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Fallen From Grace

Page 17

by Heather D'Agostino

  As he leaned forward and was just about to honor her request, he stopped as a thought occurred. “Grace…I don’t have any protection. I can’t believe this.”

  Grace jerked her head from side-to-side, trembling from a combination of nerves and desire. “Don’t need any…I’m on the pill…have been for years. Now please…love me?”

  “Always,” he whispered as he moved to slide into her.

  As he pushed forward, Grace couldn’t help but begin to lose herself in the wonder of their first time was so different. He was so gentle, so loving, not anything like what Greg had been. She could tell by his movements that he was holding back.

  When Justin entered her, he couldn’t do anything but freeze. He knew he wouldn’t last, as the sensations that were bombarding him were almost too much. He leaned forward and started placing wet kisses to her neck as he began to move. Grace moaned and raised her legs to tighten them around his waist. As she began to tremble harder, Justin could feel the end coming. He began to pick up speed, thrusting harder. Grace tossed her head back and arched into him as he spilled himself and sagged against her.

  As he tried to calm his breathing, he leaned in next to her ear and whispered, “We’ll get better with practice. I’m sorry it was so short,” he chuckled self-consciously.

  Grace shook her head, “It was perfect. I love you!”

  “I love you more,” he grinned as he moved to lie beside her.

  “I love you the most,” she mumbled lazily over her shoulder as Justin pulled her back to his chest, spooning behind her.

  As the small camp fire burned beside them, their love blazed between them. Grace released a single yawn before drifting into one of the most peaceful sleeps she had ever experienced.

  Tonight she stopped falling. Justin had given her a safe place to land.

  Chapter 22

  As the sun began to rise over the water, a lone gull called in the distance rousing the lovers from their sleep. Grace stretched, and yawned as she felt the warm body behind her press into her back. As she blinked her eyes open against the morning light, the previous night began to wash over her. Justin shifted, tightening his grip around her middle.

  “Mornin’,” he mumbled as he placed a kiss to her neck.

  “Mmmm,” Grace turned her head to look over shoulder.

  Her new husband’s hair was standing in every direction, and he had a goofy grin plastered across his face. He shifted behind her so he was propped up on an elbow looking down at her.


  Grace immediately tugged the blanket up over her chest where only her shoulders were exposed. It was completely different being with him like that in the daylight. It was a feeling that she wasn’t prepared for. In the darkness the night before, it had been easy to let go. It had been easy to be brave. Here now, in the morning, it was not easy at all.

  “What’s wrong?” Justin could see the panic on her face.

  “Nothing,” Grace shook her head wildly. “I’m just…”

  “It’s ok,” Justin murmured as he brushed his lips across hers. “I get it.”

  “You do?” she pulled back to look in his eyes.

  “Course I do…who do you think you’re talking to? I’m your husband now Grace…I’m supposed to know this stuff. This is new for both of us…remember?” Justin cocked his head to the side.

  Grace nodded as she pulled the blanket higher, “We have to get back soon.”

  “We will…let’s just enjoy the quiet for a little longer. It’s still really early,” he sighed as he leaned down next to her ear and whispered, “I’m only going to get one morning like this. Let’s make the most of it.”

  “One morning?” Grace swallowed as she felt him press his body into her side.

  “Yeah…morning after our wedding night,” he moved slightly and captured her lips in a deep kiss.

  Normally Grace would have tensed up at his forwardness, but as Justin had just stated…it was the morning after her wedding night. As she felt his hand move from beside her to trail down her ribs, and grip her hip, she moaned, and leaned into him. Justin felt her melting against him as she rolled onto her side, and draped her leg over his hip bringing them into closer contact. When she felt him pressing against her, hard and ready, she reached down slowly and barely skimmed her fingers along his length. Justin flinched slightly at the contact, and Grace yanked her hand back almost pulling out of his embrace.

