The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance

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The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance Page 5

by Jennifer Domenico

  I take a bite of my eggs considering what he just said. “Are you bisexual or something?”

  “I haven’t bothered to label it. It’s very sporadic. I do what I want, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been in a situation like last night. It’s never been with someone I consider a really good friend like you.”

  I’m trying to process all of this. “Do you have sex with men?”

  Ben sips his coffee calmly, but I know him. I can see the nerves under the surface. “I have done some things with men in the past. Not alone. Always with a woman or two. I’m really open-minded. I’m sexually attracted more to the situation than the gender of the participants.”

  “I see.” I take a few bites as an awkward silence settles over us. How do I feel about this?

  “Are you freaked out?” Ben finally asks.

  Am I? I don’t think so. “No.”

  “Well, what are you thinking?”

  “Are you telling me this because you want to know if I’m the same way?”

  “I’m telling you because…” He shakes his head.


  “It’s relevant. We’re in this thing now with Georgie, and she obviously pushes the boundaries. I was into it, but I don’t want to do something that pisses you off or makes you uncomfortable. I want us to be upfront about where the line is. I don’t have one, but I need to know where yours is.”

  “I’ve never considered it. Last night I was caught up in the moment. I was feeling good and wanted to please Georgie. It was new and interesting. I didn’t really think beyond that.”

  “Do you regret anything that happened?”

  I pause, truly asking myself the question. “No.”

  I notice how his shoulders drop. “Good. That’s good. I don’t want any of this to mess up what we have, you know.”


  “But I want her.”

  “Me too.”



  His eyes meet mine, and he looks more serious than I’ve ever seen him. “I want you too.”

  My mouth falls open. Georgie was right. “Uh, in what way?”

  “I want the three of us to be able to do whatever feels good. I want you to let that happen.”

  I put my fork down and lean close. “Are you telling me you want to fuck me?”

  Ben averts his eyes, shaking his head. “No.” He looks around. “Like last night. What we did together. Shit like that.”

  “Shit like that. Look at me, Ben.” He gazes up with a tortured look in his eyes. “Tell me what you want to do with me. I need to know what I’m being asked.” He looks away again. “Are you ashamed?”

  “No.” He meets my gaze. “I own who I am completely. I’ve just never really talked about it directly. It sort of just happens like last night did.”

  “Then why are you talking about it now?”

  “Because you mean a lot to me as a friend and a colleague. I want you to be okay with who I am.”

  “That’s not a problem. I don’t judge you at all. Last night was new for me, but I was so fucking turned on by that woman, I think I would’ve done anything she asked.”

  “So we keep doing this and lines gets crossed. Are we gonna be good? No weirdness the next day?”

  “I still don’t know what you’re asking me to do. You’re being vague. You need to sell me on this. Tell me exactly what you want. Close the fucking deal, Ben.”

  He exhales slowly. “I want to fuck Georgie with you. I want to get as dirty as she’ll let us go. I want to go down on her.” He fixes his eyes on me. “And you. When you’ve got your dick in her, my tongue will be between you. Maybe more. I want epic shit.”

  I blink rapidly, surprised by his bluntness, but I asked for it. “What do you want from me in return?”

  “Whatever you’re willing to give.”

  I nod, staring into my coffee cup. I guess it’s time I explored my feelings about what happened last night and what will happen next. We eat in silence for several minutes whilst my head feels like it’s going to explode. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy what we did. Yes, there was hesitation, but it didn’t bother me when our tongues touched or even when we wanked each other off. It was hot. It was exciting. I never thought I would be okay with a man touching me or vice versa, but it’s Ben. Would I be okay with more? When I’m done eating, I lean back against the booth.


  He gazes up at me. “Yeah?”

  “I’ll tell you what I want now.” He nods, looking nervous. “I want to fuck Georgie too. I think what we did last night was cool. It was exciting. I didn’t really want to think about it, you know, the things you and I did, but I have to.”

  “It doesn’t make us gay.”

  “I’m quite certain I’m not gay.”

  “I know, but a lot of guys think it changes who they are, and it doesn’t. It doesn’t even mean we’re bi. It’s just—”

  “Can I finish?”

  Ben nods. “Yeah.”

  “Now that I’ve had a chance to think about it I think I can be open to what may happen next.”

  Ben’s eyes widen. “Really?”

  “Like last night I have to be in the situation. I honestly think because it’s you, I’m more comfortable with it all. The combination of the three of us is pretty intense. It’s new and a bit strange, if I’m honest, but when I look back and examine my reactions I’m not against it.”

  Ben nods. “Then I have a proposition.”

  I chuckle. “The last proposition ended with us in a threesome.”

  “Yeah.” He grins. “Can we make a pact right now that we separate our life outside of Georgie and the one with her? Work is work. Our friendship is just as it was. Whatever kinky shit we do with her is exclusive to that.”

  I nod. “Yeah, that’s a good suggestion. It’s like deciding to date a coworker. You keep it separate.”

  “Exactly.” He extends his hand. “Deal?”

  I shake it. “Deal.” I finish my coffee, ready to change the topic. “Your proposal is tomorrow. You ready?”

