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Page 23

by Stone, Piper

  “Fine. If you didn’t make the switch, only Father McGivney could have. Why? There has to be a logical reason why he’d actually want me on this Council instead of my brother.”

  All five men remained uncomfortable, as if they’d already discovered the reason why.

  “We don’t know. What we do know is that there are discrepancies in our finances,” Thomas wheezed, coughing after making the announcement.

  “Money has been skimmed for years,” Carter added. “We’ve only recently discovered this. Millions of dollars.”

  Jesus Christ.

  I heard the sound of my phone ringing and only two people would be calling me. I jerked out the phone. Seeing Rex’s number, I took several steps away before I answered. “Rex. What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Stephanie. She’s gone.”

  “What? How?”

  Rex hissed. “There’s more. Trevor is down, killed by a man disguising himself as a contractor. He took my car. It looks like she took the asshole’s truck after he arrived.”

  There was no time to waste or ask any additional questions. “Call the police.” I ended the call, turning back once more in the Carter’s direction.

  “Where was Stephanie going after she came to see you? Where?”

  “I don’t know,” Carter said, narrowing his eyes. “What’s happening?”

  “The assassin knows we’re alive.” There had been four people who knew we were alive and one of them was dead. My guess was the crumbs I’d doled out to Dave had been the reason. Only I’d had no way of knowing she’d leave on her own.

  But I had the distinct feeling I knew exactly where she was going.

  * * *

  The truck sat amongst the trees in the parking lot, the pool company markings an obvious decoy, the stencils fresh. I moved to the back of the building, the gun in both hands. I knew I’d find the door unlocked. As I eased into the shadows, I took a deep breath, listening for any sounds. Hearing nothing, I walked down the hallway, checking every room along the way. There was no sign of her.

  Until I reached the corridor leading to the sanctuary, the very one in which we’d been married. The two loud voices were male, the argument heated.

  Father McGivney.

  And my brother.

  “What the fuck did you think you were doing? You tampered with the Box, with our lives. With my brother’s life,” Matteo insisted.

  “I had my reasons,” Father McGivney hissed.

  “Leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this!” Matteo’s voice was full of anger as well as fear.

  “She means nothing, merely collateral damage. She was never meant to live,” the father insisted.

  “Why? You didn’t want her to love me? You knew how much I cared for her.”

  Hearing the adoration in my brother’s voice only further fueled my anger.

  “She isn’t good enough for you,” the father screamed.

  The moment I stepped foot into the doorway, I heard her yelp. Father McGivney had his arm wrapped around her throat, the barrel of a gun positioned at her temple.

  “Get away from her, you old fuck!” I demanded as I walked inside.

  Father McGivney laughed. “If only you would have died like you were supposed to.”

  “Why? Why wasn’t she good enough for me but was for my brother?” Matteo demanded.

  “Because she’s barren! You wouldn’t have been allowed to take the seat on the Council!” When Father McGivney yelled the words, Matteo almost lowered his weapon.

  “Why would that matter to you?” he asked, blinking several times.

  “He originally wanted you to take that seat, Matteo, because you would never have questioned him, a man of God,” I snarked, inching closer. “You would never have seen all his wretched sins.”

  Father McGivney laughed. I knew there was more.

  “What else, old man? You’ve been the one stealing from the sect for years, haven’t you? You thought no one would notice.” When his lower lip quivered, I knew I was right. “What I can’t figure out is why you’ve made the switch. You knew all along I was going to rip apart the secrets. So why?” I moved even closer. “Unless killing us had been the plan all along.”

  “Stay the fuck away. I will kill her. She means nothing.” Father McGivney was shaking, his voice strained.

  “You will tell me,” I bellowed. Stephanie was watching every move, her fingers dug into his.

  “You bastard,” Matteo snarled. “If they both died in that boating accident, then I would ascend to the great throne, thereby keeping your secret, able to marry who I wanted. You’re a sick fuck.”

  “You are...” Father McGivney roared, tipping his head back.

  In that split second, Matteo fired a shot, catching the father in the shoulder. As his grip loosened, Stephanie scrambled away, but not fast enough.

  When the father lifted his injured arm, taking aim at the love of my life, I did exactly what was necessary.

  And pulled the trigger.

  As the father fell, gasping for air, it was Matteo who took long strides toward him, kicking the gun to the side. “You lied to all of us.”

  Stephanie fell into my arms, gasping for air.

  “It’s over. The bullshit is over,” I said, my gun still in position.

  The father coughed up blood, but I could still see the look of redemption in his eyes, as if he held another secret.

  “I... loved... you,” he struggled to say as he stared up at Matteo.

  “Loved me? You don’t love anyone but yourself,” Matteo shot back. “You wretched piece of shit.”

  The father laughed again, his face twisting. “I... have one... more thing... left to... do.”

  I walked closer, Stephanie still clinging to me. “All you have left to do is die.”

  The smile on the father’s face was pure evil, until he looked at Matteo with loving eyes. “You. Are. My. Son.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “You’re certain you want this?” Matteo asked, grinning as he adjusted his suit jacket.

