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Brand New Blade: A Paranormal Academy Reverse Harem Romance (Angel Academy Book 1)

Page 9

by Riley London

  “Why not?”

  “Because the less he knows, the safer he is.” Benjamin replied.

  “Do you think we’re about to learn something dangerous?”

  “I have no idea what we’re about to learn, Celeste, but I know that we need to keep it among ourselves.”

  “What about Mrs. Deveraux? We wouldn’t tell her anything about—”

  “Not until we have all the facts. Otherwise, we’d just be opening a case against ourselves, and I’m not interested in being expelled anytime soon.”

  “Why would Mrs. Deveraux expel you for telling her that some she-demon was able to get onto the academy’s campus?”

  “She wouldn’t expel him for that.” Zachary answered for Benjamin. “She’d expel him for cooperating with a demonic spirit.”

  “Cooperating with a demonic spirit? What, like we invited her onto the campus or something?”

  “The direct descendants of Sins don’t just appear on campus, Celeste. From Mrs. Deveraux’s point of view, it might look like one of us let her in.” Zachary explained. “And since Benjamin is caught up in all this, too, we’d all get the boot together.”

  “Cooperating with a demonic spirit goes against everything the angels stand for.” Benjamin jumped back into the conversation. “It’s an unforgivable betrayal.”

  “Shit.” I blew out a heavy breath. “Then, yeah. Let’s keep this to ourselves, until we can figure out what’s going on.”

  “Here. Over here.” Benjamin walked towards a row of books. Each one appeared to be ancient, yet still in pristine condition.

  “Those look like they haven’t been touched for years.” I marveled at the condition of the books. “How is that possible? Don’t people need to look stuff up for class?”

  “Ah, but who has a need to study biblical lineage off-the-record when Mr. Toorin teaches the subject so thoroughly? If you listen enough to Mr. Toorin, you’ll never need to hear another word for as long as you live.” Benjamin chuckled at his own joke, before he moved a tuft of his red hair behind his ear.

  He then glanced back at me and offered me a small smile.

  His eyes...

  I was caught off guard by their depth of blue, the way they caught the moonlight that shone through from the library’s ceiling.

  And a familiar jolt ran across my fingertips.

  Benjamin Nash was beautiful. How had I never noticed that before?

  And why was I even noticing it now?

  I shook the thoughts from my head, as I moved closer to Benjamin. “So, biblical lineage. What are you thinking?”

  “Well, you said that the direct descendant that attacked you mentioned that you looked just like your mother?”


  Benjamin eyed me up and down, and I had to keep myself from blushing like an idiot.

  What the hell was going on with me?

  “Since we’re unsure of who your mother might be, we’ll need to do this not-so-scientifically. We’ll need someone to identify her for us, give us a name to go on.”

  “That sounds good, yeah.” I tore my gaze away from Benjamin, instead choosing to look across the room. “We can do that.”

  “She can bless her own hands.” Zachary moved behind me, until he stood beside Benjamin. “I can’t remember if I told you that part.”

  “Celeste can bless her own hands?” Benjamin picked up a book.

  “Don’t be so surprised. You were the one who told me that it looks like she can raise people from the dead, too.”

  “You think I can raise people from the dead?” I directed my question to Benjamin. “But I thought you said that for all we knew, it could’ve just been that Charlie was the one doing that for himself.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.” Benjamin opened the book, right towards its middle. “But there’s only one way to find out.”

  “How can I help?” I asked. “Which books did you want me to look through?”

  “Oh. Sorry. There must be some misunderstanding.” Benjamin set the book down, before he picked up another. “We’re not going to be searching through any books.”

  “What? Then, how are we going to find out who my mother is?”

  “We’re going to summon a demon.”

  “Are you two out of your minds?” We were standing behind the library building, with Benjamin to my left and Zachary to my right. “Didn’t you just tell me that cooperating with demons was an automatic expulsion?”

