Hart, B. H. Liddell, 1, 248
Hedderich, Werner, special operations in Grand Duchy, 41–42
Hill 246, 168–69, 192
Hill 247, 153, 155–56, 168–69, 192
Hitler, Adolf, 38–39
Directive No. 6, 15–16
statement of aims and views on military strategy, 14–15
Huntziger, Charles, 82–83, 100, 103, 318–22
Flavigny meeting, 296
as Second Army commander, 103–10, 287–93
special exercise on conduct of counterattack, 257
infantry, French, see French infantry
Keitel, Wilhelm, 38
German strategy and, 16
Keller, Marie J. P., 300, 335
Keltsch, Colonel, 66–70
Keyaerts, Maurice, in the Ardennes, 43–50
Kirchner, General, 220, 347
Koeltz, General, 102
Krüger, Walter, 48, 66–70
Operation Niwi and, 50–52
La Horgne, cavalry at, 318–22, 319
La Prayella, German capture of, 187
Labarthe, Pierre
capture of, 273
on Chémery action, 272–73
55th Division counterattack and, 268–74
preparation for counterattack and, 258–68
Lacaille, Colonel, 100, 290–91
Lafont, Lieutenant Colonel, 115
Lafontaine, General, 106–7, 323
assessing the situation around Sedan, 251–53
collapse of 55th Division and, 278–79
counterattack and, 277–78
explanation for poor performance of 55th Division, 208–9
panic of the 55th Division and, 200–6
preparation for counterattack and, 257–68
summary of first phase of battle along Meuse, 174–75
Lamay, Lieutenant, 177
Leflon, Captain, at Wadelincourt, 189–90
Litalien, Captain, 196, 197, 198
Loritte, Second Lieutenant, 186
Luxembourg, XIXth Panzer Corps crossing, 37–43
Maginot Line, 5
Maisoncelle, attack toward, 216–19
map exercises, French and German, 78
Marc, Colonel, 87, 92
Martelange, 43–50
Chasseurs Ardennais at, 45–48
first encounter at, 48–50
methodical battle, 23–24
Meuse, Battle of the, 340
blitzkrieg, 341–42
casualties, 348–49
conclusion, 339–50
French counterattacks, 251–79
French defenses, 103–33, 127
French fight, 173–210
German attack, 135–72, 145, 209–10
German command style, 344–47
German pivot and breakout, 211–49
German river crossings, 176–77
German style of leadership, 347
myths about, 350
reasons for the defeat of France at, 343–44
Monnet, Montvignier, counterattack and, 274–78
Nedtwig, Lieutenant Colonel, 221–22
1940 Campaign, see Campaign of 1940
XIXth Panzer Corps, xix, 17
daily log entries on turning to the west, 228–30
degrees of success in crossing Meuse River, 172
Luxembourg crossing, 37–43
Meuse crossing, 135
movement through the Ardennes, 30–37
plan for, 136–38
push toward Poix-Terron, 311–12
Singly attack, 241–44
training, 37
turns to the west, 227–34
see also individual divisions
Ninth Army, intelligence reports, 100
Omont, 14th Infantry Division sealing gap at, 327–33
1/86th Infantry, crossing Meuse River near Wadelincourt, 163–68
147th Fortress Infantry Regiment, 123–24
exchange of personnel, 130
formation of, 123–24
fortifications, 131–33
mission, 124–25
mixing of companies, 131
mobility of weapons, 132
problems within the, 130–33
replacements, 130–31
training, 124, 128–30, 131
units, 123–24
Operation Niwi, 50–52
purpose of, 50
Operations Order Number 1, 297
Penissou, Second Lieutenant, on progress of 1st Battalion, 269–71
Pétain, Philippe, 5
Picault, Captain, 90, 91
Pinaud, Lieutenant Colonel, 115, 123, 189, 269
147th's defensive position and, 124–30
pivot and breakout, 211–49, 213
Plan Yellow, 16–22
information in hands of Allies, 18–19
Playfair, Air Vice Marshal P. H. L., 283
Poix-Terron, 14th Infantry Division sealing gap at, 327–33
Poncelet, Colonel, 203–4
Rethel, advancing toward, 244–47
Rivet, Colonel, 76
Roosevelt, Franklin D., xvi
Rubarth, Staff Sergeant, 195
on breaking through main French defenses, 160–63
Ruby, General, 106
Saint, Crosbie E., foreword by, xi–xii
2nd Armored Division, 333–36
failure of, 336
mission, 333–35
railway movement, 334–35
withdrawal toward Aisne River, 335
Second Army, 287–93
armored vehicles assigned to, 294–95
contingency plan, 289
defensive line, 108–9
divisions in, 104
intelligence reports, 97, 98–99, 100, 101
mission, 103–4
movement of command post, 293–94
positioning of, 105–6
preparations for strengthening, 287–93
process of reinforcements, 287–88
training, 107–8
see also individual divisions
2nd Panzer Division
Ardennes advance, 60–62
Belgium advance, 60–62
at Boutancourt, 324–25
bridge construction over Meuse near Donchery, 171
at Donchery, 169–71
first tank regiment to cross the Meuse, 217
formal plan of attack, 170
