garrett asked.

  “That they find a love like ours?”

  He looked back at me and smiled. “Yes. My hope is for them to find a love like ours.”

  I nodded my head and whispered, “That’s my wish, too.”

  We sat there for a few minutes in silence before Garrett pushed the quilt off of him, and he stood up. He held his hand out, and I placed my hand in his.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as I raised my eyebrows.

  Garrett’s eyes lit up with a fire I hadn’t seen in a few months, and I couldn’t help thinking of how badly I needed to feel him inside me.

  “It just dawned on me that it’s been five weeks, and I think I’ve waited long enough to make love to my wife. I’m taking you inside, and I’m going to make you feel like you’ve never felt before.”

  “Oh,” was all I could say.

  I let Garrett lead me into the house. After a quick check on Jack, Garrett gently laid me down on the bed, and he slowly began making love to me. He took his time, and I was so glad he did.

  “Garrett…you feel amazing,” I whispered.

  He slowly moved in and out of my body.

  When I felt the familiar buildup, I grabbed on to his shoulders and looked into his eyes. “Garrett…I’m coming.”

  Garrett closed his eyes and let out a long moan as he slowly came to a stop. He stayed inside me for a few minutes. Neither one of us wanted to break the bond we had. When he finally pulled out of me, he placed his hands on either side of my face and kissed me so tenderly. It didn’t take long for me to be so overcome with emotion that I began to softly cry.

  Garrett was resting his body on his elbows, and he slowly smiled as he wiped a tear away from my cheek.

  “Emma Rose, will you marry me?”

  I smiled. “I do believe I’ve said yes…a few times.”

  “Marry me again,” he whispered.

  “Only if you promise to love me forever.”

  As he slowly sat back, he pulled me up. He moved my body to where I was straddling him.

  “Emma Rose Mathews, I promise to love you forever.”

  I smiled, and I was about to kiss him when I heard, “Emma? Garrett?”

  Garrett’s mouth dropped open, and he quietly said, “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  I let out a giggle. “An unlocked door is an open invitation.” I gently kissed my husband on the lips and whispered, “I love you, Garrett.”

  He moved his hand behind my neck as he smiled that smile that would forever be my undoing. He whispered back to me, “I love you more, Emma.”

  Present Day

  I couldn’t help but smile as I watched all the girls sitting there with tears in their eyes—well, all of them but one. Ari was sitting with her arms crossed over her chest, and her mouth was dropped open.

  “I knew it! I knew there had to be some reason you always walk in on us, old man,” Ari said as she shook her head.

  Emma let out a chuckle. Ellie glanced over at Ari and hit her on the arm before turning back and wiping away her tears.

  Ellie took in a deep breath. “That was the most beautiful story I’ve ever heard, Garrett. I had no idea you were behind all the letters.”

  Emma reached for my hand. “It seems like it was all just a moment ago.”

  “Grams, Gramps…that was the most amazing story I’ve ever heard. Thank you for sharing it with us.”

  Jeff nodded. “I always knew that quilt was a good-luck charm.”

  Everyone began laughing as Emma and I looked at each other and smiled.

  “It seems like it was just yesterday when Emma was handing me that quilt and we were going on that picnic. My bride is just as beautiful today, if not more beautiful than that day.”

  Heather cleared her throat. “I think it is pretty clear where Gunner got his romance from, but I have to say, I think you blow them all out of the water, Garrett. Oh my goodness…the charm when the boys were born.”

  Amanda blew her nose. “So beautiful.”

  Ari smiled. “The honeymoon and Nat King Cole’s song. Swoon the hell out of me!”

  Ellie nodded her head. “The honeymoon night!”

  Amanda said, “Yes…in the back of the truck.”

  Josh started laughing. “Garrett, I’m pretty sure we learned from the best when it comes to the romance department.”

  I glanced over to Gunner, and he smiled and winked at me.

  Jessie cleared her throat. “Garrett, I never knew about your father. That just breaks my heart.” She broke down crying again.

  Emma reached across and took Jessie’s hand in hers. “The only way to truly appreciate the happy times in your life is to go through the bad times.” She looked back at me and grinned. “Garrett and I learned that very early on.”

  She glanced back at the kids. “Kids, not everything in your life is going to be wonderful. You’re going to get upset and fight with each other. We tend to make it much harder than we should. We question our love, and we place doubt in our minds, but you have to believe in the very thing that got you this far—love. It breaks down the walls we have built and shows us the light we’ve always known is there. Nothing is stronger than love.”

