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The Moonlight Pegasus, #1

Page 38

by C. A. Sabol

  They soared up into the night, tumbling all around the clouds. Selene laughed and held tightly to him, and after a while it seemed that he would go into a twirling dive and plummet through the misty clouds just to hear her laugh, so he could laugh with her. Pegasus and Selene continued soaring high through the starry night, eventually seeing a trace of light on the horizon.

  “This is so beautiful!” Selene shouted up to Pegasus as the wind played with her gown and blew across her face. Her hair was caught up in the excitement, twisting and turning with the currents of the wind. His mane fluttered about, his soft and perfectly white hair tickling against her skin every so often. She continued to hold onto him as she leaned forward, calling out, “Sapphira is so pretty! Is this how you see it all the time?”

  Pegasus shook his head and glanced back at her. “No. I see so much more than the outer beauty. I will show you.” With that, his wings folded back and he plunged down into the atmosphere.

  Selene saw the clouds briefly as they fell through, and then the waters of the Sapphiran seas came into view. She wondered if they were going to hit the water, they were going so fast, but at the last possible second, Pegasus turned up and he flew just above the water, making it appear to the onlooker that he was in fact running on the waves. Selene giggled as the spray bounced up and hit her.

  Soon they came upon a land, and Pegasus slowed down. “The people here cannot see us,” he told her as he gazed back. “Men have long convinced themselves that some things are for dreams, and not for their reality. Only with the faith of a child can a person see into a whole new world of possibilities.”

  Selene nodded, and then smiled sadly. “I bet even if they could see us they would think they were just hallucinating.”

  “You are right,” Pegasus agreed. “That is why only the one who knows the hearts of men can judge properly.”

  They came up on the shore, and saw a great island wedding celebration was taking place. Selene felt her face turn into a soft smile as she watched the bride and the groom share their first dance with each other. All of their friends were gathered around, all saying congratulatory words and shouts of encouragement. Pegasus turned to her and there was a twinkle in his eye. Selene smiled back at him, for she knew that he approved of such a celebration of love. She couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever get to have a wedding as lovely as this one.

  After several moments watching the affections of the partygoers below, they headed off once more. The light of the sun became more and more visible as they traveled. Eventually, Selene spoke up. “I hope that those two have a wonderful life together,” she said.

  “They will, if they remain strong and true to one another,” Pegasus told her. “That was Kani Island. It is a small place, but it is known for several of its achievements. We are coming up on several other islands, where I will show you more of both this world’s beauty and ugliness, of its joy and its pain.”

  Selene saw on the one island another kind of celebration. This island celebrated the birth of a new, healthy child. Another island mourned the loss of its leader. Selene felt her eyes water as she listened to the eulogy of the man’s wife, and she said, “Death is not very pretty, I suppose.”

  “It is necessary, I’m afraid,” her friend told her. “The Dark Plague was given to man by a lie. Obsidian had told the people that they would not die if they turned away from the Pure Light. His lie has brought about all the suffering of this world and the pain of the one in Crystallon at the loss of his children. The Dark Plague offers only death and certain pain. The only goodness in this world is a result of the Guardian’s deep love for every soul, even the bad ones, on all of Sapphira for all time.”

  “But how can the Dark Plague be healed?” Selene asked.

  “Only the light of a pure soul can save that which was lost,” Pegasus explained. “Think of it like this. A soul resembles a flame. If the Dark Plague gets hold of that flame, the light will fade, and the passing of a human life will occur. However, a pure soul has the power to bring the light back to those who have the darkness in their hearts. But then the darkness could easily corrupt it again. So in order to simultaneously have the darkness expelled from a tainted soul and rekindle the human’s soul, the light of a pure soul must be used.”

  “I understand, somewhat,” Selene said. “But why? Can’t the Guardian just overlook a person’s evilness?”

  “Not if there is anything as justice in all of creation,” Pegasus shook his head.

  “Pegasus ... can I ask you something?” Selene asked.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Well ... you said that there is a lot of darkness in this world, as a result of Obsidian’s lie.”


  “Well ... do you know my friend Etoileon?” Selene blushed. “I was wondering if he had been corrupted by the darkness in any way, since ... since Obsidian was ready to use him in order to get to me, in order to get to you. I do not understand why he dislikes you enough to do anything so evil, but ... ” her voice trailed off, and her gaze turned away from him as she shook her head.

  Pegasus looked at her thoughtfully. “My precious Selene, I think it is time that you know of the whole story. Knowing what you know now is not enough for you to appreciate to the fullest extent of what the Guardian and his Son have done, and will do, for you.”

  Selene looked up at him as she grasped more tightly onto his mane, leaning forward so she could hear his every word. They continued to fly through the skies of Sapphira as he began to tell her his tale.

  Chapter 12

  In the Beginning ...

  THERE WERE A FLOCK of sea swallows that flew up and around Pegasus as his wings carried them beyond the clouds again. There was a faint light in the sky, from the oncoming dawn of another day.

