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Danny (Big Northwest Book 1)

Page 20

by Janice M. Whiteaker

  Laughter burst through her lips, tilting her head back as it bounced through the room, light and filled with joy.

  It’s how he wanted her to feel every fucking day.

  Because it was sure as hell how she made him feel.

  He spread both hands over the soft skin of her belly. “Am I allowed to touch you now?” He pushed higher, teasing the underside of her perfectly sloped breasts. “Because it’s killing me not to be able to show you how you make me feel.”

  “You are awfully convincing, Mr. O’Neal.” Danny lifted her arms as he pushed her shirt higher, pulling it free and tossing it away.

  “I had to be to get where I am now.” Craig raised to his knees and shucked his own shirt. If she wanted to touch he would give her access to all there was. “Otherwise I would have ended up wrapped in that pretty rug downstairs out in the woods with the Karlson sisters talking through the trees about how to hide my body.”

  “That’s not what we talk about.” Danny could barely hold the frown she was trying to give him.

  “Do I get to know what you do talk about?” Craig eased back over her, giving Danny a little of his weight as he shifted to find the button of her pants. “Or am I still earning my place?”

  “It’s nothing exciting.” She barely blushed. “It’s sort of a game that we played when we were little.” Danny lifted her hips just enough to ease the slide of the pants down her legs. “We see who can get the closest to an animal.”

  He could imagine six tow-headed little girls creeping through the woods at night, finding any sort of happiness they could in the life dealt to them by fate and the sick man who sired them. “Who usually wins?”

  “Charlie. Almost every time.” Danny slid her fingers into the waist of his jeans. “She’s the quietest.”

  “I’ll remember that if I ever go out for a night hike.” Craig smiled as Danny grunted in frustration as she tried to work his pants down. “I like how impatient you are for me, Danny Girl.”

  “I have a lot of time to make up for.” She wiggled beneath him, rubbing the long line of her body against his in a way that made him groan. “I thought I’d made that clear last time.”

  “Last time I was just trying to keep my head above water, Sweetheart.” Craig worked his pants down, first off one leg, then the other, so he didn’t have to be away from her. “But I’ll keep your scorecard in mind from here on out.”

  “I didn’t say I had a scorecard.” Danny’s breath hitched a little as he settled over her, bare skin to bare skin.

  “That’s what I heard.” Craig nuzzled her neck before kissing his way from her shoulder to her ear. “You have done without for too long, Danny Girl, and I want to make it up to you.” His fingers pressed between the line of her thighs, easing along the soft skin there until he found what he was looking for.

  Danny’s head dropped back as he stroked her with a barely-there touch. “Don’t tease me. Not tonight. Please?” Her fingers fisted into his hair, pulling his mouth to hers.

  He wanted to always take his time with her. Show her how much he appreciated the years of sacrifice she’d willingly given for her child’s happiness.

  But he planned to have many, many nights to give Danny all she wanted and more.

  And tonight, his lady wanted him now.

  Craig fought the pull of her hands, of her arms, of her legs, managing to roll on the barrier that would make sure this new life he would give her could always be on her terms. The second it was in place he stopped fighting, letting Danny pull him to her.

  Her eyes fluttered closed, pupils barely rolling back as they went, a softly whispered ‘yes’ slipping through her parted lips.

  Telling her how beautiful she was would be the right move in most circumstances like this. It was true.

  But Danny didn’t care. If anything her beauty had made her life more difficult.

  That meant Craig had to offer her something else. Something most people didn’t see in her. “You are so damn sweet, Danny. So strong.”

  Her hands held his face. His hair. The tight squeeze of her thighs at his hips spurred him on, making him careful and controlled, paying attention to every flex, every sharp breath. Learning what she liked. How she liked it.

  So he could make sure she had it every chance she gave him.

  “I didn’t expect you to be so good at this.” Her words were choppy and broken between sharp breaths.