  “I’m certain. Are you ready to become a part of a family organization?” I countered, giving him a hard stare on purpose.

  “You’re a pain in the ass but yeah, I’ll learn to deal with you.” He rolled his eyes as he punched me in the arm.

  We’d gotten much closer in the last few weeks in our effort to heal from the caustic events.

  Rex couldn’t keep a smile to himself, fully recovered from the assassin sent by Father McGivney. Sadly, the man sharing the information regarding Stephanie’s whereabouts had been Randolph, certain information obtained from an employee who no longer worked for me. I was thankful every day for Stephanie’s disobedience, stealing the assassin’s truck in an effort to find her own answers. Although she’d been punished thoroughly for defying me. My cock twitched at the thought. She was finally learning to accept my dominance.

  As far as Randolph? He’d received his penance in spades, his reputation ruined. At least I’d spared his life.

  In finding out my father had been blackmailed all those years ago into giving up my seat on the Council, all because of his own sins of the flesh, I’d simply laughed.

  I shook my head, finally able to say that I was happy. I had a brother who’d had my back all along and the woman of my dreams. There was nothing further to stand in my way.


  I’d come to embrace as well as accept my requirements, learning that while the Council and the Sacred Sect had been responsible for the disruption as well as destruction of so many families, their closeness and savvy business skills had amassed a fortune.

  Even though Father McGivney had skimmed well over six million dollars.

  Secrets and lies.

  They’d haunted the Sacred Sect from the beginning, men who hungered for everything that life had refused to give them. Five refugee families had started a tradition, able after years of hard work, extortion, and even murder to garner the kind of cont
rol and money they’d always wanted.

  I was still determined to break down those walls, moving our illustrious elite community into the current century.

  I’d taken full control after all.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the board, I’d like to present the new CFO of Capodanno Enterprises, my brother, Matteo Capodanno.”

  I could see the pleased looks on the members’ faces. New blood and new life. Matteo had a natural instinct for business, already recouping what had been lost in the two days surrounding my supposed death, increasing our wealth by almost ten percent in four weeks alone.

  The entire room erupted with applause, the man clapping the loudest Dave Weissman. He’d been true to his word, with an exception, telling Matteo that I was alive. While I wasn’t entirely certain and quite frankly hadn’t asked, I knew the Taglionis had murdered Gabe Dixon, eliminating immediate threats. The stories had continued, every news media in the business vying for their fifteen minutes of fame, but the rules of the Sacred Sect regarding secrecy had held strong.

  The horrific crime scene regarding the man’s murder had been stereotypical of the Taglioni organization, brutal while sending a message. Yes, I was grateful on several levels, but I had no real plans of working with them. They could have their turf.

  And I had mine.

  I had my hands full cleaning up the mess created by the Council, one that I was almost proud of serving on. Sadly, Thomas Barrows had died only days after finding out about Father McGivney’s sins, the Council requiring my attention.

  My leadership.

  The bombshell the priest had dropped regarding Matteo was one we’d all decided to keep to ourselves. The three of us. Perhaps that was the wrong thing to do, but there was no sense in crucifying our families. If Father McGivney was really Matteo’s father, my mother had her reasons for straying.

  He was still my brother.

  The priest had sanctioned the union of his own son and the daughter of a prominent leader, hoping they would reign in years to come. Then the shocking news about Stephanie had pulled the man further into darkness. While Stephanie had told me on several occasions that she was doing fine, news she’d received from her father closure in several ways, I knew her heart had been crushed.

  However, the sect rules would be changed. I could envision Matteo’s child perhaps ascending one day. Time would have to tell.

  “Well, you have your hands full and I have a dinner date with my wife,” I said as I patted Matteo on the back. “Continue making us money.”

  Matteo’s smile was slightly forlorn. He still had strong feelings for Stephanie, something she hadn’t known but I would never doubt his loyalty again.

  I knew where to place my trust.

  There were still several wounds to heal, emotional traumas to overcome and I was still a ruthless man. But I adored Stephanie and had vowed to protect her for the rest of my life.

  No matter the circumstances.

  No matter the decisions required.

  After all, I was a dangerous man.

  As I pulled up to the beach house, I was surprised how happy the concept truly made me. We’d made the place our home, in thanks to my wife’s amazing tastes.

  I dropped my keys and briefcase in the entrance, listening for any tell-tale signs of where she might be. The silence was deafening, panic rushing into the forefront of my mind. I yanked the Glock from the case, moving silently through the house, my breath cut short by the fear creeping into every system in my body.

  If anything had happened to her, I would fucking hunt and kill.

  There were no signs of a struggle, no broken windows or overturned furniture.

  There was merely... silence.

  After checking every room in the house, the predatory nature inside me took over, already calculating the various people who would dare attempt to destroy my happiness. I rushed to the set of French doors. They were both wide open, the ocean breeze wafting inside. Fuck. No.

  As I flew out onto the deck, scanning the horizon, all I could think about was revenge.

  Until I heard her laughter.

  And a puppy’s bark.