  Selene looked around below her, trying not to feel nervous as she waited for Pegasus to begin his story. She had been so eager to learn all she could about him, but she was beginning to think that maybe she wouldn’t be able to handle the truth. All of her assumptions would be gone. She could no longer pretend that certain things were not wrong.

  Pegasus glanced back at her, as though he knew her thoughts. He seemed to give her an encouraging, comforting look. “In the beginning, the Guardian dreamed of all this world. He made the wind and the seas, and then the land and the plants. He spoke, and his word was done. Long before the beginning of time, much longer than the ways of man can completely understand, the Guardian had designed this world for the enjoyment and peace of those he loved, and those who loved him. He gave them free will, even though he knew that there would come a time when they would make the wrong choice because of their attraction to the darkness.”

  When he paused here, Selene asked, “But why would he do that? Why wouldn’t he just make us love him back, to keep us from falling ill?” She suddenly recalled that Pegasus had told her before why the Guardian would do such a thing. “All for the sake of true love?”

  “Yes,” Pegasus nodded. “I tell you the truth, love is always choice, Selene. You can choose to be there, or you can run away from it. Either way, the choice is ultimately yours. Love is also practical. It is willing to work and to wait. It is willing to forgive. It is willing to endure to the end of all things. It always hopes for good, always tells the truth in the face of punishment, and it never fails, never has and never will fail. There is no greater way to show your love to someone to give your life for them, to live for them as well as to die for them.”

  Selene smiled as the warm words washed over her. He was right, she thought.

  He continued on. “The Guardian has shown much love to this world, and soon you shall see his greatest demonstration of just how much he loves each person, how much he loves you.”

  “I can’t wait,” Selene said excitedly. “I don’t really know so much about the Guardian, Pegasus, but I want to learn! What I do know of him, however, is enough to make me love what I do know, and want to know more.”

  Pegasus smiled.
“The Guardian gave this world the free choice to love him,” he repeated. “And with the creation of humans into his world, he rejoiced with them, taught them, and showed them the way to live in his world.”

  “Sapphiran scientific history says that man came out of the seas, millions and millions of years ago,” Selene told Pegasus.

  “People sometimes look for a way to exclude the possibility of a higher power,” Pegasus explained. “There are people who will tell you lies, and show you miracles. But they are not of the Guardian’s power.”

  “You mean like Melantha?”

  He nodded. Selene looked away briefly. “I shouldn’t have believed her.”

  Pegasus looked back at her. “Let me continue,” he said. “When the Guardian had finished dreaming of this world, with no detail forgotten or left unfinished, he called upon the attendants of his home, Crystallon, to help him watch over it.”

  “He created Crystallon, too?”

  “There are some things you will not understand for now,” Pegasus reminded her, “But there is no one, no small thing, whether in Crystallon or locked behind the Four-point Celestial Prison, whether male or female, angel or demon, human or inhumane, nothing at all that will exist outside of the reach of the Father of Crystallon.”

  “The Guardian?”


  “Then why is he called the Guardian and not the Father?” Selene asked.

  “The human world has drifted away from him,” Pegasus told her. “They prefer to give him a name that is less personal. Father implies that he loves them and looks after them like a father, while what the humans desire is maybe a creator, but not one who would interfere with their lives of sickness.”

  “Oh,” Selene murmured. “I see. That is so sad to hear, if you ask me.” She looked away. “I never really had a good father figure. Dorian, my brother, raised me. I would love to have a father, I think. Do you think that I could think of the Guardian as a father?”

  He nodded. “He will give you the means by which you will become his eternal child,” Pegasus promised.

  “Is that his demonstration of love?” Selene asked.

  When Pegasus looked at her with a twinkle in his eye, Selene had her answer. She smiled and he continued with his story. “After the humans were created and placed here on Sapphira to live, one of the guards loved the praise that he received from his fellow guards too much. He eventually decided that he deserved to be the only one who should watch over the universe of Sapphira.”


  “Yes,” Pegasus nodded. “Obsidian tried to steal away Sapphira and the rest of the Guardian’s creation. He failed, and was banished from Crystallon because of all the damaging characteristics of his heart. He had been pure once, but one stray thought and too much praise had twisted his goodness into something that had never before happened; he sought after the love and attention of others, and by the time that Crystallon had regained peace, there was no repentance in Obsidian. He only wanted revenge.”

  “Just like Aemon,” Selene whispered thoughtfully.

  Pegasus paused a moment, before saying, “The son of the rebel has been influenced by his uncle into pursuing revenge. He has been burdened greatly, but his rebellion is still small compared to that of the Ultimate Rebel, Obsidian. That family has been the means by which Obsidian had hoped to corrupt the monarchy.”

  “Why is the monarchy so important? Is it because our leadership determines the law of the world?”

  “Partially,” Pegasus explained, “But it is always been one of the greatest wishes for Obsidian to poison the minds of the kings and queens. Some years after the introduction of the Dark Plague into the world of humans, the Guardian still held enough influence in this world to call out his followers. Out of them, he gave them a leader and set him apart, promising that until the end of Sapphira’s time, they would hold onto the throne of the world.”

