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Bond Deeper Than Blood

Page 9

by K. Webster

  We spend the next little while getting ready. At the first sign of darkness, Laurent appears in my living room. He strides right over to me, pulls me to him, and kisses the fire out of me.

  “I missed you,” he whispers against my lips. “So much.”

  “I missed you too.” I’ve been reduced to a lovesick teenage girl. “I want to go home with you tonight. Both of us.”

  His eyes widen in surprise. “To see if Beck can treat her?”

  “Yes,” I admit, “and to see where you live. Mercy doesn’t get out much. I think she would have fun.”

  He grins at me, delight shining in his red eyes. “I might keep you there forever.”

  “If Beck heals my daughter, I might just let you.”




  Our happy time is cut short when the front door splinters as two vampires burst through it. Beck tumbles inside, snarling at Weston. I shriek, shoving my daughter behind me as I curse the fact my stakes are in my bedroom.

  Laurent hisses, standing in a protective stance in front of us as Wynona steps past Beck and Weston, who are still wrestling for the upper hand.

  “There you are, dog,” she purrs. “We’ve been looking for you.”

  Laurent growls. “Leave, bitch.”

  “Don’t be rude to your mommy.” Her murky white eyes widen when she locks eyes with me. “The little girl grew up. Are you playing house with her now?”

  “Stay back,” Laurent roars when Wynona steps forward.

  “We can turn them both,” Wynona offers. “You can keep them forever.”

  “Stay the fuck away from my family,” Laurent snarls at her.

  Wynona screeches, lurching forward, but Laurent is quicker. Stronger. Fiercer. He grabs her and pulls her into a choke hold. She flails and hisses, but he’s too strong.

  “I should rip your head off your shoulders,” Laurent growls.

  I touch his back, reminding him they need to live in order to complete my deal with Beck. As much as I want them to die, I can’t lose Mercy over vengeance.

  “You’re going home,” Laurent snaps. “Beck, you good?”

  Beck has also subdued the other vampire, though he’s a lot more disheveled than Laurent.

  “Ready,” Beck says.

  “You won’t be gone long?” I ask, my voice a soft squeak.

  “We’ll be back before dawn,” Beck assures me. “Let’s go.”

  The four of them teleport in a flash.

  “They got the bad guys!” Mercy cheers.

  My heart is racing in my chest. “They sure did, baby.”

  I turn to kneel in front of her. My hand shakes as I run it over her pale face, assessing her for damages even though I know she was safe behind me. Soon, this will be all over.

  “They were right,” a cold voice says from behind me.

  I’m on my feet in the next instant, swiveling around to face the person in my apartment. Him. Griffin. The fangless monster in my world.

  “Get out,” I snap, injecting all the venom I have into my voice.

  “Not without my daughter.”

  “She’s not yours. She never was yours. She never will be yours.”

  “DNA says differently.”

  “Fuck DNA!” I bellow. “Get out!”

  “You know, Casti, I let you play mommy and do your thing, but tonight proves what those vampires told me. You’re not in security or some cop. You’re a vampire fucker. That shit will get my child killed and I won’t sit around for it.” He bends to pick up a broken piece of my door. “Come to Daddy, Mercy.”

  “No,” she whispers. “You’re not my daddy.”

  Griffin stands up, his blue eyes flashing in fury. “I’m your father and if you keep up the back talk, I’ll punish you. You may have gotten away with shit like that with your mother, but it won’t happen with me.”

  “Get the fuck out of my apartment you rapist piece of shit,” I hiss. “Go!”

  “Not without what I came for.”

  He moves too quickly and before I can protect myself, he smacks me in the head with the wood. Stars glitter in my vision. I hit the ground hard, blacking out.

  I can hear her screams until they fade into nothing.

  He took her and I can’t do anything about it.


  The Pale Province is cold and desolate. I don’t like it and my heart calls for me to reenter my own realm. Being in another realm feels as though all my connections to Castilla have been severed. Like the removal of a limb. I hate the sick feeling roiling in my stomach.