  The wind billowed through her long hair, the afternoon sun creating shimmers. Even with the chill in the air, she was barefoot as she preferred when walking what she called our baby boy Zorro, the golden retriever purchased only two weeks before. Even from this distance, I could see just how happy the pup made her. Simple things.

  Tossing the Frisbee.

  Racing with him toward the water’s edge.

  And her sparkling laughter, the most beautiful sound in the world.

  I eased the gun onto the table, taking my time as I walked down the long flight of stairs. I stood for a full two minutes watching her, until Zorro noticed my presence, racing in my direction.

  She tipped her head, shielding her eyes from the glare then offered a seductive smile. Her hips swinging, she headed in my direction, her eyes never leaving mine. “I thought you were going to be late.”

  Leaning over, I rubbed Zorro’s head, amazed at the joy the pup allowed me to experience. “I promised you a spanking and you know I follow through with my promises.”

  “But I’ve been a very good girl,” she said as she inched even closer, rubbing her hand against my aching cock.

  I sucked in my breath, every part of me hungering to devour her. “You are extremely good in several ways, but as far as obedience? We need to work on that.”

  “Oh, come on. I’ll make it worth your while.” Her fingers moved deftly up and down the line of my zipper, teasing in a way only she could do.

  “Yes. You. Will.” I tossed her over my shoulder, the puppy nipping at my heels, and took long strides back toward the house.

  Stephanie’s squeals and the way she smacked at my back only further fueled the intense longing. I would ravage every inch of her body, but only after giving her a well-deserved spanking.

  Once inside, I eased her down, taking a moment to remove my jacket and roll up my sleeves as she backed away from me, pouting as she always did. “I suggest you remove your clothes or your spanking is going to be much worse.”

  I adored the way her lower lip quivered as she shifted back and forth from foot to foot. I allowed a husky growl to erupt as I placed my hand on my belt, giving her a commanding look.

  She placed her feet together before easing the dress over her head, offering a heated purr when she noticed what had to be the obvious desire illuminating from every pore. Jesus Christ, the woman was beautiful; her voluptuous curves and her hardened nipples. My mouth was watering as she slipped her long fingers under the thin elastic of her violet-hued thong, shimmying her hips as she lowered then kicked out of them.

  I would never get tired of seeing the woman I loved or the way she seemed embarrassed in front of me. The savage beast within me had risen again.

  It took all the control I had to point to the couch before unbuckling my belt, taking my time to tug the thick leather strap from the loops on my linen pants.

  Every move was exaggerated as she shifted toward the couch, Zorro clamoring to jump onto the cushions. I’d seen her nurturing side, a beautiful representation of the woman I’d been forced to marry.

  When everything had been different.

  Before I became a changed man.

  I only hoped it was enough.

  “Off, Zorro,” Stephanie said as she rubbed her hand over the pup’s head. I was constantly amazed how the dog responded to her commands, obeying instantly. After giving me another sultry look, she took her place, just as she’d been trained.

  There wasn’t a cell in my body that wasn’t on fire, my skin tingling as adrenaline kicked into overdrive. I took decided steps closer, brushing the tips of my fingers from the base of her neck along her spine, finally rubbing her rounded bottom.

  I folded over the belt, taking another series of deep breaths before snapping my wrist. The first crack was positioned perfectly across the middle of her bottom, the force just eno
ugh that she issued a single whimper. I delivered two more, taking my time to make certain where they were placed.

  “Oh!” She gripped the back of the couch, her fingers digging into the smooth leather. “That hurts.”

  “You know what I always tell you about spankings.”

  “They’re supposed to hurt. Sir.” There was such an incredible lilt in her voice as she tossed me a look, still heated.

  Riddled with her own level of hunger.

  My muscles were tense as I smacked her again and again, moving closer to caress the redness that had blossomed. The heat against my skin was a power aphrodisiac, creating a burst of electricity between us.

  “You’re doing very well, even if you are entirely too disobedient,” I stated, my cock pushing hard against the tight confines of my trousers.

  “I thought you enjoyed the mischievous girl.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh before slapping the leather across her upper thighs not once but twice. “In moderation.”

  “Why, yes, sir. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  God, I couldn’t get enough of the woman; her touch and the way her fingers ran through my hair, the brazen laughter that she’d only allowed me to see over the past two weeks.

  And the love she shared with me every day.

  I was one lucky man.

  A moment of darkness swept through me, a realization that she would never be truly safe. I would always have my share of enemies, men prepared to take me down at any cost. The only difference now that I was leader of the Sacred Sect?

  I had forces behind me.

  The thought gave me a smile as I continued her spanking, giving one brutal smack after the other until I could take it no longer. I tossed the belt, moving directly behind her as I ripped the shirt over my head, dragging the pants past my hips.

  When I was fully undressed, only then did she issue a series of moans, undulating her hips in a blatant invitation. She knew exactly what she did to me, the raging desire that continued to build every day. I eased onto the couch, yanking her hair to the side and lowering my head.

  “Never forget that you belong to me. No man will ever touch you again.”

  “Yes, sir. I mean... no. Sir. You own me, Christian.”


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