The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance

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The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance Page 6

by Jennifer Domenico

  “I think so. I was just going over it again.”

  “Do you want me in the room for support?”

  I think he would be a distraction at this point. “Nah, I got it.”

  “Alright, but make sure I’m the first stop you make when it’s over. I want a play by play.”

  I grin. “You got it. If I land this deal, then it’s steak dinner on me.”

  “I’ll take it. Just the two of us or we inviting our girl?”

  “I guess it depends on how far we want our celebration to go.”

  “If you win this account, which I believe you will, I think we should go all out. I told Georgie I thought Wednesday might work well for another date.”

  “I’m free Wednesday.”

  “Good.” Luc approaches my desk, lifting a pen and letting it fall between his fingers. “I’m excited to see her again.”

  “Me too.” I study his face wondering what he’s thinking as he gazes down at the pen. “Whatcha thinking?”

  He gazes at me, searching my eyes. “Honestly?” He perches on the edge of the desk while I nod. “I can’t stop thinking about the three of us together Saturday night.” He shifts his eyes away for a brief second then fixes them on me again. “I’m ready for more.”

  I swallow hard feeling the twinges of desire hit me. “That’s good to hear, man.”

  “Are you?”

  “Ready for more?”


  “Fuck yeah.”

  Luc laughs softly. “Well then, go win the account, mate. We’ll celebrate with the sexiest woman in LA.”

  I step closer, extending my hand. “Thanks again for your help with this. I feel good about it.”

  Luc takes my hand and pulls me into a manly hug, patting my back. “I do too.”

  When he releases me, we hold each other’s gaze for a moment longer than normal. I shake my head softly to refocus on my work, while Luc smiles knowingly. “See you later, Luc.”

  He nods and leaves. I exhale slowly, twisting my neck back and forth. I just need to remember it all. I got this. I know I do. I gather my things and head to the conference room, passing Kate in the hall.

  She smiles and raises her hand for me to slap it. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks, Kate.”

  In the conference room, I set up my presentation, double checking the technology to make sure it’s working. Leah puts out water pitchers and glasses for the four people I’m expecting in less than three minutes. She pats my shoulder, smiling, and I smile back. We all know what a big deal this client is to our firm. A three year contract with them will triple my yearly commissions and add considerable funds to the bottom line. In a few years, I could be looking at a title like Luc’s. I can fill his spot when he inevitably gets promoted to VP of Sales.

  I walk out to the lobby and put a smile on my face. “Mr. Bainbridge?”

  He turns to face me, a large man with graying hair, but very distinguished. He’s only the head of the world’s leading distributor of cell phones, developing nearly unbreakable technology. I just have to convince him he can’t live without our marketing services.

  “Hello, Ben. Call me Dave please. Are we ready?”

  “We are. Please follow me.”

  Dave and his three coworkers follow me to the conference room, quickly taking their seats. I already know I have a limited amount of time to make this happen. I dim the lights.

  “I’ll get started.”

  On the screen, Bainbridge’s competition flashes by quickly along with adjectives associated with them. From my research I learned that Bainbridge’s customers are higher end and early adopters of new tech. They don’t want what everyone else has. They are willing to pay more for quality and the perception of exclusivity. The problem with his current advertising, and why he’s seeking a new firm, is he’s not able to attract a larger market share because of the perception of unaffordability. That’s where I come in.

  The slide show finishes and Dave looks at me. “You’ve done your research. Now what’s your solution?”

  “I saw what your last firm tried to do, shifting the target demographic, and I believe I know why it fell flat.” He raises his eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. I can’t be intimidated. Luc taught me no matter what, be confident with my knowledge. “The shift was too bold and jarring. It alienated your current customer base and confused your desired one. People didn’t get it.”

  Dave glances at his colleagues and nods. “Go on.”

