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Page 11

by Elin Wyn

  Some things just shouldn’t be the subject of drunken converse.

  And I had something, or someone else, on my mind.


  His drunken state didn’t surprise me in the slightest.

  In fact, I was glad to see him able to unwind; he’d been like a coiled spring for days, ever since we’d gotten back.

  Being able to let loose among friends was the best remedy for him.

  I felt an intruder interrupting them like this, but I needed to thank Tyehn for all the help he’d given me — without him, I’d be dead.

  My name would have been placed on a memorial somewhere, and I’d have become a forgotten footnote.

  History wasn’t kind to those who didn’t hold significant power. And as much as it saddened me to admit, I was just a nerdy chick, not an influential woman.

  Turning his eyes to greet me, I noticed how they gleamed with the haze of merriment.

  Tyehn wasn’t drunk, but he wasn’t one hundred percent sober either.

  I grinned at him, enjoying seeing him without his sword in hand, able to relax and make merry instead of being buffeted about by combat.

  “Heeeeeey, Maki.” He slurred slightly. His speech was… interesting… to say the least.

  “Hey you. Someone’s been having fun, I see?” I turned my grin’s beam onto Daxion then back to Tyehn, the two of them as thick as thieves.

  “We have for sure, but it’s time for me to turn in.” Daxion announced.

  Raising up out of his chair, he was awkward. His body no longer able to respond to his brain’s orders; I had to stop myself from laughing. “You two don’t have too much fun now.” He joked just before he left.

  Blushing wasn’t in my nature.

  I didn’t normally find people’s words embarrassing.

  But that had caused a blotch of heat to spread across my cheeks, the suggestion laced in between his words hard to ignore.

  Not even his heavy, shuffling feet could detract from my reddening cheeks.

  “Are you gonna sit or…?” Tyehn rolled his eyes at my indecisiveness. I gave a small shrug than settled down into the seat Daxion had just left.

  For a moment, we enjoyed nothing more than the noise of the bar. Listening to the way everyone chatted without a care in the world — and those that did care, were too busy sharing those woes to notice the likes of us.

  We were just two oddities in among the others.

  Granted, we looked odder than most, but that went without saying when you placed a 5’2” woman with a strapping 6’6” Valorni.

  It was noticeable in a big way.

  Having ordered myself a drink, the warm nectar of it already sliding down my throat, I fixed Tyehn with a meaningful stare. He returned it in kind, though his focus wasn’t as steady.

  “I need to thank you, no, I want to thank you.”

  “Wait, what did I do?”

  “You saved me. If you hadn’t stepped in, hadn’t protected me, I’d have been brought back in a bodybag. Or, more likely, left to rot back there.”

  The idea of being left behind was a chilling one, however it was a harsh reality of what happened when tangling with such adamant enemies.

  Death was inevitable. So too was an ugly death, unceremoniously forgotten because nobody had the time to bring you back with them.

  Tyehn scoffed at this, much to my surprise. It wasn’t a malicious sound, however it still caught me off guard; I couldn’t grasp what was so amusing. Noting my confusion, he shook his head by way of an apology.

  “Sorry, Maki. I’m not laughing at you, I just don’t think you need to thank me for anything — I wasn’t going to let you die. Besides, you’re tougher than you think.” He spoke with such humility, it was sickening yet sweet.

  Tyehn genuinely didn’t understand what I saw in him, how appreciative I was of his actions.

  “Oh, shut up, you!” I mockingly slapped his shoulder as I argued back. “you saved me. Literally saved my life. Don’t diminish what you did to try and be humble, you ass.”

  “So now I’m an ass, huh?”

  “Sometimes, yeah.”

  He stared at me stonily, and I him.

  Then we burst into fits of laughter, our chests heaving. It was a good sound, a pure sound.

  One which expressed a comfort and familiarity between the two of us; we were alike in so many ways.

  And because of that, it made me want to introduce more of my life to him.

  What I did, who I was when I wasn’t scrambling about alongside him and his team.

