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The Thing About Us: A MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 18

by Jennifer Domenico

  “No sex, just friends, right?”

  Luc nods, but Georgie sort of smirks. “I can’t promise you, but my intention is friendship.”

  “No tequila shots.”

  She shakes her head. “None.”

  “No talking about the things we’ve done.”

  She scrunches her nose and exhales. “Fine.”

  “And if you and Luc want to get it on, just go on in your bedroom and do it. I’ll be fine.”

  “We wouldn’t do that with you there. Unless you were part of it.” She gives me a super sweet look. “Which won’t happen tonight because we’re friends.”

  A smile tugs at my lips. “You are something else, Georgie.”

  “I know. Don’t you just love me?”

  I nod. “I do.”

  She leans all the way across the table and kisses my cheek. “I know. I love you too, Benny boy.”

  Luc’s eyes shift back and forth and I wonder what he’s thinking. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

  “Definitely. I was just wondering how I get that pretty little mouth to say those words to me.”

  Georgie leans in close to Luc, whispering in his ear with her hand rubbing his chest. He nods, and a slow smile spreads across his lips. I’m sure she told him that her love for me is platonic and for him not to feel left out.

  “Right, then.” Luc smiles fully. “Let’s go and get ourselves a movie to watch.”

  After Luc insists on paying the bill, the three of us pile into another cab to get back to Georgie’s place. My heart feels like it’s racing a mile a minute. How I ended up in this position again is beyond me. I shake my head. Not really. Georgie gets what Georgie wants.

  Inside the apartment, I look around for a moment before sitting on the couch. Georgie puts her hands on her hips. “You can’t watch a movie in a suit. You either, English. Boxers, the both of you.”

  “I don’t wear boxers, Georgie.”

  She smiles. “What do you wear under those pretty suits, Benny boy?”

  “Just the outfit I was born with.”

  Luc grins. “We have that in common.”

  She taps her chin. “Hmm, that’s probably going to be a barrier to the no sex thing tonight.”

  “A little maybe.”

  “I have an idea,” Luc says, with that charming, delectable look on his face. “We’ll wrap

  ourselves in some towels. We’ll put a blanket over our laps, and it’ll be a proper slumber party.”

  “If you’re wearing towels, what am I wearing?”

  “As much clothing as possible,” Luc says, laughing.

  “I agree.”

  She laughs. “Fine. I’ll change first. Find something to watch.”

  She leaves and I’m left with my kryptonite. He turns, with his hands in his pockets, smiling. “She’s a force of nature, that one.”

  “That she is. You sure you’re good with this?”

  “Of course, Ben. I’m extremely happy you’re here.” He starts to unbutton his shirt, so I close my eyes, ignoring the ping of desire. “She’ll want you to sleep in the bed with us.”

  “I figured.”

  He walks toward me and sits down, pulling my hand into his. “I will respect your wishes. I know you don’t want anything physical to happen.” He tangles his fingers with mine. “But if you change your mind, then you know how to let me know.”

  “As difficult as this is for me to avoid both of you, I think it’s good for us. Good for me.”

  “Are you happy you’re with us, Ben?”

  I nod, gazing down at our hands. “Very.”


  “She doesn’t love me like that. Romantically. You know that, right?”

  Luc cups my chin. “Your relationship with Georgie is different than mine, but it’s still important, and it’s still deep.” He smiles. “Just like my relationship with you is different than with her. Love is a spectrum is it not?” He searches my eyes with parted lips, but he doesn’t speak.

  “Do you want to say something else?”

  He shakes his head, lifting my hand to his lips and kissing it. “Let’s go find those towels.”

  Chapter 28 Luc

  “You go,” Ben says. “I’ll stay here.”


  I walk down the hall to Georgie’s bedroom. She’s sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the floor, still wearing her work clothes.


  She looks up and smiles. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” I approach her then sit next to her. “You okay?”

  She nods. “I guess so. I feel really bad about all of this.”

  I take her hand in mine. “In what way?”

  “I feel responsible for hurting Ben and for changing your relationship with him. I should have just walked away when I said I would.”

  “Is that really what you think? It hasn’t been worth it?”

  “For me? I’m having the time of my life, but Ben’s heart is collateral damage.”

  I nod. “Yes, and if his heart is hurting so is mine.”

  “So is mine, Luc. What do we do? I thought we could convince him how important he is to us, but he still thinks he’s just a side thought. At this point, I’m afraid of losing both of you.”

  “Why? I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Because you care so much for him.”

  I search her eyes. It’s still not the time. “Here’s what we do, love. We go out there and we be his friend. We watch the bloody movie and laugh and cuddle. We show him, rather than tell him, what he means to us both. He needs time, but he’ll get there.”

  She smiles. “Okay. We’ll go be his friend.”

  “Good. Where are your towels?”

  She points to a cabinet in the hall. “Over there.”

  “Thanks.” I kiss her cheek. “We’ll figure it out together.”

  “With Ben?”

  “With Ben.”

  I grab two towels and walk back to the living room. Ben is sitting on the couch staring straight ahead. “Hey, mate.”