  Okay. I nailed it. That’s good. I pace slowly in front of the screen, just as Luc coached me, happy when I see their eyes follow me. “I believe the message should be that while Bainbridge is exceptional quality and at a higher price point than other brands, it is attainable. Your current base already knows they can afford it. It’s your upper middle-class group who needs convincing. The last tagline you had said Bainbridge is for everyone, but that’s not true. It tarnishes the allure to those able to afford it presently. So instead, I propose a different message.”

  I click the remote and a slide appears with a series of generic cell phones dropping on a table, but then a shiny new Bainbridge phone falls and a hand reaches out and grabs it. The tagline appears below it- Bainbridge can be yours.

  Dave stares at the screen as a slow smile spreads on his face. “Clever.”

  “It induces a desire in those close enough to reach it, while maintaining the luxury of those who already own it. It draws in a new clientele, but values those who already have it.” I close with the line Luc taught me, leaning slightly on the table. “Can you see how working with me is exactly what Bainbridge needs to go to the next level?”

  Dave glances at his colleagues then leans back in his chair. “Impressive, Ben. I’ve seen about ten of these presentations since we fired Aspen Advertising, and each time, I was always left with the feeling that they didn’t quite get it. I couldn’t put my finger on what was missing until today. Bainbridge prides itself on a sophisticated appeal. We don’t do gimmicks, we don’t dumb it down, and you captured that today. I like your energy.” He offers the slightest of smiles. “Where do we sign?”

  I do my best to contain my excitement as I slide the contract toward him. “Three years is a long time, but I have big plans that will carry us easily through that time period. Based on my research, I know you’re developing a tablet to compete with the industry leader. I very much want to be by your side when that goes to market.”

  He studies the contract. Normally we put a six-month cancellation stipulation in, but I boldly kept it out. If I sold him correctly, he’ll sign. Just like Luc taught me.

  Dave looks up at me. “The term is reasonable.” He scrawls his name on the line and the person next to him does the same. I did it. I fucking did it.

  Dave stands and offers his hand. I shake it. “I have high hopes, Ben, and high expectations. My assistant will work with you to give you access to previous campaigns. We’ll schedule a meeting in a month to see where you’re at. I hope to go to market with this first quarter next year.”

  “I’m all over it, sir.”

  He nods and they all leave. As soon as they’re out the door, I head down the hall to Luc’s office. I walk in with a blank expression.


  “You’re looking at the new account manager for Bainbridge Tech.”

  Luc stands up and throws his arms around me in a bear hug. “I knew you’d nail it. I knew it. The whole three years?”

  “The whole three years.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Like a rock star. Like I’m Luc Allegro or some shit.”

  Luc laughs. “Being Ben Atkinson is good.” He still has his arm around my shoulder as his smile fades. “What do you say we call our Georgie and bump the date up to tonight? I don’t think I can wait two more days.”

  “Let’s call her together.”

  He pulls his phone out of his pocket and calls. She answers a moment later.


bsp; “Hello, darling. You busy?”

  “Just got out of a meeting. What’s up?”

  “We’ve got some good news in need of celebrating. Can you find time for your favorite boys tonight?”

  “What are we celebrating?”

  “I just won a huge account. Sent my career in a completely different direction.”

  “An upward one,” Luc adds. “This calls for champagne and shenanigans.”

  “I’m always up for both of those things. What time?”


  “Perfect. What should I wear?”

  Luc and I exchange glances while Luc answers. “Just something sexy as usual. We’ll handle the details.”

  I smile, leaning close to the phone. “Hope you can be late for work tomorrow. You’re going to be up late.”

  “Ooh, exciting. I can hardly wait. I have high expectations after our last get together. Bring your best, boys.”

  Luc shakes his head. “We’ll find out what you’re made of, darling.”

  She laughs. “Oh, I think we’ll find out what we’re all made of. See you tonight.”

  “Bye.” Luc hangs up and turns to me. “We’re doing this.”

  I step closer. “I hope we’re going to the next level with her. I gotta get my dick inside of her.”

  Luc nods. “Definitely. I think she’s up for it.”

  I search his eyes for a minute. “Are you?”