  “That hurts my feelings, Danny Girl.” Craig angled his hips a little, punishing her for the admission in the least cruel way.

  “Oh.” Her eyes flew open. “That. I like that.”

  “I caught onto that.” He rested his pelvis against hers, keeping the same angle. “Why did you think I would be bad in bed?”

  “Because of how you look.” She didn’t open her eyes, the line of her brows pinched as her short nails dug into the skin of his shoulders.

  “How I look?” That was a new one.

  “You’re so good looking.” Her lids barely lifted, offering a peek of blue eyes through her lashes. “Good-looking men don’t usually think they have to put much effort in.”

  “That’s interesting information.” And probably right as often as it was wrong, but he wasn’t going to tell her that.

  Didn’t matter what she thought about other men. Only what she thought about him. And right now, Craig was making damn sure Danny recognized his dedication to putting effort into everything he did. “That sounds like another challenge.”

  “No more challenges.” Her eyes opened a little more, gaze holding his. “Just giving you what you want, City Boy.”

  “What is it you think I want?”

  Danny smiled, soft and slow. “All the things I’ve never given anyone else.”

  Craig’s only goal in times like this was to bring her pleasure. Feel her body sing because of him.

  And so far she’d managed to derail him both times, sending a perfectly paced train racing down the tracks at a speed no one could maintain.

  Not for long anyway.

  Craig held her tight, fighting to be sure that his arms didn’t squeeze too hard, that the push of his body into hers wasn’t too rough.

  But Danny held on, rocked into every thrust, meeting him with the lift of her hips. “I don’t want you to leave, Craig. Stay here with me. Please.” The pleading tone in her voice was one more thing Craig knew she’d never given before.

  Another vulnerability never offered.

  “I will never leave you, Danny. Not ever.” He gritted his teeth, fighting through the need burning in his balls, making his back ache.

  Her eyes flicked open, locking onto his. “Promise me. If I let you in and then you leave I—” Her voice broke, slicing into his heart with the rough edges.

  “I promise.” Craig held her gaze as her body barely jerked. “I will be here with you always.”

  Danny’s lower lip caught between the line of her teeth and they pressed into the soft flesh. Then her body went tight, back bowing as her pussy clenched around him, stealing the last bit of power he had over his own climax.

  She held him tight for a long time. Long enough he wasn’t surprised at the sound of her softly snoring under him. Craig worked her limbs loose, pulling his soft dick free and going to dispose of the used condom before sliding into the bed beside her, and tugging the covers over them both.


  DANNY SAT UP straight in the bed. “Something’s wrong.”

  The covers hit the floor as she raced from the room with Craig chasing after her. “Danny, you’ve gotta put some clothes on, Sweetheart.” He caught her as her foot hit the first step down.

  “Shit.” She spun and ran back into the room, grabbing the first things she could get her hands on, pulling them on as she went, unease stabbing its way over her skin.

  “What’s going on?” Craig bounced along beside her, shoving his legs into his jeans as she wormed into one of the long-sleeved shirts he had left folded on the chair in her room after doing laundry
the day before.

  “I don’t know. It’s Sam.” She didn’t slow down as her bare feet hit the front porch. “It’s this way.” Craig stayed at her side as she ran as fast as she could over the blacktop and through the grassy area leading to the center of town. They collided as she came to a full stop, staring at the scene lining their small strip of buildings. “No.”

  His arm was around her waist, holding her close. “It’s okay, Danny. Just take a breath.”

  She shook her head. “No. This can’t be happening.”

  It was, though. The biggest fear she and her sisters carried was playing out in front of her eyes.

  The brightly-painted van sat right in front of Sam’s bakery, its extendible antennae reaching higher than the trees. Two men stood beside it, one with a fake smile plastered across his classically handsome face, the other pointing a camera directly at him.

  They needed to leave. Go back to wherever they came from.

  Danny started to march their way, ready to make it clear they weren’t welcome, but Craig held her tight. “Not a good idea.”