  “We’re not cooperating with a demon. We’re summoning a demon.” Benjamin answered.

  “Huge difference.” Zachary chimed in, too. “And something the council does all the time, when they need answers they can’t get on their own. Besides, the physical restraints Michael put on each prince still hold. They’re unable to harm anyone, angel or human, when they surface.”

  “Okay, sure, whatever. But why did we need to find that book on lineage, anyway?”

  “Because we needed to find out who fathered the direct descendant that appeared in your dorm room.” Benjamin flipped to another page of the book. “And the easiest way to find out who fathered a demon is by tracing their bloodline back to the start.”

  Benjamin’s finger then slid down a page, from top to bottom. “Ah. Ashmedai.”

  “Really? He fathered a demon that violent?” Zachary hummed. “That’s surprising. I thought he was more of a lust guy.”

  “I thought so, too.” Zachary placed the book down on the ground, before he looked up at me. “But she had black hair and a silver gown, yes?”

  “Yeah. That was her.”

  “Then, Ashmedai is her father.” Benjamin closed his eyes, before he continued. “Ashmedai, ostende te.”

  He repeated the phrase, again and again, like a chant, like a prayer.

  Zachary eventually joined in, too, closing his eyes.

  After a moment or so had passed, I decided to follow suit, trying my best to pronounce the words that Benjamin had been speaking, over and over.

  And that’s when the ground underneath my feet violently shook.


  The vibrations soon knocked me on my ass, and I fell right onto my elbow.


  I kept my pain to myself, though, as I looked up to see a man now standing in front of us.

  He was classically handsome, with sharp features and dark hair, like the woman who’d been in our dorm room. He was wearing a fancy, sparkling suit made from what looked like the same crystals the woman had been wearing, too, and he carried a golden scepter in his hand.

  But when I looked closely enough, there were amber chains on his wrists that seemed like they were somehow interwoven with his own skin.


  That must’ve been how he was able to subdue all the princes.

  I briefly wondered what those chains were made of, but my attention was soon taken by Ashmedai addressing us all.

  “You requested a meeting with a Prince of Hell, and this is how you dress to greet me?” Ashmedai rolled his eyes. “Angels have no respect. You all look like you just woke up—”

  Ashmedai stopped his own sentence short, as he peered over at me. “Well, well, well. I never thought I’d get the opportunity to have council with you again, your grace.”

  “Do you know who my mom is?” I managed to speak to the man, even though my voice trembled with terror. “Please. That’s all we need to know.”

  “I do apologize, little one, but it would pain me too much to say her name.” Ashmedai shook his head. “And I’m both unwilling and uninterested in harming myself so that angels may be satisfied.”

  “Just tell her what she wants to know, and we’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing today.” Zachary spoke to Ashmedai. “Is the name supposed to be some big secret or something?”

  “I think you misunderstand me, angels. As I’ve said, it would pain me too much to speak her mother’s name, and I dare not mention her occupation. If I were to do something like that for you, I would expect something in ret
urn.” Ashmedai’s eyes began to glow a bright red. “Although, since none of you have graduated yet, it appears all you can offer me is a good time.”

  “Name your price.” Benjamin spoke with confidence. “We can try to procure it for you.”

  Ashmedai grinned, from ear to ear. “All I ask for is your total and complete honesty.”

  “What do you want to know?” Zachary asked.

  “I want to know the one you desire most.” Ashmedai clasped his hands behind his back.

  “That’s it?” Zachary’s tone was lined with suspicion.

  “That’s it.” Ashmedai nodded, but his grin was still firmly in place. “We’ll start with you, your grace.”

  “I’m not sure I understand the question—” Suddenly, my field of vision went black.

  Chapter 7

  “Spaghetti squash or eggplant lasagna?” Charlie called out from the kitchen. “I’m thinking squash, but you’ve never had that before and if you don’t like it, then I know you won’t eat it, and then you’ll end up all sad and hungry for a week.”

