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Ink's Devil: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #5

Page 36

by Manda Mellett

  “Give the H back to Phil?”

  Now Beef’s head moves side to side as he again answers the prez, “That’s where his plan falls apart. The smack is his get-out-of-jail card. He loses that? Agent Caruso will throw the book at him.”

  “If he’s still alive to feel the pages hit. Reckon he won’t last long if Phil gets his hands on him,” Bomber observes. “Kid must know what’s likely to happen to him.”

  I’m still trying to get my head around the fact Connor’s breathing. But I point out, “Connor put Beth in a fuckin’ dangerous situation on Saturday, where’s this new brotherly concern coming from?”

  Beef gives me a measured look. “I’ve spent a bit of time with Connor. He didn’t have any idea SWAT was waiting, and why would he? He had no notion he was sending her into danger. But it’s something else when it comes to Phil. Connor got wind daddy dearest traffics people over the border, immigrants in, others out. Seems a girl like Beth might make him money. Connor’s adamant we have to get her back, and if he has to sacrifice himself, that’s what he’ll do.”

  I inhale sharply.

  “Pretty girls go missing from Denver, find themselves over the border and sold,” Beef’s eyes have gone dark as he finishes.

  I can barely think through the rage that floods my mind, so I restrict myself to, “Phil’s got to die.”

  “I hear you, Ink. Man like that is a waste of air.” Thunder nods.

  Bomber spells it out, “If we don’t hit him hard, Ink may never get his old lady back, whether or not he’s thinking of putting a ring on her finger.”

  Just the thought I might not have a chance to explore a relationship with Beth is enough to give me chills. I’m getting her back. At least it sounds like I’ll have my brothers by my side when I do it.

  Prez bangs the table. “The more I hear about Phil the less I like him breathing. So how do we do this? Ideas?”

  “He contacted you about the drugs, Prez?”

  Demon shakes his head. “It appears he’s leaving the ball in our court. Maybe trying to figure out what sway Patsy has over us.”

  “How are you going to play it?”

  Prez looks around. “Depends on what we come up with, VP. Timing might be vital to cause a distraction, so I won’t be rushing to pick up the phone. Don’t want to show our hand too early. If he thinks Beth means something to us, he may up the ante and demand more.”

  “More?” I’m seething at the delay.

  “He could want us to work for him or step back and let him take over our locations for his dealing at the least,” Mace enlightens me, clearly having given this some thought.

  Right now, I’d sell my soul to have her back. To hell with the implications. “He’ll think we don’t give a damn about Beth.” On my part, I want Demon to call him this very moment and threaten the wrath of the Devils should Phil harm a hair on her head.

  Mace stares across the table at me. “Tip our hand she means something to us then he may up the stakes. He won’t harm the ace he’s holding, not until he knows what we’re going to do.”

  “Beth will be expecting us to rush to her rescue.” I hate to think what she’s going through now.

  But Mace contradicts, his eyes filling with guilt. “Nah, Brother. She’ll have doubts. We didn’t believe her fuckin’ story about Connor, all we knew was what she did put you behind bars. We blamed her, she was only too aware of that.”

  “You voted her in as my ol’ lady…”

  But Prez is shaking his head. “Sorry, Brother. Agreed to give her protection, such that we could, but that vote’s in abeyance until we saw how things worked out. Couldn’t let you put your patch on a woman no one could trust.”

  My stare roams the table, my eyes widening. “So, she’s left hanging thinking no one gives a fuckin’ damn about her?” It’s my turn for my head to move side to side. “She doesn’t fuckin’ know I’m free, and you haven’t done the one thing I asked for.”

  Prez bangs the gavel loudly, the flare in his eyes shows he’s fast losing patience with me. “What was done was done for fuckin’ good reasons, Ink. I’ll be the first to admit that I had my concerns about Beth. But we now know she was pressured into doing what she did. Even if we didn’t, I assure you that we do give a fuckin’ damn. Women shouldn’t be used as pawns.”

  “I got out, Prez.” I’m angry that they blamed Beth and didn’t believe her reasons. If I, the injured party, could forgive her, they should have done.