  His eyes meet mine and he smiles. “Hey.”

  I throw the towel. “Did you find something to watch?”

  “A stupid comedy. Thought it would keep the mood light.”

  “Good idea.”

  He stands and starts undressing, so I avert my eyes, avoiding any potential attraction. I remember all too clearly what it feels like to have his lips on mine. The passion fueled look in his eyes when he puts me in his mouth. The intensity of when we connect physically. I always thought what we did together was entertainment for Georgie, at least on my end, but I can’t deny the pull I feel right now. The desire to wrap my arms around him, gaze into his eyes, kiss those lips. Allow my mouth to wander over his body, kissing and licking every muscle and crevice. I crave the feeling of his cock down my throat.


  “What’s wrong, Luc?”

  I glance up, realizing I said that aloud. I try to laugh it off. “Nothing. Was remembering something I have to do tomorrow.”

  He nods, but the look in his eyes suggests he knows my true struggle. I grab the towel and wrap it around my waist before settling on the couch. Ben does the same, sitting on the opposite side. Georgie appears wearing full pajamas. She extends her arms.

  “Is this covered up enough, boys?”

  Ben grins. “I’m surprised you even own something like that.”

  “It’s for super cold nights or when I’m sick.” She plops down, between us, pulling a throw over our laps, and glancing at the telly. “Ah, comedy. Good choice.” She takes Ben’s hand in hers and mine in the other. “This is the last thing I’m going to say tonight about this thing with us.” She shifts her eyes between us both. “I’m the happiest I’ve been in my entire life because of the two of you. I don’t know how we move forward and stay in each other’s lives, but there has to be a way for it feel good and be good and make all of three of us happy.” She turns to Ben. “I support whatever you
need to feel better with us.” Then she turns to me. “I support whatever you need to protect your relationship with Ben. I just want us all to be delirious with happiness, but 100% part of each other’s lives. However, we decide that looks.”

  My eyes meet Ben’s and his expression tears me up. Neither us of say a word whilst Georgie lifts the remote control. “Alright, boys. Movie time.”


  Almost two hours later, the credits start rolling, and I glance down to see Georgie completely asleep, leaning on my arm. She’s clutching Ben’s hand. His eyes meet mine, and I offer a smile.

  “Well, shall we take sleeping beauty to bed?”

  “Yes, we should. I’m pretty tired myself.”

  “Me too.”

  I scoop Georgie up and we carry her to the bedroom. Lying her down, Ben and I meet eyes again. I want to kiss him goodnight, desperately. I think he wants it too, so I step closer.

  “Goodnight, mate.” I lean in and kiss his lips, softly. When I step back, Ben cups my cheek, encouraging me further. I kiss him again and he returns my passion.

  He steps back abruptly, smiling and pointing to his now tented towel. “That’s enough of that.”

  I laugh. “Yeah. Well, thanks for spending the evening with us. It means everything to us both.”

  “Thanks for asking. It was a good night.”

  We climb in to bed, each of us on either side of Georgie. She snuggles next to Ben, murmuring something before kissing his neck, and reaching behind her for me. I move in close, nuzzling her hair and she smiles, content. “My boys,” she whispers before falling back into sleep.

  Ben smiles at me and I smile back. Maybe somehow, everything will be okay.

  Chapter 29 Ben

  I walk out to the living room to find Georgie, sitting on the couch staring straight ahead with a coffee mug in her hand.


  She looks in my direction and smiles. “Morning, Benny.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Five. I couldn’t sleep.”

  I sit next to her on the couch. “Everything okay?”

  She gazes down at her cup. “Not really.”

  I pinch her chin, lifting her face to mine. “What’s wrong, gorgeous?”

  “I feel awful. I haven’t been as honest as I should have been, and I don’t know what to do about that.”

  “Honest with who?”

  “Myself. Luc. You.” She takes my hand in hers. “The truth is, I don’t know what the right thing to do is. I’ve never been in a situation like this. Luc wants one thing. You want one thing. I don’t know where I land.”

  “You’re worried about committing to one man?”

  “Kind of.” We’re silent for a moment. “I don’t think you understand that I’m all about you too. It’s not just Luc. I feel like you think it is.”

  My brow furrows. “But you want to couple off with him. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to say. None of it does. Luc is crazy about you. I’m crazy about both of you. You obviously have a thing for Luc, and I think I’m in there somewhere.”

  “Of course you are.” I shake my head. “I know Luc loves me in his own way, and if I stop and think about it, I think I’ve just been avoiding feeling anything for you. It seemed like you’ve always been more into him than me.”

  “He says the same thing about you.”

  I smile slightly. “We’re both jealous of your attention.”

  “Which is ridiculous really.”

  “Maybe it is. Maybe all of this is happening to show us we need to take a step back.” I twist her hand in mine. “I need to. Last night was amazing just being with you two with no expectations or jealousy or implications of what we do next. When I’m around you both, it’s overwhelming how much I want you. How much I need you. Both of you.” I smile. “It’s not healthy, really.”

  “I understand.”