  “Yeah.” We’re close enough I can feel his breath on my face. Our bodies are less than an inch apart, and I have to fight the urge to run my hands down his chest. His eyes soften like he knows what I’m dealing with right now. “Save it for later.”

  “You know what I’m thinking, don’t you?”

  “I have an idea.”

  “And it doesn’t scare you?”

  Luc shakes his head. “No.” Shocking me, he reaches out and straightens my tie. “Let’s just focus our energy on getting through the rest of the day. We’ll talk more tonight.”

  Nodding, I step back but grip his hand, squeezing gently, before releasing it. “Thank you.”


  I smile. “Everything.”

  Chapter 9 Luc

  After Ben leaves, I return to my desk to finish my monthly invoices, but my thoughts are running wild. I knew exactly what Ben was thinking. He wanted to touch me, and for some reason, I’m okay with it. I’ve never questioned my sexuality before, knowing I’m firmly in the females only camp, so why am I having such a reaction to Ben? I’ll need a lot of alcohol to get through the night, but I’ve already decided to go with whatever happens and process it later.


  After my shower, I stand in front of the mirror studying my naked body. For 37, I’m looking pretty good still. I’m five years older than Ben, but I can hold my own. Georgie doesn’t seem to have a problem with our age difference. I grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt deciding a change of plans is in order. Fuck a fancy restaurant. All I want is to get my hands on that woman. I grab my phone to text Ben.

  Change of plans. Let’s grab a bottle of champagne, some strawberries, and a box of condoms. We’re staying in tonight.

  A moment later, he replies.

  Two bottles of champagne and fuck yeah.

  I laugh as I run gel through my hair. My phone buzzes again.

  Pretty sure tonight is going to be epic.

  Anything that includes G is guaranteed epic

  Yeah. See you in 15?

  I’ll be ready.

  I finish getting dressed and walk out to the living room to wait for Ben to pick me up. He honks and I hurry out to meet him, sliding into the passenger seat of his Porsche. He pats my thigh.


  “Incredibly, yes. I’ve been at half-mast for an hour now.”

  Ben laughs. “That’s a visual.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of my dick tonight than you ever dreamed of.”

  He grins but doesn’t say anything. We stop at a store near Georgie’s place and grab the items we wanted, then head to her house. Walking up to her door, I feel the nervous energy hit me. After what happened last time, I’m expecting more of the same. Maybe we’ll even go to the next level. I don’t bloody know, but I’m open to what the night has in store.

  She opens the door, wearing a simple black dress that’s completely strapless. Her gorgeous tits are bulging from the top and she has these strappy heels on that lace up her calves. She looks us up and down in our casual clothing.

  “Where we going with you two dressed like that?”

  “Nowhere, darling. We’re staying in tonight.”

  She grins. “Oh, are we?”

  Ben steps up to her and kisses her cheek. “We didn’t want to share you with anyone else. We’re feeling a little greedy tonight.”

  “Mm, well, I like greedy. Guess I’m a bit overdressed.”

  We walk inside and Ben shuts the door behind us. “We’ll work on that in a bit. By the way, you look incredible as always.”

  “I like you boys in jeans. I think this will do just fine.”

  I pull a bottle of champagne out of the bag. “Let’s get this night started, shall we?”

  I open the bottle and we sit around taking swigs as Ben gives us the play by play of his presentation today, explaining to Georgie all the necessary industry jargon. She smiles, listening intently, but dragging her hand over my thigh as she does. I play with her hair, kissing her neck every so often.

  “That’s wonderful, Ben,” she says. “Definitely worthy of a celebration.”

  “Thanks, gorgeous. What do you do for work?”

  “Corporate trainer. I work for a big financial company downtown.”

  “Do you like it?” Ben asks.

  “I do. I’ve been there for almost seven years. It’s a nice job. It pays me enough to live here.” She motions around her townhome. “I have a healthy savings and money to play with each month. It’s good.”

