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Leather and Chrome

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by Sky McCoy

  Leather and Chrome

  Sky McCoy

  Published by Sky McCoy, 2019.

  Leather and Chrome

  By Sky McCoy

  Copyright 2019 by Sky McCoy

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Leather and Chrome

  Copyright 2019

  Chapter 1 | Ethan

  Chapter 2 | Luca

  Chapter 3 | Ethan

  Chapter 4 | Luca

  Chapter 5 | Ethan

  Chapter 6 | Ethan

  Chapter 1 | Blair

  My M/M books are for those who fall in love and it doesn't matter if they are gay or straight. Love is love.

  Books by Sky McCoy

  Boys with Toys books 1-4

  Short books

  Leather and Chrome


  From Top to Bottom

  Summer Heat

  Summer Heat Series

  Summer Burn book 1

  Summer Fire book 2

  Summer Love book 3

  If you want to read more from Sky McCoy click here.

  Contact me at if you want to chat or review my books. You can sign up for my newsletter to get advanced information for free books. And check out my website for upcoming books. All four books in the Boys with Toys series are published in eBook and paperback. To keep up with Sky McCoy’s books published visit my website. And please leave a review so I can keep bringing you books you enjoy reading.

  Copyright 2019

  Copyright © 2019 by Sky McCoy

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage the piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. No reproduction of this book part or whole is permitted. This book should not be scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without the author’s permission.

  Chapter 1


  I’d spent too much time in a stuffy office with too many women and all of them trying to figure out if I was gay or straight. What the fuck does it matter, I thought. I wasn’t going to marry any of them, or get married period. I liked random hookups every now and then, too much to ever settle down. Being single I could pick up and move to San Francisco or New York or wherever the hell my mind told me.

  That’s why I gave all this shit up, the sun, hot men, a good fuck occasionally, because I wanted to live in San Francisco where I could start over and maybe find the one man I wanted to settle down with.

  Look at me. I was beginning to sound like some of those women I worked with. I could use a tight hole just about now, but that was impossible here in my office. The next alternative would be to go to one of those sites on the internet and jack off, but I could get fired before I got out of this fucking company if one of my nosy coworkers walked in and I had my pants down with my cock in my fist.

  You would think one of the women who worked here would get the hint that I was not interested in pussy. I was rich, moving to San Francisco and they’d never seen me date a woman, or man for that. I tried to keep my private life discreet. I’d had a few women walk up to me and lean over my desk in the five years I’d been at Davis and Bauer’s, show me their size D cups, as if that made any difference to me and offer to fuck me which didn’t register on my fuck meter.

  To throw them off my trail of uncovering the closeted gay man in this law firm, I usually gave them a look over. Only enough to satisfy their inquiries and then I added a little dirty talk, whispered in their ears about stripping them naked, placing my ten inch dick in every orifice of their body which had them panting and relinquishing their probes into my sexual status.

  “Where are you going, Ethan?” If I heard that one more time I might take one in my office bathroom and fuck them hard, but not where they expected because I didn’t want a woman.

  I turned my head and rolled my eyes so they couldn’t see because I wanted to scream, I’m going where I can find me a man to suck my cock and fuck me hard.

  I wanted to wake up and never have my dick sleep. That sounded like a song, I thought as I packed the rest of my shit, threw it in a crate and tried to get the fuck out of this law office before someone came in on a Saturday to work and I had to go over this thing again about why I took a job at another law firm, and in California instead of Arizona.

  Because I wanted to get as far away from this heat and dust as possible. The last time I had a fuck on the outside around my pool, a dust storm came up all of a sudden. I was cleaning dust from my ass and dick for weeks.

  When I glanced down at the pictures on my desk, there wasn’t one of a woman, not even my mother. I had to place my mother’s picture and heaven forbid my father’s in my new office. I threw the pictures in the box along with my expensive Montblanc pens. I’d collected them like I’d collected random fucks over the years only I had more use for my pens so I kept them and discarded the lovers.

  Shouldn’t some of these women at this prestigious law firm have gotten the message that I was gay without me announcing it to the world? But no, they wanted to persist to tease me with short dresses with thongs underneath, showing a soft ass when I’d give my last dollar to see a firm ass I could bury my cock in, and never pull it out.

  “What cha got there, Ethan?”

  “Some old stuff I’ve accumulated for five years. You can have it if you want.” I glanced over at Gena and she sashayed over to my desk. She was in charge of getting all my stuff out before the next guy took over.

  As she rummaged through this useless crap, she turned and glanced at me with a globe in her hands. The kind where you shook it up and it lookeds like a Christmas scene. Only this one played music too. A real bargain.

  One of my random hookups gave it to me. He thought I was a man who had everything, and that he could capture my heart with that. He did capture my heart, but my heart was in my pants. I couldn’t wait to get rid of him and his globe. “You can have the globe.” She smiled at me as if I’d given her a gold bar.