  “For fuck’s sake, Ink. How could you for one minute think we’d leave Beth with that monster? Don’t forget, we’ve got the Mexican Horse in our stable, and it’s more than just her at stake. We’re fuckin’ heading for a war and need to win it.” Thunder lets me have it.

  I purse my lips, partly to stop myself saying anything else. I’d been so focused on Beth, I hadn’t thought of the ramifications. This isn’t just Beth. It’s us, our old ladies, and Demon must be thinking of his kid.

  “It’s not just a rescue mission,” Prez explains slowly, his eyes focused on my face. “We’ve got to hit him hard, so he doesn’t come after us. We’ve got to take him out.”

  “There’s one thing in our favour which buys us some time,” Beef butts in. “If he’s thinking of making a profit by selling his daughter, he’ll want to keep her unmarked.”

  He’s right, but just the thought of her being smuggled over the border and sold turns my stomach.

  Having given me one last stern look, Demon at last says the words I want to hear, “Right, Brothers. How are we going to do this?”

  “I like Pal’s idea of using the drone.” Sparky raises his fingers to get our attention. “Means we can see what we’re dealing with.”

  I keep my mouth shut about the drone that’s still a mystery to me, not wanting anymore delays.

  “Agreed,” Demon says fast. “How are you fixed, Ro?”

  “Prez, I’ve got enough C4 to blow that fuckin’ place to smithereens. Grenades, rocket launcher, you name it, I can get my hands on it.”

  “That’s my fuckin’ ol’ lady in there,” I snarl.

  Prez sends a fiery look my way. “I think we’re only too well aware of that, Brother.” His glare stays on me until I lower my eyes.

  “His compound is guarded. We’re talking about a business worth millions.” The VP seems to be musing aloud. “Not sure how successful we’d be if we tried to attack. We couldn’t ensure Beth wouldn’t be right in the firing line, or that he’d shoot her himself.”

  “Our ace is that neither she, nor he, knows she’s important to us.”

  “In which case, Prez,” Wills speaks up, “he might think we’re sitting on our hands and laughing, with his cool million sitting in the bank. What’s to stop him coming for us and taking it?”

  If that’s the way Phil’s thinking of playing it, Beth has no value as an exchange. The chills that assailed me earlier return with a vengeance. “We’ve got to move fast, Prez,” I plead.

  “Bring the fight here, to the compound.”

  Everyone looks at Bomber as though he’s gone mad.

  Demon groans. “We’ve not long fixed the place up after the Mafia hit.” His head drops into his hands, then he looks up. “But fuck me, I think you’ve got the makings of a good suggestion.” His fingers rap on the table. “I don’t want the fight here, but if we’re going to meet Phil, we’ll do it on our home ground. I’ll call him, tell him we’ve got his shit and want the girl back.”

  “Think he’ll bring her?” Sounds too fucking easy to me.

  Prez focuses on me. “Hear me out, Ink. We’ll attack this two ways. One, the bulk of us will remain here to protect the compound. If Phil brings your ol’ lady, all to the good. If he doesn’t…”

  Despite his warning, I open my mouth.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Demon roars before I get a word out. Then, when he sees I’m sulking but silent, he continues, “We’ll act like we don’t give a damn about her, just didn’t want a fight we couldn’t win.” Now he has to g
lare at everyone else who are contradicting him. “Christ! Will you let me fuckin’ finish?” His eyes seem to grow darker. “Bringing him here draws his attention away from his compound. Ink, Pal and…” he looks around, “Cad will go to Denver. If, as Connor has suggested, he might have other plans for Beth and leaves her there, well, you’ll be in place to launch a surprise attack and get Beth out.”

  My sulk disappears, and I grin. I like that plan.

  “Prefer Ink here,” says Mace.

  Pyro shakes his head, and points to me. “Apart from me, Ink is the best with explosives. He needs to go to Denver if I’m staying here. Phil’s bound to bring his best men with him, that’s what I’d do, but he won’t leave his base unguarded. Best way to rescue a hostage is to cause a distraction. My go-to would be an incendiary bomb at the opposite side of the building from where Beth’s being held.”

