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Bond Deeper Than Blood

Page 5

by K. Webster

  A shiver ripples down my spine at the memory. To this day, Laurent’s voice is so loud and clear in my mind. I can barely remember what my mother looked like, much less her voice, but I remember every detail about Laurent.

  Because of my driving need to kill him, I’ve forever immortalized him in my brain. On the lonely nights in foster care, I remembered our times together. When I was afraid of Griffin and everything he did to me, I imagined Laurent showing up to save me. He’s stayed such a focus in my mind, that when I finally do drive a stake through his heart, I worry about losing all those good memories and thoughts of him.


  I suck in a sharp breath, pausing on the path I’m walking on.

  Focus, Casti.

  “Leave,” someone whispers nearby. The voice is young. “Now.”

  Whipping my head toward a copse of trees, I squint into the darkness. Rather than shy away, I pull my ruby stakes out and prowl in the direction of the voice.

  “You must leave,” the voice says again.

  A menacing growl echoes through the trees.

  “Foolish woman, leave.” This time, the voice sounds like it’s behind me.

  I’m not focused on the man who warns me but instead stalk the thing in the trees. The growling grows louder. I realize all too late why.

  There are many.

  I’ve stumbled upon the horde.

  Though I’m no doubt outnumbered, I can handle this. I’ve handled so much more since I joined E.V.I.E. It’s what I’m trained to do.

  Something hisses and then with superhuman speed, a vampire flies from the shadows, fangs bared. I get a glimpse of its milky eyes before it reaches me. Crouching just before it hits me, I manage to evade it, sending it hurtling over me. It stumbles, snarling in rage. I run over to it, shoving my stake through its back, though not with enough force to reach its heart. With a swift kick downward, I drive the stake the rest of the way through it.

  Red lightning alights the dark forested area.

  Quickly, I yank my stake from the burning corpse and fling around to fight off my next attacker. Somewhere nearby, I can hear snarling as a struggle ensues. Whoever tried to warn me off is apparently helping.

  Two flashes of white hair fly past me, not bothering to stop. Self-preservation is clearly on their agenda. I know, without even seeing their faces or hearing their voices, they’re the ones who killed my family. I want to chase after them with everything in me, but I have one person on my mind.


  He’s the only thing that matters right now.

  Above vengeance, I must conduct my compassion kill.

  Mercy be thy way.

  A vampire charges straight for me. Long, dark hair hangs in its face. Murky white eyes meet mine, causing me to freeze.

  I didn’t expect him to look so lost.

  My moment of sudden sadness has him gaining the upper hand. He tackles me painfully to the ground. I cry out, struggling against his hold. His strong hands have my wrists pinned to the earth as he bares his fangs at me.

  So sharp.

  So long.

  I don’t want to die.

  I can’t die.

  Mercy needs me.

  A sob climbs up my throat and tears leak down my temples. Laurent lowers his mouth, his nostrils flaring as he inhales. Red flickers behind the white fog in his eyes. I expect my throat to be torn out, but he seems frozen, a war battling inside my head.

  “Laurent,” I croak. “Please don’t do this.”

  He’s ripped off me in an instant. I scramble to my feet, my chest heaving. Laurent roars and struggles, trying to get to me, but the man—er, teenager—behind him, holds him tight.

  “I need to kill him,” I whimper, fighting tears. “It’s what I came here to do. It has to be me.”

  “Darling,” the teen says, “I can’t let you do that. I’m here to save him.”

  “No,” I bark out. “He can’t live like this. This isn’t him.”

  I take a step forward and the boy shakes his head. “Don’t move. I’m an ancient vampire, darling, and I could take you out in a second, especially with this feral beast to distract you.”

  I pause, scowling at him. “Why?”

  “Because he deserves more than to live his life diseased by those monsters, untrained and driven by thirst alone.” He sighs as he bites into his own wrist. “He deserves a chance.”


  “Beck.” He narrows his red eyes at me. “And you’re Castilla. I know where you live and that you have a daughter named Mercy.”