  Glass in hand, I aimed our talks towards our livelihoods. “You were a hydrologist, right? I didn’t imagine that, surely.” I was beginning to worry that I had. He laughed, only this time there was an edge to it.

  “You didn’t imagine it, no. Before the Xathi destroyed everything I held dear, that was my life,”

  “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry, Tyehn. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  The sense of worry I felt was tenfold. I’d been so insensitive, not giving a second thought to him maybe not wanting to talk about his past.

  “Don’t be. Maki, I’ve made peace with that in my own way, so don’t ever feel you can’t talk to me.” Then he cocked an eyebrow. “You’re a geoscientist?”

  “And hobby archeologist. A woman of all trades, I’m kinda a big deal.” I placed my hands on my hips and tossed my non-existent long hair back, a picture of brilliance and beauty.

  Both of us chuckled, Tyehn shaking his head in amused dismay as he did so.

  “I don’t doubt it.” He added in between his chortling.

  “Don’t doubt what?”

  “That you’re a big deal.”

  “Is that why you kissed me?” I bluntly asked, not wanting to dance around the issue any longer.

  Tyehn smirked at me then, his expression coltish and alive; he looked gorgeous. Sexy. A powerful man with a playful side. He’d piqued my interest even further, and now it was time to explore its depths.

  “Maybe it was,” He theorized. “Would that be so bad?” His tone oozed sex, drawing me in, making me wanton.

  “I don’t think so, though we look quite the pair — little and large!” I cackled.

  “It seems to work out fine for Zarik and Miri.”

  I had no idea who he was talking about and couldn’t care less.

  His eyes were hazy again, only this time it wasn’t the alcohol changing their sheen, it was his passion.

  His rising passion for me.

  I didn’t doubt for one second that my expression was similar, though if it was, he didn’t say. Instead he just grinned at me, the width of his smile intoxicating.

  Feeling emboldened by our flirtations, I decided to take a leap forward.

  Slow and steady just wasn’t my thing. It never had been and it never would be. I liked actions.

  Fast paced, working on instinct; I flourished the more I was exposed to it. I stretched my hand out to his, my fingers tracing lines along his own.

  Immediately there was a jolt between us. Not enough to physically shake us, but I felt its surge as if it had rocked my whole body.

  “Let’s get out of here.” I finally suggested. Tyehn’s grin instantly deepened.

  “Whatever for?”

  “You know what for, don’t play coy.”

  Moving with increased speed, we left our drinks unfinished and headed to the door.

  Our hands were still interlocked, the touches we shared not fervent enough for our liking. I needed more and so did he.

  The streets of Nyheim were quiet, thankfully, as were a great many of the empty houses that lined them in certain areas that were being rebuilt as part of the city’s sustainability program.

  Spotting one nearby, I led Tyehn inside. At the back of my mind I was surprised that nobody else occupied the spot, but that soon gave way to other thoughts, more carnal thoughts.

  When he grabbed me by the waist, I didn’t care about anyone else but the two of us.

  Our kiss wa
s electric.

  Earlier we’d been tentative, unsure of the other.

  Now however, we knew exactly what the other wanted. It was filthy, it was perverse, it was passion unbridled by the constraints of conservatism.

  As we crashed together, our bodies rubbing against our clothed forms, Tyehn began to undress me.

  There was haste to his actions, with my hands quickly following his lead. Although I’d instigated this, he wasn’t about to sit by and let me steer.

  He wanted to lead. And while I thrived off of being in charge, this was a rare occasion where I was happy to let him assume control.

  Freeing me from my clothes, my panties soon followed. Both of us suddenly naked and writhing against one of the room’s barren walls. As he pushed me up and lifted my thighs, I followed his desperate touches with my own.

  I opened up to him, wet and ready to feel every inch of what he had to offer. There were so many things I wanted to do to him, for him to do to me, however they could all come later. For now, all I wanted was the rigid muscle of his length inside of me. It was all my mind and body could think about, my other capabilities rendered useless.