mission, 170
moves west, 222–24
objective, 233–34
operating at a disadvantage, 169
bunkers at, 350
counterattack conducted at, 307–8
defending, 109–10
German aerial operations over, 138–41
Semois, terrain of the, 105
Semois River, French defense of the, 89–94
7th Tank Battalion
Chémery action, 272–73
counterattack by, 268–74
problems with movement toward Chémery, 264–65
reasons for failure of, 267–68, 273–74
71st Division, as reserve, 106–7
Singly, attack toward, 241–44
Sixth Army, 311–12
cavalry at Vendresse and La Horgne, 318–22
53rd Infantry Division collapse, 322–27
14th Infantry Division sealing the gaps, 327–33
General Touchon as commander of the, 312–17
mission, 315
opening road to English Channel, 336–38
2nd Armored Division, 333–36
situation morning, 319
see also individual divisions
Stonne, fighting around, 306, 308
strategy, French, see French strategy
strategy, German, see German strategy
Taittinger, Pierre, 109–10
B-1 bis, limitations of, 302–3
losses, 308
Xth Corps, 288
building fortifications
, 114
counterattack exercise in Sedan area, 112–13
fortified houses, 111–12
on importance of German aerial attacks, 140
mission, 110–11
other units of, 113
positions, 111
reserve infantry regiment of, 112
training, 113–14
see also individual divisions
10th Panzer Division
assembling for crossing the Meuse, 59–60
attached to XIV Corps, 236
French counterattacks and, 238–40
initial hours of combat losses, 55
makes contact with French forces near Etalle, 55
missions, 58–59, 159, 234–35
move to the river, 159
move toward Florenville, 58
moves south, 224–27
other attacks launched by, 235–36
Pont Maugis attack, 159–60
role, 54
screening forces, 54
shift to the north, 56–57
Stonne action, 236–38
at Wadelincourt, 158–69
Thirache, Lieutenant, 191
3rd Armored Division, 289–90
counterattack at Sedan, 307–8
failure of, 298–309
inadequate communications equipment, 298
lack of key personnel and equipment, 298
late departure and slow forward movement of, 303–4
performance of, 298
shortage in tanks, 299
southwest of Stonne, 301
tank losses, 308
training, 299
3rd North African Division, 106
3rd Spahis Brigade, 318–22
at La Horgne, 322
mistake made by, in defense of Semois, 91–92
Omicourt and Vendresse action, 321
331st Infantry Regiment, performance of, 206–7
Torcy, 2/147th Infantry Regiment behind, 183–89
Touchon, General, 336
military career, 312–13
mission, 315
as Sixth Army commander, 312–17
under unexpected enemy fire, 337
Trinquand, Colonel, 329–33
XXIst Corps
counterattack by, 294–98
divisions attached to, 298
failure to launch counterattack, 309
missions, 288, 296–97, 301
Operations Order Number 1 issued to, 297
orders, 294
see also individual divisions
2/147th Infantry Regiment
and attack against Hill 247, 187
behind Torcy, 183–89
at Col de la Boulette, 186
fourth organic company of, 183
German capture of La Prayelle, 187
mission, 184
pull back to La Prayelle, 185
three centers of resistance, 183
2/295th Infantry Regiment
behind Wadelincourt, 189–93
at Etadan around Hill 246, 192
near bridge at Pont du Bouillonais, 191
three centers of resistance, 189
2/331st Infantry Regiment
defenders in bunkers near Bellevue, 179
disrupted Germans crossing at Doncery, 179–80
at Frénois, 175–83
at Les Forges, 177
mission, 175
three centers of resistance, 175–76
205th Infantry Regiment, counterattack by, 274–78
213th Infantry Regiment
Boult au Bois action, 258–68
capture of, 273
counterattack by, 268–74
reasons for failure of, 267–68, 273–74
as Xth Corps reserve, 112
cavalry at, 318–22, 319
1st Panzer Division at, 325
German armor-heavy attack against, 321
Verron, Second Lieutenant, 178–79, 181, 182
Vitte, Captain, 186, 188
von Bothmer, Captain, death of, 148
von Brauchitisch, Walther, German strategy and, 16
von Kielmansegg, Major
account of crossing Luxembourg, 39–40
on French line of resistance, 181–82
von Kleist, Ewald
aerial operations over Sedan and, 138–41
on crossing the Meuse, 135
German fight in the Ardennes and, 29–71
Guderian debate, 231–32
Guderian meeting, 248–49
von Mainstein, Erich, German strategy and, 19–20
von Rundstedt, K. R. Gerd, 249
fight in the Ardennes and, 29–71
von Schwerin, Lieutenant Colonel, 220
1/86th Infantry crossing Meuse River near, 163–68
10th Panzer Division at, 158–69
2/295th Infantry Regiment behind, 189–93
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