  I stumble back, which causes Laurent to growl harder. “W-What? You stay away from my daughter!”

  “I don’t make promises I can’t keep, but I assure you, I’ll stay away for the time being,” Beck says as he brings his bleeding wrist to Laurent’s mouth.

  Laurent ceases his struggling as he latches onto it. He greedily gulps down the blood. It leaks from the corner of his mouth, dripping from his chin. I’m frozen, watching with rapt fascination.

  “What are you doing to him?” I croak out. “Are you hurting him?”

  “Quite the contrary, darling. I’m hoping to chase that wretched illness from his veins.”

  “What then?”

  “Only time will tell.” He smiles broadly at me, showing off his pointy incisors. “Until we meet again.”

  A flash blurs past me and before I can even suck in my next breath, I realize they’re gone.

  Defeat washes over me. For years I’ve waited for this moment. Years. And in a blink, the chance is gone. It bothers me that he took Laurent, but at the same time, I feel relieved he’s away from the pale-haired twins. Beck, though outwardly young in appearance, seemed wise. Maybe he can help Laurent.

  Then what?

  Then, I’ll kill him. I’ll kill them both. And the pale-haired twins too.

  Something tells me it won’t be that easy.

  Nothing ever is.


  Three months later…

  He’s made of stone. Hard, solid muscle pressing into every inch of my body. I fight against his hold, but his grip on my wrists is unyielding. His dark brown messy hair has been clipped short on the sides and is longer on top, flopping over one brow.

  White, cloudy eyes are gone and flaming crimson ones bore into me.

  And fangs.

  Dear God, his fangs are sharp.

  As though he’s clued into my thoughts, he smiles wider. It reminds me of when I was a little girl. The urge to free my hands to wrap them around his solid body rather than trying to drive a stake through it is strong.

  “Castilla,” he rumbles, his voice a deep growl as it caresses every letter in my name. “I’ve missed you.”

  I whimper, which makes his eyes flash with hunger.



  Jude’s voice has me jerking upright, a slight blush burning over my cheeks. For three months, I’ve had the same recurring dream. Laurent. A vampire, but different. Somehow more like his old self, not the monster who wanted to tear my throat out at the park.

  “What’s going on with you?” Jude demands. “You’re off your game. Is it Mercy?”

  I shake my head, sighing. “No. Just thinking about Laurent. I screwed up and it haunts me every day.”

  “You need a break,” Jude says. “You’re tired.”

  “I’m not,” I lie.

  He’s right, though. I’m beyond exhausted. Mercy’s health has steadily declined despite her treatments and it’s worrying. Furthermore, I haven’t been able to get ahold of Loey. She’s missed our monthly meetups, which makes me wonder if she finally met the death she so badly craved. I haven’t been able to locate the pale-haired twins or Laurent. To add insult to injury, Griffin stops by the apartment a couple times a week and I have to force him to leave.

  “Any word on Loey?” I ask, hating how my heart clenches painfully in my chest. At the end of the day, she’s a vampire. I wasn’t supp
osed to grow so close to her, but I have. It hurts knowing she may be dead, or worse, captured.

  “None, but I have people on it. I’ll find her for you. Dead or alive.” He leans forward, resting his elbows on his desk. “I need a favor, Casti.”

  “Of course,” I reply without hesitation. “Always for you.”

  He smiles, his gaze roaming over my face in a loving way. If my brother Jesse ever grew to be a man, I imagine he’d be like Jude. Protective and caring and gentle, but fierce as fuck if anyone tries to mess with me.

  “Everything is going to be okay,” Jude assures me. “Mercy. Laurent. Loey. Those mad twins. Some things just take time.”

  “Like Mikey?” I tease.

  Jude grumbles. He had a helluva time getting Mikey on board after we “recruited” him by force. James has got stuck with the task of having to retrieve him a few times once he escaped.

  “Mikey doesn’t understand his purpose yet, but he will. It’s a long game, yes, but one I’m willing to play.” Jude steeples his fingers, his eyes glinting. “I’m not worried about Mikey. I am, however, worried about something.”