  For years, I drifted, disconnected from everything.

  In the blink of an eye, Castilla was back in my life. Beautiful. Older. Tough. I’d worked so hard to be the man she needs, even if I am a vampire. Touching her bonded me to her, but kissing her, tasting her, fucking her… As soon as we took that final step, I felt her. Heard her. Practically became one with her. From all the way across the state of New York, I could feel her emotions and need coursing through invisible cords that bound us. I’d damn near gone crazy with the need to get back to her. And now? Now it feels as though she’s dead to me. I hate it with everything in my being.

  “May I offer you a drink?” a servant asks, his smile polite.

  “No, thank you.”

  I’ve been waiting here for hours while Beck speaks to the twins’ father in privacy. They’ve been locked inside a cell in the catacombs beneath the royal castle, awaiting whatever it is Marlon has planned for them. I’d wanted to leave, but Beck asked me to stay. I owe him that much. Plus, he thinks he can help Mercy. I’d do anything for those girls, even if that means having to be bored out of my skull while Beck has a family reunion.

  Beck finally returns with Marlon. Marlon thanks us for our assistance and then disappears.

  “We good to leave?” I ask, practically thrumming with the need to teleport.

  He nods. “They’ve been detained. If he can’t get his serum to work, they’ll be dead at first light.”

  Music to my ears.

  “Great, let’s go. I have a bad feeling.”

  We teleport back to Castilla’s. The moment I see a man holding her, I bare my fangs, ready to pounce.

  “Let her go!” I roar, fury in my words making me tremble.

  “It’s just Jude,” Castilla says. “Oh, Laurent! He took her!”

  She runs from the man’s arms right into mine as I try to make sense of her words. Who took who? Her tears soak my shirt as she sobs. I hug her tight, kissing her head.

  “What happened?” I demand, my eyes locking with Jude’s.

  His lips press together in a firm line. “Griffin took Mercy.”


  I remember the motherfucker’s name because it was right after I made Castilla mine that she revealed how he raped her as a young teenager. That monster will die soon.

  “Where could he have gone?” I ask, my body shaking with rage. “I will kill him for you. Bring his fucking head back on a stick.”

  “I have my people on it,” Jude assures me. “They’re looking as we speak. We’re just waiting on some sort of intel so we can go after her.”

  “She’s not far,” Beck says.

  “What? How do you know?” Castilla demands as she pulls away to regard Beck.

  “I’ve tasted her blood. It’s unique and bitter and tainted. I can smell it from miles away.” He points north. “We’ll find her.”

  Jude storms over to Beck, poking him in his chest. “You tasted her blood? She’s a fucking kid, man!”

  “It was an accident and I’m going to heal her. We just have to find her first.” Beck sighs and shakes his head. “If you’re done berating me, let’s go.”

  Jude gets called away by a crisis at the organization he works for, which is fine by me. I breathe a little better when the man isn’t touching my girl. She’s distraught and terrified for Mercy. The only man she needs comforting her is me.

  “I hate him,” Castilla
grumbles for the millionth time. “I’m going to kill him.”

  And I’ll help.

  That fucker needs to die. Mercy doesn’t need her sperm donor taking care of her. She has me. I could be a much better father than Griffin could ever dream of. I missed my chance with Castilla and my son, Jesse, but I’ll be damned if I miss that opportunity with Mercy.

  Beck stops, his entire body tensing.

  “What is it?” Castilla demands. “Did he hurt her?”

  “She’s weakening. Mercy is scared and it’s depleting her of her energy. I think she just passed out.” His jaw clenches. “He’s keeping her on the move and it’s wearing her out. We’re running out of time.”

  I grab Castilla’s wrist and we run faster down the street. We could teleport if we knew where they were. Right now, we’re just chasing how Beck can sense her. The sky is beginning to turn purple, which means in another half hour or so, we’re fucked. Beck and I will be forced to leave. The thought of leaving Castilla alone to deal with the search of Mercy by herself sickens me.

  I’m a fucking vampire.