  Locking eyes with one another, he entered me.

  I gasped at the change in sensation. He filled me, my body naturally molding to his. Despite his size, there was no resistance, no awkwardness, we simply fit together like two pieces of the same puzzle.

  My head swam as we matched the other’s pacing, Tyehn’s firm hands keeping me in place. He was holding me with such tenderness, yet the way he took me was anything but. There was an insatiable hunger to it. This had been a long time coming.

  The deepness of his touch was incomparable to anything else. As he drew back to thrust inside me again, my walls massaging him, the world around us fell away. There was only us.

  “We should’ve done this sooner,” I found myself saying, the words escaping from between my lips before I could stop them.

  Throwing my arms over his shoulders, I forced him to lay down on the floor, his hard cock still deep inside me. Once there, my knees on either side of his thighs, I started swaying my hips in a sensual rhythm.

  “We should’ve, yes” he finally said. “But I’ve been wanting to do this since we met.” As if to punctuate his words, he placed both his large hands on my ass and slapped it hard enough to make my whole body shake.

  I responded by digging my fingernails into his chest, the hard contour of his pectorals making me so damn wet I couldn’t even think straight.

  I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that Tyehn wanted me, that he was hard for me, but I was loving every single second of it. To feel his desire throbbing inside me, his whole body burning with desire, was more than what I could’ve asked for.

  “You feel so damn good,” I groaned, closing my eyes as I started riding him more fiercely. He responded in kind, thrusting upward with all of his brute force, and I let out a wild scream, one loud enough to be heard for miles.

  Any other time and I would’ve been worried about being caught having crazy sex like this, but right then I couldn’t care any less.

  What if someone heard me? What if someone saw us? I didn’t care. Let the whole world know that I was having the time of my life.

  “I could say the same thing, you know?” His voice came at me as if from the other side of the galaxy, his deep voice wrapping itself around my thoughts, and I surrendered to the moment absolutely.

  I rode him as he kept on thrusting, our rhythm a matching one, and it didn’t take long before I started feeling a vibrant kind of pressure inside me.

  My nerve endings felt as if they were on fire, electricity crackling under my skin. All my thoughts were in disarray, all that lust and desire bouncing against the walls of my head like a pinball, and that was when it happened.

  Gritting my teeth, I felt the dam starting to break, my body aching for that sweet release. When the explosion finally took place, it was as if my very soul had burned down to ashes. My inner walls became as tight as a vice around Tyehn’s cock, but that didn’t seem to stop him. Instead, he just started thrusting even harder, fucking me while I was riding a tidal wave of ecstasy.

  My moaning turned into full blown screaming then, and it was as if all strength had left my body. I collapsed on top of Tyehn’s naked body, my lungs working overtime to get the air in, and my muscles twitched as pleasure kept on whipping at my nerve endings.

  “We’re not done yet,” he whispered into my ear, and I offered no resistance as he pushed me off of him. I was lying down on the floor, but I didn’t even care. I merely let Tyehn go down on his knees between my legs, and I arched my back as he started kissing his way from my right knee to my inner thigh.

  My body was still reeling from a violent orgasm when he found my clit with the tip of his tongue, and I found desire welling up inside me once more. It’s curious. I’ve never been a prude or a stranger to sex, but my stamina has never been anything of note. It seemed like the problem wasn’t with me, though. With Tyehn, I felt like I could keep on going forever.

  Raising my legs, I rested them over his shoulders and afforded him a better angle. He seized the chance without a moment’s hesitation, pressing his open mouth against my aching pussy, and I did nothing but moan and scream as he used his tongue to unleash hell upon my body.

  “You’re too good,” I breathed out, tugging on his hair as if I were afraid he’d escape. I felt more words making their way up my throat, but a violent moan rose up to take their place. Pleasure turned into sound then, ecstasy crashing against me like a wave, and I surrendered to the second orgasm of the day.

  And still, we weren’t done.

  Not yet.