  “If you’re worried, I’m worried. How do we fix it?” I ask.

  He sighs in relief. “You know you’re one of the few people I can trust.”

  “Because we’re family,” I say, a soft smile on my lips.

  His features grow gentle. “Yes, family. Which is why I need someone not only trustworthy, but capable to help me.” He lets out a frustrated sigh. “There’s been buzz about a demon headed here. A powerful one. She could be trouble.”

  “You’re bigger trouble for any demon,” I remind him. It’s the truth. Jude taught me everything I know and can do it ten times better. He’s a beast where it counts, and in his profession, it counts on all levels of his job.

  “If it’s a trap, I can’t leave E.V.I.E. exposed like that. You know the less I get out there and handle problems, the better. All it takes is an ambush, then everything we’ve created here at E.V.I.E. is at risk.”

  “Okay, so you want me to what? Kill it? What kind of demon is she? Will I need to bring a witch with me?” I hate dealing with witches, but we have some allies within the organization who aren’t all difficult. Still, I’d prefer to go at it alone.

  “Nah,” Jude grunts. “I want this on the down low. Witches tend to run their mouths and you’re my best secret keeper. Depending on how powerful she is, I could use her for E.V.I.E. related missions.”

  “A weapon?” I say, arching a brow.

  “It’s best to have weapons of all kinds in our arsenal. As you know, the supe world doesn’t just consist of vampires. Most of the other supes tend to stick to their corners, but every now and again, they like to get in our way. This insures we stay on top and ahead of the game.”

  “Always the strategist,” I tell him. “On top and five moves ahead of everyone else.”

  “It’s why I have this job and someone like James does not,” he says with a smug grin.

  I roll my eyes at him, which makes him chuckle. “Fine, King of Everything, where do I find this demon?”

  “The nightclub. I think she’s planning to come through the portal.”

  I perk up, eager to check around and ask about Loey while I’m there. “Done.”

  We both stand and he comes around to my side of his desk. I get pulled into his arms for a brotherly hug. It’s hard warming up to people and letting them in, but I guess Jude wormed his way in long ago. I take a moment to inhale his scent and let out a content sigh.

  “Stay alive for me, kid.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of dying while on your payroll. It’d be bad for employee morale.”

  He kisses the top of my head and then hands me the file he’s compiled on this demon. “Get out of here. See you and the demon soon.”

  His unwavering confidence in me has me straightening my spine, eager to pull off yet another difficult task for him.

  The nightclub isn’t as busy tonight, which I’m thankful for. I can stick to the shadows and check out each and every person who walks by. I’d asked around a few regulars if they’d seen Loey, but they hadn’t. With each day that passes, I get sicker about the whole thing.

  Before I left Jude’s, I skimmed over the file. The demon’s name is Violet. Purple hair and glowing purple eyes. Hard to miss. So far, no one meets the bill.

  “Fucking bitch!” someone yells from the hallway that leads to the bathrooms.

  I prowl in that direction, sidestepping drunks left and right. A man is sitting on his ass, staring through an open door that must be a storage room or something. He’s rubbing at his throat, pissed as hell. Based on his overabundance of hair on his hands, I’d say he’s part wolf. Fucking shifters can be such alpha assholes.

  “Time to scram, pooch boy,” I tell him as I approach. “You’re in the wrong nightclub if you think you can push around a lady around here.”

  He scrambles to his feet and spits in disgust. “Human.”

  “A human who won’t think twice about castrating you before the next full moon. Beat it or I’ll show you what it feels like to get your ass kicked by a human.”

  “I’m not scared of you,” he growls. “I could tear your throat out—”

  A flash of purple fury explodes forward, slamming the shifter into the wall. He struggles and gasps, fighting against her.


  This is most definitely my demon.

  “We both require an apology now,” Violet says, her voice cruel and unyielding.

  “Fuck you,” he snarls.