  “How the fuck will we know where she is?” Christ, there’s a fuckload of holes in his plan.

  Pal says flatly, as if he’s explaining to a kid, “We’ll know that from the drone.”

  Oh. That part now falls into place. But something else worries me. “Hang on, what are you thinking, Prez? You’re seriously going to give him his H? I thought we wanted that shit destroyed, not sold.”

  Beef taps the side of his nose. “Got a plan for that, Brother. Don’t forget, even if we give him his Horse, he’ll still want to hit us where it hurts. Taking it in the first place shows disrespect, and he won’t allow that to stand. But my guess is we’ll avoid a fight until after he got what he came for. He’ll be back to take us out.”

  Hellfire’s raising and dipping his head in agreement. “He’ll have a million dollars’ worth of shit on him, he won’t risk a fight until he’s got that locked down. I’d bet once he’s got what he came for, he’ll leave town. For now.”

  It sounds like the plan does give me a chance of having my old lady back in my arms. Either she’ll be brought to the compound, or I’ll rescue her myself. Then I’ll make plans how to kill Phil on my own if no one else is going to do it.

  Demon raps the table. “Decision made. You’ll need daylight to get the best from the drone, so we’ll do this tomorrow. Ink, can it. I know what you’re going to say, but if we don’t do this properly, we’ll fail.”

  I hate the thought that Beth will stay with her cunt of a father one more second than necessary. But Demon’s right. There’s a lot at risk, possession of the H being the least of it. We’re risking our home and our lives.

  “So, Ink, Cad and Pal know what they’re doing. Now onto the rest of us.” Prez pinches his nose. “We need him to come and leave peacefully. I hear what you say, but how about we negate the risk and head off a fight?”

  “How?” Rusty asks what we’re all thinking.

  “He won’t expect us to simply hand it over because we’re intimidated, even he must know Satan’s Devils don’t roll that way. But if there’s something in it for us, it will allay his suspicions. We give him his H and we offer him our premises to deal in. For a sum to be agreed, of course.”

  A thunderous roar goes around. Fuck noes, and nevers come from all sides. But Beef’s chuckling, and Prez is joining in. My eyes narrow suspiciously.

  Pyro’s seems to have cottoned on quick as he’s staring at Beef. “What exactly is your plan, VP? I take it, it involves me?”

  “Yeah.” Beef grins. “Ro, can you make up some bombs? Sacrifice some of the brown powder so if he opens them up, he won’t suspect?”

  “I can do that,” says Pyro, his brow furrowing. “They’ll need to be the right size and weight and packaged the same way. Will take me some time, but I’ve got all night.”

  “So, if he actually follows through, brings Beth with him, you’ll let him take his Horse and ride out of town.” Hell’s mouth is curving up.

  “And then dispatch him to meet Satan in fuckin’ pieces. Once he’s out of the residential areas of course.” Bomber’s hand bangs the table in appreciation.

  I like that plan. Like it a lot.

  “Beef, you work on getting our snipers in position, guns readied, and traps set, in case they come in guns blazing.”

  The VP jerks his chin in agreement.

  “Women?” Hellfire offers. “Want Mo to have company tomorrow?”

  I try to hide my grin. They need to be off the compound but doubt the ex-prez’s wife will be happy with a house full of sweet butts though she won’t mind the old ladies.

  “Yeah, Hell. Thanks.”

  “I can organise the whores.”

  “Sure you can, Brother.” Liz winks at Judge.

  Prez relaxes back into his chair. “Pal, Cad and Ink will set off first thing in the morning. We give them enough time to get into position, then I’ll give Phil a call. Tell him we’ve got his stash, and we’re offering it in exchange for Beth.”

  “If I get the drone in place before you make that call, we’ll be able to see if he’s bringing her along.”

  Demon nods at Pal. “We’ll keep in contact. Be useful for any info about how many men he’s bringing along so we can be prepared. Everyone know what they’re doing? Okay then, church dismissed.”

  I sit for a moment while the others get up and leave. What a homecoming this has been. I’d been bored out of my head in the prison cell, worried what my future might look like, and whether I could cope behind bars.

