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The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 13

by Jennifer Domenico

  I stroke her hair as our eyes lock together. “You are mind blowing, Georgie. There cannot be another woman like you.”

  She kisses me again, softer this time. “You make me feel free. Like I don’t have to hide.”

  “You don’t. You’re dirty, but I fucking love it.”

  “Do you like the taste of yourself on my lips?”

  I grin. “It’s not bad. More importantly, you like it.”

  “Love it.”

  I stop myself from allowing the words to leave my lips. I love her. I’m fucking sure of it. And now, I’m fucked.

  “What’s wrong?”


  She cups my face. “You’re a terrible liar, Luc. What’s on your mind?”

  I reach between us and rub between her legs. “Just getting more of you. I might be obsessed.”

  “With me or my pussy?”

  I rub my thumb on her bottom lip. “Your pussy is nice, but you have so much more to offer than your sexuality or biology. I want all of you, Georgie. Every part. Even the ones you think are broken. Nothing about you is less than perfect to me.” I love you. I want to say it so bloody badly. “I mean it.”

  “I know. Thank you.” She kisses me softly. “I can’t put in words what it feels like to be so accepted and wanted and desired even though you know what I’ve been.”

  “That’s in the past, love. We’ve all been less than ideal people at times. I’m no saint. I’ve hurt people and used women for my own desires.”

  “Can I say something crazy?”

  I nod. “Of course.”

  “I’m still terrified to fall in love, but right now, I’m a little less terrified.” She smiles. “If anyone can fix me, it’s you.”

  “There is nothing to fix. We all process the things that happen to us in the best way we know how. You did what you had to do to survive this treacherous world of love and desire. Perhaps now…” I exhale slowly, fighting back my emotions. I’ll scare the shit out of her if I say it right now.

  “Perhaps now?”

  “Now you can let yourself be loved and learn to love in return.”

  Her eyes well with tears. “Do you want to fall in love with me?”

  “I’m not against it.”

  She laughs, letting her tears fall. “That’s good. Will you tell me when you do?”

  “When the time is right, I’ll tell you.”

  “How will you know when it’s right?”

  “When you’re a little less terrified.”

  “Do you remember when I told you that I couldn’t wait for someone to say those words to me?”

  “I do.”

  “That wasn’t a lie. I can’t wait, but I’m afraid I won’t know how to accept it.”

  “When the time is right, you’ll be ready.”

  “I hope it’s you, Luc. I hope you fall in love with me.”

  I wipe her cheek. “That is a desire we share, darling. I hope you can return my feelings.”

  She smiles. “When the time is right, I will.” She cuddles in my arms, kissing my neck. “Thank you so much for inviting me to do this. Thank you for being so open. Thank you for being you.”

  “It’s easy with you.” I kiss her forehead. “Good night, love.”


  I close my eyes hoping this is the beginning of everything I’ve ever wanted with her.

  Chapter 22 Ben

  Lying in bed next to Kate, I stare at the ceiling examining my feelings. It pisses me off that I want to know what Georgie and Luc are doing right now. It pisses me off that I want to call Luc and tell him what I just did with Kate. It pisses me off that I want him to be jealous and invite me over and fuck the shit out of me. How the fuck do I get over him?

  Kate shifts, wrapping her arm around my waist. I gaze down at her, sleeping soundly, content she got what she wanted, but I feel guilty. Like I fucking cheated. I should like Kate enough to put all this other shit out of my head. It was a good night. She’s sweet and funny and I was turned on by her. That should be enough. Why isn’t it enough?

  Picking up my phone, I look at the time, wondering if they’re fucking right now. I just have to wait for morning. I’ll hear about it tomorrow. He’ll tell me. We’ll go to lunch like we always do, and I’ll tell him about Kate, and he’ll tell me about Georgie. We’ll laugh and act like regular guys. Only one of us will be suffering.