  Then Gena sat on the edge of my desk. “We’re going to miss you. It won’t be the same here without you. It was a pleasure to see you every day, you were just like one of the girls, so polite, but prettier than any one of us or the guys. You are a handsome man if you don’t mind me saying, neat, and smart. Anyone would be happy to get you.”

  She might have been the smartest secretary working in this firm, because she knew that I wanted the same thing she wanted—a cock.

  “I’m going to miss you too, Gena.” And I kissed her on the forehead and handed her the key.

  “Are you driving or flying? I could take you to the airport,” she said, still trying to wear me down.

  “Thank you, but I’m driving.”

  “I thought you had your cars shipped to Frisco.”

  “Everything but my Harley.”

  “No shit? You’re going to ride that bad boy?”

  “All the way there with a few stops in between. I don’t have to be at Summer and Healy for a week. I need some downtime and they gave it to me. The big man over that firm is on vacation too and he won’t be back for a week. So it fits perfectly with my plans. The head of the law firm wants to interview me and lay down the rules before I meet the rest of the partners. ”

  “I wish I was going with you.”

sp; “You can always visit me. You’re always welcome, Gena.” I threw her a kiss and took the remainder of my books and closed the door. Through the glass windows, I saw Gena waving. It almost brought me to tears, but I recovered quickly when I thought of what I was leaving.

  I’d stayed at that law firm long enough and by the time I decided to leave I’d had enough of my partner’s homophobic remarks. I never let them know that I was gay, but it didn’t take a brain surgeon to guess.

  EVERYTHING HAD BEEN taken care of and it wouldn’t be bad traveling in November. It wasn’t as hot as it had been in Phoenix in July. However, I’d thought I would be traveling with my friend Caiden to Las Vegas then L.A. and on to San Francisco. It was his bright idea to ride our motorcycles, I fell for it and he baled on me at the last minute and here I was on my bike trying to get out of Phoenix on a Saturday morning. I had that song in my head, By the time I get to Phoenix, by Glenn Campbell. When I checked, my bike roared to life, headed north on interstate seventeen going to Flagstaff. It was probably the longest route, but hey, what the fuck did I have to do? And it was the most scenic one. For once I could see the country up close and not from an airplane.

  I thought I could see the Grand Canyon and take a hotel there. Gena booked it for me.

  Fucking getting out of Phoenix had been the hardest part and now I was in the mountains and Kingsman was next, and I could make it there before nightfall.

  Chapter 2


  I knew this wasn’t a good idea when we stopped here, but what the fuck? I promised the guys that we would take a ride on our Harleys and stopover in Las Vegas and maybe see the Hoover Dam. It didn’t include going to a shooting range, but that was Austin’s fucked up idea, because he wanted to bond with the guys at our company.

  He was a gun nut and they were too, and I was an environmental freak, which didn’t mix. We agreed to go to the Grand Canyon as well, but Austin and the guys spent the entire day at a shooting range with me sitting there wondering when this was going to be over and whether I’d get laid somewhere between all this fun and sun.

  “There’s nothing more satisfying than to take our Harleys and ride up to the Grand Canyon after we stop off at a shooting range and go to my favorite bike bar and get drunk. You of all people can appreciate that,” Austin said to me, wagging his eyebrows at me.

  We’d been friends since college. We fucked around a little, but he was a top and bisexual. I’d never been attracted to him, and not many men attracted me. I was a large man with a big cock and not many could handle me. Austin certainly wasn’t one of them, besides, I was his boss. Not that kind, the kind where I paid him a salary for the work he did and not the work he would do on me.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “Fuck yeah why not go to the Grand Canyon?” But I didn’t know he would keep me at this range all day, watching these addicts from my company get off shooting something. I guessed it could be worse. I could have hired a bunch of guys afraid to take a chance and live. But these men weren’t afraid of anything, except losing their jobs and the large salaries that came with working for me.

  After we got all that stuff with the guns out of the way, we headed over to Austin’s favorite bar out in the middle of no-fucking-where. I didn’t know how the hell he found this place anyway. When we stopped I was hot, thirsty, and I wanted to fuck something or someone.

  “Don’t worry, before we leave you will have satisfied your appetite for the fairer sex.” I had to look around to see who he was talking about. But then I remembered telling him that I liked twinks who would let me bottom them.

  “I don’t need to eat. I need to drink and fuck,” I said, getting that out of the way.

  “Where do you think we’re going? You can pick up anything you want here,” he said, putting his kickstand down after turning off his motor. “Straight or gay, whatever your heart desires. Why do you think we’re here? I don’t know about you, but before we have to get back to the grind of San Francisco, I want a twink or Trans,” Austin said, with a sly grin.