  I never dreamed anything other than Beth was safe at home. It’s been devastating to learn she’s anything but.

  Have we got time? Would Phil keep her unharmed, or will she be shipped over the border tonight? If he’s no intention of handing her over, he might.

  Then I’ll follow her and find her. Not letting her out of my life now. Every obstacle put between us just makes me more determined that I’m right. Beth belongs to me. Now and forever.

  “You alright?”

  It’s a superfluous question, I don’t even bother giving a negative reaction.

  “Beth’s strong, Brother.” Mace kicks out a chair and sits beside me. “She thinks fast. Deep down she’ll know we’ll be coming for her. She’ll know Patsy will have persuaded us to help. I’m sure she will.”

  “Will she?” I turn my incredulous eyes on him. “You don’t think she’s sitting there worried the fuck out of her mind as she doesn’t think anyone cares? I asked you to do one thing, Brother. I claimed Beth so you’d protect her. Instead you, what? Send untried hangarounds to babysit her. Not their fault they fucked up. No, it was your fault. You threw her to the wolves as you blamed her for putting me inside.”

  “It wasn’t like that…”

  “No? Tell me what it was fuckin’ like then?” I stand, pushing my chair angrily back under the table. When I turn, I raise an eyebrow at him.

  Mace’s face looks shuttered, then pained as though I’ve punched him in the gut. I offer no comfort. Then he, too, stands. “You could be right. We could have done things differently. Yeah, we fucked up. But we’ll make it right, Brother. I promise you that.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “Who gave my H to the Devils?”

  We’ve been at this for the past half-hour. Him firing off questions, me giving what responses I can. Inside I’m crying out for someone to save me but know that I’m on my own. I want to curl up and magically wake up at home to find this is all a bad dream, but I can’t. It’s real and I’m here.

  Phil’s a strong willful man, with no empathy to appeal to. If I show weakness, I won’t have a chance. I have to act strong and stand my ground, when I’d prefer to retreat. I know my responses are annoying him, but I can’t afford to give a damn. Going head to head with him is, I’m certain, the best plan.


  “Connor’s fuckin’ dead.”

  “I’m well aware my brother, your son is dead,” I spit back at the man who sired me. “Beaten so badly…” I choke up. “You don’t think whoever did that tortured the information out of him? That they were in league with the Devils?” />
  He doesn’t look upset. Which gives me the clue. “You did it, didn’t you? You hurt your son so badly he’s dead.”

  “I didn’t,” he refutes.

  “But you know who did.”

  A sly expression comes into his face. “Yes,” he admits, as if me knowing my brother was killed with his knowledge and clearly no regret is of no consequence at all. “But I know if Alder’s men got information out of him, they’d have come to me with it.”

  “Would they?” I challenge. “You told me the heroin was worth a million dollars. Wouldn’t your men like a share of that?”

  The first look of distrust appears in his eyes, then he quickly recovers. “No, they would not. My men are loyal.”

  “But what about Alder’s?”

  “Alder and I work together.”

  “So Alder’s men are your men?” He’s just admitted not only did he know about it, he was responsible for Connor’s death.

  He realises it too, as the backhand across my cheek warns me. He leans in. “You’re a mouthy bitch. Problem we’ve got is that nothing coming out of your mouth is what I want to hear. You think you can catch me out? Well, I’ve got ways of making sure you tell me the truth. Ways you won’t fuckin’ like.”

  “Boss? Phone call for you. Think you might want to take this.”

  He nods. Then backs off. “While I’m gone, George can soften you up.” As he walks past him, he murmurs something in George’s ear.

  I have absolutely no desire to find out what.

  I’ve decided I’ll take the secret of the Devils’ involvement to the grave with me, not prepared to allow hurt to come to any of their members again. If I admit I used to be friends with them, he’ll know at the very least I’ll be able to describe the compound and the number of members they have, making it easier for him to take them on. I suspect no one gets away with crossing Phil Foster, and taking his drugs, in his mind, is a serious crime.

  George comes over. I stand up. It forces him to look up at me, something he doesn’t appreciate doing at all.

  “Sit,” he snarls.


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