  “Ben? It’s time to get up.” I open my eyes to the sweet sound of Kate’s soft voice. She’s holding a mug. “Coffee?”

  I smile, sitting up. “Thank you.” I take the mug and take a long drink of the steaming liquid. “Mm, this is good.”

  She sits next to me. “It’s French Press.”

  “It’s perfect.” My eyes settle over her wearing my dress shirt from last night. Her hair is a tangled mess, like she’s been fucked hard. “How you feeling this morning?”

  “Great. You?”

  I nod, then lean in to kiss her. “Really good. It was a great night.”

  She smiles, then gazes down at her hands. “Would you do it again?”

  “Go out with you?”

  “Yeah.” Her eyes shift up. “Would you?”

  “I would. You’re really fun. Want to go dinner on Saturday?”

  She nods. “I’d love that.”

  I set my mug down on the nightstand. “Come here.”

  Kate crawls into my arms and I hold her close, stroking her hair as she lies her head on my chest. She’s really sweet and fun and beautiful. I need to give this a chance. For both of us.


  Later at work, I walk down the hall to see Luc. I’m nervous which is stupid. He’s my best friend. The door is open so I step inside. “Hey.”

  He looks up and smiles. “Hey, you.”

  “Got a minute?”

  “Of course.” He leans back in his chair. “I was just about to call you and see if you’re free for lunch.”

  “Always.” I sit in the chair in front of him. “Where do we start?”

  “With you and Kate. How’d it go?”

  “Good. It was really fun. We had drinks and then she asked me to go back to her place.”

  His eyebrow rises. “And?”

  “We fucked like monkeys. She’s a wild one. Said she was starved for dick and wanted mine.”

  Luc laughs. “No way?”

  “Yeah. I tried to be a gentleman, thinking of the advice you gave me, but she wasn’t having it.”

  “That’s fantastic. Bloody fantastic. Was she good?”

  “Yeah, she was good.”

  “How did it feel for you?”

  I swallow hard. “In the moment, I was into it. After, I struggled a little.”


  “Weird shit. I actually felt almost like I cheated on you and G. Isn’t that stupid?”

  “No. I would’ve felt the same if I hadn’t had your blessing.”

  I nod. “So did you and Georgie…”

  “We did.”

  There is it. The fucking knife in my heart. “And?”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “I guess what it was like alone with her.”

  “As you would expect. Incredible.” Luc averts his eyes for a moment before fixing them on me again. “We talked a lot about our feelings, our relationship, you.”

  “I just need to know. Am I out?”

  Luc reaches for my hand, surprising me with the gesture. “No, Ben, you’re not out. We have a lot to talk about and work out between us. All three of us.”

  “I don’t know what to do. I like Kate. I really do, but…” I shake my head.

  Luc stands and walks across the office to shut the door. When he returns, he crouches down in front of me right between my legs. “Georgie’s going out of town for three days for work. I think you and I need to spend time together and talk through some things. I want us to feel comfortable and confident with each other whether she’s with us or not. It’s important
to me, Ben. You’re important to me.”

  I search his eyes, desperate to kiss him. I try to look away, but he grips my chin, pulling my face back to his. “Stop, Luc.”

  “What’s wrong right now?”

  “What’s wrong? I want to fucking kiss you. That’s what’s wrong.”

  He smiles. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “We’re at work and it’s complicated now.”

  He grips the back of my neck and pulls me close, pressing his lips on mine. When his tongue meets mine, I exhale slowly, as if I just received a life-saving injection. He always has this effect on me. I wrap my arms around his neck, sliding my fingers into his hair. When he pulls back slightly, I don’t want it to end, but I know it has to.

  Luc presses his forehead to mine, then leans back so our eyes can meet. “Nothing complicated about that is there?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “We’re attracted to each other, Ben. That’s just the bloody truth. We’ll deal with it. There’s a way for us to have our cake. What’s wrong with two mates having a go every now and then?”

  “Do you mean that?”

