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Page 9

by Janice L Wick

  “Wait,” he said, standing up and walking into the house. He reappeared back on to the balcony and said, “Come on.” They walked into an empty bedroom and he tossed her on the bed. And stood above her with an anger. When they started sexing, it was with a might they had never done before. It was pure animalistic sex.

  Mara woke first, and looked out the window, across the horizon at the setting sun, still illuminating the room. She glanced out the window past the waving trees, thinking of nothing, her mind clear. She got a feeling that someone was there and she sat up and turned toward the door. Miranda was leaned back in a chair slumped against the wall. Her eyes watched Mara’s.

  “Hello,” she said clearly, “Did u sleep well?”


  You both missed lunch, she looked toward Seto and he was lying next to her completely nude still asleep. She became aware of her own nudity, she pulled the blanket over her chest and off of Seto, shielding her body from Miranda’s eyes.

  “You’re very beautiful,” Miranda said.

  “Thank you,” she answered gratefully. She wanted to ask- “How long have you been sitting there.”

  “I just came in a second ago but noticed you two were still sleeping. I know you guys are beat so I’ll give you some time to rest dinner is in 2 hours I’ll see you then. “Oh yea Boris brought your things up,” she said gesturing toward their luggage then exhaling smoke.” Miranda said, exiting the room.

  Mara lay back down.

  Seto woke and put on the clothes him and Mara had torn off each other bodies’ hours’ ago. Laced his boots then turned towards Mara and watched her sleep for a moment. He left the room and walked downstairs, to see Miranda waiting wasn’t a shock. She was in the kitchen reading a book while the chef cut vegetables on a cutting board. She didn’t turn to him when he entered, but did so when he came in talking distance. “So what do you think,” she murmured. As if his approval was the only one that truly mattered.

  “Well I don’t.”

  “Never mind don’t answer that. . . Did u ever expect to be here?”

  “Well yes. I knew I end up someplace similar,”

  “Do you know why? You have something Seto. Something that not everyone has. A gift nowadays that is getting rarer. Not the fact that you’re not scared to do 200 mph on your motorcycle. Not the fact that you’re not scared to hold a women embracing everything she has so much to offer. “It’s that fact that you’re not scared to love. As much as you try to repress it. It’s in everything you do and don’t do. You love.”

  “Oh is that it,” he said stubbornly?


  “It’s that simple?” he asked with an undertone of humor.”

  “Yes,” she said smiling.

  He sat leaned back on the counter staring into her deep blue eyes.

  “Dinners ready,” the chef interrupted.

  “I only eat in this room upstairs.” She said gesturing up. Seto nodded.

  “Go wake Mara and meet us up there.” Chef we’ll eat in the observation room.”

  “Mam,” the chef responded.

  He knocked 3 times on Mara’s door then walked when seeing the light on. She’d dressed and was on her phone telling her boss she’ll be back in a week. She noticed Seto walk in and over to the window, but did not interrupt.

  “Ok, see you then,”

  “Everything ok?”

  “Yes. My boss telling me about one of our clients,” she stopped.” I didn’t tell him I’m currently living with one of our clients,” she said with an awkward smile of acceptance.

  “Hey dinner is ready let’s eat.”

  “Oh yeah,” she said, with an expression of she forgotten she had to eat.

  “Hey Seto,” she said earnestly. “I don’t want to go back.” She trailed off

  “I know,” he responded softly.

  They walked into the observatory room with a gigantic telescope in roof.

  Miranda held a button that darkened the room with a soft black light which illuminated the ceiling of the room which was painted of the night sky. Simultaneously the telescope opened its lens and protruded out the house toward the sky.

  Miranda uncapped the lens and glanced through. They watched her in silence.

  “There is Venus. Take a look.”

  The last plates were brought up and they sat and ate spinach salad.

  Seto finished his plate first, leaned back and sparked his cigar blunt.

  “It feels like we made It.” he said, exhaling and then watching and clearing the smoke in front of him. He grabbed a pillow set it behind his head and began blowing smoke rings.

  He looked to turn his head, and offered the cigar to Miranda, and she grabbed it out of his hand rather quickly.

  “I don’t do this often,” she said. But it’s a celebration.

  She said as she gestured for Mara to uptake. Mara shook her head no, and at that moment Seto reached, grabbed it, and placed it between his lips.

  “Ok, well I’ll try a little,” Mara said.

  She placed it between her lips inhaling the smoke and then exhaled filling the room with smoke.

  “You keep that one,” Seto said pulling another one from his shirt pocket. He lit it, and leaned back blowing more rings. Miranda took the joint from between his lips and laid on the floor, which was soft high loose carpet, and grabbed a pillow from the couch that arched around the circler room.

  Miranda said, while she blew smoke into the air. “Do you guys ever kiss? I mean it seems like you 2 are falling in love?”

  “We didn’t want to make it awkward for you,” Mara scoffed lightly.

  “Oh I don’t mind. Actually I insist, I love new love.”

  Mara looked at him, letting Seto’s cigar dangle between her fingers. Mara took another drag as she sat still and watched Seto eventually stand up and kiss her.