  “I’m sorry,” she gasped. “I didn’t mean…”

  “Stop!” Justin demanded. “You didn’t do anything wrong…just surprised me is all.”

  Grace swallowed, “Did you like it?”

  Without answering, Justin pulled her back into his arms, and wrapped his fingers around her wrist. As he leaned in and captured her lips again, he tugged her hand below the blanket and placed it on his inner thigh. When she didn’t move to pull away from him, he deepened the kiss and placed her hand right on his throbbing erection.

  “Mmmmm,” he groaned as Grace began to move her fingers in an almost teasing manner.

  The more he reacted, showing her that she was pleasing him, the braver she got. Her other arm moved to wrap around his shoulders, her fingers weaving up into his hair. The deeper the kiss went, the more firmly she gripped him. It was almost like she was afraid to let go. Like she thought he might disappear if she released him from her grasp.

  As her fingers tightened their grip, Justin released a groan, and shifted onto his elbows. He moved to hover over her, and trail kisses down her neck stopping right along her collar bone.

  “Are you ok?” he panted as he looked down at her. “I don’t wanna push you.”

  Grace looked up at his chocolate eyes glimmering with love and desire, “I love you.”

  She pulled on his head, forcing him down to make contact with her mouth once again as her tongue plunged in silencing him. As he lowered himself, sliding in, he groaned, and broke the kiss.

  “Give me a minute,” he panted as he squeezed his eyes shut.

  Grace began to use the hand that was gripping his neck, and trailed it down his back. When she reached his waist, she moved lower to his backside. As Justin groaned and gasped trying to calm himself, she pushed on his backside encouraging him to move.

  “Grace…” he gasped. “I want this to last longer…”

  “Justin…move…please? We have the rest of our lives for this,” she craned her neck and captured his mouth.

  As Justin’s hips began to surge forward, Grace’s head tipped back. The nerves from the previous night seemed to be nonexistent. It was like they were made for each other. All the feelings and sensations that she’d heard about making love, came rushing at her in every direction.

  “Don’t stop!” she stammered as he began to rock into her faster. “Justin…” she panted.

  “Oh Grace…better…than I….imagined,” he gasped he thrust faster.

  He moved from her mouth to her neck, creating a blazing trail of kisses. When he got to her shoulder, he nipped it lightly as he began to shudder. Grace could tell the end was near, and she felt her own urgency as she lifted her hips to grind them into him. As she watched Justin’s eyes roll back into his head before he gave one last hard thrust, she felt herself fall over the edge with him.


  “We better head back,” Justin glanced around making sure they had packed up all the evidence from their night on the beach.

  “Yeah…I have a bad feeling about today,” Grace sighed.

  “Why?” Justin reached out to grab her hand.

  “Hannah’s going to harass me until I spill the beans,” Grace shook her head. “I don’t wanna ruin today for her. It’s her day.”

  “You’re not going to ruin her day, and she’s going to be so busy with getting herself ready that she probably won’t even think about bugging you,” Justin leaned over and pecked her cheek as he clasped her hand.

  “I hope you’re right,” Grace sighed as they began walking back
in the direction of the beach house.

  “If they find out now, then they find out now. We didn’t do anything wrong. We’re both adults. It was our decision to make,” Justin shrugged.

  “You’re right…why are you always right?” Grace teased.

  “Guess I’m just smart…you know, I am a lawyer,” he grinned at her before adding, “Who graduated second in his class.”

  “We’ll have to do something about your confidence…I don’t think you have enough,” Grace giggled.


  When they got back to the house, Grace went up to her room to shower, while Justin put the sleeping bag and blanket away. As much as he wanted to join her, he knew that they needed to watch themselves around their friends if they were going to hide the fact that they got married the night before.

  “Where have you been?” Hannah demanded as she marched right into Grace’s room without even knocking.

  “Umm,” Grace stammered.

  “Wait…” Hannah moved closer. “You’ve got sand all in your hair. Have you been on the beach?”