  “They can’t be here.” She tried to get free again, this time pulling a grunt free of Craig as he fought to keep hold of her.

  “A reaction will only make this worse, Danny. They want to see you. Want to see that you are what they’re looking for.” He pulled her back toward the shop. “You need to get inside. Now.”

  As if he sensed the story he was seeking, the man with a microphone clutched in one hand turned their way, his eyes widening.

  “Time to go.” Craig hefted Danny up against his chest and spun her away, carrying her to the shop where he shoved her inside and pulled the door closed.

  Danny banged against the paneled wood with one hand, twisting the knob with the other as she yelled at the man barricading her in.

  “What in the hell is going on?” JD’s voice was hard and scarier than she’d ever heard it, sending Danny spinning to face him.

  “There’s a news crew outside and Craig won’t let me tell them to get the fuck out.”

  JD’s dark brows went up. “Glad I’m finally not the only one who’s not scared of the Karlson girls.” He blocked her out of the way with his big body before knocking on the door. “Hey, City Boy. You want some help out there?” His hazel eyes snapped to Danny. “Keep your ass in here, understand me?”

  Danny blinked at him. JD was usually easy-going and calm. Like a big teddy bear who liked to hunt and could butcher a hog.

  But right now he looked very different.



  “Make them leave.”

  “They won’t leave if they get eyes on you or your sisters, Danny. They will know they found you.” He held the door barely open. “Stay hidden.” He stepped out, shutting her in the shop.

  It was the way her whole life had been.

  Hidden. Trying to keep the world at bay.

  Danny rested her head against the door, closing her eyes as two of the few men she could count on tried to protect her.

  But they wouldn’t be able to. Not now.

  The world had always been coming for them. Sam tried to pretend it wasn’t true. That they could keep it away.

  But Danny knew they couldn’t. For one important reason.

  Jude couldn’t be hidden here forever. Not if he wanted to have a normal life.

  “Mom?” Danny turned, finding him standing behind her. “What’s going on?” His blue eyes were filled with fear. “Lance told me to come in here and stay with you while he helped Craig and JD.” His head barely tipped to one side. “Why are you scared?”

  Her sweet boy had missed out on so much in his short life. She’d tried to protect him from the world. Sheltered Jude from all the things she worried would hurt him.

  The same things that did hurt her.

  Because she let them.

  And the world still controlled her. Still ruled her life.

  Because she was still letting it.

  It was time for that to end.

  Danny held her hand out to her son. “Come here, Ju-Ju. It’s time to be brave.”

  Jude grabbed her hand, squeezing it with his.

  She took a deep breath. “Things are about to change a lot, are you ready for that?”

  “Are you?”

  Danny smiled, only having to force it a little. “I am.”

  If her days of hiding were going to come to an end, then it was going to be on her terms.

  She pulled open the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk with Jude at her side, scanning the buildings in town, catching her sister’s hidden eyes and outstretched senses.

  It’s time.

  Craig stepped in front of her, blocking her son from the camera’s view. “Go back inside, Danny. I’m handling this.”

  “I’m tired, Craig.” She inhaled, expecting the press of fear to make it more difficult than normal.

  But it didn’t.

  “This needs to end.” Danny side-stepped him, leaving Jude to watch from where he stood behind Craig, still protected and safe. It was time to really do what she always claimed.

  What was best for her son. No matter how terrifying it might be for her.

  Sam stepped out of the bakery, crisp white apron tied around her willowy body, flour dusting her hands.

  Alex came out after her, spine straight, reflective sunglasses perched on her head, smoothing one hand down the clean lines of her skinny ankle pants.

  Charlie opened the door to the post office, hesitating just a second as her eyes moved to where Jude stood. Her chin tipped high as she pushed the tortoise frame of her glasses up the bridge of her nose and started walking their way, Sam and Alex following her lead.