  “Oh that’s it?” Miranda snapped. “I mean a real kiss.”

  Mara blushed, looking at Miranda “Why? . . . Why don’t you kiss him?”

  Seto interrupted, “Ok,” grabbing Mara’s hands and kissed her deep.

  “Ok,” Miranda said. I just wanted to see if you were over me. But that was a kiss of love between you too.”

  Seto said, “I don’t know. . . Maybe one more,”

  Mara furled her brow, and pushed Seto. He fell back onto the sofa.

  “I want to join in on the fun, Miranda said almost mockingly, as she sat up and handed the blunt to Seto, and went towards Mara where her nose was inches away from hers. She brushed Mara’s hair with her hand, then kissed her, on the cheek.

  Then she kissed the outsides of her lips, then bit her lips, and kissed her. Then stopped for a moment as she tasted Mara on her lips. Seto was now sitting up more attent then at first.

  “I’ll take care of you,” Miranda said.

  “Really Rand, I’m right here.” Seto said. However he did not try to stop her.

  “And what are you going to do about it.”

  Miranda reached in between Mara’s legs and let her hand rest there. Maras’s eyes whirled towards Miranda’s as they stared into each other’s eyes.

  “Why don’t I . . . We walk away from you right now?” Seto voiced.

  “Nothing’s stopping you.”

  “Rand. . . Let’s go Mara were leaving,” Seto daintily ashed the blunt on the carpet, stomped it out with his shoe and walked toward the door.

  Mara’s arm reached out and grabbed him. He waited in the threshold with a look of shock on his face.

  “Seto wait. Seto its okay. I’m okay with it, besides it might be some fun.” Mara said to Seto.

  “I would be lying to say I haven’t thought about it. But I wouldn’t think you would be comfortable.”

  “I’m glad you’re honest with me as usual, now sit down. And get another ones of those joints and refill my glass would you.” Mara ordered, feeling naturally at home.

  He did just so too, with pleasure, of using his body to serve Mara. Miranda was now kneeling
before Mara with her hands up Mara’s shorts.

  Seto took the table cloth and set it on the carpet and threw pillows down as well. He helped Mara to Miranda’s level and handed her, her glass. Seto fell to his knees and began taking Miranda pants off and placed lips on Miranda’s clit. He looked at Mara as her eyes were barely open from Miranda’s ravishing. He stared at her then his lips went back to Miranda’s sex and he felt her fingers in his hair.

  “This must be the warmest room in the house,” Miranda was the first to wake in the foggy room. There was spilt bottles that drooled into the carpet. Mara and Seto bodies lay in across the floor. She walked to her room and grabbed two bottles of water. She moved her body with an anger from the heat, walked back up the stairs and threw them into the room like grenades. Then walked back to her room and fell out on cool sheets.

  When she woke she took a long bath, then went back up to the room to find it empty except one of the maids cleaning up from last night. She walked down the hall to the guest room and knocked, but received no answer but, she heard the shower going.

  She walked outside for some fresher air.

  “Breakfast is ready mam,” the cook yelled after she had lost track of how long she was outside.

  She walked inside, and she saw her guest sitting at the table. She said, “Its nice out,” and took a seat next to them. The next morning was not awkward.

  They all sat down for breakfast as normal. Until Seto said with a knowing smirk on his face.

  “I wanted to talk to you about that job . . . There was no job, was there? You just wanted to fuck me, again?”

  “Well if I’m going to be honest with you, then yes.” But let me finish,” she said, as she held Mara’s glance. “I have this wealth an honestly no one to share it with. I gave Boris a raise, enough to where he won’t have to work here in a year’s time.

  Other than that. . . A charity. No, a fat politician like my ex-husband will just pocket most of it.” So it’s yours. This was not my attention, when I first married, maybe I was foolishness enough to think that my husband was a good person, that maybe there was a good side to him, I don’t know,

  How can 3 years seem like a lifetime,” she said, reopening a wound that didn't have enough time to heal.

  “Its fine Miranda, well take whatever you have to offer.”

  “Seto,” Mara scoffed.

  “This house. It will be just a getaway anytime you want to. You know unwind.”

  “You’re always welcome. I won’t be here, for the next year, no, I will just travel. The world, Korea first, then japan, then china. I’ll be back,” Miranda said, “But no time soon.”

  “So are you going to stay at the office Mara or. . .”

  Mara interrupted her by standing up abruptly and walking away from the table.

  “Mara,” Seto said.

  “I’ll talk to her,” Miranda said, as she glanced at him.

  Miranda followed Mara outside. Mara was looking off into the distance, and she did not turn to Miranda when she approached, but snapped, “How do I know I won’t lose him?” Miranda stood with her hands in her pockets. She wore loose fitting capris.

  “Have you learned nothing since you been here? . . . That man loves you Mara.”

  “But.” “I.”

  “You don’t have to answer to me, but the answer to your question is. You can’t know, but you better enjoy the ride.”