  “Yeah…we camped out last night,” Grace mumbled as she began digging for some clean underwear.

  “We?” Hannah cocked her head to the side as she tapped her finger on her chin. “As in you and Justin?”

  “Un huh,” Grace stood and headed for the bathroom. “I’d like to take a shower now if you don’t mind. Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your big day?”

  “I am in just a minute…I was just worried about you,” Hannah huffed. “I can’t believe that you stayed out all night…you’ve come a long way.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Grace spun to face Hannah.

  “Nothing bad,” Hannah defended. “It’s just…think about where you were this time last year…did you think that you’d be staying out all night camping with a guy?”

  “Guess you’re right,” Grace rolled her eyes.

  “I’m right about a lot of things…like the fact that you’re hiding something,” Hannah giggled.

  “What? No I’m not,” Grace stammered.

  “Yeah you are, but I don’t have time to harass it out of you today,” Hannah shrugged.

  “Whatever,” Grace tried to play it off. “I’m getting in the shower and then I’ll help you get ready. I can’t wait for this afternoon. Matt is one lucky guy.”


  “You look beautiful,” Grace sighed as she watched Hannah turned from side-to-side in front of the mirror. “Are you ready?”

  “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” Hannah mumbled as she glanced around the room. “I feel like I’m missing something though.

  Before she could say anything else, a soft knock echoed on the door. She spun and stared at it wondering if she should answer it. What if it was Matt trying to get a peek at her?

  “Everyone decent?” came Austin’s deep voice.

  “Come in Daddy,” Hannah called.

  Austin pushed open the door and fought to hold back the tears that were gathering in his eyes. His sweet daughter looked beautiful standing there in the simple white dress. Hannah had opted for something informal. The long white dress hugged her body much like a night gown would. Its simple thin straps crossed over her back and met at the base of a plunging V. The simple design was all silk and hugged her curves perfectly. As a child, her favorite movie had always been The Little Mermaid. She had told her dad that when she got married she wanted a dress like Ariel’s. The silk gown that they found was almost a perfect match. Now as she was getting ready to walk down the beach to meet her prince, her dream was coming true.

  Austin shook his head trying to clear it, “You look beautiful sweetie, but you’re missing something.”

  Hannah looked down and scanned her body, “I don’t…”

  “Here,” Austin interrupted her as he placed a box in her hand.

  When she opened it, she found a beautiful diamond pendant nestled in the white satin “Oh Dad,” she gasped. “Is it…” she trailed off as she saw him nod.

  “It was your mom’s. She wore it on the day we got married and she always told me that she was going to give it to you on your wedding day. I thought this way you could have a piece of her with you today,” he reached for the necklace and clasped it around her neck.

  “I love you Daddy,” Hannah began to sob. “It looks perfect,” she reached up and lightly touched her chest where the diamond teardrop hung.

  “Here,” he handed her a handkerchief. “Dry your eyes before you mess up your makeup,” he chuckled lightly before adding, “Katie will kill me after the amount of time she spent up here.”

  Hannah laughed lightly, rocked up on her tiptoes, and kissed her dad on the cheek. She smiled as she laced her arm through his and gave a quick nod, “Let’s do this.”

  As Grace watched the two of them move out of the room and head downstairs ready to walk out onto the beach, she felt a slight twinge of guilt. She and Justin had taken away the opportunity for their friends to share their special day.

  When Grace reached the door to walk out to where the ceremony was to take place, Justin rounded the corner and grabbed her hand, “We’ll tell them after the wedding, ok? I know you want to tell her…I can see it in your eyes. We’ll have a party and invite all our friends so they can share our moment, too.”

  “Yeah…I’d like that,” Grace nodded before pecking him on the cheek and heading to where she was to meet the rest of the wedding party.


  “So are you happy?” Matt whispered into Hannah’s ear as he spun her on the dance floor.

  “Happy doesn’t describe what I’m feeling right now,” Hannah beamed. “I’m ecstatic!”

