The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance

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The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance Page 10

by Jennifer Domenico

  “I know you won’t on purpose, but when this thing ends, he’ll choose you, not me. I don’t even want him to. I want him to choose you. I want him to be Luc, all sexy and manly and romancing beautiful women.”

  “Luc doesn’t feel bad about this. He doesn’t. Did something happen?”

  “No. I know he doesn’t. It’s me.”

  “Okay, Ben.” She crawls off my lap. “Go out with Kate. Fuck her brains out if you want to. Eat her pussy to prove you still love it. If that’s what you need, do it.”

  “You sound mad.”

  “I’m not mad at all. I want you to be happy. I want you to feel good. But don’t be surprised when you come back to me and Luc, and when Luc kisses you, don’t be sad that you still like it. And when you find yourself on your knees, worshipping his cock, just remember, it doesn’t change who you are. This is just a part of you. Luc understands this. I don’t know why you’re fighting it.”

  I tilt my head as a new thought comes to me. “Why are you?”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I think I get it now. You want this to stay the way it is because it protects you too.”

  “Protects me from what?”

  “Falling for Luc.”

  “You’re wrong. I would be fine if I fell in love, but I’m not. It’s just fun for now. It’s just sex. It’s not about Luc.”

  I flip the discussion on her, pulling her onto my lap again. “Then fuck me right now. It’s just sex. We’re both horny. Let’s just fuck.”

  A smile pulls at her lips. “You talk a lot of shit.”

  “So do you, gorgeous. Are we fucking and pretending neither of us want to call Luc?”

  Her smile fades. “Okay. You win. You got me.”

  I cup her face. “I told him today to ask you out alone. Without me. I want the two of you to explore what could be. Will you do that for me, Georgie? Will you put down your guard and let Luc in?”

  She averts her eyes for a moment before shifting them back to me. “I told Luc a lie.”

  My eyebrow rises. “About what?”

  “I told him that I think everyone wants to fall in love, but I don’t believe it. I believe as soon as a man settles down, he wishes he didn’t. As soon as an opportunity comes along to grab something new and shiny, he takes it. I believe men always want their cake and they want to eat it.”

  “That’s why you won’t be exclusive?”


  “Someone hurt you?”

  “Not me. My mother. She took my dad back so many times because she loved him, but he couldn’t stop cheating. He told her it was just sex. Those women didn’t mean anything to him, and he loved her and our family. He just had to have a variety.” I nod, watching as her eyes tear up. “I would watch my mother lying on the couch sobbing late at night because he still wasn’t home. I heard her ask him why she wasn’t enough. She finally left him when I was sixteen and she never dated again. She told me never believe a man. Just get what you want and protect your heart.”

  “I’m sorry, Georgie.”

  She smiles. “I tried to protect my heart, but a boy got in once.”

  “Did he cheat on you?”

  “No. I cheated on him.”

  My eyes open wide. “Why?”

  “I was terrified to fall for him. I couldn’t let it happen, so I fucked it all up. He couldn’t forgive me, and I didn’t expect him to. My mother wanted me to learn from her mistakes, but instead I became just like my dad.” We’re both silent for a moment. “I know I’m doing it again. I liked Luc the very first date. A lot. When he asked me out a second time, I felt that little surge of panic inside that tells me to defend myself. So when you asked me out, I said yes. I thought, here’s this incredible looking guy who seems sweet. He’ll be good for me. Then we fell into this thing together, and for me it felt like the perfect shield. Who could fall in love in a situation like this? It would just be lust, and then it would end at some point, and I’d still be okay. I wouldn’t have cheated and hurt anyone.”


  “You and I are a lot of alike. I feel like I understand you on a very deep level. I understand why you don’t want to fall in love with Luc. Now you understand why I don’t want to either. So what do we do now?”

  I pull her down and kiss her softly. “I have a very good reason for avoiding my feelings for Luc, but you don’t, gorgeous. Luc is not a gay man. He’s not a bi man. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not, but Luc and I are never going to be more than what we are. Luc cares for me, but it’s as a friend. Luc cares for you, but it could be so much more.”