  “Did I just kiss you? Is Georgie here pushing me or did I initiate it on my own?”

  “It’s not because…I don’t know…maybe you’re taking pity on me because you know how bad I want you.”

  He grabs my shoulders. “Stop it. What man do you know, including yourself, would kiss another man out of pity? Give me some fucking credit, Ben. You’re not a fucking charity case. You’re my best and closest mate, and somehow, a different bond has developed. Don’t sell either of us short. It’s real.”

  I lean in, kissing him again, relieved when he returns it. It’s hot, passionate, and quick, but intense. “I’m sorry.”

  “Let’s meet up tonight. Come over. We’ll have a few drinks and talk it out.”

  I nod. “Yeah. Definitely.”

  I stand to leave and Luc extends his arms. I walk into them, embracing him like the lover I wish he was. He rubs my back and kisses my cheek. “Come over round six, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” I smile. “You’re an amazing man, Luc.”

  “So are you.”

  I leave and get back to my office, realizing we blew off lunch, but it’s probably for the best. I have to focus on work for the next few hours, but all I can think about is Luc, his kiss, and how the hell I plan to keep from jumping him tonight.

  Chapter 23 Luc

  After Ben leaves, I sit back in my chair and run my fingers through my hair. Tonight should be interesting. I pick up my phone and dial Georgie.

  “Hey, English.”

  “Hey. Where are you?”

  “The airport. You?”

  “Work. Text me when you get in just so I know.”

  “I will. It’ll be later though. It’s a four and a half hour flight to Atlanta.”

  “How will you pass the time?”

  “Reading reports, sadly.”

  I laugh softly. “I just saw Ben.”

  “How did it go with Kate?”

  “They slept together. He wanted to. Said there was a lot of attraction.”


  “Yes, but he’s struggling because he still wants to be a part of us.”

  “Did you tell him what we discussed?”

  “I invited him over tonight so we could talk away from the office.”

  “Good idea. Hopefully, he’ll be happy.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Do you think he’ll keep seeing Kate?”

  “I will encourage him to do so. Perhaps once he feels secure in his role with us, he’ll be able to embrace her.”

  “It’s kind of cute, isn’t it? He’s so cocky on the surface, but he’s a sensitive soul.”

  “Indeed. I kissed him, Georgie.”


  “Just now. In my office. He was angry with himself for wanting me. I didn’t want him to feel that way or that it was one-sided, so I closed my door and I kissed him.”

  “That is so fucking hot, Luc. God. Tongue and all?”

  I laugh. “Tongue and all.”

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  “I did.”

  “If you do it again, you need to record that shit and send it to me.”

  “You’re a kinky one, love.”

  “I think we already established that. Oh shit. They’re calling my flight.”

  “Text when you get there.”

  “I will.”

  “Safe travels, love.”

  “Bye, English. I’ll miss you.”

  She hangs up, leaving a smile on my face.


  I finish straightening up my flat, ridding the area of the remnants of last night’s date. Tonight’s meeting is long overdue. We need to clear the air now that my relationship with Georgie has shifted and he’s opened himself up to one with Kate. Of course, that presents a whole new dynamic if things work out with her.

  I look up when the intercom buzzes and press the release button to let him in. Opening the door, I lean against the frame, waiting for him to come off the lift. When he does, he’s carrying a paper sack and wearing jeans torn in the knees and a white t-shirt. His hair is messy but styled that way, a departure from his tamed look at work, and I have to admit, he’s an extremely good looking man.

  He flashes his charming grin. “Hey, Luc.”

  “Hey.” When he reaches me, I kiss his mouth quickly, surprising him based on the expression on his face. “Come on in.”

  “Thanks.” He holds up the sack. “I brought a bottle of Jack.”

  “Excellent. I ordered a pizza. Should be here soon.”

  Ben passes me and heads to my couch whilst I go to the kitchen to get glasses. When I come back, he’s leaning back, and I’m struck by how much attraction I feel. This is not what I was planning for tonight. The pizza arrives seconds later, and Ben fills our glasses whilst I set up the food on the coffee table. He lifts his glass to me.