  I should be powerful. No match against a human man.

  And yet…

  In thirty minutes, I’ll be worthless.

  “This way,” Beck growls. “Something’s happened!”

  He flashes ahead, but I can’t leave Castilla alone. She runs as fast as she can. Time passes too quickly as we race after him.

  The sun will be here soon.

  So soon.

  I can practically feel it already sizzling my flesh.

  “There,” Beck barks out, running between two buildings.

  We reach them in no time. Mercy is unconscious in Griffin’s arms and his eyes are wild.

  “We were supposed to be a family,” Griffin chokes out. “Now she’s dead.”

  “She’s not dead,” Beck snaps. “Give her to me.”

  Griffin shakes his head, tears rolling down his cheeks. “No.”

  Castilla steps forward. “Griff, honey, look at me. Mercy is dying. If we don’t let Beck heal her, she’ll die. Please, I need you to do this for our daughter.”

  I suppress a growl deep in my throat. I want to tear his throat out with my teeth, but he’s holding precious cargo and we’re on borrowed time. Castilla knows this motherfucker better than I do. I have to trust her to lead.

  “Give her to Beck, Griff.”

  “So your bloodsucker boyfriend can kill me?” he roars. “Fuck no!”

  “Please,” Castilla begs. “I’m what you really want and you know it. Let him take her and then you can have me.”

  “No,” I snarl. “Absolutely not. You’re both coming home with us.”

  Griffin’s eyes narrow at me. “You’d choose me over him?”

  Castilla tenses. “I’m choosing Mercy. Do we have a deal?”

  Minutes pass while he debates his answers. The sky above us is lightening to a light purplish-blue. We’re out of time.

  “Griffin, just give her to him.” Castilla approaches him and stands too close to him, not thinking about her own safety but only Mercy’s. Griffin seizes Castilla’s arm with his free hand, locking her in his tight grip. If I take Castilla to teleport, I’ll take him too. Fuck. “Now.”

  Beck rushes forward, snagging Mercy from his arms. I start forward, but Castilla stops me with her words as Griffin drags her against his chest, his hand gripping her delicate jaw in a way that says he could snap her neck in an instant. The violence in his eyes says he will.

  “Go, Laurent. Now before it’s too late.” She glances at the sky just as my skin begins to sizzle as the sun’s harmful rays threaten to end my existence. “Come back for me.”

  I don’t want to leave.

  I can’t.

  He’ll hurt her. I know this with every fiber of my being.

  Beck grabs my arm and before I can protest, we’re in the dark safety of his room. I lose myself to rage, cursing and punching every wall in sight. Beck sets Mercy down and tries speaking to her.

  “Get over here and help me,” he barks out. “I need you to bite her.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I roar. “We’re supposed to be helping her!”

  “It’s just so we can remove the toxic blood. Not all of it. Just enough that mine can help. I can’t do both. Come now, Laurent. I need you to save this little girl.”

  I let out a frustrated groan because everything in me screams to teleport back to Castilla even if it means death by burning from the sun. But I know Castilla trusted me to handle Mercy. I can’t let her down.

  I bring Mercy’s dainty wrist to my mouth. It pains me to have to bite her, but I know it’s necessary. As soon as I suck the tainted blood into my mouth, I wince. It’s horrible, but it needs removing. Despite the roiling in my gut, I gulp and gulp and gulp. It isn’t until I’m shoved away that I realize I might have once again gone too far.

  Beck licks the wound closed and then bites his own wrist. He holds his gushing wrist to her open mouth, filling it with his powerful blood. His fingers massage at her throat, forcing the liquid down. She chokes and sputters but then grips his arm, sucking in his healing blood. He lets this go on until he starts to sway.

  “You should stop,” I growl at him.

  “Not yet.” He trembles. “She needs more.”

  I grip Mercy’s free hand and squeeze it. “Almost done, darling.”

  “Call for a maid,” Beck mutters. “I’ll need to feed immediately.”