  A tear streaks down her cheek. “I’m terrified.”

  Using my thumb, I brush away her tear. “I know, but you’re also strong and brave. So is Luc.”

  She nods. “He is.”

  “Tomorrow I’m having drinks with Kate. When Luc asks you out, will you go? Will you put me out of your mind for a night and just relate to him on that level?”

  She smiles subtly. “I will. I’ll try.”

  “Good.” I pull her close, and she lies in my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck. “We’re so lucky we found you, Georgie. You’ve made everything amazing.”

  She kisses my neck. “Thanks.” She rises, gazing at me. “If you fuck her, will you tell us?”

  “Do you want to know?”

  She searches my eyes. “Yes, but only if you do it because you really wanted to. Not just to prove something to yourself.” I nod. “And be careful. It’s not fair to use her to validate your manhood. You can use me for that. I’ll let you eat my pussy whenever you want.”

  We both laugh as she plays with my hair. “You make a good point. Kate’s a sweet girl.” My hands roam down her thigh. “For the record, I still want to eat your pussy. Nothing’s wrong with me in that department.”

  “Good to know. Want to right now?”

  I laugh. “Nice try. Now you’re using me to validate your feelings.”

  She twists her lips, shaking her head. “Touché.”

  I kiss her again, lingering for just a moment. “Do you want to stay here? We can just lie together and pretend neither of us are falling for Luc.”

  “Yeah, that’ll be nice.” She climbs off my lap, and I start to walk to the kitchen when her phone rings. “It’s Luc.”

  I smile. “Say yes.”

  She nods and answers. “Hey, English.”

  I leave the room, letting her have some privacy. This is what needs to happen. I need to move on and let them have their time alone. I just wish it didn’t feel like shit.

  After several minutes, I walk into the living room to find Georgie looking out the window. “Did it go okay?”

  She turns and smiles. “He asked me out to dinner tomorrow. Just us.”

  “And you said?”

  “Yes. I told him I was here.” Her eyes move to the floor for a brief moment. “He wanted to come over.”

  My brow furrows. “Why? Did he think we would fuck without him?”

  “No. He said…” She smiles, blinking back tears.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She shakes her head. “He said if we were just going to lie here and talk until we fell asleep, there was no way he was missing out on that with his two favorite people. Why is he so damn perfect?”

  I laugh softly. “Fucking Luc.”

  “I hope it’s okay I said yes.”

  “Of course. We just can’t talk about him now.”

  “No.” She takes the glass of wine from me and drinks it down in one swallow. “That’s better.”

  I step forward and kiss her forehead. “We got this. We’ll just make ourselves a Luc sandwich tonight.”

  She laughs. “Speaking of sandwiches, I’m starved. Can we order food when he gets here?”

  “Good plan.”

  Chapter 15 Luc

  Walking up to Ben’s door, my thoughts wander to what I may find inside. Georgie insisted they were doing nothing but talking, but the jealous surge in me wouldn�
�t let me believe her. I don’t think Ben would fuck her without me, especially after what we discussed today, but she’s so fucking tempting, he may cave. I didn’t bother to ask why they were alone in the first place. I was ruled by a desire to get here.

  I ring the buzzer and wait a few seconds until the door releases. Once inside, I press the lift button and wait, filled with a nervous energy I’m not sure I’ve felt before. I knock on his door, smiling when he opens it.

  “Hey, mate.”

  “Come on in, English.”

  I laugh. “Oh, you’re calling me that now too?”

  “Can I?”

  “Absolutely.” I pull him into a hug. “Where’s our girl?”

  “In the bathroom. She’s been putting down some wine tonight.”

  I release him, glancing around. “Everything alright?”

  “Yeah. I called her and told her about Kate. She wanted to come over and talk in person. She thought it was my way of ditching our…situation.”