  “I am. I got it down pat now.”

  “I want to see you do well.”

  “I know. Thanks, Luc.”

  “Any time.”

  “And for not judging me.”

  I laugh. “As far as I know, you haven’t done anything I haven’t done.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  After breakfast, we say goodbye, and as I walk back to my flat, I replay Ben’s words. He wants me in a way I haven’t been wanted before. Not to my knowledge anyway. My phone buzzes in my pocket.

  “Well hello, gorgeous girl.”

  “Hi, Luc. Busy?”

  “Just finished breakfast with Ben.”

  “Oh? How did that go?”

  “Fine. Just breakfast with my mate.”

  She laughs. “Nothing unusual?”

  I chuckle softly. “We discussed last night and how to move forward.”

  “And? Are we moving forward?”

  “Have you changed your mind?”


  “Neither have we. We needed to discuss our boundaries.”

  “Ooh. Where did you land?”

  “Ben is more flexible with his sexuality than I’ve been known to be.”

  “I told you.”

  “You did. He admitted the same today.”

  “How does that make you feel?”

  I pause at a stoplight, looking around. “A bit strange, if I’m honest. Normally I think I’d be quite opposed to the idea of a man desiring me and wanting a shag.”


  “But last night I didn’t seem to have a problem with it, so we decided to just go with things and see where it leads us.”

  “How very evolved of you.”

  “Yes well, I’ve been properly motivated.”

  “By me?”

  “Indeed. It wouldn’t happen without you.”

  “That’s sweet in a complete
ly kinky way.”

  “Yeah, well, I need to know something, Georgie. Please be honest.”

  “I always am.”

  “Are you leaning towards Ben? Are you fonder of him than me?”

  “Why would you ask me that?”

  “I don’t know. I feel you’re softer with him.”

  “That’s because he needs it. He exposed his true self and needed to feel accepted last night. He needed to know how much I appreciated what he did for me.”

  “And you don’t think I need that?”

  “No, I don’t. I think you’re secure enough, and you’re not the one who basically outed himself to his best friend. Am I wrong?”

  I smile as I cross the street. “Fair.”

  “But you are jealous.”

  “Just once when you brushed your fingers across his cheek. It was so intimate. I wanted it for myself.”

  “Don’t be jealous, lover. I’m extremely into you. I called you first.”

  I laugh. “Thanks for that. Why are you calling? You never initiate a call.”

  “Breaking my rules for the two of you. Last night was monumental in your relationship. I’m making sure everything’s okay.”

  “It is. It’s great. In fact, when are we seeing you again?”


  “I’ll make sure Ben is available. We can continue with our date from Saturday. Dinner and drinks?”

  “How about dinner and dessert at my place?”

  “Are you ready for dessert with both of us? I believe we’ll have more than we did last time.”

  She laughs. “Oh, I’m ready, but I think the real question is, are you?”

  “I’m ready, darling. Don’t you worry.”

  “I’m not worried, English. I’m excited.”

  “So am I.”

  “Well then, on Wednesday, we eat cake.”


  Chapter 8 Ben

  Back at my place, I sit on the couch thinking about what I told Luc this morning. He took it well. Better than I expected, but how I hoped. The last time I admitted this side of me to a friend he bailed. Well first he called me a fag and then he bailed. Under normal circumstances I never would have told Luc, but based on what I witnessed and experienced, I was hopeful he would get it. I run my hands through my hair. Now I have to deal with what I’ve been suppressing ever since I met Luc two years ago. I thought he would be my rival, but the handsome bastard with the British accent immediately disarmed me with his charismatic smile. He charmed me, like he does with everyone he meets, and soon I was his best friend. He mentored me in all areas of my life. I stepped up my style, my fitness, and my work. Because of him, I moved into a senior role in less than a year. On more than a few nights of heavy drinking, he would look at me with those honey brown eyes of his, that pouty mouth, and I would imagine what kissing him would feel like. I would convince myself he was thinking the same thing about me, but then I pushed those thoughts aside. Luc is a man’s man. I thought the idea of another man touching him would make him freak, but he’s taken it all in stride. Maybe that’s the European side of him. Or maybe like me, his sexuality is more fluid than he knows. Now I can’t stop thinking about finally getting my hands on him. With Georgie’s help, I might get everything I’ve ever wanted from Luc.

  My phone rings interrupting my thoughts. Smiling, I answer. “Hey, gorgeous girl.”

  “Hi, Ben. How are you today?”

  “I’m good. You?”

  “Good. Did you talk to Luc?”

  “Yeah, we just finished breakfast not long ago. Why?”

  “I just want to make sure on your end everything’s good.”

  “It’s great, Georgie. Last night was pretty epic.”

  “What was your favorite part?”

  “Finally tasting you.”

  “With Luc right beside you.”

  “Yeah, added something to the experience.”

  “I’m dying to know. Are you into boys too?”

  “I’m into whatever, Georgie. I like what I like, and right now, I like you and Luc.”

  “Last night I witnessed a man who desperately wanted the other man in the room. Am I wrong?”

  “No. I told him. Sort of.”

  “Sort of? What does that mean?”