  “But it’s almost dark, and late, I thought we were going to the Grand Canyon,” I said, sounding like a disappointed kid. I’d been a weekend warrior at best, who rode a bike once a month if then. Too much work to do anything else.

  “Then we can get a blowjob and head back to Las Vegas. We have those suites all weekend if we want. We can get a piece of that sweet ass at one of those gay night spots and get in a little dancing. You know where the boys strip and do a lap dance for you. I know how much you like young ass,” Austin said. He didn’t really know, because I’d never told him, nor had I ever found one that could take a dick as large as mine. They only came back because I gave them nice presents.

  I needed someone who liked me for me and I never found that.

  “It’s not like I’m forty or something and cruise bars. I’m thirty-five for fuck’s sake, Austin. I don’t want to hang out at a gay bar looking for young men to give me a lap dance for money.” I want to meet someone where we can build a life together. I thought.

  “And if you don’t lighten up and stop working hard, you’re gonna wake up and then you’re forty and you’ll be out there hunting and fucking every twink that gives you the eye.”

  “How do you know I don’t like being single?” I said to Austin.

  “I’m your friend. I’ve known you forever and you want to be in love.”

  “I do. Like everyone else, but I haven’t found the right person.”

  “That’s because you want to cruise those bars in San Francisco and look for a twink. Some of those boys have been passed around, and they have holes so large you and I both can fuck them. Add another dick with your thick cock, and they won’t know the difference.”

  “How do you know how thick my cock is?”

  “Look at that large hand and those stubby fingers, and we belong to the same gym, remember. I bet you run off half the men you’ve fucked just from those hands and that cock.”

  “It hasn’t been that many. And I don’t get a chance to date, but I will, so I’m trying to make the best of a bad situation. That’s why I hired on a high-powered lawyer to help with the work load. I know you will appreciate that.”

  “I will, but when that dick of yours is abusing some boy, all I can say is be kind with that thing you’re carrying in your pants.”

  “I like my sex hard and they just complain that they didn’t know I was that large. And they never want to see me again.”

  “For my advice, I’d say find a man who don’t mind letting you fuck him with something that large, or let him top you. That’s the only way you’re going to be happy with someone and keep them. You’re a big man, tall and handsome, so embrace it. Find you a man that doesn’t mind being manhandled. They’re out there. One is waiting for you. You don’t need those boys who can’t take a real man’s dick.” He smiled at me and hit me on the back. “There’s a man waiting for you out there somewhere,” Austin said, as I watched the others enter the bar.

  “If we don’t get out of this heat and get a drink, I’ll manhandle you, and if I don’t find someone to fuck, because you kept me at that shooting range, I’m fucking you with this cock. Now let’s go inside.”

  Austin looked at me with a chuckle, “Is that a promise?”

  “No. That’s a threat. With my cock, it’s a lethal weapon.” I cupped my engorged length pushing against my leather pants. “If I fire it in your ass you won’t be able to walk for a week. Let’s go.” I steered him in the direction of the door.

  I’D BEEN IN THE BIKER joint laughing and searching around for my type of man, a mature man in his late twenties, with a little bit of a twink, but no one fit that description. The bar was filled with straight and gay men, but they were almost like me. Tall and muscular and they appeared to be the ones who gave instead of taking, but then Austin and I were visitors and for all I knew they were from out of town, too, cruising for the same thing we were—a quick fuck, blowjob, one-night stand.

untry and western music played on an old fashion jukebox where you deposited some coins and someone played, Sweet Home Alabama and bought everyone a round of beers. The group weren’t rowdy, but they were looking for a good time as they played pool in the other room. As I glanced around from man to man, they looked like me, taking a ride on the wild side in hopes of getting lucky for one night, or maybe more. Some were openly gay, but you wouldn’t know if you didn’t look closer and didn’t know what you were looking for.

  They were mostly dressed in leather for their night ride and to attract men who were into the dominant slave/Master clique. I hadn’t committed to any clubs, but I was looking for someone to fulfill my fantasy.

  A group of men were seated at booths in deep conversation and rarely looked up at anyone who entered the bar.

  The other men were leaning over a pool table and trying to make shots that were impossible to make by betting and losing, because some were drunk they were gambling to lose. In Nevada you had to be gambling. I heard one man bet another that he couldn’t suck his dick without gagging. He took the bet and when he lost, they disappeared through a door in the back of the bar underneath an exit sign.

  Austin had been right about me. I was looking for a bottom and from what I saw in here they were all tops and aggressive. I didn’t think that would make a good fit for me, until that man walked through the door.

  Fuck, if my cock didn’t take notice. He was just what I’d been hoping would walk into my life and he not only walked, he strutted. A cute guy, plump lips, I could see them wrapped around my large cock with him dragging his lips up and down my tender flesh, five feet eight, wearing jeans and a leather coat. I shuddered at the thought of fucking him tonight. There’s no way I was letting anyone here have him, because he was mine tonight.


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