  Emma looked over to me.

  I smiled. “Especially when it is a forever love.”

  The End

  The following section includes letters written from Gunner, Jeff, Josh, Brad, and Scott after the birth of each one’s first child.


  Dear Ellie,

  I’ll never forget the day you told me we were expecting our first child. I can close my eyes and still feel the excitement I felt at that very moment. I think the months of trying so hard made it all the sweeter.

  Watching your stomach grow with our child, Ells, I’ve never in my life experienced such emotions. Each morning, waking up next to the one person I loved more than life itself, knowing you would give me one of the most amazing gifts ever, filled my heart with so much love that it felt as if it would burst each day.

  The first time I heard our baby’s heartbeat, I was certain nothing would ever top that moment. I was proved wrong when I placed my hand on your stomach and felt our child move.

  Then, the day came when we welcomed Alex into this world. Seeing the smile spread across your face the first time you saw our daughter was probably on
e of the most amazing moments in our marriage. To be a part of something so miraculous and to share it with you…words will never be able to explain how I felt. I’ll never forget the sounds of her cries filling the air like the sweetest of love songs. I’ll never forget your tears of happiness when you held her. I’ve always known you would be an amazing mother, Ells, and to watch that exchange between the two most important girls in my life was truly a gift from above.

  I thank God every day that I was with Jeff the day I first placed my eyes on the most beautiful woman ever. Thank you, Ellie, for letting me love you. Thank you for giving me the greatest gifts ever—our daughter and your love.

  I love you more.



  My sweet, beautiful Arianna,

  I don’t even have the words to describe what I’ve been feeling the last nine months. I won’t lie and say that I haven’t been scared to death this whole time. I’ve prayed every morning and every night that God and our little angel would watch over you and keep you and the baby safe.

  As I sit here and write this letter to you, I think back to the day you told me you were pregnant. The look in your eyes made me fall in love with you even more, if that were possible. I still remember what you were wearing, how you smelled, what your hair looked liked, and how your eyes danced with a light I hadn’t seen in so long. It felt like we had been given the greatest gift of all, and I knew no other moment in my life would top it.

  Then, you placed my hand on your swollen stomach, and I felt our son move. I tremble now as I think back to that amazing day. My heart was overflowing with love for you. Thinking back to what we shared while you were pregnant, one word comes to mind—magical. I was lost in every single second of watching your body change and watching the glow on your face brighten day after day. Something so simple as picking out the outfit for the baby to wear when he came home seems like it was just a moment ago.

  All those moments, I said to myself, Nothing will ever top this. How incredibly wrong I was. The moment our son was born will forever be the most incredible moment of my life.

  Thank you, Ari, for loving me and for giving me one of the greatest blessings of my life—our son, Luke.

  I love you, baby.



  Dear Heather,

  I had all these things I wanted to say to you in this letter, but as I sit here and watch you sleep, my heart is so filled with happiness that all I really want to do is pinch myself and pray that this isn’t all just a dream.

  I know the road that we took to get to where we are was filled with so many ups and downs, but I believe that is what has made our love so strong. We had to fight for it from the very beginning. One of the many happy memories along that road was the day I found out you were pregnant. So many emotions played through that day, but that very moment in time, when I knew I was going to be a father, has to be one of the best times of my life.

  It seems some of our best memories have been mixed with so many different emotions. The day I watched on the monitor and saw two little peanuts, I wasn’t sure if I should be happy or totally scared to death. I was so freaked-out, but at the same time, I was so blessed in knowing that you and I were not just bringing one blessing into our world but two.

  Some of my greatest memories will always be watching your stomach grow with our babies. To see how strong you were the whole time makes my heart swell up with so much pride. The first time I felt them move or saw a tiny little foot move across your stomach will forever be etched into my memory. To see your eyes light up whenever you talked about the babies or made plans about their future. Even the day your hair was covered in paint when we were painting the twins’ bedroom. Each moment has been a blessing that I will never take for granted.

  Thank you for giving me those memories, Heather.

  Thank you for being such an amazing wife and for loving me like you do.

  I can only hope that I am able to show you each and every day just how much I love you, Will, and Libby. I love you more than the air I breathe, and I thank God every day, Heather, that he brought you into my life. You will forever be the love of my life, my entire world, and my reason for being.

  I love you infinity.



  Dear Pumpkin,

  I wish I could fill this letter with amazing memories of the first moment I found out you were pregnant or the first time I felt the baby move. My mistakes do not allow me to do that.