  I woke up on my living room couch, with my head feeling like absolute hell.

  “Charlie?” My words came out weak and were followed by a loud groan. “Shit. Charlie. Is that you?”

  “Uh, who else would it be, Celeste? Do you have other guys over here when I’m at work or something?” Charlie laughed.

  What the fuck?

  What was happening right now? How was I back in my apartment?

  Had everything just been a dream? The academy, the library, Benjamin, Zachary, Mrs. Deveraux...

  Had none of it ever existed?

  “Are you alright?” Charlie made his way over to me, as he took a seat beside me on the couch.

  “Yeah. I’m fine.” I lied. “I think...I think maybe I just had a weird dream.”

  “Ooh, weird dream? You know, I’m an expert in those.” Charlie smiled. “Tell me all about it, angel.”



  “Yeah. You know, ‘angel’, the same nickname I’ve been calling you for the past six months.” Charlie laughed. “Are you getting sick of it or something?”

  Charlie then leaned in towards me, before he gave me a lingering kiss. “You’re not getting sick of me, are you?”

  “No.” I shook my head, and Charlie kissed me again.

  “Good.” He pulled me close, until I was basically sitting in his lap. “Because that would really suck.”

  Charlie’s hands went towards my waist, as his fingertips crept up beneath my shirt, and soon his palms were caressing my upper back. He paused for a moment, and then I heard a small, snapping sound, as my bra tumbled down towards my thighs.

  “Charlie!” Instinctively, I covered my chest with my arms. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Shit. I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” Charlie sounded so concerned, as he looked me up and down. “Did you get hurt last night? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I just—since when do you go around taking off my bra?” My confusion showed through my voice.

  “Oh. Is this one of those feminist things?” Charlie smirked. “I get it. It’s the twenty-first century. You can take off your own bra. I won’t do it again. Really, I just wanted to do this...”

  “Do what—Ah!” I yelped in surprise, as I felt Charlie’s thumbs brush over my nipples.

  “Hold on. I think we can do better than that.” Charlie lifted my shirt, until there was enough space for him to press his mouth onto my chest, his lips soon taking one of my nipples between them.

  “Charlie...what...” I moaned, even though I was still perplexed by the entire situation.

  Charlie was way too comfortable with my body.

  Had I woken up in an alternate universe, one where we’d always been together?

  I moaned again when Charlie’s other hand slid between my thighs, his fingers gently moving in circles along my still clothed clit.

  “More?” Charlie asked, moving his head away from my skin.

  “Yes.” My answer came out breathless. “Please.”

  Seeming to take me at my word, Charlie dipped his finger underneath the fabric of my panties. I groaned as he pushed a finger deep inside me and bent forward to rest my head on his shoulder.

  “Fuck. You’re so wet, Celeste.” Charlie quietly laughed. “Did you say you were having a weird dream? Or a wet dream?”

  “Shut up.”

  Charlie laughed again, as he slid another finger inside of me, and I helplessly whimpered against him.

  He brought his mouth back towards my chest, and as he stroked his fingers inside of my pussy, he ran his tongue along my nipple, playfully licking and sucking the sensitive nub.

  My moans grew louder, as I bucked my hips against Charlie’s hand, shamelessly chasing my own release.

  Everything felt so good.

  Being with him felt so good.

  “I love you.” I admitted, as forceful waves threatened to send me over the edge. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.” Charlie replied, as he increased the speed of his fingers. “Now, come for me.”

  I did as I was told, my hips trembling as I came for him.

  “You’re so beautiful. You know that?” Charlie asked, as he moved his fingers away from me. He then pulled me even closer, before he kissed the underside of my jaw, the tip of my nose, my forehead.

  “You, too.” I replied, with a satisfied smile. “So, what’s next on our agenda for the day? You mentioned something about squash?” I couldn’t hide the disdain in my tone.

  “What’s next?” Charlie looked back at me, returning my happy expression. “Benjamin.”