  “You’re holding back,” I whispered, looking down at him as he pulled back from me. His chin was glistening from my own fluids, and that made me feel even more wicked and lustful. “I don’t want you to hold back. I want you to give me all you got.”

  At that, his face lit up.

  “Remember you asked for it,” he grinned. Grabbing me by the waist, he forced me to turn around and then positioned me on all fours. He closed the distance between us in a moment and, grabbing his cock by the root, he angled it down so that the tip was pressed against my drenched pussy.

  I closed my eyes as I felt his fingers digging into my flesh, his hold so strong that I could barely move, and I found myself growling with lust as he slid his whole length inside me. This time there was no taking it slow.

  He started thrusting as hard as he could right away, his thighs slapping my ass cheeks over and over again, and I let a wicked grin dance on my lips as the sound of flesh on flesh filled the emptiness of the house.

  He claimed me like I had never been fucked before, and my heart tightened up at the experience. I knew that sharing my body with him would be unique, but I never thought it’d be this amazing.

  In a way, it was almost transcendental.

  “Oh, God,” I pushed past gritted teeth, my eyes rolling in their orbits as Tyehn thrusted so hard I wouldn’t have been surprised to see he had split me in half. My body reacted by instinct, my fluids dripping down my legs, and I exploded once more.

  Except this time, I wasn’t the only one.

  One final thrust and Tyehn exploded inside me, the warmth of his seed filling me up. His cock throbbed violently against my inner walls, but that just added to my own pleasure. It was maddening.

  And even after the pleasure started receding, we remained in place, none of us daring to make a move as a blanket of pleasure and absolute bliss enveloped us.


  This was perfection.


  I didn’t sleep a wink the night after my tryst with Maki. As much as I liked the way she looked, with her clothes off she was even more appealing.

  The sex was amazing.

  And the connection between us was mind blowing because I really liked her. I really, really liked her.

  So, I laid there all night, staring at the ceiling
with a big smile on my face with the full knowledge I would be on duty in the morning, and not caring in the slightest.

  I was already showered and dressed when the alarm went off and headed out the door.

  Being early, I decided to take the long way and enjoy a walk on the way to duty.

  The walk to the airfield was oddly pleasant. I should have been worried about the ancient enemies, or maybe dwelling on our nightmarish journey through the jungle, but there was still a spring in my step.

  Sk’lar grinned at me when I headed up the ramp. I cocked an eyebrow at him, because Sk’lar was normally a joyless, dour commander.

  He clapped me on the shoulder as I passed him on my way into the shuttle.

  “How’s that gut wound holding up?”

  “Fit to fight commander. Fit to fight.”

  “I see you have your great big gun and even bigger sword.”

  And that was weird…. But nothing was going to touch my good mood.

  “Never leave home without it.”

  I headed into the shuttle’s cabin, my eyes taking a moment to adjust to the relative gloom. After my vision cleared up, I was expecting to see the rest of Team Three. What I didn’t expect to find was Maki sitting in my usual spot.

  And that explained Sk’lar. He really had to work on his sense of humor.

  “Hey.” Her voice had a cute little lilt to it, and her eyes were shining. Damn but I wanted to kiss her at the moment, but I wasn’t about to do so in front of the guys.

  “Hey.” I settled my bulk next to hers, and she snuggled up to my shoulder. Cazak and Navat chuckled derisively, but Jalok grimaced at them.

  “Leave him alone, guys. Just wait until it happens to you.”

  They scoffed, but they left us alone.

  “Maki, what are you doing here?” I asked.

  “While you were meandering through the fields I took an air transport over.”

  “But we’re being deployed back to Sauma.”

  “Yeah, as my personal escort. I need to report in back to my lab.”

  “For real?”

  “Indeed. Until this investigation is through, I’ve received word that I should stay with an armed escort in the event I encounter any more difficulties as some sort of precautionary measure.” She frowned. “The EcoBright team was doing something sketchy out there. And I have a feeling that they knew about the Ancient Enemies already. They were strange, even before we knew they were possessed.”


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