  I kiss the back of her hand. “I bet the men go absolutely mad when you walk in for a training.”

  She laughs, playing with my hair. “I don’t dress like this for work. In fact, I’m pretty conservative during daytime hours.”

  “I remember.” I nudge Ben’s arm. “I saw her at the coffee shop and she was sat there staring down at a stack of papers. Her hair was up and she tucked a strand behind her ear. It was so sexy and understated, I had to talk to her.”

  She smiles. “I looked up and saw this British god standing in front of me. I had been reading the most boring training manual, and he rescued me.” We all laugh and take another swig of champagne.

  “When I saw her,” Ben says, “she was on an elliptical in a tiny sports bra and shorts. I was done the minute I laid eyes on her.”

  Georgie laughs. “You got me with all your swagger.” She looks at me. “He walked in front of the machine and told me he liked my form.”

  “Nice move, mate.”

  “He said he had to take me out or he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything else.”

  “So now you have two brash blokes vying for all your attention.”

  “Exactly how I like it.” We watch her take a long swig of champagne. “But I’m done talking now.”

  She stands, slowly peeling off her dress revealing that she was wearing nothing underneath it. Ben follows her lead, quickly stripping down.

  “I guess I can’t be the only one with clothes on.”

  Georgie laughs, running her hands over her tits. “This is going to be so much fun.”

  I pull my t-shirt off. “I do believe you’re right, love.”

  Ben and I stand, towering over Georgie as her eyes roam over our bodies. She stands, moving between us, her arms around each of our waists. She rises up on her toes to kiss me, luxuriously twisting her tongue around mine. A moment passes until I feel Ben squeezing in. He pulls Georgie’s chin towards him and kisses her deeply, burying his hand in her hair. I move closer, kissing her neck and then making my way
to her mouth, tangling my tongue with Ben’s. When Georgie moves back, it’s just Ben and I for a second until I break it and step away. We stare at each other, Ben breathing hard, with Georgie still between us.

  “Try it without me, Luc.”

  I glance down at her then back at my mate who very obviously wants this. Do I? Can I kiss another man? When my eyes meet Georgie’s again, she smiles and nods, mouthing ‘do it’ to me. I shift my eyes back to Ben remembering what I told myself earlier. Reaching out, I grab the back of his neck and pull his mouth to mine, pressing my lips firmly to his. When his tongue pushes its way in my mouth, I tense for just a second before relaxing and opening up to him. The scratchy texture of his cheeks brushes against my own, reminding me that he’s definitely a man. Ben wraps his arms around my neck, pulling me close, and I can feel his erection pressed against my own. It’s a nice kiss. A good one. I open my eyes enough to see Georgie watching us with a complete look of fascination on her face.

  She walks behind Ben and presses against him, whispering between us. “My boys, you are so fucking hot. I wish you could see yourselves.”

  Ben’s hands move across my chest, but I start to freeze until Georgie helps out. She takes my hands and puts them on Ben’s chest encouraging me to touch him. Closing my eyes again, I let her guide me until my hands are squeezing his arse. Ben moans against my mouth and then moves to my neck, kissing and sucking gently before moving to my nipples. Women rarely focus on this area. He bites and licks me and it feels good. Really fucking good. Georgie whispers something in Ben’s ear and he nods but looks nervous when he glances back at me. Without a word he slides down to his knees right in front of my dick. Okay. We’re going here now. Georgie kneels beside him and grasps my cock leading it to Ben’s mouth. Ben moves forward, flicking his tongue over my tip, before sliding his mouth over my length. Georgie giggles with delight watching Ben pump my dick in and out of his mouth. He plays with my balls, and I quickly realize not only that he’s done this before, but he knows exactly what he’s doing.

  “I want some,” Georgie says, pulling my cock from Ben’s mouth and sliding her own over it. I watch in awe as Ben and Georgie take turns sucking me off. It’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever experienced. I close my eyes throwing my head back completely lost in the feeling of two hot mouths working my dick. “Finish him.”


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