  “He asked me if I wanted to fuck him and I said no.”

  “But that isn’t true. You do want to fuck him.”

  I can feel my dick hardening with every word. “Why?”

  “I can help. Just like I did last night. I knew what you wanted. I could feel it. Luc knew too, but he didn’t want to explore it deeply.”


  “So do you? You want to fuck him?”

  I exhale slowly. “Um, I’d rather he fuck me.”

  “Mm, that is delicious. I want to see that shit. Leave it to me, Ben. Luc is more open than even he knows. If he wasn’t he would’ve freaked out last night and there would be drama today.”

  “I was thinking that too.”

  “You’ve had sex with men before?”

  “A few times.”

  “What’s your favorite part?”



  “What is this about?”

  “I want to know. I’m extremely turned on just thinking about it. I want to hear more.” I look down at my bulging dick deciding if I’m going to go there with her. “Come on, Ben. You can tell me anything. I’m on your side.”

  “I don’t talk about it much.”

  “Ah, but I bet you want to.”

  I nod, giving in to her request. “I love the contrast, Georgie, between a soft woman and a hard man. I love eating pussy and then sliding a hard cock down my throat.”

  “Oh shit,” she whispers. “Tell me more.”

  “Kissing a man is a completely different experience. A woman’s face is soft, her touch is delicate, but a man’s is rough and firm. It’s a very visceral experience to be kissed by a man.”

  “You want Luc to kiss you the way he kisses me?”

  “I do. I want to drag my tongue over every part of him.”

  “You’re dying to suck his cock?”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. “Dying.”

  “I’ve never seen a man suck another man’s cock. I’ve never seen two men make out. I’ve definitely never seen two men fuck, but holy shit, do I want to see you and Luc together. Have you always felt this way about him?”

  “Yes, but I blocked it out. He’s a great friend. Not to mention straight as a board.”

  “Let me help, Ben. I can be the leader. I can break down the boundaries, and you can blame it all on me the next day.”

  I smile. “Thanks, babe, but I basically admitted to him what I want.”

  “Not really. You framed it around me, but how you feel is separate from me.”

  “I wouldn’t do shit with Luc without you. My friendship with him overrides my attraction. You’re the common denominator.”

  “Talk to him about our next date and then trust me.”

  “Where are we heading with this, Georgie? Are you planning to keep us both until you get tired of us?”

  “I’m taking it day by day. I’ve never been in this situation before. I like you both for different reasons and in different ways, and I’m just going with it. Isn’t that enough for now?”

  “It’s enough.”

  “I’ll be honest. I worry about causing a conflict between you if I did choose one.”

  “Are you leaning a certain way?”

  “Not yet.”

  “We think you’re being greedy.”

  She laughs. “Oh I am. I’ve always been a greedy bitch. Like I said, I will have my cake and eat it too. I had planned to date you both anyway, just not together. This is better.”

  “Lucky girl.”

  “I am. Men do it all the time, so why can’t I?”

  “Fair, but neither of us were seeing other women. Only you.”

  “That’s why this is perfect.
All three of us are invested. We’ll figure it out as we go, but for now, we’ll have a lot of fun. You’ll get your Luc, and I’ll get both of you.”

  “You liked two men between your legs at the same time, huh?”

  “I’ll like it more with your dicks in me.”

  “Jesus, woman.”

  She laughs again. “What? Only men can talk dirty? Just wait. I haven’t even gotten started.”

  “You’re amazing, Georgie. You really are.”

  “So are you, Ben. I love your openness and willingness to let your desires out. It’s refreshing.”

  “Refreshing, huh?”

  “Yes and don’t worry about Luc. He’ll get there. Maybe I’ll even get him to suck your dick.”

  I rub my forehead as my dick swells. “Fuck.”

  “Mm, sounds good, doesn’t it? Can you imagine that mouth of his wrapped around your cock?”

  Fuck yeah, I can.

  “His lips are amazing, aren’t they? And all that silky brown hair. When he runs his fingers through it, I feel a little tingle in my pussy.”


  “I can’t wait to get him in my mouth. Both of you. Then I’ll watch him spread your ass cheeks and slide—”

  “Fuck, Georgie, are you trying to kill me?”

  She laughs. “Oh, this is going to be fun. Make your plans and let me know. I can’t wait to see you both again.”


  “Have a good day. Talk soon.”

  “Bye, Georgie.”

  I hang up and look down at my cock now sticking out of the top of my sweats. Closing my eyes, I wrap my hand around it and stroke it imagining Georgie’s gorgeous body sitting on Luc’s face fucking his mouth and me between his legs sucking that amazing cock. It only takes a few minutes until cum is shooting out and sliding down my hand.

  Tomorrow, I just have to act like everything’s neutral and I don’t want to fuck my best friend.


  Sitting at my desk, I look over my notes one more time ensuring I’ve got it down. This is the biggest account I’ve ever had a chance at, so it’s gotta be good.


  I look up to see Luc in my doorway. “Come on in.”

  Luc walks in wearing a navy suit without the jacket. The vest wraps around his muscles, and I know why the women always stare when he walks down the hall. “You set to go?”


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