  “Wow,” Matt nodded smugly. “I’ve got some competition later if I want to top that then, huh?”

  Hannah turned a dark shade of red, “Matt!”

  “What?” he shrugged. “I can say those things all I want to now. We’re married…I’m your husband.”

  Hannah leaned down and buried her head in his neck as she mumbled, “It doesn’t make it any easier to hear.”

  As they swayed in the middle of the dance floor, the other couples began to join them. Austin and Melanie, Katie and Patrick, and Grace and Justin. It was a small family affair by the pool of the house, but it was just what Hannah wanted.

  The lights from the tiki torches flickered on the different surfaces, creating a sparkling effect. Grace and Justin’s wedding bands were no exception. As Matt and Hannah moved closer to where Grace and Justin were swaying together, Hannah began to squint. She could see the sparkle, but couldn’t figure out what it was coming from. As she moved even closer, she pulled out of Matt’s embrace and stalked over to where Grace had her arms around Justin’s neck.

  “What is this?” Hannah grabbed Grace’s hand, startling her, and pulling her from Justin’s arms.

  “Ummmm,” Grace stammered. “We were going to tell you.”

  “Tell me what?” Hannah gasped.

  Grace grinned wider than she had in a long time, “We got married last night.”

  “You what?” Hannah’s mouth dropped open.

  “Dude,” Matt came up behind them and slapped Justin’s shoulder. “Congrats man!” Justin grimaced at the renewal of the pain of his sunburn, but pasted a smile on his face and turned to shake Matt’s hand.

  “We wanted to tell you,” Grace began, “but I didn’t wanna ruin this. Are you mad?”

  “No,” Hannah shook her head. “I just wish I could’ve been there.”

  “We’re going to have a party back in the city…to celebrate,” Justin chimed in.

  “After I get back from my honeymoon,” Hannah demanded with mock sternness.

  “Yes, after your honeymoon…and ours,” Grace reassured.

  “Wow!” Hannah sighed. “I never saw this coming.”

  “What do you mean?” Grace asked.

  Hannah led her away from the group, “I just…” Hannah began to tear up,
“You had such a hard time letting anyone near you, Grace. I’m so happy for you. You and Justin…you deserve to be happy.”

  “I am,” Grace nodded before reaching to envelop Hannah into a tight hug. “Now…no more tears…it’s time to party.”

  As the couples paired off and continued to dance the night away, Grace glanced around at each one of them. They had all played a part in getting here. Melanie and Austin had shown her that a relationship only gets better with time. Katie and Patrick showed her that being friends first builds the best foundation, and Hannah and Matt…well they showed her that love does conquer all.

  As she tightened her grip on Justin’s neck and pressed her body into his, she placed her head on his shoulder and whispered, “Thank you.”

  Justin shifted so he could look into her eyes, “For what?”

  “For catching me,” she smiled as she leaned in to place a light kiss to his lips.

  The End

  Coming Soon…

  Katie and Patrick’s story continues in The Family Next Door book five in the Second Chances series

  Continue reading for a sneak peek.


  First of all, I’d like to thank my husband. He put up with many nights of playing the single parent so I could sit and write. His support on my journey as an author has been immeasurable. When I’ve been zoned in on my laptop, he’s been the one entertaining the kids, cooking dinner, and cleaning the house. I would not be able to do it without you, babe.

  Second, to my sweet children who are beginning to understand that when Mommy’s at the computer, she’s busy. You make me smile and laugh on a daily basis. Most days you are exactly what I need to encourage me to take a break.

  To my parents, your continued support of my journey to grow as an author can’t be described in words. You encourage me to do my best and never give up. My heart truly feels like it might burst sometimes with the love you show me.

  To my beta, Linda. I truly don’t know how to thank you. Without your keen eye for details, and patience for my craziness, I would not be where I am today. You are my cheerleader, confidante, and most recently a good friend. I don’t know what I would do without you.


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