  “And she didn’t want that?”

  “She didn’t want me backing out that way. You asked her out right?”

  “For tomorrow. She accepted then told me she was here. She said you two planned to lie in bed and talk. No sex. Just friends.”

  “True. She wants to order some take out and just hang out.” He smiles. “But you’re here now.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Ben shrugs. “I don’t know. Did you come to fuck or hang out?”

  “Hang out.”

  He smiles. “Alright then. Let’s hang out.”

  I follow Ben to the couch, taking the glass of wine he hands me. He sits next to me, studying my face. “Anything I should know?”

  “Nope.” He leans forward. “I just hope you’ll be open to whatever happens next with you and Georgie.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “She’s excited to spend time with you. I told her, now I'm telling you, to just focus on each other.”

  I nod, believing I understand. When Georgie comes into the room, my mouth falls. “Jesus.”

  She smiles. “Well, hello to you too.”

  “You look unbelievable.”

  “Told you,” Ben says, grinning.

  Her eyes shift to him briefly before returning to me. “Thank you. You look the same as always. Fucking incredible.”

  I laugh patting the couch beside me. “Come here and sit.”

  She saunters over, settling between us. She sips her wine, but then rolls over so she’s on my lap. When our mouths meet, it’s explosive and intense. Her body grinds into mine, and I slide my hands under her shirt to grip her back. She pulls back slightly, leaving a few playfully quick kisses behind.

  “I thought we were hanging out, love.”

  “We are. Just wanted to kiss you.”

  “Nothing bad about that.”

  “You should kiss Ben too.”

  I gently pinch her chin. “What are you doing? Instigating a session?”

  “No. I just want you to kiss him.”

  “Why don’t you kiss him with me?”

  She smiles. “Mm, yes.” She turns and looks at Ben, before leaning in and pressing her lips against his. She pulls him closer until I’m able to kiss him too. The three of us engage in this, our tongues twisting together in the most delicious way. I can feel my dick hardening, so I pull back. I don’t want another all night shag. “My boys. You’re so sexy when you indulge me.”

  “That’s enough, Georgie. I came over to hang out as friends. We all could use a rest.”

  “You’re right.” She slides off my lap and onto the couch. “I just like kissing.”

  “We all do.” Ben says. He winks at me. “I’ll get more wine.”

  When Ben leaves, Georgie cuddles up to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I stroke her hair as she twists her face up to mine. “Thanks for coming over. It’s good to see you.”

  “I feel the same.”

  “Why did you come? Were you worried about me and Ben alone?”

  “On some level, yes. I admit it.”

  She smiles, fingering the stubble on my chin. “You get sexier by the minute.”

  “Because I allow my jealousy to rule me?”

  “Yeah. Because you own it. Because you give in to it.”

  “I tend to give into my impulses as a general rule.”

  She moves my hand up to her breast. “I’ll tell you a secret, Luc.”

  I circle her pierced nipple with my finger. “Tell me.”

  “It’s harder with you. You know, just hanging out. I want to fuck your brains out right now.”

  I close my eyes, exhaling slowly. “I want that as well, but it’s good for us to just be like this.”

  “Is it? It doesn’t feel good. Good is when your mouth is on my pussy. Good is your dick sliding down my throat. Good is you pounding me until I forget my name.”


  “I wish.”

  “I’ll tell you a secret then.”

  She grins. “What?”

  “I am dying, absolutely dying to have you all to myself for a night. If that’s all I can have.”


  “I don’t want to compete for your attention. I want to own all of you even if it’s just for a few hours. I don’t want to share any part of you. Not even with Ben.”

  “We can do that tomorrow, Luc.”

  “Can we? Or are you determined to keep it a threesome?”

  Her eyes soften. “I understand why you would think that, but it’s not true. I think just the two of us sounds amazing. I just don’t want Ben to feel left out.”

  “Ben won’t be with us.”

  “I meant tonight. I wanted to kiss you, badly, and I didn’t want him to feel bad.”