  Frankie caught up with them, walking tall in her boots and the work pants slung low on her hips. The curls covering one side of her head caught in the wind, making her look every bit the badass she was.

  The talking head dropped the hand holding his mic, eyes widening as he stared at the women slowly surrounding him. “Jesus Christ.” He took a step back as her sisters advanced on him, backing toward where Danny stood, realizing at the last minute she was within striking distance. He danced away, trying to find a spot where he could keep an eye on all the sisters at once.

  Silly man didn’t realize the arena he’d stepped into.

  It was theirs.

  “Who are you?” Frankie’s black-lined eyes skimmed up and down his well-cut suit as the women circled.

  “I’m a reporter for Channel 4 in Spokane.” His voice was tight as his eyes bounced between Danny and her sisters.

  Frankie made a point of turning to look at the news van before snapping her head back to the man. “No shit.” She stepped in closer. Frankie was the shortest of the sisters, but she was more than capable of taking this man down in one swing.

  They all were.

  “What’s your name, Pretty Boy?”

  He cleared his throat, pulling at the collar and tie that had nothing to do with the tightness in his throat.

  That was fear.

  “Adam Bollingsworth.”

  “That’s a big name, Adam.” Frankie tipped her head as her eyes stayed locked onto his. “I’m not sure you deserve it.”

  His eyes got bigger as Alex stepped in beside Frankie. “What brings you to our neck of the woods, Adam Bollingsworth?”

  Alex’s tone was slow and teetering on the edge of sexy, completely throwing Adam into a tailspin of fear and probable arousal. “I just—” He sputtered, eyes searching for his cameraman.

  “He abandoned you a few minutes ago, Adam.” Danny eased in beside her sisters.

  The four men behind them, new and familiar, large and small, were all secure enough to stand aside while the sisters did what they were best at.

  Running their world. And poor Adam was definitely in their world now.

  That meant while he would get the story he came for, it was going to be on their terms.

  Adam’s eyeballs rolled to wh
ere Lance, JD, and Craig stared at him with hard eyes.

  Alex pressed one finger under his chin, dragging his attention back to her. “Over here, Slick.” She frowned when his wide gaze finally came back. “You’d be so much prettier if you smiled.”

  Any remaining color drained from Adam’s face. Whatever he believed would be found in Shadow Pine, Washington, this was most definitely not it. “I came to do a story about the— about the— the—”

  “The Backwoods Beauties.” Danny finished for him, otherwise they’d be here all day, waiting for Adam to find his train of thought.

  His eyes moved across the faces of the five women surrounding him.

  “And does that seem like it was a good idea to you, Adam?” Sam reached out to draw a floury line in the sweat dotting his brow. “Because it looks like you might be in a little over your head on this story.”

  Frankie snorted, trying to hide her laugh behind one hand.

  Sam, Danny and Alex all had an inch on the reporter, putting him even with Charlie and only a little taller than Frankie.

  Alex made a point of looking down at him. “Literally.”

  “I didn’t think—”

  “I think that’s probably the end of that sentence, Adam.” Danny moved in closer.

  Adam tried to step back, but Sam was there, moving with the slow stealth the sisters practiced almost nightly growing up, sending the man jumping forward, almost bouncing off Alex, who was now much closer, bringing the circle in around him.

  “Here’s how this is going to go.” Danny waited until his rapidly-moving gaze came to hers. “Any story you get is only what we allow you to have, understand?”

  Adam’s head bobbed in an exaggerated nod. “Yeah. Okay.”

  “Come back tomorrow.” Sam’s attention snapped to the van. “One camera. That’s all you get.”

  A look of awe spread over Adam’s face. “Holy shit. You guys really are them.”

  “Rules, Adam.” Sam flicked him on the tip of his nose. “You get what we give you and you thank us for it.”

  “Thank you.” The words rushed out of his mouth.

  Sam’s brows lifted. “He’s a fast learner.”


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