  Flashing out of the room, I round up his favorite maid and then hurry back. He’s on his side, gray and unmoving when I reach them. Mercy is greedily gulping from his wrist, crimson running down her chin.


  I grab his arm and pull it from her mouth. She starts to pitch a fit, kicking and screaming and crying. Lucky for me, she’s a small child and can be overpowered.

  “Feed him,” I bark at the maid. “Now.”

  She rushes over to him, lifts her skirt, and straddles his head, offering her femoral to him. It takes some maneuvering on her part, but she manages to nick her flesh with his teeth. I can tell the moment when he comes to because his hands grip her thighs. Mercy continues to cry and howl. A terrifying growl I’ve never heard rumbles from Beck—protective and fierce.

  I need to keep her quiet.

  In his weakened state, there’s no telling what he would do.

  Softly, I sing to Mercy. I sing her songs that used to be her mother’s favorites and ones I made up about her mother. It doesn’t take long before she’s quiet, staring up at me with awe. I stroke her hair and kiss her forehead, thankful she’s alive. Only time will tell if this thing Beck did will work.

  “Where’s Mommy?” Mercy says, finally calm.

  “She’ll be here soon.” The lie on my tongue is bitter. Truth is, I don’t know if we’ll ever see her again. I left her with her worst nightmare. And I have to wait until dark to get her back. I just hope it won’t be too late.


  Allowing Griffin to take me to his apartment was a bad idea. But I was too depleted of energy to run away. All I need to do is make it through twelve hours and then Laurent will be back for me. He’ll take me to Beck’s and I can see my little girl, who I hope to God is okay.

  “I could make you some breakfast,” Griffin says. “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes,” I lie. Right now I feel like puking. “Please.”

  He walks into the kitchen while I quickly glance around his space. I have my stakes, but those aren’t too effective on a human. I could run, but Griffin is fit and could easily outrun me. I need to be smart. Stalling is my best option until I can call for help or sneak away.

  “What’s wrong with Mercy?” he asks from the kitchen.

  Anger flashes hot through me. “There’s nothing wrong with her. She’s perfect.”

  He emerges from the kitchen, his features twisted into an annoyed scowl. “You know what I mean, Casti. Why is she dying?”

  “A blood disorder,” I snap. “
The transfusions aren’t working anymore.”

  “What a shame,” he says, approaching me. “We can make another one, babe.”

  I blink at him in horror. “What?”

  “A child. We made one before and we can make another one. Maybe this one will do better being raised by both parents.” He shrugs.

  “Fuck. You.” I shove him hard. “You asshole!”

  His eyes narrow and his lip curls up. “Maybe next time, you can put up less of a fight. All that trauma during conception probably damaged our baby.”

  Rage explodes inside of me. I smack his face hard.

  “How dare you insinuate—”

  The words are knocked out of my mouth when he smacks me back. Harder. With more force. Before I can recover, he grabs me, yanking me to him. I scream and kick out, but he’s too strong. All the classes with Jude fly out the window. I trained heavily for this moment, but terror consumes me like a tidal wave. He carries me to his bedroom. I freeze as a despondent wail escapes me.


  I can’t do this again.

  Please, no.

  He flings me onto the bed. I scream, launching myself away from him, but he’s too quick. I’m dragged back toward him, my ass prone to him. He presses his body against mine, pinning me to the bed as his hand curls around my throat.

  Tears rush down my cheeks as I squirm. His grip tightens, cutting off my air supply. Sickness creeps through me at the realization his now-hard dick is rubbing against me through our clothes.

  Horrors of the past come flashing back.

  I cry hard, and unable to suck in air, I begin to black out. His free hand gropes me in all the places that aren’t his. The despair of my situation wins. I pass out in the monster’s arms.

  In and out.

  Out and in.

  I’m dizzied and confused as I blink my eyes open. It all comes rushing back. As the sunset blazes in through the window, I know I’ve spent all day in the monster’s clutches. Each time I come to, I rage at him until he chokes me out again. My throat is sore and swollen. It’s better than the alternative. Just thinking about him inside of me again has bile creeping up my throat.


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