  “So if the monarchy is corrupt, then there is no hope for the future generations?”

  Pegasus nodded. “That is the plan of the dark master,” he agreed. “He has been attempting for so many years, that even in his suppressed prison, he has managed to do some damage. Your father was one of his first targets.”

  “I know my brother has drifted away as well,” Selene told him. “I wish he would see what I do. I wish everyone could.”

  “There will come a day when the people will see, and still not believe,” Pegasus told her, his voice heartrending and poignant.

  “I think that has to be one of the most fearful things to think of,” Selene murmured.

  “You fear that when the Guardian’s love is revealed, people will be unable to even recognize it, do you?” Pegasus looked back at her. “That is something to be concerned for, yes.”

  “Oh!” Selene realized. “I’m sorry, please go on with your story.”

  “Once Obsidian had managed to infect the world with the Dark Plague, the Guardian punished him, by sealing his form away in the Four-point Celestial Prison in the sky, each of the four points to be locked. But one point was left unsealed. It would be sealed by the four kinds of existence: the Guardian, the Spirit, the Rebel, and the Human. The Guardian sealed the one. The Spirit has shut the one. The rebel himself unknowingly sealed his fate with his betrayal; but humans have yet to seal it.”

  “How are we going to be able to do that?” Selene wondered. “None of us can fly up to the stars.”

  “You have yet to even begin to comprehend the mysteries of the world beyond this one,” Pegasus told her. “But I say to you, Selene, you will live to see that day. The lock needs to be sealed with the blood of a pure soul, but now that Obsidian has escaped, the entire life of the pure one must be given. The darkness shall devour the Pure Light, but in turn the darkness shall be devoured. Both shall die, but one shall live again.”

  “What exactly do you mean?” Selene asked softly. She felt a tremor in her heart at his words.

  “The Seal of Blood cannot be closed with a normal sacrifice, Selene,” he looked at her kindly. “For there to be any love in this world, any hope of love at all, the Guardian has made it so that the Seal will be a calling of all people to know his love, for to capture and bind the evil away from this world, a perfect love is required. Perfect love casts out all shadows. The time is swiftly approaching, the time when you and all others will know just how far the Guardian will go in order to make you completely his.”

  Selene looked around and suddenly realized that he had flown her back to the palace. He leveled himself in the air as she climbed off of him and alighted back on the balcony of the High Tower. When she turned around and looked back at him, she felt a new terror arise within her.

  “Pegasus ... ” she started to say, looking away from him. “I was wondering ... am I going to see you again? I know I’ve asked so many questions tonight, but this is the one I want to know the answer to the most!” she admitted. She fell to her knees. “Obsidian told me once I had betrayed you, and that you could not live in my dreams anymore. I’m scared that I won’t see you again, and that I have failed you.” She slumped over. “I am not worthy of you.”

  “Selene, my precious one,” Pegasus came down and stood next to her fallen form. “Do you believe in me?”

  She looked up at him with a confused look on her face. “Of course I do. I know you have a power in you that I will never be able to have, a power that I will never earn on my own.”

  “Do you love me?”

  “Yes. I love you so much for giving me hope and courage and being so patient with me,” Selene confessed, smiling a bit. “I honestly don’t know how you can put up with me, but in all the time I’ve known you, Pegasus, you have never been too busy or too distracted to talk with me, listen to me, and help me. I am so grateful for your loving kindness to me; I think perhaps that is the real reason I love you. I love you, because you love and accept me.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “I would trust you with all my life,” Selene told him. �
�You have never broken a promise in all the time we’ve been together. How can I refuse such a wonder? How can I turn away from a trust that I desire so much to be real?” Her tears leaked out of her eyes as she looked down. “And the funny thing is, I’m not sure that I even know who exactly you are, but I have never felt such certainty when I say that you are the essence of dreams.”

  Pegasus spoke softly to her. “I am the Spirit of the Guardian himself, the Lord of Dreams and Sapphira and Crystallon, Creator of all. Before all, after all, I am. Your transgressions against me and against others have all been forgiven; your heart has repented. I cannot interfere with the consequences of what has passed, but I will be with you through all things.”

  Selene looked up to him. “But then why did you save Etoileon from Melantha’s conditions?”

  Pegasus shook his head. “I answered his call, Selene. He knows of me, and of Obsidian. Your friend had protection from the dark master because he trusted in the power of the Light; and also because he had something from me, that I had given to you.”

  Selene thought hard and then it hit her. “No! My feather!” she exclaimed. “I gave it to him, but I thought I lost it. Where did it go?”

  “It went into his heart, right in his own body,” Pegasus told her. “And there it kept him alive from Obsidian’s attack. But it would have been useless against the bargain, had Etoileon not have loved you as much as he did.” He leaned closer to Selene and said, “Love is one of the greatest gifts that the Guardian has bestowed upon this world, Selene. While it is considered a weak emotion in this human world, it has the power to do the greatest things. Strength comes from the love that is in the heart.” She looked away and felt a blush rise up on her cheeks.


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