  I walk right up to him, pulling my stake from my leather vest. He whines like a kicked puppy when I press it against his ribs. Violet’s eyebrow arches up, clearly amused by my presence.

  “Say you’re sorry,” I bark out. “We’re waiting.”

  “Lesbian cunts,” the shifter snaps.

  “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words are just pissing me off.” I narrow my eyes at him.

  “Is that how the saying goes?” Violet asks, smirking.

  “I’m improvising.” I glower at him. “Just like I’ll improvise on killing a shifter. You see, I know how to correctly kill you. Took that class last year. Pretty easy. However, I’ve never tried to kill one with one of my ruby stakes.” As though being summoned, the red lightning glows in the dark hallway, zapping into his body as a warning. The scent of piss permeates the air. “I could kill you I’m certain with the same stakes that have killed hundreds of vampires, but, dog, I think it’ll be much more satisfying to watch you have to go back into that club with piss running down your leg.”

  Violet wrenches him away from me and shoves him. “Go, dog, go.”

  He scampers away, cursing under his breath. Pussy.

  “You must be Violet,” I say as I shove my stake back into my vest. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “Have you, now?” Her purple eyes seem to glow brighter.

  “My boss, Jude, head of E.V.I.E. has requested I bring you in.”

  “You’re not going to detain me and drag me in?” she challenges, her body seeming to thrum with the idea.

  “I’m more of a killer than hired muscle,” I say, motioning at my body. “It’ll be much easier if you just come along and hear what Jude has to say.”

  “Hmph,” she says, studying me in a way that feels all too invasive. “I was expecting a fight.”

  “I mean, we could knock each other around a bit if you want, but I’d much rather finish my night without a busted lip. It’s been a long day.”

  She laughs. “Straight shooter. I like that. Let’s go then. Take me to your leader.”

  “He’s a good guy and an excellent strategist. Be nice to him, demon.”

  A snort escapes her. “Nice? All I can promise is to let you escort me there. Once I meet with him, it’ll be up to him whether I’m nice or not.”

  “Fair enough. I must warn you, though. He has a dog and if he feels like his master is threatened in any way, he�
�ll make a demon doggie snack out of you.”

  “Dogs love me,” she assures me. “Men…that’s a little more complicated.” She motions ahead of us. “Lead the way, slayer.”

  The Uber drops me off on the corner between my building and the one next door. It’s dark tonight, the moon and stars hidden by the heavy cloud cover. The one sole light that illuminates the alleyway is out again, which means kids probably threw rocks at it to knock it out. I’m irritated that it’s one more thing I have on my to-do list. Tell the building manager to change the bulb. I’m bristling with annoyance when I feel it.

  Another presence.

  I pause, angling my head to listen for any unusual sounds. Slowly, I withdraw my ruby stakes, one in each hand, and continue my way down the alley with caution.

  The closer I get to the door that leads into my building, the hairs on my arms stand on end. My heart rate speeds up and a slick, oily feeling washes over me.


  The voice—deep and growly—has me frozen in equal parts fear and confusion. I’ve heard it every night in my dreams, so I can’t be sure if I’m imagining it or not. The only person who calls me by my full name is—

  My thoughts are knocked out of my head as something strong and powerful leaps out of the shadows, pouncing on me. I cry out in surprise and then anger as I’m pinned to the brick wall, my arms in the grip of…him.


  Not the one from the park or the one from the past.

  The one from my dreams.

  Same crimson eyes. Same hairstyle. Same intensity.

  I can’t control the whimper that claws up my throat. I’m struggling against his hold, but he’s too strong.

  “Let me go,” I command, my voice a harsh whisper.

  Red lightning cracks from my stakes in my hands, bathing Laurent and the alleyway with red light. From behind him, a man approaches, and for one quick second, I am almost relieved when I think it’s Griffin. I hate him, but could sure use his assistance right about now.

  “Hello, darling,” the voice says.


  “Fancy meeting you again,” Beck says, still not revealing himself fully from the shadows. “Are you ready to put the stakes away so we can have an adult conversation?”


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