  “When we’re together, the three of us, it’s like this perfect world where it all works, but then we come back to the real world and it gets fucked up. Luc wants you alone, but then he wants me too. I want all of us together, but then sometimes I just want him. I don’t know what you want.”

  “Have you tried to talk to Luc without arguing?”

  “It’s impossible. We’re so sexually charged when we’re together. He looks at me with those smolder eyes and that pouty mouth and I’m done. It’s either going to be sex or a fight.”

  “What do you want next?”

  I cup her chin. “I think spending some time apart will help me come back better. We can get back to a place where it’s all fun and natural and easy. I want that very much.” I study her eyes for a moment. “I think you should take the time to decide what you really want too. Make sure Luc understands.”

  She nods. “I have an idea.”


  “Luc said you were going out with Kate again on Saturday. Why don’t we go on a double date? Like friends do.”

  I scrunch my brow. “I don’t know about that. She’ll know.”

  “We’ll be good. I’ll talk to Luc and we’ll be on our best behavior.” She grips my hands. “I want you to be happy. I want it to be with us, but I understand if you need space. What do you say?”

  “On one condition.”

  “Name it.”

  “You examine your feelings. Put aside your fear and your past and really think about you and Luc and me and how we fit into your life.”

  “It’s only fair. I feel Luc and I may not be 100% on the same page.”

  “He deserves to know where you stand and what you want. He’s in love with you.”

  “He’s in love with you too.”

  I shake my head. “It’s different and you know it.”

  She smiles. “Maybe. Do you think you and I could fall in love too? If we related to each other without Luc and his incredible everything. Could we?”

  I smile. “Maybe. I care about you a ton, and you’re important to me.”

  She sets her mug down. “So dinner Saturday as friends. I’ll deep dive into my messy pool of feelings, and then we’ll talk.”


  I climb into her arms and she strokes my hair. As I study her eyes, so warm and loving, I wonder for a moment if there’s more happening here than I even understand. She leans down and presses her lips softly against mine.

  “I’ll miss you, Benny.”

  “I’ll miss you too, gorgeous.”

  Chapter 30 Luc

  I open my eyes to an empty bed and sit up, looking around the room for Georgie and Ben. Climbing out, I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist as I make my way to the living room. Ben and Georgie are sitting together on the couch. He’s lying his head on her chest, and she’s stroking his hair. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen, but it makes me wonder what they’re talking about to cause this intimacy. He shifts his eyes up to her and she kisses him sweetly, and even though it pushes my jealousy button, it makes me happy. Happy they are so close. Happy they are bonding. And hopeful, so bloody hopeful, we can fix what’s gone wrong.

  I try to step back without them seeing me, but Ben catches me. He smiles, waving for me to join them. I walk out and Georgie, god this woman, she looks like a fucking angel holding my mate like that.

  “Morning,” Ben says. “Georgie and I were just working through some things.”

  I nod, sitting beside them. “All is well?”


  Georgie nods. “All is well.”

  Ben shifts so he’s not lying on her anymore. “Guess we should get ready for work.”

  I laugh. “What do you say we show up wearing the same suits as yesterday?”

  Ben chuckles. “Works for me.”

  He stands and walks back to the bedroom, leaving me alone with Georgie. I don’t want to ask what they discussed. It’s between them, and I have to be okay with that. Georgie takes my hand in hers leaning in to kiss me.

  “Ben is a
good person.”

  I nod. “The best.”

  “He only wants the best for us.”

  “I know.”

  “He loved being with us last night just like we were. As friends. It took a lot of stress off of him.” I nod. “He wants to work on doing that more, and you and him alone too, like you used to before me.”

  “Why are you telling me this instead of him?”

  “He feels like when the two of you are together it’s just this constant pull between friendship and desire and right now desire is winning.”

  “I understand. I kissed him after you fell asleep last night. It’s something in his eyes, Georgie, that just pulls me in and makes me want to make him feel loved.”

  She cups my cheek. “He does feel loved. He knows in your own way, you love him. He knows I do too. He’s hopeful we can get back to a better place where hanging out is fun and we can just let things happen naturally and then walk away the next day secure and intact, but not right now. He’s not there.”

  “I get it. I do. What should I do now?”

  “Saturday we’re going to dinner with him and Kate, if she accepts. We’re to be friends and no innuendos or flirting or anything weird. Just four friends having dinner. He wants to experience us on that level. He wants to learn how to move forward with his life, while maintaining his life with us.”

  “He suggested that?”

  She grins. “I did. I don’t think he’s sold on this Kate chick, but at least she’s an option. I told him we would be on our absolute best behavior and support him completely.”

  I pinch her chin. “You’re a good friend, Georgie girl.”

  “I know.” She laughs. “So now you go to work and you talk to him like a friend and you don’t make your smolder eyes pouty mouth thing at him.”

  My eyebrow raises. “Smolder eyes pouty mouth thing?”

  “His words. Says it gets him every time.”

  I chuckle. “Flattering.”

  “Eh, I relate. Got me too. And the damn accent.”

  I lean forward and kiss her briefly. “You are an amazing person, Georgie. Ben and I are incredibly lucky to have you in our lives. Thank you for caring so much for him.”


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