  “Oh I see you’re leaving,”

  They had brought their luggage to the door and were waiting for Boris to pull the car around.

  “Yes we’ll be back soon, we’re going back to the city to arrange somethings. But Miranda u got yourself a roommate.”

  Mara hugged Miranda goodbye. And Miranda wiped the tears from her eyes. I’m just going to the banker I will see you whenever you come back. I won’t be leaving until the end of the month.”

  Seto and Mara went back to their apartments. Seto moved out of his. While Mara still held onto hers. Seto left his apartment, checking his mail on the way out. That’s when he found an invitation to Lise’s wedding. He had a thought- So this is really happening.

  2 Weeks later

  Seto wore a grey tux with white shirt which matched Mara’s white dress and smile. They showed up to a tall all-white venue which matched the brides dress. When they walked in, there was wooden floors and pictures of the couple. Words of wisdom for and about the married couple their names in cursive ‘George & Lise Lano’ and, beautiful flowers in bizarre vases. Seto walked in with Mara on his arm and they were told to follow this lady and find a seat outside.

  Seto looked at George, it wasn’t hate nor contempt he felt, it was more of a sadness. After the ceremony, Seto and Mara had a drink, chatted for a while then decided to leave, never speaking to the bride or groom of the evening. Lise had kept an eye on them ever since they had walked in, and every time they stood up, her heart raced. She could take it no longer, she excused herself to the restroom and purposely bumped into them.

  “I’m glad you came,” Lise voiced trying to sound casual.

  “We wouldn’t miss this,” Seto said evenly, then bowed and turned to go. “Mara.”

  “You look beautiful,” Mara said.

  George had noticed his wife talking to Seto, a man who he had always tried to befriend. He walked over and started, “Aren’t I the luckiest man Alive?”

  “Yes Lise you do look beautiful,” Seto voiced, extended a hand to George, and then turned to leave. Mara followed, and waved goodbye to the couple. Lise eyes had started to tear up, but they had been doing so all day and George thought nothing of it.

  “Let’s go dear.” George said.

  She noticed that they were really leaving.

  “I’ll be just a minute,” she said as she whirled towards the departing couple and followed them out the door. George’s face bewildered he walked slowly back to the ceremony chatting with the groomsmen as he sat in one of the two chairs position above the room. One of the guest commented, “You look beautiful together,” and he would smile. Then when he was asked where was she he would say, “She will be just a moment,” and then stare right pass them.

  “Wait,” Lise hollered.

  Mara looked at Seto but he kept walking.


  Mara was pulled towards Lise, but she didn’t turn. She kept looking ahead. Eventually she glanced at Seto and she noticed the tear in his eyes.

  “Wait,” she yelled, as she began picking up a pace. She finally caught up to them and Mara turned towards her and hugged her. She didn’t realize that she had ran 3 blocks. Seto was still facing away, she grabbed his jacket and pulled him toward her. I won’t marry him. I won’t. I want to live. I want to be alive.

  They got back to the house. “Lise I’m not sure if you know what you just did but either way. You’re staying here for the next week. No one leaves this week. You will have time to think about it. We’ll let you go after a week and you’ll have to decide whether you want to come back or not.”

  “So are there any rules here,”


  “Never judge others,”

  “That’s it?”

  “So where do we go from here. We figure that out later, right now let’s have some fun.”

  “So what do we do now?”

  He waited for a moment, then he laughed an open laugh and fell back. We live.

  Later on when there alone.

  “What is it that’s driving you?”

  “I’ll tell you if you . . . if you really want to know. It’s a novel.”

  “I’m glad we are where we’re at now,”

  “So why was Thailand so important to you?”

  “It was nothing more than a vacation, a much needed one, for us both and Lise, I just had to know I had to see.”

  “What did you see? “

  “Well you were there with me”

  “We still have friends there if we ever wanted to go back I’m pretty sure prim would be happy to have us.”
  “Like the cab driver,”


  “What are you going to do now?”

  “I don’t know. You?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that . . . but I’m just finished school so of course go back to the firm,”

  “I see I guess I haven’t really thought about it yet.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “You don’t?”


  “No? . . . Well you shouldn’t. You see that journal. He waited for a while as he pointed across the room to a yellow note book.”

  “Yes I’ve seen you writing in it before,”

  “You know what s inside there?”

  “An artist?” She gasp.

  “No, it’s tales from our adventure, from the work, I did before and a little bit of where we are now.”

  “Am I in it? You have to wait till it’s finished.” He stands up grabbing the notebook and tucking away in his bag.”

  “Where are you going? I’m going to grab a drink. And a when I get back I’ll roll a joint sit there and finish writing.”

  “How long have you been working on it.”

  “A couple years, now”

  “So you’re going to write about,”

  “Yep . . . can we change the subject?”

  “Ok . . . is she in it?”


  “Ok this is my last question.”

  He leaned back openly, lifted his hand and said, “Yes?”

  “What is the name of it?”

  He laughed with his head tilted up, as if seeing into the future


  “So what do we do now?”

  He waited for a moment, laughed an open laugh and fell back, “We live.”




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