  What I can do is tell you that the first time I felt our child move, the day you forgave me and we started again, was one of the happiest days of my life. But then, too many things have happened to us these last few months, and I could title them all as the happiest days of my life. I’ve come to the realization that just being with you, being married to you, and experiencing these last few months of our pregnancy have been the happiest days of my life.

  Something happened to me the day our daughter was born. A part of me healed. To hear the cries of our daughter move through my body like a warm breeze was probably one of the most magical moments of my life. I’ve never felt so complete as I did the moment she looked up into my eyes. I’m honored to be able to share this with you.

  As I watched you this morning with Maegan, my heart was so overcome with so much love that I had to step out of the room. I took a walk outside and let the tears fall from eyes as I thought about how blessed I truly am to have a woman so amazing love me like you do. To watch you, Amanda, with our daughter, who is everything to me, is just the most wonderful experience I’ve ever had.

  I thank God every single moment I can that he gave me the strength to put my mistakes behind me and that he gave you the courage to love me enough to forgive me. I love you so very much, Amanda. I promise you, I will always be there for you and Maegan. You both are my entire world. You’re both my everything.

  Thank you for believing in me.

  Forever yours,



  Dear Jessie,

  As I sit here and look at our beautiful daughter, Lauren, I’m taken back to the day you told me you were pregnant. Nothing had ever affected my world like those words did. I went from feeling one emotion to a totally opposite emotion when you said the words, I’m pregnant.

  As the months went on, I was blessed with being able to see your body change and watch your stomach grow. I realized that you had given me so many moments like that very day you announced you were pregnant.

  I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful in my life as you were each morning. The glow on your face and the sparkle in your eyes caused my heart to drop every single time. The feel of our child moving inside your body was an experience I just can’t put into words. Seeing a tiny little elbow move from one side of your stomach to the next while we sat there in awe was probably one of my most favorite moments. Your strange eating habits—well, maybe I should just leave that one alone.

  What I’m trying to say is that the last few months have been the most amazing, miraculous, wonderful, delightful, enchanting months of my life.

  Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being you, Jess. I will never truly be able to write down in words how much I love you and how much your love means to me. I hope you feel it though.

  Thank you for being an incredible mother, and I look forward to seeing us both grow, not only as mother and father but also as husband and wife.

  You and Lauren are the two most important people in my life. I promise to love you and protect you both. I promise I will do my best to be the husband and father you both deserve.

  With all my love,


  I thank God every day for allowing me to be able to tell the stories that are in my head and put them down on paper.

  Darrin—Thank you for just being you. Your support means the world to me, and I will never be able to thank you enough. You listen to me go on and on about my fictional friends, and you even help me brainstorm new stories. I am tru
ly blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for loving me.

  Lauren—Thank you for being on the cover of this book. You will never know what it means to me. Each day, you make me so proud, and I have such hopes and dreams for you. Always stay true to yourself. I love doo so very much.

  Ari Niknejadi– Thank you for being you and for never filling my head with bullshit. This last year has been crazy. We are kindred spirits though—always. Remember that! RFB girl…R. F. B. Love you!

  Gary Taylor—Thank you so much for your support and friendship. It has been an awesome ride, and I’m so glad you were along for it!

  Heather Davenport—I know I always say this, but I really would be lost without you. You are amazing and keep me going. I’ve never known anyone who works as hard as you do and is so damn organized. Jesus H. Christ…I need to learn your skills. I love you, girl!

  Kristin Mayer—My Special K. I don’t know how I would make it some days if it wasn’t for your positive attitude. You make me laugh, and you always keep it real. I’m so blessed to call you a friend. I’ve never met anyone with such a giving and caring heart as you. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Oh, by the way, you are one kick-ass author, too, I might add. Love you, girl!

  Jemma Scarry—Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your beta-reading skills are like none other. Your friendship though means more to me than you will ever know. You are an amazing mother, wife, and friend. I am so very blessed to have you in my life. I hope you know that. I can’t wait to see you in July! I love you, girl!

  JoJo Belle—No one makes me laugh like you do. Seriously…you are probably one of the funniest people I know, and you are also one of the kindest people I know. Thank you for always dropping everything when I send you one of these silly books to read. Your comments make me laugh, and the fact that you take the time to do this means more to me than anything. I admire you, girl, and I don’t know how you do it all. Thank you for your friendship. I cherish it! Can’t wait to see you in July! Love you, girl!


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