  And then, my world went dark.

  I was in the training room, a fake sword already in my hands.

  Benjamin was standing across from me, with a horrified look on his face. I looked around the rest of the room, trying to find the source of his horror.

  “Benjamin?” I took a step closer to him. “Benjamin? What’s wrong?”

  “Ashmedai.” Benjamin dropped his own sword to the ground. “This is exactly what he wanted.”

  “I don’t understand.” I shook my head. “I don’t even know what you’re saying right now. Who’s Ashmedai?”

  “We hadn’t gotten there in your training yet. The mental component of dealing with demons is always so tricky. I didn’t want to scare you off with the possibility of something like this ever happening.”

  “What is happening?”

  Benjamin’s cheeks reddened, before he answered me. “Ashmedai wanted us to reveal who we desired the most.”

  “Okay?” I looked back at Benjamin. “So, what are we supposed to do now? Do we need to go find someone else?”



  “I said ‘no’, Celeste.”

  “Sorry, but how the hell are we supposed to deal with Ashmedai or whoever if you’re not willing to reveal who you desire the most?” My voice rose with frustration. “I don’t think now is the best time to try and keep that shit a secret, Benjamin, but I promise I won’t tell anyone if it’s like a teacher or something.”

  I then took a moment to process what I’d just said out loud. “Oh. Shit. Wait. Is it a teacher or something?”

  I let out a soft gasp, as another thought ran through my head. “Oh my God. Is it Mrs. Deveraux?”

  “No!” Benjamin snapped, as his eyes met mine. “It’’s you.”


  “Yes.” Benjamin nodded. “It’s you, Celeste.”

  “I don’t understand. You never made a move on me or anything.”

  “I wasn’t raised that way.” Benjamin continued. “Besides, I wouldn’t have made a move on you until after graduation, after we’d both been given our official positions and titles and quadrants.”

  “But why me?” I asked. “There have to be a bunch of angel girls out there, right? I’m not that special—”

  “You are special.�
�� Benjamin interrupted. “And you’re kind. And you’re amusing. And you’re stubborn. And you’re one hell of a fighter, too.”

  “Benjamin, that’s really sweet.” I replied. “I didn’t know you ever thought of me that way.”

  “And? How do you think of me?” Benjamin moved across the room, until we stood nearly face-to-face. “Do you think of me, at all, Celeste?”

  Benjamin’s fingers went towards my skirt, as he bunched the fabric up near my waist. “When you’re alone at you think of me, then?”


  “Have you ever desperately touched yourself, wishing that it was me?” Benjamin looped his thumbs into the sides of my panties, as he began to pull them down. “Have you ever prayed to have me inside of you?”

  A pleasurable chill went straight through my abdomen, before it shifted down just a little bit further.


  I’d never seen this side of Benjamin before, and I couldn’t deny that it was doing something to me.

  He continued to pull down my panties, as he dropped down to his knees. “Spread your legs for me.”

  I immediately obeyed the order, and soon enough, Benjamin’s tongue dragged across my sensitive clit.

  “Benjamin...” I moaned, as he repeated the action. He then moved his hands until they were on either side of my waist, keeping me in place as his tongue thoroughly explored me.

  My knees wobbled, as Benjamin picked up his pace and increased the pressure of his tongue against my clit. From time to time, he’d move his tongue even further back, slowly gliding across my pussy, as if he wanted to taste every last drop of me.

  “Benjamin...Benjamin...” I moaned, as my clit began to throb and ache with the perfect kind of pleasure. “I’m gonna—”

  I didn’t even get to finish my sentence, as I came against Benjamin’s mouth, my cries filling up the entire training room.

  “Fuck...fuck...” I struggled to catch my breath, as I moved away from him. I pulled my panties back up around my waist, worried that someone might catch us at any moment.

  “Don’t worry. No one else is coming.” Benjamin shook his head. “There’s no one here, besides you and me.”


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