  “Cheers, as you say.”

  I clink his glass. “Cheers.”

  We both drink down our whiskey and Ben quickly refills them. I eat a slice of pizza, wondering how to begin the conversation, but Ben kicks it off first.

  “So last night, did you guys talk?”

  “We did. Quite a lot. She explained to me her reticence to be in a relationship. Monogamy is a challenge, it seems.”

  He nods. “She mentioned something similar to me the night she came over.”

  “I told her that we didn’t have to fall in love right now. We could just be together and try to be open to what could happen.” Ben studies my face. “It was inevitable that you would come up.”


  “I have to be honest. Georgie very much wants you to be included in whatever we do next.”

  “And you?”

  “I had to think about it. I had to examine my feelings. I felt threatened. Like she wanted to keep you as an option. I felt like perhaps I wasn’t enough.” Ben nods. “I felt greedy and wanted to keep her all for me. I committed to nothing last night, but this morning, before she left me, I told her that we were all in new territory with no precedent how to navigate it all.”


  “I told her that you and I both had reluctance to fully accept the desire we feel. You don’t want to fall in love with me. You felt good about Kate. These are things that need to be sorted.”


  “Right, so I’m just going to be brutally honest.” His brow furrows. “I think, no I’m sure, I’ve fallen in love with her.” Ben nods, averting his eyes, so I pull his chin up to me. “I want a relationship with her, primarily the two of us.” He searches my eyes, staying silent. “I want you to be part of that too. I don’t know what that looks like yet. I don’t know if we just let our desire guide us or if you’re going to focus on Kate. I don’t know if you want to be involved with us on a temporary basis. I don’t bloody know if I’m hurting or offending you
right now. It’s your turn to speak.”

  “You and Georgie…you’re a couple now?”

  “I think so, yes.”

  He smiles. “That’s awesome, Luc. It really is. I’m happy for you.”

  “Where does that leave us? Have I hurt you?”

  “By falling for an amazing woman? No. On some level, I think I’ve always been the side dick.”

  I laugh. “Side dick?”

  He grins. “Georgie’s always preferred you.” His smile dissipates. “So have I. If I understand what you’re saying, I’m still invited to the party, just not every night?”

  I nod. “That’s a good summation. Do you accept?”

  “Of course I do. I’m not ready to let you go, Luc. I, um...” He stops short, shaking his head. I watch as he pours another whiskey and slams it back.

  When his eyes meet mine again, words are no longer necessary. I lean in to kiss him, but he moves abruptly, standing and walking across the room. His avoidance confuses me.

  “What’s going on, mate?”

  “Nothing. I’m fine.”

  “Right. Okay.” I throw back my own glass. “I don’t bloody know what I said to piss you off.”

  “I’m not pissed, Luc.”

  “The fuck you’re not. What did I do wrong?”

  He shakes his head, narrowing his eyes at me. “Nothing.”

  I stand and approach him, pushing him by the shoulder into the wall behind him. “I’ve been honest with you. The least you could do is return the favor. There should be no secrets between us.”

  “Let it go, Luc.”

  “I will not.”

  “God, you’re fucking stubborn.” He tries to push me away, but I pin him to the wall and kiss him hard. He struggles at first, but then grips the back of my neck and returns my kiss with abandon. He tugs at my shirt, and I allow it to be pulled over my head, doing the same to him. His lips run down my neck, and I find my hands sliding into his jeans and gripping his ass. He moans against my mouth, grinding his hips into me. Maybe it’s the whiskey, but I fall to my knees in front of him, pulling desperately at his belt. He watches me with pure awe on his face as I pull his dick from his jeans and slide my mouth over it. He closes his eyes, burying his fingers in my hair. I suck him, blocking out any thoughts other than the pleasure I’m bringing to him.


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