  “You didn’t kiss him like that before I came?”

  “No.” Her brow furrows. “I mean, a few times. We had a nice talk. That’s all.”

  “But you wanted more with me? Is that true, love?”

  I notice the hesitation in her eyes. “Yes. You don’t want to do stuff anymore with Ben?”

  “We’ll talk tomorrow alone, but I don’t want to tonight.”

  “None of us do. We’re just friends tonight.”


  Ben returns with a questioning look on his face so I offer a smile. “What should we eat? I’m famished.”

  Ben nods. “There’s an awesome Chinese place nearby.”

  “Chinese is perfect. Georgie?”


  Ben plops on the couch beside Georgie. “And a movie?”

  Georgie grins. “Oh I love it. We’ll have dinner, watch a movie, then we’ll all go to bed together. Like a slumber party.”

  I laugh. “Exactly like that.”

  Hours later, we climb into Ben’s bed. He lies next to me, and Georgie lies in front of me. We had a great night, just laughing and talking with almost no sexual tension at all. Ben sits up slightly, propped on his elbow.

  “Goodnight, you two.”

  Georgie leans over me and kisses his mouth. “Night, Benny boy.”

  I laugh softly and put my finger on my lips. “One for me too?”

  Ben smiles and leans in, pressing his lips softly, but briefly, on mine. “Night.”

  I turn to my side facing Georgie. I can feel the warmth of Ben’s body close to mine so I lean in to him. His arm slowly slides over my waist and Georgie squeezes his hand. She leans close so our chests are pressed together, brushing her lips over mine.

  “Goodnight, English.”

  I smile, searching her eyes. “Goodnight, darling.”


  In the morning, I try to stretch, but can’t. I open my eyes to find both Ben and Georgie completely wrapped around me, their legs tangled through mine. Georgie’s head lies on my chest whilst Ben’s face is buried in the crevice of my neck. I shift slightly, causing him to wake up. He smiles, holding my gaze, and there’s a moment when desire seems to pull at both of us. He reaches
up, dragging his fingers through my hair before turning over on his back.

  “Sleep well?” he asks.

  “Great. You?”

  “Perfect. It was a fun night. I’m glad you came over.”

  “Me too.” I look at my watch still on my wrist. “Fuck. It’s nearly seven. We’ll all be late again.”

  “You can wear one of my suits. Georgie’s on her own.”

  I laugh softly admiring the blue of his eyes as the sun pushes through the blinds. “Are you excited for tonight?”

  “Interested more than excited. I want to know how I relate to Kate. If I want her as much…” He smiles. “You know.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  His eyes shift briefly to a still sleeping Georgie. “Will you make love to her tonight?”

  “I want to. How does that make you feel?”

  “I want you to.”

  “Did you want to fuck her last night?”

  His eyes shift away from me. “Yes and no. I always kind of want to. She told me not to use Kate to validate my manhood. She said if I need to prove I still loved pussy, I could use her for that.”

  “Wise words.”

  “Yeah. That’s not the problem though. I know I love pussy and women and tits and all that. I just want to know if I love dick as much or if I just love your dick.”

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t be going out with Kate. Maybe you should find a guy.”

  He chuckles. “Not ready.”


  “Want to shower? You can go first.”

  “Great. Thanks.”

  I climb out of bed and walk into Ben’s bathroom, starting the shower. I step in under the hot stream letting it slide down my body. As I rub soap over my chest, I’m slightly startled when I feel hands on my back. I twist around to see Georgie, grinning as she rubs those tits on me, and behind her is Ben. The three of us take turns washing each other and it doesn’t take long before my dick is at attention. Georgie positions herself between us, stroking both of us with her soapy hands. Ben’s eyes shift between her hands and my eyes, but I can’t stop staring at Georgie. She’s so fucking sexy. There are no words spoken. Only heavy breathing and soft moans until Ben explodes in her hand. It only takes me a few seconds longer to join him.


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